Page 1: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR

Annals of Library Science and Documentation 1988,35(3),134-147


High demand core journals in chemistry andchemical technology were identified throughthe analysis of document copy requests receivedby Insdoc during 1980-1985. It was found thatonly 131 identified journals out of 759 che-mistry journals could satisfy a majority of docu-ment demand in chemistry and chemical tech-nolgy. The list of 131 COre journals is alsocompared favourably with the rank list of theBritish Library Document Supply Centre(BLDSC) and also with that of the ScienceCitation Index (fCR 1984).

In this part, attempts have been made to drawa core list of journals in the field of chemistryand chemical technology by analysing therequests received for document supply atINSDOC through the years 1980-1985.

The present study aims at :

compiling a list of top 50 core journals inchemistry and chemical technology;

identifying the journals (from the list drawn)available in National Science Library (NSL)and the other parts of the country;

the countries of origin of these journals;

identifying the holdings of such journals inthe Indian libraries in some metropolitancities with the help of the computer print-out of the Union Catalogue of ScientificSerials in India coming shortly in the printedform as well.

For this purpose individual rank lists wereprepared for each year after analysing the docu-ment supply demands received by the DSS(Documen t Supply Service) of INSDOC from1980-1985. All titles receiving a demand of atleast 4 times have been included in the corelist of individual years. The data for all the 6


years were then consolidated and the final listwas drawn comprising the identified journals inthe field of chemistry and chemical technology.


a) 131 journals in chemistry and chemicaltechnology (Table 1) were identified, thecutt-off point being 20 demands.

b) A list of 50 most cited journals (Table 6)out of the total 131 journals identified wereprepared. It was found that 63.14% ofrequests in the field of chemistry and chemi-cal technology were satisfied by the top 50journals only in the core list.

c) The country of origin of these 131 journalswere identified (Table 2). USA was foundto top the list followed by USSR, UK,Germany and others. India occupies the6th position in this list.

d) NSL receives 44 journals out of the 131 inthe core list (Table 3). It was found thatNSL is receiving all the 11 Indian journalsidentified in the core list.

e) 11 Indian journals were identified in thecore list, their relative positions being8,9,45,66,70,91,106,109,111,114 and 117respectively according to the demandsreceived for them (Table 4). However, thesepositions of the journals does not reflectthe actual demands for them as many libra-ries in India receive them (Table 5).

f) Availability of these 131 journals in the 6metropolitan cities viz. Delhi, Calcutta,Bombay, Bangalore, Madras, Hyderabadwere studied from the National Union Cata-logue of Scien rific Serials prin t-ou t (Table5). The highest concentration of chemistry

Ann Lib Sci Docu

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and chemical technology journals werefound in Calcutta (25.54%); followed byDelhi 23.14%); Bombay (22.92%); Hydera-bad (12.82%); Madras (8.96%) and finallyBangalore (6.59%).

g) 14 translated Russian journals were identi-fied in the ranked list; 9 of them were foundto be published by USA and 5 by UK(Table 6).

h) The ranked list was compared with the"1000 Most Frequently Cited Journals inRank Order" list of CASSI. It was foundthat CASSI covered 103 journals out of the131 journals in the core list.

i) The ranked list of 131 core journals wasalso compared with the ranked list of theScience Citation Index (SCI) from theJournal Citation' Report (JCR) 1984.Though not much correlation was foundbetween the two rankings, most of the top50 journals in the core list were covered byJCR and had quite a good Impact Factor(IF).


The National Science Library of INSDOCholds 32.82% of chemistry and chemical techno-

Vol 35 No 3 September 1988

logy journals from the present core list. Itsholdings should further be augmented to renderprompt and better service to Indian scientificcommunity.


The authors are grateful to Shri A. Joseph,Head, National Science Library, Insdoc andShri B.K. Sen for their immense help andguidance in completing the study.


1. Bark K P: The British Library Lending Divi-sion : The first ten years. Interlending andDocument Supply 1983,11(3), 79-92.

