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  • 8/4/2019 ICICI khayaal aapka


    Bank with us because we understand your personal needs better than the rest,' seems to be

    the brief that many banks have given their respective creative partners. Going by the recent

    spate of bank advertisements harping on building personal relationships with customers, it's

    clear that trust has become the USP for several of these institutions.

    One that comes to mind is ICICI Bank's recent'Khayal Aapka' campaign, done by Ogilvy

    India. The campaign, comprising three thematic films, showcases the bank's claim of taking

    care of the smallest needs of the customer. The commercials show small moments of

    customer interactions with the bank's employees, which create customer delight and

    nurture bonding

    , one wonders if appealing to the customer's emotions and building a personal relationship

    remain the only options available for a bank to reach out to more prospective customers.

    The need for better relationships

    The emphasis on relationship building probably stems from the financial turmoil the worldrecently witnessed. After large global banks collapsed, the consumer's trust on financial

    institutions hit an all-time low.

    To reassure customers, it is but obvious for banks to try and build confidence; and hence,

    the emphasis on better relationship building.

    Also, with banking getting more electronic than ever, one does not need to visit a bank

    branch too often. For example, not long ago, long queues in banks, with tokens handed out

    to customers wanting to withdraw money, was de rigueur. Now, the increasing number of

    Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) has anything but killed the need for such a visit to a


    To fill that gap, some experts think that banks need to once more build one-on-one

    interactions with the customer.

    "ATMs have killed relationships. Today, a customer does not meet a bank representative for

    his needs; he meets machines. To fill this gap, advertising is sought after," says Harish Bijoor,

    brand strategy specialist and chief executive officer, Harish Bijoor Consults.

    Moreover, it is probably inevitable for a bank to choose the emotional communication

    route, since products and services are essentially the same across banks.

    "We have to show the fact that we are emotionally attached to our customers. Banks, as a

    brand, are associated with the traditions of the people. Unlike other products, we cannot

    show anything controversial or unrelated in our advertising," says a senior official fromState Bank of India.
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    Undoubtedly, when a brand connect is being built, the emotional route works well. This is

    often true for many categories, and not just financial services alone, as can be seen in the

    many commercials that are churned out.

    It could also be seen as a healthy phenomenon, with communication moving from just

    conveying facts to empathising with the consumer.

    Herd mentality?

    It could also be argued that bank advertising exhibits patterned behaviour, with various

    buzzwords becoming popular in different phases.

    Not long ago, 'dreams' was a platform many banks utilised while selling loans; where the

    communications spoke of specially designed loans that would help consumers realise their

    dreams. Similarly, there was a phase when credit cards were being sold; and one when

    banks boasted of their network strength.

    'Relationships' seems to be the current buzzword. But with more players saying the same

    thing, it does become a sort of clich. And unless a particular institution manages a certain

    differential, it becomes easy to get confused between brands.

    "While it is true there is a lot that can be talked about on a pure functionality basis, banks

    understand that relationships have to be built. The thing to be remembered is that

    everything cannot be all sap and warm. There must be rationality to support a claim. What

    positioning a bank chooses, of course, depends on the bank itself," says Abhijit Avasthi,

    national creative director, Ogilvy India.

    Personalities of banks would differ, although they might be saying the same things. The risk,

    however, arises, when one agency handles the duties for a number of banks; and the same

    tone appears in the communication especially in the style of copy, observes Cajetan Vaz, an

    ex-advertising professional and now a brand consultant.

    Build to deliver

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    Like it or not, a healthy relationship with a customer goes a long way in building faith, and

    could often prove to be a great marketing strategy. However, delivering on promises made

    is important to emerge a winner.

    "Advertising is meant to translate into business. The biggest number of accounts would

    come from better relationships handled by the bank. Hence, I would not fault a bank forchoosing the strategy. The basis has to be good relationships," says Bijoor.

    In order to retain customers - which is becoming critical today, when it doesn't take much toswitch bank accounts - the bank needs to understand what customers want and the cultural


    "I am not against relationship building. To retain customers, it is critical to have and

    maintain a relationship. I expect my bank to know me," says Ankur Khurana, brand partner,

    planning, Orchard Advertising.

    According to Khurana, what is further expected of a bank is to not be superficial and have a

    short-sighted perspective; but embed relationships into better understanding of the

    customers' needs.

    The alternative route ahead

    While there are those who see no harm in a bank striving to build trust, there are many who

    consider it regressive and lazy thinking.

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    The strategy fails to cut ice with senior professionals such as Bobby Pawar, chief creative

    officer, Mudra Group, who thinks it is vital for a brand to zero in on its DNA with relevant

    insights. "Relationships cannot be owned by everybody. You must be true and more

    authentic to the brand," he says.

