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Ideas in Context : Contemporary DesignersBy Ross Sinclair

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Corrupt filesThis was the very first design i did in this project which i did not use as i changed my mind from Sagmeister to Carson .Step 1i placed this image of skin into a new a3 document .

Step 2With the brush tool i drew a rough s with a red fill. I then used bevill emboss to give it a bit of depth. With a splatter brush shape in a lighter color red i went around the edge of the s so to make it look like a skab I then used a darker red for the middle of the s to show where the needle pierced the skin. I was never going to use this as it only ever looked like a detailed cut when zoomed in in photoshop.

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My PhotosThis is a poster i did not use as people said it’s to clean for David Carson

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Step 1This was the first image i did for david carson. The background image is a photo i took in class of the celing window . I added motion blur as david carson seems to be obsessed with this I then tunred the blacks up and put a black boarder around it which gave it this look.

Step 2David Carson has a lot of fish in random place’s in some of his work so i took an im-age of a gold fish from the web and placed it over the background image. I then delet-ed parts of it so i looked as if it were swim-ming inbetween the shapes of the background.

Step 3I placed this image of the class room into the document .

Step 4I used the wave filter to give this effect of the of the class room.

Step 5I placed the wave effect layer over the main image and on a low opacity i cut around the fins and inbe-tween the blue section and copyed and merged , then deleting the wave layer so i hade just these sections.

Step 6I added the type with the horizontal type tool.

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Step 1I placed this photo i took of class into a new document.

Step 2I added motion blur.

Step 3I added the fish from the last image over the red door and set it to multiply.

Step 4Using the rectangle shape tool i made the 4 blue shapes. I then added the red o and on a diffrent layer the rest of the type. I added this sentince as it is david carsons.

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Step 1i opened a new document size A3 and placed my photo of a toilet.

Step 2I set the photo layer of the toilet to saturation

Step 3I brought this grungy image into the document .

Step 4I set the grungy texture to multiply which gave it the look below.

Step 5I placed this motion blured photo I took into the document.

Step 6 I placed the last image over the toilet as a soft light layer.

Step 7I added RvD_MICROCODE type

Step 8I created these cross’s with the shape tool then I set them to multiply

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Here i just used toilet paper to spell david carson. I then brought it into light room to give it a grungy look

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Step 1I took a picture of a toilet and then brought it into lightroom where i gave it a yellow tint with grain also setting the shadow’s to slightly darker to give it a grungy and gritty feel .

Step 2I made a new layer and with the rectangle tool i made a long skinny shape filled with black. I then copyed and pasted the shape and went over the out line of the toilet and bathroom. Once all the lines were in place i made a square shape and placed it over each line crossing point.

Step 3I then hid the yellow toilet layer under-neath so it was just the outline of lines and the white background

Step 4I typed d for david and c for carson as this section of the thype would be diffrent from the rest. I wanted these latters as if they were rolling over the toilet so i rasterized the type thenplayed with perspective so that the lower part of the thyp was bigger as if it were coming at you. For the 2nd part of the type iused the wapr tool to give you the feel as if it were ror-olling over the edge of the toilet.

Step 5I placed the rest of the type over the toilet paper

Step 6 I brought the image back into light-room where i added more shadow and brought the grain up to give it that gritty feel david carson loves doing.

The reason i chose to take a photo of the toilet is because after doing some research including borrowing david carsons book from the library , i realised that he is extreamly random , he either does motion blur to most of his photos with an odd shape over it or puts outlines over his designs . There really is not much too his work its very basic I do not think he would be a famouse designer if he was not a famouse surfer before hand . I do not like his work its too basic and random anyone could do it .

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InvitationAs i have chosen to do a toilet for David Carson my invitation is going to be on toilet paper with his name on it also there is going to be in a envelope slightly bigger than one sheet of toilet paper but the envelope folds will be for the top fold the outside of the top of a toilet seat and for the inside top fold the inside of the top seat.When you open the envelop their will be a image of a toilet bowl .



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TOMATOStep 1I opened a new document and filled the back-ground color with the shade of red e34d50

Step 2 I placed soft texture into the document and set it to multiply.

Step 3 I placed this image of a brick wall into the document and also set this layer to multiply

Step 4After i was happy with the brick wall i copy meged a section of the wall and pasted it. I then went to the transform menu, clicked perspective and set the wall so as tho it is coming twords so to give image depth .

Step 5I then copyed a section of the soft texture and pasted it . I set this layer to diffreence . I set up rulers to get this exact. I went to transform where i again played with perspective so that it is coming at you. I then put a slight shading at the bottom of the texture to make it look as tho it is a path way.

Step 6i added a small gradient to to corner of the wall to give it shadow

This is what i have so far. Step 7I brough this image of a bike into the document .At first I just filled in the diffrent section with my desired colors using the magic wand tool . But later on i decided to make the bike myself using the pen tool as I just found out how to make selection with this tool I also used the shape tool.There ended up being so many layers rouphly 200 are so ,so i just kept merging visible and ended up merging diffrent sec-tions by mistake so i only now have the spokes section left to prove. Keeping in mind I did use this bike as a guide.

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This image seems to be pixelated im not sure if it is just indesign or what ,hopefully i wont have to go over the design again for when i blow this up to A0 . Im not sure why it is like this as they are shapes ?.

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Step 8Once i was happy with the bike i brought in a street lamp and filled it with black . I then edited it taking out some of the decorations to leave room for type .

Step 9Using the pen tool i created the light shape , I then went to paths and made selection where I used a gradient with the color d6be85 and lowered the opacity to 22%.

Step 10I played around with the diffrent fonts , in the end I chose Cochin as it is quite elegent and which go’s well with the lamp and red brick background.

Step 11I wanted to give the bike a shadow so I dupicated the bike layer and fliped it verticaly . I then changed the perspective so to make it bigger the closer it get’s to you like a real shadow would with lighting at that angle. I put a motion blur on the shadow but I was not happy with that so i then put a lens blur on it and dropped the opacity to 50%.

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FunctionIf I could rewind time i certanly would I managed to review the artists that I do not like first and left the other artists that I do till well too late really . I definatly struggled with David Carson well that what everyone els was saying but they did not read his book as there is not much to his work a photo with motion blur and a random shape and sometimes outlines , a bit of grain and thats about it .I think the only reason he became a famouse designer is because he was a famouse surfer before hand.

Is it fit for purpose ?Yes i think very much so as it is very random like his work as the image is a toilet with rough out-lines which Carson does a lot, too much.

How effective and original are the idea’s?I think the idea is extreamly original as i have not seen anything like it or heard of anything like it before as it is the outline of a toilet which I think would deffinatly grab your eye.

Does the look of the finished piece work for the intended purpose / audience / client , response from audience or viewers.Yes i think it does work as the audience might very well be quite grungy , punky and out there.

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