2. Fjallbrant NEd.: Interlending and documentdelivery. IATUL Proc 1984, 16.

3. Karanjai A and Mujoo-Munshi U: Identifica-tion of core journals in science and technology :A study based on Insdoc's document deliverydemand. Part I. Physics. Ann Lib Sci andDocumn 1987,34(1),23-35.

4. Kefford F and Line M B : Core collection ofjournals for interlending purposes. InterlendingReview 1982,10(2),35-43.

Page 3: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR

~ Table 1c;.:l0\

Ranked List of Journals in Chemistry and Chemical Technology (1980-1985)

-------------.---------------------~------------------------------Document Demand in

S1. Ti tal of the J oumal Origin 1980 1981-82 1983 1984 1985 TotalNo.-------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

----------------------------------------- ______ 0 _____ - _________

1 Journal of Biological Chemistry US 46 80 32 49 35 2422 Analytical Chemistry US 57 79 25 39 29 2293 Chemical ~ngineering US 49 50 25 27 29 180 ~4 Biochemical Journal UK 34 50 32 31 21 168 >::t'5 J oumal of Physical Chemistry US 48 60 15 18 11 152

~6 Journal of Association of Official >Analytical Chemists US 16 21 28 36 40 -141 ~

7 J oumal of Chemical Society UK 19 45 30 20 25 139 ==8 Indian Journal of Oiemistrv India 20 34 23 26 20 123 E09 Journal of Indian Chemical Society India 20 49 15 16 17 117 0

10 Journal of Agricultural and Food S::C

Chemistry US 28 22 21 29 15 U5 zrn11 Journal of Organic Chemistry US 11 26 21 22 27 107 :I:-12 Chemical ~ngineering Progress US 15 34 13 26 15 10313 Analyst UK 23 36 20 14 7 10014 Analytical Biochemistry US 5 42 10 28 15 10015 . Biochemical et Biophysica Acta Nether 13 35 17 19 12 9616 Journal of Applied Polymer Science US 27 35 12 10 11 9517 Journal of Chromatography. Nether 9 28 17 24 15 9318 Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and

> Oils Russia - - 12 68 - 80::s::s 19 Journal of Electrochemical Society US 14 26 16 16 8 80t:0' 20 Analytica Chimica Acta Nether 19 24 8 10 8 79u:!J. 21 Journal of Inorganic and Nucleart:l Chemistry UK 14 29 7 13 14 770(')


Page 4: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR

<: ----------------------------------------------------------------------S2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9~C)1 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------z 170 22 Talanta UK 30 10 11 7 75~

Hydrocarbon Processing US 21 73~ 23 16 17 10 9

"C 24 Makromolekulare Chernie Germany 22 30 10 11 73S- -3 25 Canadian Journal of Chemistry Canada 14 25 13 13 7 72a-/1) 26 Oil and Gas Journal US 17 19 15 12 8 71...•I-' 27 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics US 14 24 10 1.2 9 69~ o00 000 28 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta UK 11 12 21 16 18 68 :=trj

29 Journal of Analytical Chemistry of USSR USSR 14 29 8 9 5 65 ;...030 Sprectrochimica Acta UK 18 25 10 7 4 64 c::::

31 AHbE Journal US 13 17 10 14 9 63 :=z32 Biochemical Pharmacology UK 13 11 10 15 9 63 >t'"33 Chemical Engineering Science UK 6 17 9 18 10 61 en-34 Chemifasern Germany 22 15 10 8 6 61 z

Q35 Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii USSR 8 35 10 8 - 61 trj

36 Journal of American Oil Chemists Society US 9 20 4 17 10 60 a::-en37 Journal of Organic Chemistry of USSR USSR 24 20 10 6 - 60 t-3:=

38 Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik Germany 8 25 7 10 10 58 to<

39 Acta Chemica Scandinavica Denmark 11 18 6 14 7 56 Ii:'>o

40 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Japan 9 17 7 13 7 55 ::ttrj

41 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology UK 11 17 9 10 8 55 a::-42 Helvetica Chimica Acta Swiss 9 20 5 7 6 54 o>

