  • !








  • 16. Two of the chambers of the heart have relatively thin walls, one has thick walls and one has very thickwalls. What is the relative thickness of the walls of each of the chambers?

    left ventricleright ventricleleft and right atriaD.

    right ventricleleft ventricleleft and right atriaC.

    left atriumright atriumleft and right ventriclesB.

    right atriumleft atriumleft and right ventriclesA.

    Very thick wallsThick wallsThin walls

    17. Why is infection with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) associated with many different symptoms?

    A. People infected with HIV have different lifestyles.

    B. HIV attacks many different cells in the body causing many of the bodys systems to stop functioningproperly.

    C. The immune system stops functioning properly so many different disease-causing organisms caninvade the body.

    D. People infected with HIV do not always develop AIDS.

    18. How is the loss of heat from exposed parts of the human body such as fingers, toes and nose reduced incold weather?

    A. Less blood flows to these parts of the body.

    B. Capillaries move further away from the skin in exposed parts.

    C. Heat is generated elsewhere in the body by shivering.

    D. The fat layer becomes thinner.

    19. What is placed into the uterus, after the process of in vitro fertilisation (IVF)?

    A. Eggs

    B. Sperm

    C. Embryos

    D. Fetuses

    7 M00/410/H(1)

    220-180 Turn over

  • 20. Which hormones control the contraction of the muscle in the uterus wall?

    A. Oestrogen inhibits it and progesterone stimulates it.

    B. Progesterone inhibits it and oxytocin stimulates it.

    C. Oxytocin inhibits it and FSH stimulates it.

    D. FSH inhibits it and oestrogen stimulates it.

    21. What are characteristics of animal cells during mitosis and cytokinesis but not plant cells?

    Cell membrane pulled inwards at the equatorCentrioles absentD.

    Cell membrane pulled inwards at the equatorCentrioles presentC.

    Cell plate formsCentrioles absentB.

    Cell plate formsCentrioles presentA.CytokinesisMitosis

    22. What are the differences between introns and exons?

    Introns are excised from mRNAbut exons remain part of itExons are translated but introns are notD.

    Exons are excised from mRNAbut introns remain part of itIntrons are translated but exons are notC.

    Exons are excised from mRNAbut introns remain part of itExons are translated but introns are notB.

    Introns are excised from mRNAbut exons remain part of itIntrons are translated but exons are notA.

    23. The amino acid leucine can be coded for by six different codons. How many different kinds of tRNAcould bind to it?

    A. Only one

    B. Not more than six

    C. Twelve

    D. Eighteen

    8 M00/410/H(1)


  • 36. What is the function of each of the tendons in the human elbow joint?

    A. Reducing friction between the humerus and the radius and ulna

    B. Sealing the joint to hold in the synovial fluid

    C. Transmitting force from a muscle above the joint to a bone below the joint

    D. Preventing damage to the joint by acting as a shock absorber

    37. What process moves toxic waste products from the blood to the dialysis fluid in a kidney dialysismachine?

    A. Active transport

    B. Diffusion

    C. Osmosis

    D. Ultrafiltration

    38. What part of the human body has the same function as the spongy mesophyll layer in a leaf?

    A. Alveoli in the lungs

    B. Erythrocytes in the blood

    C. Villi in the small intestine

    D. Sweat glands in the skin

    39. Which conditions will cause the most rapid transpiration in a terrestrial, mesophytic plant?

    darkness100 % humidity10 CNo windD.

    darkness0 % humidity10 CStrong windC.

    bright light100 % humidity20 CStrong windB.

    bright light0 % humidity20 CNo windA.

    13 M00/410/H(1)

    220-180 Turn over

  • 16. What are the products of the reactions catalysed by the enzymes shown in the table?


    hydrochloric acidnucleic acidsC.

    amino acidsfatty acidsB.

    polypeptideslactic acidA.


    17. How does heart muscle contraction differ from the contraction of other muscles in the human body?

    A. It can contract without stimulation from nerves or hormones.

    B. It is stimulated to contract by hormones but not nerves.

    C. It is stimulated to contract by nerves but not hormones.

    D. Nerves speed up its rate of contraction but hormones slow it down.

    18. What is the function of phagocytic leucocytes?

    A. To form a barrier against infection.

    B. To move to sites of infection and ingest microbes.

    C. To divide by mitosis to produce more leucocytes.

    D. To secrete platelets.

    19. The kidney carries out the process of excretion by producing urine, which passes out of the body. What iscontained in urine?

    A. Toxic waste products of metabolism.

    B. Indigestible foods and harmful bacteria.

    C. Excess glucose and amino acids.

    D. Water and plasma proteins.

    8 M01/410/H(1)


  • 20. What does amniocentesis involve?

    A. Removal of amniotic fluid, culturing of cells and karyotyping.

    B. Bursting of the amniotic sac before childbirth.

    C. Bursting of the amniotic sac, removal of embryos and resealing of the amniotic sac.

    D. Production of amniotic fluid to protect the fetus.

    21. In which cells can mitosis occur?

    A. Haploid only.

    B. Diploid only.

    C. Haploid and diploid only.

    D. Haploid, diploid and polyploid.

    22. What happens in the process of splicing mRNA in cells?

    A. Addition of nucleotides to the 5' end of the mRNA.

    B. Addition of nucleotides to the 3' end of the mRNA.

    C. Removal of exons from the initial mRNA transcript.

    D. Removal of introns from the initial mRNA transcript.

    23. What are the special features of allosteric enzymes that are controlled by feedback inhibition byend-products?

    2At the endD.

    2At the beginningC.

    1At the endB.

    1At the beginningA.

    Number ofbinding sites

    Position in ametabolic pathway

    9 M01/410/H(1)

    221-134 Turn over

  • 32. Which characteristic feature is possessed by angiospermophytes but not by coniferophytes?

    A. Leaves

    B. Seeds

    C. Xylem

    D. Flowers

    33. Which structure is used for locomotion in the earthworms but not in arthropods, bony fishes or birds?

    A. Muscles attached to a rigid skeleton

    B. Chaetae

    C. Antagonistic muscles

    D. Jointed legs

    34. Which type of membrane protein is required for transmission of the nerve impulse along the axon?

    A. Channel proteins

    B. Carrier proteins

    C. Receptor proteins

    D. Enzymes

    35. What is the function of the cartilage in the elbow joint?

    A. To reduce friction

    B. To join bones together at the joint

    C. To join the muscles to the bones

    D. To act as a lubricant

    13 M01/410/H(1)

    221-134 Turn over

  • 36. How does the composition of the blood in the renal artery and the renal vein differ?

    A. The renal artery contains less glucose than the renal vein.

    B. The renal artery contains more carbon dioxide than the renal vein.

    C. The renal vein contains less oxygen then the renal artery.

    D. The renal vein contains more urea than the renal artery.

    37. Which process is used in renal dialysis by kidney machines?

    A. Ultrafiltration

    B. Passive diffusion

    C. Active transport

    D. Carrier-assisted diffusion

    38. What structural adaptation is found in hydrophytes but not in xerophytes?

    A. Leaves reduced to spines

    B. Thick waxy cuticles

    C. Reduced root system

    D. Hairy leaves

    14 M01/410/H(1)


  • 15. Which products are formed by the action of the enzymes listed?

    Glucose PolypeptidesD.



    MaltoseAmino acidsA.


    16. What are the states of the valves when the ventricles are relaxed?


    Open ClosedC.



    Semilunar valves in the arteriesAtrio-ventricular valves

    17. Where are the chemoreceptors that detect the changes in blood pH and levels of glucose found?

    LiverVenae cavaeD.

    PancreasCarotid arteryC.

    LiverCarotid veinB.

    Small intestineBrain stemA.

    Changes in blood glucoseChanges in blood pH

    8 M02/410/H(1)+


  • 18. Chorionic villus sampling is a prenatal test. What is the sample?

    A. Tissue from the amnion

    B. Fluid from the amniotic sac

    C. Blood from the umbilical artery

    D. Tissue from the placenta

    19. What changes occur prior and during labour?

    (m = increase, o= decrease)





    Levels of bloodoxytocin

    Levels of bloodprogesterone

    Nerve impulses from the cervix

    9 M02/410/H(1)+

    222-134 Turn over

  • 30. What is the sequence of processes leading to fertilisation?

    A. Acrosome reaction, cortical reaction, egg membrane penetration

    B. Egg membrane penetration, acrosome reaction, cortical reaction

    C. Acrosome reaction, egg membrane penetration, cortical reaction

    D. Cortical reaction, acrosome reaction, egg membrane penetration

    31. The diagram below shows the immune system identifying an infected cell in the body.

    What is the structure labelled I?

    A. Antigen

    B. Antibody

    C. IgA

    D. IgM

    14 M02/410/H(1)+




    MHC molecules


  • 32. What types of agent cause the diseases listed in the table?






    33. An organism has cell walls of chitin, no chlorophyll, stores carbohydrate as glycogen and reproduces bymeans of spores without flagella. What is its kingdom?