    Suman Srivastava, chief executive officer, Euro RSCG India too thinks it is a colossal waste of

    money, when the strategy fails to differentiate one bank from the other. He sees

    relationships being an experiential benefit, which a customer will experience if a bank isgood. He adds that this is an age when consumers are looking for more substantive benefits.

    Indeed, it would serve a bank well to emphasise on its various offerings and unique services.

    An example is theHDFC Bank campaignthat spoke of faster cash withdrawals at its ATMs.

    Similarly, while ICICI Bank's emphasis on its relationship with customers is a continuous one;

    it has also communicated about its products and services through one-on-one interactions,

    as well as mass media platforms.

    ING Vysya Bank is another case in point, where the bank talked aboutmobile

    transfer,instant debit card replacement

    andautomatic cheque book request

    in its


    IndusInd Bank, too, in its recent campaign talked about three of its service propositions -

    Ready2Use Savings Account Kit,mobile alertsandonline payments. These commercials

    were not set in a banking context, but built on consumer insights, points out Mohit Ganju,

    marketing head, IndusInd Bank.

    "Banks have looked at directly communicating the product/service benefit, without

    stressing too much on the relationship with the customer. Depending on the positioning

    strategy, banks experiment and develop advertising that best suits the messaging and

    desired image. Banks have experimented with both thematic as well as product/service

    based advertising," Ganju says.

    Technology is another feature a bank could highlight. Bank of Baroda, in arecent television

    commercial, talks of how the 'power of technology' helps the customer handle most of his

    financial needs with much ease.

    Apparently, banks see the need to break the clutter; and some are doing that by positioning

    themselves very differently.

    Axis Bank recently adopted a new brand positioning - that of being a 'solutions provider'.A

    new campaign, created by Lowe Lintas, pitches the bank's range of products as a means to

    address every conceivable customer need. The campaign thought is summed up in the slug,

    'There's always a solution'.
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    The agency deliberately did away with the relationship building route in favour of the

    solutions provider idea, saying that relationships are eventually built by offering innovative


    However, with relationship management being rather inevitable for banks, one probably

    needs to change by looking at the customers' interaction with money, some suggest.

    Banks could take on the advisory role that other financial instruments have adopted, but

    restricted to high net worth individuals. In times when the Indian populace is thinking

    seriously about wiser investments and better use of money, it is a need a bank would do

    well to cater to.

    "Banks need to look at how to make wealth useful, not just by looking at the present; but

    what would be the pleasurable moments of tomorrow, when wealth begets prosperity,"

    says Sandhya Srinivasan, managing partner and chief strategy officer, Law & Kenneth.

    What could be a clutter-breaking strategy, she says, is for banks to move on from 'How I will

    give you the best service' to 'How you will grow your money'.

    Customers' needs, in every category, vary and evolve constantly. While the thought that a

    bank is as personal to you as your money is welcome; it's also true that there are avenues

    for banks to interact on alternative and larger levels. Some understand this; some probably

    would follow. It remains to be seen what the next trend wave would possibly bring ashore.

    khayaal aapka

    Over the past decade ICICI Bank has redefined the banking landscape. Through a deep

    understanding of customer needs, it has leveraged technology to introduce severalinnovations to make banking simple and convenient for the consumer. Continuing with their

    commitment towards deepening their relationship with their customers, they have

    undertaken many initiatives to strengthen the customer experience through multiple touch

    points such as bank branches, internet banking, mobile banking and phone banking. In

    addition they have continued to offer products and services that have been thoughtfully

    designed, keeping the consumer in mind. Khayaal Aapka is a reflection of this commitment

    that they have towards their customers. Khayaal Aapka embodies their relationships with

    customers that go beyond transactions - it is their commitment to treat their customers

    fairly, show empathy towards customer needs and create and deliver products and servicesthat make a difference to their customers' lives.

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    MUMBAI: The banking sector spends Rs 20 billion on outdoor advertising medium and it

    is more effective than television but less than print, according to ICICI Bank corporate

    brand group head Ronita Mitra.

    Lack of measurability in the outdoor advertising medium, however, is one of the most

    contentious challenges the sector currently faces, Mitra said.

    While speaking at the seventh edition of Outdoor Advertising

    Convention, Mitra said that hindrances such as changing traffic trends, delivery scale

    versus credibility and complexity with the spread of commercials hamper the scope of


    Mitra underlined, Having to send out teams to analyse the ads is another impediment.

    Talking about drawbacks, there are several high-points in this medium as well.