43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR 17 15 10 8 4 54 t'"

~44 Chemische Berichte Germany 11 18 9 7 8 53 o45 Chemical Age of India India 17 16 7 8 5 53 ::tz46 Journal of Macromolecular Science - 0


Chemistry US 9 15 8 11 10 53 00

47 Polymer UK 10 19 5 11 8 53 to<

48 Polymer Science USSR USSR 5 9 13 13 13 5349 Polymer Engineering Science US 7 15 5 15 10 5250 Synthesis Germany 6 11 10 18 6 5151 Inorganic Chemistry US 7 15 9 10 8 4952 Angewandte Chemie (Int Ed) Germany 9 20 10 5 4 4853 Bulletin of Chemical Society of Japan Japan - 20 10 8 10 48

...... 54- Chemistry and Industry UK~ J 5 12 10 12 9 48

Page 5: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR

•... ----------------------------------------------------------------------w 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9ce----------------------------------------------------~-----------------55 Khimicheskie Volokna USSR 17 15 7 4 4 4756 Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France France 10 12 8 6 10 4657 Collection of Czechoslovac Chemical

Communications Czech 16 9 10 6 5 4658 Yakugaku Zasshi Japan 7 22 10 3 4 4659 Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie

(Frankfurt) Germany 11 20 6 3 4 4460 Australian Journal of Chemistry Australia 4 17 9 8 5 4361 Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii USSR 5 16 8 10 4 4362 Biochemical and Biophysical Research

Communications US 10 6 16 10 42 ~- >63 Journal of Generai Chemistry of USSR USSR 12 5 9 3 3 42 :=>64 Khimicheskaya Promuishlennost USSR 6 15 9 7 5 42 z~65 British Journal o{ Pharmacology UK 13 8 7 9 4 41 >.....66 Journal of Food Science and Technology India 11 18 10 12 41 l<'P

~67 Cereal Chemistry US 6 15 4 9 6 40 c::~68 Journal of American Pharmaceutical 0

0Association US 5 19 5 4 3 40 S::

69 Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii USSR 6 14 7 5 8 40 ~70 Research and Industry India 6 20 5 4 3 38 Ul::c:.....71 Biochemistry US 7 10 8 6 6 3772 Journal of Food Science US - 12 5 20 - 3773 European Journal of Pharmacology Nether 5 8 6 11 6 3674 Gazze tta Chimica Italiana Italy 5 8 11 9 3 31175 Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii USSR 5 15 7 4 5 3676 Coordination Chemistry Reviews Nether 9 8 7 5 6 3577 European Polymer Journal UK 9 8 5 6 7 3578 Journal of Chemical Education US 4 16 5 6 4 35

> 79 Journal of Chemical Society of Japan Japan 9 14 4 5 3 35:I:Ie- 80 Chemical and ~ngineering News US 8 10 6 7 3 340: 81 Chemical Physics Letters Nether 5 9 14 6 34to .~. 82 Chemical Reviews US 11 8 9 6 - 3415' 83 Chemistry of Natural Compounds USSR 3 8 15 - 7 33~

Page 6: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR

< ----------------------------------------------------------------------2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9~c.n ----------------------------------------------------------------------z 84 Khimiya Prirodnukh Soedineny USSR 3 10 7 10 3 330~ 85 Acta Chimica Academiae ScientiarumW

"0 Hungaricae Hungary 3 8 5 11 5 32s3 86 J ournal fur Praktische Chemie Germany 4 9 3 5 11 320"~ 87 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals UK 4 10 7 8 3 32...•,.... 88 Petroleum Chemistry USSR USSR 11 15 6 32 o~ - - 00000 89 Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des ::tI

t2:lPays - Bas Nether 6 11 5 7 3 32 0:...

