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PsychologyNatural Health

Emotional Intelligence

The emotions


Three Sources of Feelings


Imaginary disease?

Can be hysteria

Many problems?Visit to Psychologist

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Emotional Intelligence

It consists of a series of activities that serve to appreciate and fairly

express our own emotions and those of others and to employ our sensitivity

to motivate, plan and make our lives so full.

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The emotions manager

The amygdala preparing an anxious and impulsive emotional reaction,

but another part of the brain is responsible for developing a response

most suitable. Cerebral regulator which switches the pulses

the tonsil appears to be at the end of a nerve pathway

going to the neocortex, the prefrontal lobe. The prefrontal area is

a kind of modulator of the responses provided by the amygdala

and other regions of the limbic system, enabling the issuance of a

analytical and proportionate response.

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Three Sources of Feelings

Emotions are the outward expressions of feelings

accumulated and trained in the areas of imagination and

visualization. There are three sources of feelings that interpret

all information that enters the human

by the five senses and give meaning to what we perceive.

"1. Our own history,

culture and experiences, whether good

or bad, we have been programmed to


in one way or another, and give a


different from all others "

"2. The dark side of what we call spiritualevil that encourages us to take a dark

senseand see things from their point of view

and then producesin our imagination and display the resultto make sense of all the negative side.

3. The spiritual light side we call God is the

oneencourages us to take a uplifting or

positive senseand see things from their point

of view and then produces our imagination

and visualization in the

result of taking the sense that everything is

for our good and everything will be fine

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Emotional Intelligence

(Daniel Goleman)

Emotional intelligence allows us to:

-Be aware of our emotions.

-Understand the feelings of others.

-Tolerate the pressures and frustrations

we endure at work.

-Emphasize our ability to work together.

-Adopt an empathic and social

attitude that we would provide greater

opportunities for personal


Daniel Goleman also reflects the

thinking of

many scientists of human behavior

who question the value of rational


as a predictor of success in specific


life, in the various fields of the family,

business, decision making, the

professional performance, etc.. citing


Goleman studies concluded that the


Intellectual is not a good predictor of

successful performance.

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Many problems?Visit to Psychologist

When people have

problems with their

emotions, their feelings or

the way they act,

sometimes consult with a

psychologist. These

professionals have been

trained special university

about how people think

and feel, and know how

to help them feel better.

Those who care for children,

have many

knowledge about children's

issues, as

how children think, how they


and how they see the world.

They are expert

dedicated to helping children


problems and difficult


Do their work mainly talking

with children and helping them

discover how and

s the cause of the problem at

school or at home

. A therapist can help

children to

understand what

happens to them

so they

can feel better.

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Imaginary disease?

Can be hysteriaH Y S T E R I A

Is a psychological condition that belongs to the group

of neuroses

and suffers one percent of the world population.

It coincides with somatization disorders

and manifests itself in the form of a patient in distress

assuming that suffers

various physical orpsychic. While neurosis,

not accompaniednever a break with reality

(as in delirium)or personality


Technically, it is called conversion disorder.


Motor disturbances are seizures or paralysis.

Traditionally, the crisis starts with an aura,

consists of abdominal pain, palpitations,

choking sensation and visual disturbances

(partial or complete blindness).Then experienced an apparent

unconsciousness and in a controlled fall.

Then ensues epileptoide phase, comprising

respiratory arrest, tetanization,

convulsions andfinally, a resolution as general fatigue

and noisy breathing. As a final phase, occurring

contortions (disorderly movements and cries)

and a period of trance, with shadowing scenes

erotic or violent. The end of the crisis

involvesthe return of consciousness,

accompanied bymild contractions and expression of

words ordisjointed sentences on topics of


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It is a chronic disease

characterizedby a continuous increase in

the numbersblood pressure in the arteries.

Although there is no strict threshold

to define the boundary

between the riskand security, according to

consensusinternational systolic pressure

held above 139 mmHgor sustained diastolic pressure

greaterof 89 mmHg, are associated

with ameasurable increase risk

atherosclerosis and therefore is considered

as clinically significant hypertension.

Look after your health

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Follow the instructions

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Group editor

Milagros Singer

HPS. 121-00811

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Stolen angel Luis, Daniel, Emotional Intelligence.

Editorial Kairos. (June 2001) ISBN 84-7245-371-5

Salovely and Dr.Jhon Peter Mayer: The model of emotional intelligence (1997)

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