    A. Protoctista

    B. Plantae

    C. Fungi

    D. Prokaryotae

    34. Which list shows four levels of taxa in decreasing order of hierarchy?

    A. Family Class Genus Order

    B. Order Family Genus Class

    C. Order Class Family Genus

    D. Class Order Family Genus

    15 M02/410/H(1)+

    222-134 Turn over

  • 35. What is the sequence of events when a nerve impulse reaches the synaptic knob of a neuromuscularjunction?

    I. Synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitter

    II. ions enter the synaptic knob2Ca+

    III. Neurotransmitter attaches to receptors on the muscular membrane (sarcolemma)

    IV. ions enter the muscular membrane Na+

    A. I, II, III, IV

    B. II, I, III, IV

    C. I, IV, II, III

    D. IV, II, I, III

    36. The diagram below shows part of an actin filament of skeletal muscle.




    What are the names of the labelled parts?






    16 M02/410/H(1)+


  • 37. Which structure of the kidney responds to ADH by reabsorbing water?

    A. Proximal convoluted tubule

    B. Loop of Henle

    C. Glomerulus

    D. Collecting duct

    38. Which processes in angiospermophytes involve active transport?

    I. Mineral ion uptake

    II. Translocation

    III. Transpiration

    A. I and II only

    B. I and III only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    39. What are the functions of xylem in angiospermophytes?

    I. Physical support

    II. Passive transport of water and minerals

    III. Active transport of carbohydrates

    A. I, II and III

    B. I and II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I and III only

    17 M02/410/H(1)+

    222-134 Turn over

  • 25. In garden peas, the pairs of alleles coding for seed shape and seed colour are unlinked. The allele forsmooth seeds (S) is dominant over the allele for wrinkled seeds (s). The allele for yellow seeds (Y) isdominant over the allele for green seeds (y).

    If a plant of genotype Ssyy is crossed with a plant of genotype ssYy, which offspring are recombinants?

    A. SsYy and Ssyy

    B. SsYy and ssYy

    C. SsYy and ssyy

    D. Ssyy and ssYy

    26. What constitutes a linkage group?

    A. Genes carried on the same chromosome

    B. Genes whose loci are on different autosomes

    C. Genes controlling a polygenic characteristic

    D. Alleles for the inheritance of ABO blood groups

    27. Where would a digestive enzyme with an optimum pH of 2 be found?

    A. Large intestine

    B. Small intestine

    C. Stomach

    D. Pancreas

    28. Which process decreases when the human body temperature decreases?

    A. Blood flow to the internal organs

    B. Secretion of sweat

    C. Secretion of insulin

    D. Shivering

    10 M03/410/H(1)+


  • 29. A synthetic hormone, syntocin, has the same effect on the body as oxytocin. For what purpose wouldsyntocin be used?

    A. Control of blood glucose levels

    B. Inhibition of the menstrual cycle

    C. Regulation of the heart rate

    D. Stimulation of uterine contraction

    30. Which chamber pumps blood to the lungs?


    II III


    A. I

    B. II

    C. III

    D. IV

    31. Which process results in inhalation?

    A. An increase in volume of the chest cavity

    B. An increase in pressure in the chest cavity

    C. Relaxation of the external intercostal muscles

    D. Relaxation of the diaphragm

    11 M03/410/H(1)+

    223-134 Turn over



  • 32. Which of the following are barriers against the entry of pathogens into the body?

    I. Skin

    II. Mucous membranes

    III. Phagocytic leucocytes

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    33. What is the correct sequence of events during blood clotting?

    A. Thrombin formation clotting factor release fibrin formation

    B. Thrombin formation fibrin formation clotting factor release

    C. Clotting factor release fibrin formation thrombin formation

    D. Clotting factor release thrombin formation fibrin formation

    34. Which cell destroys viral-infected cells?

    A. Macrophage

    B. T-helper

    C. B-lymphocyte

    D. Cytotoxic T-cell

    12 M03/410/H(1)+


  • 35. The diagram below shows the structure of testis tissue as seen using a light microscope.

    Which is the primary spermatocyte?

    36. The diagram below shows a human elbow joint.

    Which response correctly identifies the ulna and the extensor muscle?





    Extensor muscleUlna

    13 M03/410/H(1)+

    223-134 Turn over









  • 37. Which substances are found in the glomerular filtrate but are usually absent in urine?

    A. Amino acids and glucose

    B. Water, pigments and salts

    C. Urea and hormone metabolites

    D. Large plasma proteins and red blood cells

    38. The diagrams below show the distribution of tissues in the root and in the leaf of a dicotyledonous plant.

    Root Leaf

    Which tissues are phloem?

    A. I and III only

    B. I and IV only

    C. II and III only

    D. II and IV only

    39. Which response describes uptake of mineral ions into roots?

    YesNoAgainst a concentration gradientD.

    YesNoFollowing a concentration gradientC.

    YesYesAgainst a concentration gradientB.

    YesYesFollowing a concentration gradientA.

    ATP requirementNeed for amembrane proteinMovement of ions

    14 M03/410/H(1)+







  • 18. Which of the following structures help the absorption of food by the small intestine?

    I. Capillary networks

    II. Villi

    III. Microvilli

    IV. Membrane proteins

    A. I and II only

    B. II and III only

    C. II, III and IV only

    D. I, II, III and IV

    19. Which hormone affects the heart beat?

    A. Glucagon

    B. Insulin

    C. Adrenalin

    D. Oxytocin

    20. Why do antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses?

    A. Antibiotics stimulate the immune system against bacteria but not viruses

    B. Viruses have a way of blocking antibiotics

    C. Viruses are too small to be affected by antibiotics

    D. Viruses do not have a metabolism

    9 M04/411/H(1)+

    224-134 Turn over

  • 18. Which of the following structures help the absorption of food by the small intestine?

    I. Capillary networks

    II. Villi

    III. Microvilli

    IV. Membrane proteins

    A. I and II only

    B. II and III only

    C. II, III and IV only

    D. I, II, III and IV

    19. Which hormone affects the heart beat?

    A. Glucagon

    B. Insulin

    C. Adrenalin

    D. Oxytocin

    20. Why do antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses?

    A. Antibiotics stimulate the immune system against bacteria but not viruses

    B. Viruses have a way of blocking antibiotics

    C. Viruses are too small to be affected by antibiotics

    D. Viruses do not have a metabolism

    9 M04/411/H(1)+

    224-134 Turn over

  • 21. Which of the following is an effect of HIV on the human body?

    A. It reduces the number of erythrocytes in the blood

    B. It reduces the number of platelets in the blood

    C. It increases the amount of plasma in the blood

    D. It reduces the number of lymphocytes in the blood

    22. In thermoregulation, what would happen over a short period of time in each of these areas, if a person wasplaced in water at ?15 C

    Increased shiveringNo change in temperatureDecreased secretionDecreased blood flowD.

    Increased shiveringNo change in temperatureIncreased secretionDecreased blood flowC.

    Increased shiveringDecreased temperatureDecreased secretionDecreased blood flowB.

    Decreased shiveringDecreased temperatureIncreased secretionIncreased blood flowA.

    Skeletal muscleLiverSweat glandsPeripheral circulation

    10 M04/411/H(1)+


  • 23. The diagram below shows the uterus of a pregnant woman.

    [Source: adapted from M B V Roberts (1986), Biology for Life, Nelson, page 348]

    Where are samples taken from in amniocentesis?

    A. I

    B. II

    C. III

    D. IV

    24. The diagram below shows a nucleosome.

    [Source: National Health Museum Graphics Gallery,]

    What is structure X?

    A. DNA

    B. RNA

    C. Histone

    D. Deoxyribose

    11 M04/411/H(1)+

    224-134 Turn over






  • 29. When does recombination take place?

    A. Only when linked genes cross over

    B. When non-linked genes cross over and when linked genes show independent assortment

    C. Only when linked genes show independent assortment

    D. When non-linked genes show independent assortment and when linked genes show crossing over

    30. A polygenic character is controlled by two genes each with two alleles. How many different possiblegenotypes are there for this character?

    A. 2

    B. 4

    C. 9

    D. 16

    31. What is the sequence of events in spermatogenesis?





    14 M04/411/H(1)+


  • 32. Which of the following parts of the male reproductive system contribute to the production of semen?

    I. Epididymis

    II. Seminal vesicle

    III. Bladder

    IV. Prostate

    A. II only

    B. II and IV only

    C. I, II and IV only

    D. I, II, III and IV

    33. Where is human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) produced?

    A. Ovary

    B. Anterior pituitary

    C. Embryo

    D. Posterior pituitary

    15 M04/411/H(1)+

    224-134 Turn over

  • 34. Which curve shows the response of the immune system to a vaccine, followed by an infection?