090 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry USSR 8 19 5 - - 32 c::

::tI91 Chemical Weekly India 4 5 3 - 19 31 z

>92 European J oumal of Biochemistry Germany 6 9 3 10 3 31 t""00

93 Modern Plastics International US 11 10 5 2 3 3J -z94 Przemysl Cherhie Poland 7 11 6 4 3 31 o95 Inorganica Chimica Acta Italy 10 5 7 8 30 ::e- t2:l

96 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry USSR 4 11 5 6 4 30 ==-0097 Vuisokomolekulyarnuie Soedineniya USSR 5 12 6 3 4 30 0-3

-' ::tI

98 Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie Germany 6 7 5 6 5 29 0<~99 Electrochimica Acta UK 3 10 4 5 7 29 o

100 Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und ::et2:l

Allgemeine Chemie Germany 4 7 6 4 8 29 ==-o101 Pure and Applied Chemistry UK 7 7 10 3 4 28 >t""102 Chemistry Letters Japan 3 10 5 3 5 26 ~103 Fresenius Zeitschrift fur Analytische oChemie Germany 9 6 4 5 2 26 ::ez

104 Revue Roumaine de Chimie Rumania 3 9 5 6 3 26 0e-105 Thermochimica Acta Nether 3 5 9 3 6 26 0

0106 Indian J oumal of Pharmacology India 3 10 4 5 3 25 0<107 Manufacturing Chemists and Aerosol News UK 3 15 - 3 4 25108 Soap, Perfumery and Cosmetics UK 4 10 5 3 3 25109 Chemical Era India 5 10 5 4 - 24110 Food Technology US 3 10 - 8 3 24III Indian Chemical Manufacturer India - 15 5 - 3 23

•....• 112 Journal of Catalysis US - 12 8 - 3 23~\0

Page 7: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------.;:;..1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90

----------------------------------------------------------------------113 Zhurnal Fjzicheskoi Khimii USSR 6 10 7 - - 23114 Chemical Engineering World India 5 7 4 3 3 22115 Molecular Pharmacology US 3 4 3 7 5 22116 Transactions of the Institution of the

Chemical Engineers (London) UK 3 7 5 4 3 22117 Indian J ournaI of Pharmaceutical

Sciences India 3 8 3 4 3 21118 International Chemical Engineering US 5 6 3 4 3 21119 Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie Germany 3 5 2 3 8 21120 Journal of Electro-analytical Chemistry

and Interfacial Electrochemistry Nether 3 7 5 6 - 21121 Microchemical Journal US 10 3 5 3 21 ~

>122 Ukrainsky Khimichesky ZhurnaI USSR 3 7 6 2 3 2J ~

>123 Zeitschrift fur Chemie Germany 4 6 5 3 3 21 z~124 Chemia AnaIityczna Poland 10 5 5 20 >- - •..•125 Inorganic Materials USSR 7 5 3 5 20 ~- a::126 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science US 9 8 3 - - 20 t:127 Kolloidnuy Zhumal USSR - 8 7 5 20 0

912R Mikrochimica Acta Austria 6 9 5 - 20 a::129 Russian Chemical Reviews USSR - 10 6 - 4 20 c::z130 Fibre Chemistry USSR 2 11 5 2 20 en- ::c131 Soviet Progress in Chemistry USSR 1 12 3 3 1 20





Page 8: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR

< Table 2Q.

~01 Country of Origin of the Core Journalsz0~ ----------------------------------------------------------l{l S1. Country of Total No. of Journals Total Demand % of Core'C~ No. Origin in Rank List Received Journals3c:T"t ------------------------------------------------------------... o....(,0


00 1 USA 35 2477 ;XI00 tzj

2 TJSSR 25* 957 19.08 ~0

3 UK 19 1208 14.50 c:;:tI

4 Germany 13 548 9.92 z>e-

5 India 11 518 8.39 en....6 Netherlands 9 452 6.87 z

o7 Japan 5 210 3.81 :I:


8 Italy 2 66 1.52 3:....en

9 Poland 2 51 1.52 >-3;:tI

10 Switzerland 20<

83 1.52 ~11 Australia 1 43 0.76 o:c12 Austria 1 20 0.76

tzj3:....13 Canada 1 72 0.76 o;I;-14 Czechoslovakia 1 46 0.76 t""

~15 Denmark 1 56 0.76 o:c16 France 1 46 0.76 z

017 Hungary 1 32 0.76 t""

018 Rumania 1 26 0.76 0-<-------------------------------------------------------------

"Includes 14 translated journals

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Table 3

Availability of Core Journals in Chemistry and Chemical Technology in NSL-----------. -------:-----------------~--------------- -S1.No.