    We communicate with all the socio-economic groups and our target audience is male,

    aged between 25-55 years. The outdoor message delivers undiluted and localised

    messages, in terms of look and feel. Moreover, messages are clear and call to action or

    how to get in touch becomes simpler with this medium, Mitra stated.

    While public sector banks use this medium the most, multinational banks adapt a much

    focused geographic approach. In most cases outdoor media is used to reinforce a

    multimedia campaign - in some cases, to create an impact on city or national scale; and in

    very few cases as a standalone medium, Mitra revealed.

    Talking about various forms of outdoor advertisement, Mitra cited the example of ICICIs

    khayaal aapka campaign, which she termed as thematic propositions, under which

    various new products were promoted.khayaal aapka is the master brand, within which

    there can be various individual product brands such as privilege banking and home

    loans. Mitra noted.

    Mitra spoke about the three creative the bank experimented with: bill transfer, fund

    transfer and book movie tickets. We put up ads of bill payment and fund transfers on

    bus shelters, while booking movie tickets was promoted next to ticket counters at various

    cinema halls. And after analysing the pre- and post-activity results, we found that the

    awareness about the three features has gone up by 50 per cent.

    This activity not only created awareness but also reinforced an image of innovation for

    the bank, Mitra concluded.


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    To be the preferred bank for total financial and banking solutions for both

    corporate and individuals is the main vision.


    We will leverage our people, technology, speed and financial capital. To be the banker of first choice for our customers by delivering high

    quality, world-class products and services.

    To expand the frontiers of our business globally. To play a proactive role in the full realization of India's potential. To maintain a healthy financial profile and diversify our earnings across

    businessman and geographies.

    To maintain high standards of governance and ethics. To contribute positively to the various countries and markets in which

    they operate.

    To create value for our stakeholders.


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    Promote good and fair banking practices by setting minimum standardswhile dealing with the customers.

    Increase transparency so that the customer can have a betterunderstanding of what one can reasonably expect out of the services.

    Encourage market forces, through competition so that one can achievehigher operating standards.

    Promote a fair and cordial relationship between the customer and thebank.

    Foster confidence in the banking system. To help the customer use the account with convenience. To deal quickly and sympathetically with things that go wrong. To treat the customers personal information in a private and confedential


    To adopt and practice a non-discrimination policy.


    As known from the ICICI Bank branch of JVPD, I have learnt that following are

    some of the breakthrough improvements:


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    The ICICI bank has started this khayaal aapka campaign as a way to

    improvise and improve the customer services that are provided and in

    todays time hold a lot of importance due to the highly competitive nature

    in the market. In this the main aim is to focus on the various services

    provided to the customers and the quality of the services that have been

    put forth too. Every customer is considered as one relation and not just

    as one person. The necessary divisions are also made: children, senior

    citizens, etc.

    They believe that even small things make a big difference! Thus, they are

    trying to strive and fulfill the experiences, not just in terms of efficient

    banking facilities but also the extra care to be put in to serve the


    Over the past decade ICICI Bank has redefined the banking landscape.

    Through a deep understanding of customer needs, it has leveraged

    technology to introduce several innovations to make banking simple and

    convenient for the consumer.

    Continuing with our commitment towards deepening our relationship with

    our customers, we have undertaken many initiatives to strengthen

    the customer experience through multiple touch points such as bank

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    branches, internet banking, mobile banking and phone banking. In addition


    have continued to offer products and services that have been thoughtfully

    designed, keeping the consumer in mind.

    Khayaal Aapka is a reflection of this commitment that they have towards

    customers. Khayaal Aapka embodies the relationships with customers


    go beyond transactions - it is their commitment to treat our customers

    fairly, show empathy towards customer needs and create and deliver

    products and services that make a difference to our customers lives.

    This is one of the ways in which ICICI has taken a step forward for

    improving the scenario of customer relationship and thus the necessary

    provisions and facilities provided are also improved in order to bring

    about a positive difference between the bank and customer relations.

    2) PRIVILEGED BANKING CAMPAIGN:All banks have different types of customers to attend. There are normal,

    silver, gold and so on types of customers- as per ICICI bank recognized.

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    Thus, from these the customers which belong to the gold category are

    those who hold a minimum balance of 50,000/- and its these customers

    as well as the ones who are superior to the gold category who form a part

    of the privileged category and thus of this particular campaign.

    In this campaign, distinguished and specialized services are provided to

    the privileged customers.

    All that a customer needs to do is choose the ICICI Bank Privilege Banking

    account to enjoy exclusive benefit across wide range of product and


    The Privilege banking account variants they offer are- silver, gold, platinum

    designed to suit the customers specific needs.