    Level of


    Time V I


    Level of


    Time V I


    Level of


    Time V I


    Level of


    Time V I

    V = Vaccination I = Infection

    35. What are the sequence of events at synaptic transmission?

    I. Neurotransmitter released

    II. Ca2+

    enters synaptic knob

    III. Neurotransmitter binds with receptor

    IV. Action potential opens Ca2+


    A. I, II, III, IV

    B. IV, II, I, III

    C. I, III, IV, II

    D. IV, II, III, I

    16 M04/411/H(1)+


  • 36. What is required to form a blood clot?

    I. Platelets

    II. Clotting factors

    III. Antibodies

    IV. Fibrinogen

    A. I and II only

    B. I, II and III only

    C. I, II and IV only

    D. I, II, III and IV

    37. Where in the kidney does ultrafiltration take place?

    A. Glomerulus

    B. Loop of Henl

    C. Proximal tubule

    D. Collecting ducts

    38. Which of the following are moved by active transport in the kidneys?

    I. Glucose

    II. Water

    III. Salts

    IV. Proteins

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. I and III only

    D. I, II, III and IV

    17 M04/411/H(1)+

    224-134 Turn over

  • 19. Which of the following is correct regarding the enzymes listed in the table?

    fatty acids and glycerolamino acidssmall polysaccharides ormonosaccharidesProductD.

    fatty acids and glycerolsmall polysaccharides ormonosaccharidesamino acidsProductC.

    polysaccharidedipeptide or polypeptideemulsified fatSubstrateB.

    dipeptide or polypeptideemulsified fatpolysaccharideSubstrateA.



    20. The diagram shows how the body regulates glucose levels in the blood.

    Glucose increase

    released Glucose decrease

    Glucose normal



    What is Y?

    A. Amylase

    B. Insulin

    C. Glucagon

    D. Glycogen

    8 M04/412/H(1)+


  • 21. What is transported by the blood?

    I. Carbon dioxide

    II. Antibodies

    III. Urea

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    22. Which features of alveoli make them well suited to gas exchange?

    I. Dense arterial network

    II. Moist lining

    III. Walls consisting of a single layer of flattened cells

    A. I and II only

    B. I and III only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    9 M04/412/H(1)+

    224-137 Turn over

  • 23. What are the structures labelled I, II and III in the diagram below?






    10 M04/412/H(1)+





  • 32. Where does human fertilization most frequently occur?

    A. Ovary

    B. Oviduct

    C. Uterus

    D. Vagina

    33. Which part of the structure below is most directly involved in the acrosome reaction?

    A B C D

    34. Which type of immunity usually results from vaccination?

    A. active, natural

    B. active, artificial

    C. passive, natural

    D. passive, artificial

    35. Which type of cell is responsible for secondary immune responses to a pathogen?

    A. Cytotoxic T-cells

    B. Phagocytes

    C. Macrophages

    D. Memory cells

    14 M04/412/H(1)+


  • 36. Which structure is responsible for passing messages directly to effector organs?

    A B C D

    37. The movement of which ion initiates an action potential?

    A. Calcium

    B. Magnesium

    C. Sodium

    D. Potassium

    38. Which structure transports blood with the highest concentration of urea?

    15 M04/412/H(1)+

    224-137 Turn over





  • 18. In 1789 Gilbert White, a naturalist, observed eight breeding pairs of swifts (Apus apus) in the Englishvillage of Selborne. Each pair of swifts produces two offspring on average per year. In 200 years thisshould have produced swifts in the village of Selborne. A survey carried out in 1983 revealed only301012 breeding pairs in this village.

    Which of the following possibilities could have prevented the numbers rising to ?3010

    I. The number of nesting sites remained the same

    II. The food supply of the swifts remained constant

    III. Predatory birds in the area were exterminated

    IV. The climate become colder from 1789 onwards

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. I, II and III only

    D. I, II and IV only

    19. What are the characteristics of the lipase used in digestion?



    Lipid8Small intestineB.


    SubstrateOptimum pHSource

    20. Which is the correct sequence of blood flow in normal human circulation?

    A. pulmonary vein t right atrium t aorta t vena cava

    B. vena cava t pulmonary vein t aorta t right atrium

    C. vena cava t right atrium t pulmonary vein t aorta

    D. pulmonary vein t vena cava t aorta t right atrium

    8 M05/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ1/XX+


  • 21. How can human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) get transmitted from one human to another?

    I. By touching the skin of an infected person

    II. Through drinking contaminated water

    III. Through the exchange of body fluids

    IV. From mother to child across the placenta

    A. I and III only

    B. III and IV only

    C. I, III and IV only

    D. I, II, III and IV

    22. Which cells secrete insulin?

    A. !-cells of the pancreas

    B. Cells of the liver

    C. "-cells of the pancreas

    D. Epithelial cells of the intestine

    23. What does oxytocin control?

    A. Brain development of the fetus

    B. Onset of ovulation

    C. Stimulation of uterine contractions

    D. Implantation of the blastocyst

    9 M05/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ1/XX+

    2205-6007 Turn over

  • 32. Which of the following are functions of the placenta?

    I. Gas exchange

    II. Stimulation of uterine contractions

    III. Secretion of progesterone

    IV. Secretion of estrogens

    A. I only

    B. III and IV only

    C. I, III and IV only

    D. I, II, III and IV

    33. A blood clot contains a network of protein. What is the protein?

    A. Fibrin

    B. Fibrinogen

    C. Hemoglobin

    D. Thrombin

    34. Monoclonal antibodies are produced by hybridoma cells. Hybridoma cells are formed by fusing tumorcells with another cell type. What is this cell type?

    A. Phagocytes

    B. B-cells

    C. Stem cells

    D. T-cells

    14 M05/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ1/XX+


  • 35. In a nerve impulse, what happens at the site following the highest point of the action potential?

    A. Voltage-gated sodium ion channels open and is pumped in.Na+

    B. Voltage-gated sodium ion channels open and diffuses out.Na+

    C. Voltage-gated potassium ion channels open and is pumped out.K+

    D. Voltage-gated potassium ion channels open and diffuses out.K+

    36. The diagram shows part of a muscle fibre. What will have occurred to bring the muscle fibre into thisstate?

    A. The sarcoplasmic reticulum becomes polarized.

    B. Calcium ions move out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

    C. ADP and inorganic phosphate condense to form ATP.

    D. Troponin/tropomyosin protein complex blocks actin filament.

    37. What is the relative toxicity of the following nitrogenous compounds?

    A. ammonia > uric acid > urea

    B. uric acid > urea > ammonia

    C. urea > uric acid > ammonia

    D. ammonia > urea > uric acid

    15 M05/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ1/XX+

    2205-6007 Turn over

  • 38. Which part of the nephron shown below is impermeable to water molecules?

    A. I

    B. II

    C. III

    D. IV

    39. Which of the following is a correct comparison of the bryophytes and the filicinophytes?

    No woody tissueHas woody tissueD.

    Has rootsHas rhizoidsC.

    Has scalesHas true leavesB.

    No waxy cuticleHas a waxy cuticleA.


    16 M05/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ1/XX+


  • 2205-6013

    6 M05/4/BIOLO/HPM/ENG/TZ2/XX+

    16. Which of the following may correctly identify the role(s) of some bacteria in an ecosystem?

    A. Autotroph only

    B. Autotroph and decomposer

    C. Decomposer and heterotroph

    D. Autotroph, decomposer and heterotroph

    17. Which of the following can produce variation in a species?

    I. Mitosis

    II. Meiosis

    III. Fertilization

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    18. Which of the following is correct for a pathogen? yes no

    Can be a virus Can cause antibody response Is antigenic





  • 2205-6013


    Turn over


    19. Which of the following is closely associated with lowering of high body temperature?

    A. Constriction of blood vessels in the skin

    B. Vasodilation of blood vessels in the skin

    C. Increased shivering

    D. Decreased sweat production

    20. Which of the following correctly describes blood entering the pulmonary artery from the heart?

    A. Leaves left ventricle Oxygenated

    B. Leaves right ventricle Deoxygenated

    C. Leaves left ventricle Deoxygenated

    D. Leaves right ventricle Oxygenated

    21. Which of the following correctly explains the functions of parts of the digestive system?

    Stomach Small intestine Large intestine

    A. Digests proteins Absorbs vitamin K Absorbs water

    B. Absorbs water Digests carbohydrates Digests proteins

    C. Digests lipids Digests proteins Absorbs water

    D. Digests proteins Absorbs glucose Absorbs water

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    22. Which of the following represents the blastocyst?

    A. B.

    C. D.

    [Source: Campbell and Reece, Biology, (2002), 6th edition, Benjamin Cummings, pages 10031004]

    23. A biochemist isolated and purified molecules needed for DNA replication. When some DNA was added replication occurred, but the DNA molecules formed were defective. Each consisted of a normal DNA strand paired with segments of DNA a few hundred nucleotides long. Which of the following had been left out of the mixture?

    A. DNA ligase

    B. Helicase

    C. Nucleotides

    D. DNA polymerase

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    31. Where would meiosis occur in humans?