Title of the Journal Use RankinTable No.1


2 Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 853 Analytical Biochemistry 144 Bulletin of Chemical Society of Japan 535 Canadian Journal of Chemistry 256 Chemia Analytyczna 1237 Chemical Age of India 458 Chemical Engineering 39 Chemical Engineering Progress 1210 Chemical Engineering World 11311 Chemical Era 10812 Chemical Weekly 9113 Chemistry of Natural Compounds 8314 Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 1815 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 5716 European Polymer Journal 7717 Fibre Chemistry 13018 Food Technology 11019 Indian Chemical Manufacturer III20 Indian Journal of Chemistry (See A & B) 821 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 11722 Indian Journal of Pharmacology 10623 Inorganic Materials 12524 Journal of Analytical Chemistry of USSR 2925 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR 4326 Journal of Food Science and Technology 6627 Journal of General Chemistry of USSR 6328 Journal of Indian Chemical Society 929 Journal of Organic Chemistry 1130 Journal of Organic Chemistry of USSR 3731 Journal fur Praktische Chemie 8632 Kolloidnuy Zhurnal 12733 Modern Plastics International 9234 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 8735 Oil and Gas Journal 2636 Petroleum Chemistry USSR 8837 Recueil des Travaux Cherniqucs des Pays-Bas 8938 Research and Industry 7039 Revue Roumaine de Chimie 10440 Russian Chemical Reviews 12941 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 9042 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 9643 Soviet Progress in Chemistry 13144 Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chernie 100

142 An n Li b Sci Docu

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Table 4

List of Indian Journals Identified in the Core List


Title of the J oumal Rank in CoreList oo::c





1 Chemical Age of India 452 Chemical Engineering World 1143 Chemical Era 1094 Chemical Weekly 915 Indian Chemical Manufacturer 1116 Indian Journal of Chemistry (Sec A & B) 87 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1178 Indian Journal of Pharmacology 10E9 Journal of Food Science and Technology 6610 Journal of Indian Chemical Society 911 Research and Industry 70


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Table 5

Availability of Core Journals in Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Libraries of six Metropolis

-----------------------------------------------------------------S1. Title of the J oumal No, of Libraries inNo. --------------------------------------

Delhi Calcutta Bombay Bangalore Madras Hyderabad-------------------------------------------------------- ---------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-------------------------------------------------------- ---------1 Acta Chemica Scandinavica (Part A & B) 4 5 1 1 2 22 Acta Chimica Acaderniae Scientiarum

Hungaricae 6 2 1 13 A1ChE J oumal 6 2 8 2 2 44 Analyst 9 15 17 7 10 125 Analytica Chimica Acta 5 6 4 1 5 36 Analytical Biochemistry 9 6 4 2 2 47 Analytical Chemistry 12 20 13 3 14 148 Angewandte Chernie (Int Ed) 11 7 12 3 5 49 Angewandte Makrornolekulare Chemie 2 1 110 Archives of Biochcrnistry and

Biophysics 12 14 11 4 7 6

11 Australian Journal of Chemistry 7 8 6 1 G 512 Biochemical and Biophysical Research

Communication 10 7 7 3 1 313 Biochemical Journal 12 25 10 5 8 714 Biochemical Pharmacology 5 4 5 2 1 3

15 Biochemistry 10 7 7 4 3 816 Biochimica Biophysica Acta 4 2 3 1 317 British Journal of Pharmacology 9 15 9 5 5 518 Bulletin of Chemical Society of Japan 6 9 8 1 5 419 Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de france 4 6 2 1 2 320 Canadian Journal of Chemistry 8 8 7 2 8 421 Cereal Chemistry 4 4 2 1 2 422 Chemia Analityczna 223 Chemical Age of India 6 10 10 1 9 824 Chemical Engineering 18 13 11 5 5 6~}.:: Chemical Engineering News 14 16 20 3 11 G0.- Chemical Engineering Progress 13 4 8 G 5..:.0