    In addition to benefits like money multiplier, nomination facility and internet

    banking and mobile banking one can avail other special privileges like:

    Priority service at all ICICI bank branches and through customer care. Preferential rate on purchase of ICICI bank pure gold and foreign


    Discount on annual fee for safe deposit locker. Special rates on ICICI bank loans.

    Preferential rate on DD/ PO charges.

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    Multi-city cheque book.

    This campaign is launched in order to improve the customer relations with

    the high profile clients as also to provide the best requirements for the

    credit worthy customers.

    These are the 2 big improvements that have been brought about by

    ICICI bank in order to come up with a suitable background and facilities

    provision in a highly competitive market like today!


    1) In order to improve the goodwill of the bank and also for promotions,programs (social and cultural) are put up. Even sponsorships are allotted

    for the same which on the other hand also is a good marketing and

    promotion tool for the bank to improve its name in the market. Various

    social activities are undertaken for childrens day, sports day, new

    years, etc. and also different types of vouchers and schemes are

    exposed to the people in this way.

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    2) Customer services are improved in order to achieve different types ofcustomer delights.

    3) ICICI Banks net profit grew a healthy 18.9% yoy, which was above theirestimates mainly on account of higher NIMs and lower effective tax

    rate. The key positive of the results was continuation of declining trend

    in net additions in gross NPAs from retail loans (almost nil) for the

    sixth consecutive quarter and a substantial reduction in NPA

    provisioning burden (November 2010).

    4) This financial institution has grown over the years in terms of adoptingnew technologies and products and also to nourish them. Thus it has now

    become a household name in a very short span. Not only this, it has also

    showed improvement in market turbulence or expansion into the

    markets. In the last 5 years there has been a constant expansion of a

    lasrge number of subsidiaries.

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    5) ICICI has also made necessary improvements for better employee andcustomer satisfaction too. By being clearer and having a transparent

    system, all the departments are kept well connected and thus the

    employees share a harmonious relationship amongst themselves as well

    as with their superiors. UNIVERSE is a common platform for all the

    employees. FINACLE is software used for external customers. Not only

    this, even consumer grievances are retrieved, and thus for that purpose,

    INTRANET is used for escalation of any issues or problems by way of


    These are certain small improvements/changes/ developments that took place in thisprestigious banking and financial institution


    ICICI Bank is Indias second-largest bank, with total

    assets of $75 billion. Below are some of the initiatives

    that it has taken to consolidate its standing in the global


    In 2002 the merger of ICICI Ltd with ICICI Bank led

    to the creation of Indias second-largest bank in

    terms of assets. As a result of the merger, the ICICI

    groups financing and banking operations, both

    wholesale and retail, were integrated into a single

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    ICICI Bank offers a wide range of banking products

    and financial services to corporate and retail

    customers through a variety of delivery channels, and through specialised subsidiaries and affiliates


    the areas of investment banking, life and non-life

    insurance, venture capital and asset management.

    ICICI exploited an untapped opportunity to target

    Indias mushrooming middle class and corporates by

    offering high levels of customer service and


    ICICIs global network spans 18 countries, with a

    network of 1,452 branches and about 4,721 automated

    teller machines in India.

    Its rural, micro-banking and agri-business division is

    responsible for envisioning and implementing rural

    banking strategy, including agricultural banking and


    ICICI has focused on shaping the small and mediumsized enterprise (SME) sphere in India through

    initiatives such as the Emerging India Awards, the

    SME CEO Knowledge Series a platform to mentor

    and assist SME entrepreneurs and the SME


    Leveraging its international presence and deep

    corporate relationships, ICICI became the preferred

    partner for Indian companies to work with on

    overseas acquisitions and infrastructure projects in


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    ICICI has gone down the celebrity endorsement route

    by promoting its brand through Amitabh Bachchan

    and Shah Rukh Khan.

    The adoption of slogans such as Hum hai na, khayaal

    aapka has helped to connect consumers to the bank

    at an emotional level.

    ICICI was the first Indian bank to introduce branding

    into the banking industry. To leverage the ICICI

    trademark and to create a corporate identity, it adopted

    the I logo, which represents the I Man. In order to

    maintain uniformity, ICICI has also adopted a trade

    dress, keeping in mind its customer base.

    By implementing these strategies, ICICI has

    successfully positioned itself among the top global

    companies. A perusal of the above table indicates that

    ICICI entered the Brand Finance Global 500 in 2010 at

    a ranking of 440. Its brand value also rose steeply from

    $939 million in 2009 to $2.164 billion in 2010. ICICIs

    company ranking rose from 329 in 2009 to 282 in 2010.

    These figures once again suggest a strong correlation

    between brand ranking and company ranking

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