    A. Bone marrow

    B. Liver cells

    C. Uterus

    D. Ovary

    32. What is the primary/main role of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) in pregnancy?

    A. Maintains corpus luteum

    B. Reduces progesterone levels

    C. Development of the fetus

    D. Increases estrogen levels

    33. Which of the following are attacked by cytotoxic T-cells?

    I. Cancer cells

    II. Bacteria

    III. Virus infected cells

    A. I only

    B. I and III only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

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    34. The diagram below is of a neuron.

    I II III

    [Source: adapted from S I Fox, Human Physiology, (1999), 6, McGraw-Hill, page 168]

    Which of the following correctly name the structures labelled I, II and III?

    I II III

    A. Nodes of Ranvier Myelin sheath Cell body

    B. Myelin sheath Nodes of Ranvier Cell body

    C. Myelin sheath Cell body Nodes of Ranvier

    D. Nodes of Ranvier Cell body Myelin sheath

    35. When a motor neuron is at its resting potential, which of the following is correct for the concentration of Na+ and K+ ions?

    Inside neuron Outside neuron

    A. K+ high Na+ low

    B. Na+ low K+ high

    C. K+ high Na+ high

    D. Na+ high K+ low

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    36. Which nitrogenous waste products are excreted by the following organisms?

    Freshwater fish Birds Mammals

    A. Urea Urea Uric acid

    B. Ammonia Uric acid Ammonia

    C. Ammonia Uric acid Urea

    D. Uric acid Ammonia Urea

    37. In diabetes mellitus, which compound is found in excess in the urine?

    A. Insulin

    B. Glucagon

    C. Protein

    D. Glucose

    38. Which of the following help(s) in supporting a terrestrial woody plant?

    I. Xylem tissue

    II. Turgor pressure

    III. Phloem tissue

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

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    22. Which is the correct sequence of events in a heart beat?

    A. Atriacontract


    Semi-lunarvalves close

    Atrio-ventricular valves close

    B. Atriacontract

    Atrio-ventricular valves close


    Semi-lunarvalves close

    C. Atriacontract


    Atrio-ventricular valves close

    Semi-lunarvalves open

    D. Ventriclescontract


    Atrio-ventricular valves close

    Semi-lunarvalves close

    23. What are the characteristics of blood flowing in arteries and veins?

    Arteries Veins

    A. Slow velocity Fast velocity

    B. High pressure Low pressure

    C. Deoxygenated Oxygenated

    D. Greater than 37 Less then 37

    24. What makes the skin a barrier to infectious diseases?

    A. Impermeable cells which are frequently replaced

    B. Patrolling phagocytes

    C. Cells coated in antibody molecules

    D. Cells which secrete lysozyme enzyme

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    25. Which is the correct sequence of events during the phagocytosis of a bacterium by a leucocyte?

    I. Food vacuole forms

    II. Plasma membrane receptors detect antigen on the surface of the bacterium

    III. Lysosomes fuse with the food vacuole

    IV. Engulfs bacterium


    B. II I III IV

    C. II IV I III

    D. I II IV III

    26. Which labelled structures represent the epididymis and the prostate gland?

    Epididymis Prostate gland

    A. I III

    B. II III

    C. I IV

    D. IV I

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    32. Which of the structures labelled in the diagram below provide nourishment for developing sperm cells?

    [Source: Freeman and Bracegirdle (1976), An atlas of histology, Heinemann, page 91]

    33. Which hormone maintains the corpus luteum in the ovary of a woman at implantation?

    A. FSH

    B. LH

    C. HCG

    D. Progesterone

    34. What is the difference between natural and artificial immunity?

    Natural Artificial

    A. Uses a vaccine Uses synthetic antibodies

    B. Response to an infection Response to a vaccination

    C. Memory cells formed No memory cells formed

    D. Only active immunity Only passive immunity

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    35. When an impulse arrives at a synapse which way do calcium ions move?

    A. Into the synaptic knob from the synaptic cleft

    B. Into the post synaptic nerve cell from the synaptic cleft

    C. Out from the synaptic knob into the synaptic cleft

    D. Out from the post synaptic nerve cell into the synaptic cleft

    36. What are the characteristics of the skeletal systems of the following animals?

    Earthworm Bird Insect Bony fish

    A. Solid and internal Solid and internal Solid and internal Fluid and internal

    B. Fluid and internal Solid and internal Fluid and internal Solid and external

    C. Fluid and internal Solid and internal Solid and external Solid and internal

    D. Solid and internal Solid and external Solid and internal Solid and external

    37. What are the main excretory products of birds?

    I. Urea

    II. Uric acid

    III. Ammonia

    IV. Carbon dioxide

    A. I and III only

    B. II and IV only

    C. III and IV only

    D. II, III, and IV only

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    38. The diagram below shows part of the glomerulus from a kidney as seen under the electron microscope. Which part is the basement membrane?



    39. Xerophytes and hydrophytes are adapted to their environments. Which pair of adaptations is correct?

    Xerophytes Hydrophytes

    A. Air spaces in roots Water storage in roots

    B. No stomata No stomata

    C. Stomata in pits Thin or no cuticle

    D. Thick cuticle Stomata in pits

    40. Which direction does the phloem transport materials?

    A. Up the plant at night and down the plant during the day

    B. Up and down the plant all the time

    C. Up the plant only

    D. Down the plant only

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    21. Which of the following changes occur with the onset of exercise?

    A. Increase in pH of blood

    B. Increase in rate of cellular respiration

    C. Decrease in rate of contraction of the diaphragm

    D. Decrease in carbon dioxide concentration of the blood

    22. In which part of the digestive system is most water re-absorbed?

    A. The kidneys

    B. The stomach

    C. The small intestine

    D. The large intestine

    23. Which of the following is part of the process of ventilation?

    A. Changes in the volume of the thoracic cavity

    B. Exchange of gases across the surface of the alveoli

    C. Exchange of gases across the surface of capillaries

    D. Cellular respiration

    24. Which of the following occur(s) at birth in the mothers body?

    I. Increase in oxytocin

    II. Increase in uterine contractions

    III. Increase in levels of progesterone

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

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    25. Which of the following is regulated by positive feedback?

    A. Blood sugar

    B. Temperature

    C. Oxytocin levels

    D. Progesterone levels

    26. Which of the following is a secondary sexual characteristic in human females?

    A. Increasing relative width of hips

    B. Presence of mammary glands

    C. Presence of a uterus

    D. Presence of a bladder

    27. According to the induced fit model of enzyme function, which of the following statements is correct?

    A. Active sites on enzymes are specific to a single substrate.

    B. The shape of the active site can be changed by the binding of an allosteric inhibitor.

    C. The binding of the substrate changes the shape of the active site slightly.

    D. Competitive inhibitors can change the shape of enzymes.

    28. Which of the following statements about pyruvate is true?

    A. It contains less energy than glucose per molecule.

    B. Every molecule of glucose is converted to one molecule of pyruvate.

    C. Pyruvate is produced in the mitochondria.

    D. Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted to lactate.

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    29. At which stage of photosynthesis is light involved most directly?

    A. Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH2

    B. Chemiosmosis

    C. The synthesis of chlorophyll

    D. The photoactivation of chlorophyll

    30. During which process are oxygen molecules directly involved during cellular respiration?

    A. Glycolysis

    B. Krebs cycle

    C. Oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA

    D. Accepting electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

    31. Which of the following is/are necessary to produce monoclonal antibodies?

    I. Tumour cells

    II. Plasma (B) cells

    III. Macrophages

    A. II only

    B. I and II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    32. In which of the following structures does meiosis take place?

    A. Epididymis

    B. Prostate gland

    C. Testis

    D. Seminal vesicle

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    33. Membrane proteins are critical components of nerve function.

    Which process in nerves does not require a membrane protein?

    A. Diffusion of neurotransmitter

    B. Active transport of sodium

    C. Propagation of an action potential

    D. Binding of neurotransmitter

    34. Which of the following has vascular tissue?

    A. Algae

    B. Chlorophyta

    C. Bryophyta

    D. Angiospermophytes

    35. What treatment is most likely to lead to germination?

    A. Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins

    B. Increasing CO2 concentration

    C. Increasing light intensity

    D. Dehydrating the seeds

    36. Which of the following explains clonal selection?

    A. Memory cells are present at birth.

    B. Antigens activate specific immune responses.

    C. The body selects which antigens it will respond to.

    D. People with similar genes respond to antigens in a similar way.

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    17. Two cellular activities that support human life are absorption and assimilation. What is needed for assimilation but not for absorption?

    A. Enzymes to synthesize new molecules

    B. Blood capillaries

    C. Dissolved nutrients

    D. Microvilli

    18. Which sequence of events correctly describes the destruction of pathogens in body tissues by phagocytic leucocytes?

    A. amoeboid motion endocytosis chemical recognition enzymatic digestion

    B. chemical recognition amoeboid motion enzymatic digestion endocytosis

    C. amoeboid motion chemical recognition enzymatic digestion endocytosis

    D. chemical recognition amoeboid motion endocytosis enzymatic digestion

    19. How many times does an oxygen molecule cross a plasma membrane when moving from inside an alveolus to the hemoglobin of a red blood cell?