27 Chemical Engineering Science(Genie Chem ique) 8 3 6 2 4 3

2H Chemical Engineering World 12 3 4 1 3 G

29 Chemical Era 4 1 1 I

30 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 3 4 4 1 2 3

31 Chemical Physics Letters 3 3 3 2 2 I

32 Chemical Reviews 8 16 12 3 12 5

33 Chemical Weekly 5 5 6 2 4 4

34 Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 4 2 2 2 3 2

35 Chemifasern 1 236 Che mischc Berichte 6 9 6 2 5 3

37 Chemistry and Industry 12 18 18 3 6 5

38 Chc mist rv Le t ter s 2 2 2 I 3

39 Chemistry of Natural Compounds 3

I 11 Ann Lib Sci Docu

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------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8----------------------------------------------------------------40 Chemistry and Technology of Fuels

and Oils 3 2 141 Collection of Czechoslovac Chemical

Communications 8 3 4 1 3 342 Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2 3 4 2 3 143 Electrochimica Acta 4 3 3 2 2 244 European Journal of Biochemistry 5 4 5 2 3 345 European Journal of Pharmacology 4 3 5 1 146 European Polymer Journal 4 2 2 1 147 Fibre Chemistry 3 148 Food Technology 4 3 6 3 1 249 Fresenius Zeitschrift fur Analytische

Chernie 3 4 2 2 2 2

50 Gazetta Chimica Italiana 2 1 2 1 2 151 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 3 8 3 4 4 352 Helvetica Chimica Acta II 5 5 6 3 5 353 Hydrocarbon Processing 9 3 5 2 5 454 Indian Chemical Manufacturer 4 1 4 5 155 Indian Journal of Chemistry (A & B) 6 24 2 3 1 156 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 9 6 2 8 757 Indian Journal of Pharmacology 6 5 1 1 158 Inorganic Chemistry 2 6 8 2 5 459 Inorganic Materials 1 1 160 Inorganica Chimica Acta 2 3 4 1 2 161 International Chemical Engineering 2 1 5 1 2 3

62 Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry 6 5 5 4 1 6

63 Journal of American Oil ChemistrySociety 6

64 Journal of American PharmaceuticalAssociation (now AmericanPharmacy) 1 6 3 2 1

65 Journal of Analytical Chemistry of USSR 4 4 3 3 266 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR 8 3 4 1 1 367 Journal of Applied Polymer Science 5 5 5 2 1 268 Journal of Association of Official

Analytical Chemists 3 7 7 5 3 769 Journal of Biological Chemistry 14 30 15 5 9 870 Journal of Catalysis 2 5 2 3 171 Journal of Chemical Education 8 10 16 5 14 672 Journal of Chemical Society 10 19 18 3 10 573 Journal of Chemical Society of Japan 174 Journal of Chromatography 6 fJ 8 1 4 575 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 6 6 8 3 3 276 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and

Interfacial Electrochemistry. 4 1 4 2 1 277 Journal of Electrochemical Society 5 7 7 5 3 G78 Journal of Food Science 4 7 9 4 I 4-79 Journal of Food Science and Technology 4 5 6 3 I 880 Journal of General Chemistry of USSR 3 2 4 281 Journal of Indian Chemical Society 6 27 19 13 7

Vol 35 No 3 September 1988 I~.)