    A. Two

    B. Three

    C. Four

    D. Five

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    20. Women should periodically have a Pap smear test performed to detect cervical cancer. Which letter indicates the cervix in the diagram below?





    21. In human embryo development, what is the approximate time span between fertilization and implantation of the blastocyst?

    A. 12 days

    B. 7 days

    C. 72 hours

    D. 36 hours

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    31. What is the origin and role of luteinizing hormone (LH) in spermatogenesis?

    Origin Role

    A. Interstitial cells of testes triggers first meiotic division

    B. Pituitary gland stimulates testosterone production

    C. Pituitary gland triggers first meiotic division

    D. Interstitial cells of testes stimulates testosterone production

    32. Why is human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) important in early pregnancy?

    A. It is required for equal cell divisions in the growing embryo.

    B. It stimulates the ovary to continue production of estrogen and progesterone.

    C. It increases the rate of cell division in the embryo.

    D. It promotes growth of the inner cell mass within the embryo.

    33. Which sequence will result in the formation of a blood clot?

    A. damaged cells clotting factors thrombin fibrin

    B. damaged cells red blood cells clotting factors fibrinogen

    C. red blood cells clotting factors damaged cells fibrinogen

    D. red blood cells clotting factors thrombin fibrinogen

    34. What is the role of ligaments in the elbow joint?

    A. Attach biceps to radius

    B. Reduce friction between humerus, ulna and radius

    C. Hold humerus, ulna and radius in proper alignment

    D. Secrete synovial fluid

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    35. Which division describes the central nervous system?

    A. Peripheral and central

    B. Voluntary and involuntary nerves

    C. Brain and spinal cord

    D. Sensory and motor nerves

    36. Which process in the human body produces nitrogenous wastes?

    A. Osmoregulation

    B. Degradation of amino acids

    C. Cellular respiration

    D. Ultrafiltration

    37. What process do the kidney and kidney dialysis machines have in common?

    A. Endocytosis

    B. Active transport

    C. Diffusion

    D. Exocytosis

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    18. The diagram below shows a simplified version of the carbon cycle.

    CO2 in atmosphere

    I II

    Fuels Plants Secondary Consumer Primary Consumer

    What processes are involved in the transfer of carbon at stages I and II?

    I II

    A. combustion photosynthesis

    B. photosynthesis respiration

    C. combustion respiration

    D. fossilization respiration

    19. Which of the following outlines the roles of the two hormones oxytocin and progesterone during childbirth?

    Oxytocin Progesterone

    A. causes uterine contraction level rises allowing oxytocin production

    B. level falls allowing progesterone production causes uterine contraction

    C. stimulates oestrogen production level falls allowing oxytocin production

    D. causes uterine contraction level falls causing oxytocin production

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    20. How do endocrine glands function when they are involved in homeostasis?

    A. They release hormones directly into the blood system.

    B. They release hormones through ducts to where they are used.

    C. They release digestive enzymes from the pancreas.

    D. They cause positive feedback in the bodys structures.

    21. What is a pathogen?

    A. An organism that transmits a disease to humans

    B. A factor that causes lethal mutations

    C. A gene that makes a disease lethal

    D. An organism causing a disease

    22. Why are there many different types of lymphocyte in the body?

    A. Each type can recognize one specific antibody and produces a specific antigen against it.

    B. Each type can recognize one specific antigen and produces a specific antibody against it.

    C. Each type can recognize one antigen and engulf it by phagocytosis.

    D. Each type can recognize one antibody and engulf it by phagocytosis.

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    23. What substances are normally removed from the body by the kidney?

    I. Excess salts

    II. Water

    III. Glucose

    A. I and II only

    B. I and III only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    24. What happens to the zygote immediately after fertilization?

    A. It remains in the uterus until placenta develops.

    B. It implants in the wall of the uterus.

    C. It divides by meiosis to form an embryo.

    D. It divides by mitosis to form a blastocyst.

    25. What is absorption?

    A. Food entering the mouth and being chewed

    B. Food entering the stomach for digestion

    C. Taking digested food into the blood stream

    D. Making complex organic molecules in cells using digested foods

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    26. What is in vitro fertilization?

    A. Fertilization using donated sperm

    B. Artificial fertilization of an egg inside the body

    C. Fertilization of an egg outside the body

    D. Cloning technique to help couples conceive

    27. What occurs in the induced fit model for enzyme catalysed reactions?

    A. There is an exact fit between a specific substrate and a specific enzyme.

    B. The enzyme can change shape to accommodate the substrate.

    C. The substrate can change its shape to fit a number of enzymes.

    D. Other substrates can bind away from the active site.

    28. What is a nucleosome?

    A. The protein core of a chromosome

    B. Histone proteins and DNA

    C. A chain of ribosomes

    D. The material within the nuclear membrane

    29. What is an intron?

    A. The 3 5 strand of a DNA double helix

    B. The 5 3 strand of a DNA double helix

    C. A section of mRNA removed before translation

    D. A tRNA with a start anticodon

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    32. The diagram below shows a cell undergoing meiosis. What is this stage of meiosis?

    A. Anaphase I

    B. Prophase I

    C. Anaphase II

    D. Telophase II

    33. A pure breeding tall plant with smooth seeds was crossed with a pure breeding short plant with wrinkled seeds. All the F1 plants were tall with smooth seeds. Two of these F1 plants were crossed and four different phenotypes were obtained in the 320 plants produced.

    How many tall plants with wrinkled seeds would you expect to find?

    A. 20

    B. 180

    C. 60

    D. 30

    34. What is the function of the epididymis?

    A. Mucus production

    B. Production of nutrient fructose solution

    C. Storage of sperm during maturation

    D. Secretion of alkaline solution

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    35. During oogenesis how many gametes are produced from one oogonium, the cell that starts to divide to produce gametes?

    A. 1

    B. 2

    C. 3

    D. 4

    36. Some infectious diseases are treated by injecting the patient with antibodies after they have been exposed to the disease.

    What type of immunity is this?

    A. artificial and active

    B. artificial and passive

    C. natural and passive

    D. natural and active

    37. When a nerve impulse is received by skeletal muscle it initiates a number of processes that result in contraction. What are the roles of Ca2+, tropomyosin and ATP in contraction?

    Ca2+ Tropomyosin ATP

    A. binds to troponin exposes binding site binds to myosin

    B. binds to myosin exposes binding site binds to troponin

    C. binds to actin exposes binding site binds to myosin

    D. binds to troponin binds to myosin binds to actin

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    38. What part of the kidney is affected by anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)?

    A. Proximal convoluted tubule

    B. Loop of Henle

    C. Collecting duct

    D. Glomerulus

    39. The diagram below shows a cross section through part of a dicotyledonous plant. What is the tissue labelled I?


    A. Cortex

    B. Phloem

    C. Endodermis

    D. Xylem

    40. What route can water from the soil take as it passes through the root?

    A. Active transport

    B. Symplast pathway

    C. Translocation

    D. Endocytosis

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    18. Which vessels correspond with the descriptions of I, II and III below?

    I. Thick outer layer of longitudinal collagen. Thick layers of circular elastic and muscle fibres. Narrow lumen.

    II. Thin outer layer of longitudinal collagen. Thin layers with a few circular elastic and muscle fibres. Wide lumen.

    III. Wall consists of single layer of cells. Pores between cells that form the wall. Very narrow lumen.

    I II III

    A. artery vein capillary

    B. vein artery capillary

    C. artery capillary vein

    D. vein capillary artery

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    19. Which processes are represented by the labels in the diagram below?



    I II

    A. A phagocyte ingesting a microbe by exocytosis.

    Digestion of the microbe with the help of the Golgi apparatus.

    B. A phagocyte ingesting a microbe by endocytosis.

    Digestion of the microbe with the help of a lysosome.

    C. A phagocyte ingesting a microbe by exocytosis.

    Digestion of the microbe with the help of a lysosome.

    D. A phagocyte ingesting a microbe by endocytosis.

    Digestion of the microbe with the help of the Golgi apparatus.

    20. Which type of urine would be produced in a human whose diet contains very small quantities of protein or fluid?

    Urea Concentration Salt Concentration

    A. High Low

    B. Low High

    C. High High

    D. Low Low

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    21. The diagram below shows the human male reproductive system and associated organs.




    Which of the labelled structures indicate the bladder, prostate and urethra?

    Bladder Prostate Urethra

    A. Y X Z

    B. X Y Z

    C. Z X Y

    D. X Z Y

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    22. What are the effect(s) of changing levels of FSH in the human menstrual cycle?

    A. Peak levels cause ovulation.

    B. Peak levels stimulate follicle development and estrogen secretion of the follicle.

    C. Peak levels stimulate follicle development and progesterone secretion of the follicle.

    D. Peak levels cause repair of the lining of the uterus.

    23. Which are the correct directions of the following processes?

    Replication Transcription Translation

    A. 5 to 3 3 to 5 3 to 5

    B. 3 to 5 5 to 3 5 to 3

    C. 5 to 3 5 to 3 5 to 3

    D. 3 to 5 3 to 5 3 to 5

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    30. What constitutes a linkage group?

    A. Genes whose loci are on different chromosomes

    B. Genes carried on the same chromosome

    C. Genes controlling a polygenic characteristic

    D. Genes for the inheritance of ABO blood groups

    31. What are the possible outcomes of recombination?

    I. A different combination of unlinked genes not seen in the parents II. A different combination of linked genes not seen in the parents III. The same combination of genes seen in the parents

    A. I and II only

    B. I and III only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    32. Which correctly describes the role of the epididymis in semen production?

    A. Produces fluid containing fructose to nurture sperm.

    B. Finishes maturation of sperm so that they are capable of swimming.

    C. Produces alkaline fluid with minerals to protect sperm.

    D. Produces fluid containing fructose and store mature sperm.

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    33. After fertilization what is the correct order of events?

    A. Embryo secretes HCG implantation of embryo in uterine wall stimulates corpus luteum

    to grow

    B. Implantation of embryo in uterine wall stimulates corpus luteum to grow embryo secretes


    C. Implantation of embryo in uterine wall embryo secretes HCG stimulates corpus luteum

    to grow

    D. Continued secretion of progesterone and estrogen embryo secretes HCG stimulates corpus

    luteum to grow implantation of embryo in uterine wall

    34. Colostrum, the first milk produced by the mother after giving birth, also contains antibodies that can be absorbed into the babys blood. What type of immunity is the baby acquiring from its mother?

    A. Passive

    B. Antigen

    C. Active

    D. Artificial

    35. What is the correct order in the production of monoclonal antibodies?

    A. Isolate B-cells producing specific antibody inject antigens into animal fuse B-cells with

    tumour cells harvest monoclonal antibodies.

    B. Inject antigens into animal isolate B-cells producing specific antibody fuse B-cells with

    tumour cells harvest monoclonal antibodies.

    C. Isolate B-cells producing specific antibody fuse B-cells with tumour cells inject antigens

    into animal harvest monoclonal antibodies.

    D. Inject antigens into animal fuse cultured B-cells with tumour cells isolate B-cells producing

    specific antibody harvest monoclonal antibodies.

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    36. After depolorization what happens to restore the resting potential?

    A. Sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse out of the neuron

    B. Potassium channels open and potassium ions diffuse into the neuron

    C. Potassium channels open and potassium ions diffuse out of the neuron

    D. Sodium channels open and sodium ions diffuse into the neuron

    37. The diagram below shows part of a muscle fibre. What parts are labelled I and II?

    I II

    I II

    A. Myosin filaments Actin filaments

    B. Troponin filaments Tropomyosin filaments

    C. Tropomyosin filaments Troponin filaments

    D. Actin filaments Myosin filaments

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    16. What is a factor that increases the greenhouse effect and what is a consequence of it?

    Factor contributing to increases in the greenhouse effect

    Consequence of the increasedgreenhouse effect

    A. Increasing global temperatures Rising sea levels

    B. Rising sea levels Increasing global temperatures

    C. Increasing global temperatures Burning fossil fuels to run air conditioning

    D. Increases in air travel Increasing global temperatures

    17. Which of the following structures increase the surface area for absorption of digested food in the small intestine?

    I. Microvilli

    II. Protein pumps

    III. Villi

    A. I only

    B. I and III only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

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    18. What are the structures labelled I and II on the diagram of the heart?



    A. I is the pulmonary artery and II is the atrio-ventricular valve.

    B. I is the pulmonary vein and II is the atrio-ventricular valve.

    C. I is the pulmonary artery and II is the semi-lunar valve.

    D. I is the pulmonary vein and II is the semi-lunar valve.

    19. Why are antibiotics ineffective against viruses?

    A. Viruses do not have metabolic pathways for the antibiotic to target.

    B. Viruses have developed resistance to antibiotics.

    C. Viruses destroy T-lymphocytes before the antibiotic can work.

    D. Viruses mutate quickly when challenged by an antibiotic.

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    20. What changes would occur if a person moved from a cold swimming pool to a very warm changing room?

    Transfer of heat in blood to the skin

    Temperature ofthe skin

    Rate of blood flow in skin arterioles

    A. Decreases Increases Increases

    B. Increases Decreases Increases

    C. Increases Increases Decreases

    D. Increases Increases Increases

    21. Do the levels of progesterone and FSH increase or remain low during the first few days of the menstrual cycle?

    A. Progesterone and FSH both remain low.

    B. Progesterone remains low but FSH increases.

    C. Progesterone increases but FSH remains low.

    D. Progesterone and FSH both increase.

    22. What happens during amniocentesis?

    A. The amniotic sac fills up with fluid to prevent damage to the fetus.

    B. Amniotic fluid is removed to obtain fetal cells for testing.

    C. The amniotic fluid is replaced to avoid rejection problems with rhesus positive fetuses.

    D. Fluid is emptied from the amniotic sac during childbirth.

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    28. Humans are in blood group M, N or MN. The alleles for blood group M (M) and blood group N (N) are co-dominant. Humans are also in blood group A, B, AB or O. The alleles controlling these blood groups are IA, IB and i.

    If two parents have the genotypes ii MM and IAi MN what is the ratio of possible phenotypes of their offspring?

    A. 9 group A, group M 3 group A, group N 3 group O, group M 1 group O, group N

    B. 9 group O, group M 3 group O, group N 3 group A, group M 1 group A, group N

    C. 3 group O, group M 3 group O, group MN 1 group A, group M 1 group A, group MN

    D. 1 group A, group M 1 group A, group MN 1 group O, group M 1 group O, group MN

    29. A cell replicates its DNA and then starts to divide by meiosis. What is the expected arrangement of chromosomes if crossing over has taken place between the two genes shown?

    A. B.

    C. D.

    30. What is the location and function of Sertoli cells?

    Location Function

    A. Seminiferous tubule Feeding developing sperm

    B. Seminiferous tubule Feeding interstitial cells

    C. Epididymis Feeding developing sperm

    D. Epididymis Feeding interstitial cells

  • 2208-6013


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    31. During fertilization in humans, where do the acrosome and the cortical reactions occur most often?

    Acrosome reaction Cortical reaction

    A. Vagina Uterus

    B. Uterus Oviduct (fallopian tube)

    C. Oviduct (fallopian tube) Uterus

    D. Oviduct (fallopian tube) Oviduct (fallopian tube)

    32. Which is the correct sequence of events when skin is cut and bleeding occurs?

    I. Thrombin is produced

    II Fibrinogen is converted into fibrin

    III Platelets release clotting factors

    A. I II III

    B. I III II

    C. III II I

    D. III I II

    33. What causes artificial active immunity?

    A. Deliberately exposing a child to a disease

    B. Secretion of antibodies in milk

    C. Inoculation with a vaccine

    D. Injection of monoclonal antibodies

  • 2208-6013

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    34. Which ion is pumped into the axon of a neuron to help maintain the resting potential?

    A. Calcium (Ca2+ ))

    B. Hydrogen (H+ ))

    C. Potassium (K+ ))

    D. Sodium (Na+ ))

    35. What structures are used in the locomotion of bony fishes and birds, but not in the locomotion of earthworms and arthropods?

    A. Antagonistic muscles

    B. Bones to which antagonistic muscles are attached

    C. Neurons to stimulate muscle contraction

    D. Fins or wings for swimming or flying

    36. In which part of the nephron is the glucose concentration of the filtrate reduced?

    A. Distal convoluted tubule

    B. Proximal convoluted tubule

    C. Ascending limb of the loop of Henl

    D. Descending limb of the loop of Henl

  • 2208-6013


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    37. What structures are labelled I, II and III in the diagram of the kidney below?




    I II III

    A. Cortex Medulla Urethra

    B. Medulla Pelvis Ureter

    C. Cortex Medulla Ureter

    D. Medulla Pelvis Urethra

    38. Which is an adaptation of hydrophytes?

    A. Water storage tissue

    B. Shallow but widely spreading roots

    C. Reduced thickness of cuticle

    D. Large numbers of stomata in the lower epidermis

  • 8808-6001


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    17. The diagram below represents the human digestive system.





    Which of the following correctly represents the labels?

    Esophagus Gall bladder Small intestine Pancreas

    A. 1 4 2 3

    B. 1 4 3 2

    C. 4 3 1 2

    D. 2 1 3 4

    18. What are the characteristics of blood flowing through most arteries and veins?

    Arteries Veins

    A. slow velocity fast velocity

    B. high pressure low pressure

    C. deoxygenated oxygenated

    D. greater than 37 C less than 37 C

  • 8808-6001

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    19. What will be an effect of HIV infection on the immune system?