Page 13: IDENTIFICATION OF CORE JOURNALS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35(3) 134-147… · 43 Journal of Applied Chemistry of USSR USSR


------------------------------ --------------- -----------------1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8--------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------82 Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear

Chemistry 6 5 5 1 4 283 Journal of Macromolecular Science·

Chemistry 2 1 1 1 184 Journal of Organic Chemistry 8 13 14 3 9 485 Journal of Organic Chemistry of USSR :3 1 1 186 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7 16 10 5 6 587 Journal of Physical Chemistry 5 13 15 2 7 488 Journal Cur Praktische Chemie 3 2 2 1 2 289 Justus-Liebig's Annalen der Chemie 4 7 4 :390 Khimicheskaya Prornuishlenost 191 Khimicheskie Volokna 292 Khimiya l'iirodnuikh Soedineny 193 Kolloidnuy Zhurnal 3 2 194 Makromolekulare Chemie 4 3 2 :3 :395 Manufacturing Chemist and Aerosol News 4 5 2 1 5 296 Microchemical Journal 4 3 3 197 Mikrochimica Acta 2 5 5 1 298 Modem Plastics International 8 1 4 699 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 4 2 2 3100 Molecular Pharmacology 1 4 1 1 1101 Oil and Gas Journal 8 3 2102 Petroleum Otemistry USSR 2 1 1 1 1103 Polymer 4 4 5104 Polymer Engineering Science 2 3 1 2105 Polymer Science USSR 3 2 1106 Przemysl Chemie107 Pure and Applied Chemistry 4 3 5 1 1 2108 Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des

Pays-Bas 5 5 5 1 5 4109 Research and Industry 9 30 21 5 9 10110 Revue Roumaine de Chirnie 4 2 3 2 1 1HI Russian Chemical Reviews 3 2 1 1 1 :3112 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 4 :3 2 1 1 1113 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 4 2 3 1 1 1114 Soap 'Perfumery and Cosmetics 1 5 6 2 2 2115 Soviet Progress in Chemistry 2 1 1116 Spectrochimica Acta 5 3 4 2 3 :3117 Synthesis 3 1 5 1 3 3118 Talanta 5 7 5 2 3 4119 Therrnochimica Acta 3 1 1 1120 Transactions of the Institution of Chemical

Engineers (London)(now Chemical Engineering Research& Design) 3 4 8 1 2 4

121 Ukrainsky Khimichesky Zhurnal 2 2122 Vuisokomolekulyarnuie Soedineniya 2 1 1123 Yakugaku Zasshi 3 5 1 1124 Zeitsehrift fur Anorganische und

Allgemeine Chemie 4 5 :3 1 2 3125 Zeitsehrift fur Chernie 4 2 :3 2 I 1126 Zeitsehrift fur Physikalische Chemic

(Frankfurt) :3 2 2

146 Ann Lib Sci Docu

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2 3 4 5 6 7 8

127 Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimiii128 ZhumaI Fizicheskoi Khimii129 Zhumal Neorganicheskoi J<.himii130 Zhurnal Obshchei Khirnii131 Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii









Table 6

List of Translated Journals


Title of the J oumal Origin Translated Journalpublished by

1 Chemistry of Natural Compounds USSR USA(Khimiya Prirodnuikh Soedineny)

2 Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils USSR USA(Khimiya I Tekhnologiya Topliv I Masel)

3 Fibre Chemistry USSR USA(Khimicheskie Volokna)

4 Inorganic Materials USSR USA(Izvestiya Akademy Nauk SSSR SeriyaNeorganicheskie Materialy)

5 J oumal of Analytical Chemistry of the USSR USSR USA(Zhumal Analiticheskoi Khimii)

6 Joumal of Applied Chemistry of the USSR USSR USA(Zhumal Prikladnoi Khimii)

7 J oumal of General Chemistry of the USSR USSR USA(Zhumal Obshechei Khimii]

8 J oumal of Organic Chemistry of the USSR USSR USA(Zhumal Organicheskoi Khimii)

9 Petroleum Chemistry USSR USSR UK(Neftekhimiya)

10 Polymer Science USSR USSR UK(Vuisokomolekulyarnui Soedineniya)

11 Russian Chemical Reviews USSR UK(Uspekhi Khimii)

12 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry USSR UK(Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii)

13 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry USSR UK(Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii)

14 Soviet Progress in Chemistry USSR USA(Ukrainsky Khimichesky Zhurnal)


Vol 35 No 3 September 1988 147

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