    A. Antigens no longer bind to antibodies.

    B. Number of active lymphocytes is increased.

    C. Antibody production is limited.

    D. HIV patient will fall ill more frequently.

    20. The graph below shows the blood glucose concentration of a patient after feeding at 07:00.

    Blood glucose /mg 100 ml1








    100 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00

    Time of day

    What describes the events between 07:00 and 09:00 and between 09:00 and 11:00?

    Between 07:00 and 09:00 Between 09:00 and 11:00

    A. islet cells produce and secrete insulin islet cells produce glucagon

    B. islet cells produce and secrete glucagon islet cells produce and secrete insulin

    C. islet cells produce and secrete glucagon islet cells produce and secrete insulin

    D. islet cells produce and secrete insulin islet cells produce and secrete glucagon

  • 8808-6001


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    21. The diagram below shows the female reproductive system and associated organs.




    Which of the labelled structures correctly identify the cervix, urethra and ovary?

    Cervix Urethra Ovary

    A. Z X Y

    B. Y Z X

    C. Y X Z

    D. Z Y X

    22. Which sequence of events precedes birth?

    A. Progesterone levels increase, oxytocin decreases, uterine contractions increase, oxytocin decreases further.

    B. Progesterone levels decrease, oxytocin increases, uterine contractions increase, oxytocin increases further.

    C. Progesterone levels increase, oxytocin increases, uterine contractions decrease, oxytocin decreases.

    D. Progesterone levels decrease, oxytocin decreases, uterine contractions decrease, oxytocin decreases further.

  • 8808-6001

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    32. Which of the following correctly describes features of spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

    Spermatogenesis Oogenesis

    A. mitosis meiosis

    B. completed during fertilization completed during fertilization

    C. four sperm produced per meiosis one egg produced per meiosis

    D. sperm production starts during fetal development

    early stages happen during fetal development

    33. Which materials are passed across the placenta from the fetus back to the mother?

    A. Carbon dioxide, urea, hormones and water

    B. Oxygen, minerals, urea and hormones

    C. Carbon dioxide, proteins, uric acid and water

    D. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, urea and hormones

    34. Which of the following represent an example of both artificial immunity and passive immunity?

    A. Antibodies passed across in colostrum

    B. Injection of antivenom used to treat snake bites

    C. Exposure to somebody who is ill with Chickenpox

    D. Immunization with a weakened form of a virus

  • 8808-6001


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    35. What is(are) the use(s) of monoclonal antibodies in treatment and diagnosis?

    I. Targeting viral proteins

    II. Purification of interferon

    III. Tissue typing for transplants

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. I and III only

    D. I, II and III

    36. In the diagram of the motor neuron below what is indicated by the labels W, X, Y and Z?


    X Y Z

    W X Y Z

    A. myelin sheath dendrite node of Ranvier elongated axon

    B. myelin sheath dendrite elongated axon node of Ranvier

    C. dendrite myelin sheath elongated axon node of Ranvier

    D. dendrite node of Ranvier myelin sheath elongated axon

  • 8808-6001

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    37. In the human elbow joint, what are the functions of synovial fluid, cartilage and ligaments?

    Synovial fluid Cartilage Ligaments

    A. reduces friction lubricates the joint links bone to bone

    B. lubricates the joint reduces friction links bone to bone

    C. reduces friction links bone to bone lubricates the joint

    D. lubricates the joint links bone to bone reduces friction

    38. Which excretory product occurs in which group of organisms?

    Carbon dioxide Uric acid Oxygen

    A. mammals birds plants

    B. mammals plants birds

    C. plants mammals birds

    D. birds plants mammals

    39. A plant has roots, leaves and short woody stems. The leaves are usually curled up during growth and divided into leaflets. They produce spores, usually on the underside of the leaves.

    What type of plant could this be?

    A. Hydrophyte

    B. Filicinophyte

    C. Bryophyte

    D. Xerophyte

  • 2209-6007


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    18. Which of the organisms AD, identified by the key below, represents an Annelid?

    1. Shows bilateral symmetry go to 2 Does not show bilateral symmetry Cnidaria

    2. Has a segmented body go to 3 Does not have a segmented body go to 4

    3. Has jointed legs A Does not have jointed legs B

    4. Has a shell C Does not have a shell D

    19. Which of the following parts of the digestive system secrete proteases?

    Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine

    A. Yes Yes No

    B. Yes No Yes

    C. Yes No No

    D. No No No

    20. Why are antibiotics effective against bacteria but not viruses?

    A. Viruses can hide inside host cells.

    B. Bacteria are recognized as pathogens but viruses are not.

    C. The enzymes of bacteria can be inhibited by antibiotics.

    D. Viruses are resistant to antibiotics.

  • 2209-6007

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    21. The diagram below represents the homeostatic control of body temperature. What does the part labelled X represent?


    muscles of skinarteriole walls

    skeletal muscles

    NEGATIVE FEEDBACKblood temperature

    core bodytemperature

  • 2209-6007


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    22. What are the structures labelled I and II on the diagram of the male reproductive system?



    I II

    A. Testis Seminal vesicle

    B. Vas deferens Testis

    C. Seminal vesicle Epididymis

    D. Seminal vesicle Prostate gland

    23. What are the fundamental structural units of eukaryotic chromosomes?

    A. Nucleosomes

    B. Centromeres

    C. Histones

    D. Nucleoids

  • 2209-6007

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    35. Which of the following processes result in the production of recombinants?

    I. Crossing over between linked genes II. Reassortment of non-linked genes III. Mutation

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. I and III only

    D. I, II and III

    36. What is required to produce monoclonal antibodies?

    A. T-lymphocytes and oocytes

    B. T-lymphocytes and early embryo cells

    C. B-lymphocytes and tumour cells

    D. B-lymphocytes and stem cells

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    10. If 15 % of a sample of DNA is thymine, what percentage of the DNA is guanine?

    A. 15 %

    B. 30 %

    C. 35 %

    D. It cannot be determined from the information given.

    11. On which molecule is a codon found?

    A. Polypeptide

    B. mRNA

    C. tRNA

    D. rRNA

    12. What do all human males inherit from their mother?

    I. An X chromosome

    II. A Y chromosome

    III. Mitochondrial DNA

    A. I and II only

    B. II only

    C. I and III only

    D. I, II and III

    13. Which structure releases glucagon?

    A. cells of the pancreas

    B. cells of the pancreas

    C. Liver cells

    D. Hypothalamus

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    14. Which muscle action is associated with an increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity during inspiration?

    A. The diaphragm contracts.

    B. The external intercostal muscles relax.

    C. The internal intercostal muscles contract.

    D. The abdominal muscles contract.

    15. When a pathogen is ingested by a phagocyte, which event occurs first?

    A. T-cell activation

    B. Memory cell proliferation

    C. Antigen presentation by the phagocyte

    D. B-cell activation

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    16. Which of the following describes arteries?

    A. They have thick muscular walls.

    B. They usually contain valves.

    C. They carry blood towards the heart.

    D. They carry blood from the lungs.

    17. What is the main function of the large intestine?

    A. Absorption of water

    B. Digestion of fats and proteins

    C. Absorption of nutrients

    D. Recycling of digestive enzymes

    18. To which group do sponges belong?

    A. Cnidaria

    B. Filicinophyta

    C. Porifera

    D. Mollusca

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    24. In the following diagram of the kidney, which structure contains urine?





    25. Which structure is acted upon by ADH (vasopressin)?

    A. Proximal convoluted tubule

    B. Bowmans capsule

    C. Loop of Henle

    D. Collecting duct

    26. What is the distinction between highly repetitive DNA sequences and single-copy genes?

    A. The highly repetitive sequences have greater amounts of guanine.

    B. The highly repetitive sequences have greater amounts of cytosine.

    C. The highly repetitive sequences are not transcribed.

    D. The highly repetitive sequences are not replicated.

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    27. Which of the cells labelled in the diagram below provides nourishment for developing sperm cells?





    [Source: Freeman & Bracegirdle, An Atlas of Histology, (Heinemann: 1976) p. 91, Copyright holder unknown.]

    28. What is the advantage of CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) and other adaptations of xerophytes in plants?

    A. It helps the plant to survive high humidity.

    B. It helps the plant prevent water loss.

    C. It helps the plant survive low light intensities.

    D. It helps the plant survive when there are low nutrients in soil.

    29. Which plant hormone is responsible for the closing of the stomata?

    A. Gibberellic acid

    B. Abscisic acid

    C. Phytochromes

    D. Ethylene

  • 2209-6013


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    32. What structure within muscle tissue is surround by membrane and has multiple nuclei?

    A. Muscle bundle

    B. Muscle fibre

    C. Myofibril

    D. Sarcomere

    33. Which of the following are features of the dicotyledonous plants?

    I. Parallel leaf veins

    II. Flower parts in groups of three

    III. Two seed-leaves (cotyledons)

    A. III only

    B. II and III only

    C. I and II only

    D. I, II and III

    34. Which of the following statements is true about enzymes?

    A. They are used up in the reactions they catalyse.

    B. Allosteric inhibitors bind to the active site.

    C. They lower the energy of activation for a reaction.

    D. They supply the energy of activation for a reaction.

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    19. Pseudolarix amabilis produces seeds but not flowers. Physcomitrella patens has leaves but not roots. To which groups do they belong?

    Pseudolarix amabilis Physcomitrella patens

    A. coniferophyta filicinophyta

    B. filicinophyta angiospermophyta

    C. coniferophyta bryophyta

    D. angiospermophyta coniferophyta

    20. The diagram below shows parts of the human digestive system.

    Which points are linked by the small intestine?

    A. I and III

    B. II and III

    C. II and IV

    D. III and IV

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    21. What route does blood follow to supply oxygen to heart muscle?

    A. pulmonary vein left atrium left ventricle aorta coronary artery

    B. pulmonary vein right atrium right ventricle aorta coronary artery

    C. pulmonary artery left atrium left ventricle aorta coronary artery

    D. pulmonary artery right atrium right ventricle aorta coronary artery

    22. What change occurs to the pressure and volume of the lungs when the external intercostal muscles contract?

    A. Both pressure and volume increase.

    B. Pressure increases and volume decreases.

    C. Pressure decreases and volume increases.

    D. Both pressure and volume decrease.

    23. The graph below shows changes in membrane potential in an axon during the passage of an action potential. What is causing the decrease in membrane potential at point X?

    Membrane potential /






    A. Sodium ions entering the axon

    B. Potassium ions entering the axon

    C. Sodium ions leaving the axon

    D. Potassium ions leaving the axon

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    24. What is the consequence of insufficient secretion of FSH in women?

    A. Embryo implantation fails because the uterus lining is too thin.

    B. Mature eggs (oocytes) are not produced.

    C. Menstruation starts before embryo implantation occurs.

    D. Progesterone secretion is inhibited.

  • 8809-6001

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    36. What is a hypothesis in biology?

    A. An experiment that is used to test a theory

    B. An idea that cannot be tested experimentally

    C. A method used to prove a law

    D. A proposed explanation of observations

    37. Which cells activate helper T-cells by antigen presentation?

    A. B-cells

    B. Bacteria

    C. Macrophages

    D. Plasma cells

    38. What happens during muscle contraction?

    A. The number of light bands is reduced.

    B. The width of the dark bands is reduced.

    C. The lengths of the sarcomeres are reduced.

    D. Actin and myosin filaments coil up.

    39. The Bowmans capsule is a cup-shaped structure that is part of the nephron. What is the source of glucose in the fluid in the Bowmans capsule?

    A. Blood in the glomerulus

    B. Urine in the renal pelvis

    C. Filtrate in the distal convoluted tubule

    D. Interstitial fluid in the medulla

  • 8809-6001

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    40. The diagram below shows a human egg.




    What are the structures labelled I, II and III?

    I II III

    A. acrosomes zona pellucida follicle cells

    B. acrosomes cell wall sperm

    C. cortical granules cell wall sperm

    D. cortical granules zona pellucida follicle cells

  • 2210-6007

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    19. Which of the following are used as evidence for evolution?

    I. Homologous structures II. Selective breeding of domesticated animals III. Overproduction of offspring

    A. I and II only

    B. I and III only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

    20. Which of the following is correct for lipase?

    Substrate Source pH optimum

    A. triglycerides pancreas pH = 8

    B. fatty acids small intestine pH = 7

    C. triglycerides small intestine pH = 9

    D. fatty acids pancreas pH = 9

    21. What prevents antibiotics from being effective against viruses?

    A. Viruses have a high rate of mutation.

    B. Viruses have no RNA.

    C. Viruses have no metabolism.

    D. Viruses have a protein shell that protects them.

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    22. The diagram below shows the human heart. What structures are indicated by the labels X, Y and Z?




    [Source: adapted from]

    X Y Z

    A. left atrium aorta semi-lunar valve

    B. left atrium aorta atrio-ventricular valve

    C. right atrium pulmonary artery atrio-ventricular valve

    D. right atrium pulmonary artery semi-lunar valve

    23. Which muscles contract to cause air to pass into the lungs through the trachea?

    A. Internal intercostal muscles and diaphragm

    B. Internal intercostal muscles and abdomen wall muscles

    C. External intercostal muscles and diaphragm

    D. External intercostal muscles and abdomen wall muscles

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    24. The diagram below shows the changes in membrane potential during an action potential. What occurs at the stages labelled 1 and 2?


    brane potential / mV

    + 60

    + 40





    Action potential

    Threshold potential

    Resting potential

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Time / msec

    1 2

    A. Na+ ions diffuse in;

    inside becomes more positiveK+ ions diffuse out;inside becomes more negative

    B. K+ ions diffuse out;

    inside becomes more negativeNa+ ions diffuse in; inside becomes more positive

    C. Na+ ions diffuse out;

    inside becomes more negativeK+ ions diffuse out; inside becomes more positive

    D. Na+ ions diffuse in;

    inside becomes more positiveK+ ions diffuse in; inside becomes more negative

    25. What are the roles of testosterone in males?

    A. Stimulation of FSH production and growth in puberty

    B. Pre-natal development of genitalia and development of secondary sexual characteristics

    C. Development of genitalia and pre-natal secondary sexual characteristics

    D. Stimulation of FSH production and pre-natal development of secondary sexual characteristics

  • 2210-6007


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    34. A test cross resulted in these recombinants:

    tB Tbtb tb

    Which of the following was the parental test cross?

    A.TB tb



    B.TB tbtB


    C.Tb tbtB


    D.TB TB



    35. What occurs during the blood clotting process?

    A. Prothrombin is converted into thrombin which acts on fibrinogen.

    B. Prothrombin is converted into thrombin which acts on fibrin.

    C. Fibrinogen is converted into fibrin which acts on prothrombin.

    D. Fibrinogen is converted into fibrin which acts on thrombin.

  • 2210-6007

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    36. What is indicated by the letters X, Y and Z?

    X Y Z

    A. sarcomere myosin filaments actin filaments

    B. sarcomere actin filaments myosin filaments

    C. dark band myosin filaments actin filaments

    D. dark band actin filaments myosin filaments



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    37. The diagram below shows some stages in the production of monoclonal antibodies. What are stages X, Y and Z?

    [Used with the permission of Access Excellence @ the National Health Museum]

    X Y Z

    A. injection of antibody isolation of B-cell fusion between B-cell and tumour cell resulting in plasma cell

    B. injection of antibody isolation of T-cell fusion between T-cell and tumour cell resulting in plasma cell

    C. injection of antigen isolation of T-cell fusion between T-cell and tumour cell resulting in hybridoma cell

    D. injection of antigen isolation of B-cell fusion between B-cell and tumour cell resulting in hybridoma cell




    Tumour cells

    Tissue culture

    Monoclonal antibodies isolated for cultivation

  • 2210-6007

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    38. In the diagram of the nephron below, what structures are indicated by the letters Y and Z?

    [Source: adapted from files/image005.jpg]

    Y Z

    A. glomerulus collecting duct

    B. Bowmans capsule collecting duct

    C. Bowmans capsule distal convoluted tubule

    D. glomerulus distal convoluted tubule



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    39. What are the roles of the following structures in the production of semen?

    Epididymis Seminal vesicle Prostate gland

    A. production of a fluid containing alkaline minerals

    production of fructose maturation of sperm

    B. maturation of sperm production of a fluid containing citric acid

    production of fructose

    C. maturation of sperm production of fructose production of a fluid containing alkaline minerals

    D. production of a fluid containing alkaline minerals

    maturation of sperm production of fructose

    40. What is the role of HCG in early pregnancy?

    A. It prevents the degeneration of the corpus luteum.

    B. It initiates the development of the uterus lining.

    C. It inhibits the production of estrogen.

    D. It stimulates the degeneration of the corpus luteum.

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    20. Which feature increases the absorption of glucose in the small intestine?

    A. Villi

    B. Lacteal

    C. Cilia

    D. Goblet cells

    21. What is a role of the pacemaker or sinoatrial node (SAN)?

    A. To initiate contraction of the ventricle

    B. To pass the excitation through Purkinje fibres

    C. To originate excitation in myogenic muscle

    D. To cause the relaxation of the atria

    22. Why are antibiotics effective against bacteria?

    A. They can produce specific antibodies.

    B. They can engulf foreign matter.

    C. They can block specific metabolic pathways.

    D. They can act as a vaccine.

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    23. Which of the following features of the alveoli adapt them to gaseous exchange?

    I. Single layer of cells

    II. Film of moisture

    III. Dense network of capillaries

    A. I and II only

    B. II only

    C. II and III only

    D. I, II and III

  • 2210-6013


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    24. The diagram below shows water in the human body.

    Key: flow of water

    movement of water into digestive system

    absorption of water from the digestive system

    Saliva1500 ml

    Gastricsecretions1500 ml

    Liver (bile)1000 ml

    Intestinalsecretions2000 ml Pancreas

    (pancreatic juices)1000 ml

    Small intestine

    Ileocecal valve

    5000 ml

    9000 ml


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