Page 1: I min-darl- The Highway · IRISH PLAYERS IN "HARVEST" in f i v ii no TMXK1 DERPIA. n ftnliln neprrsslnal Oram:' l v i maul in Mlseriueated llillrtrrn i IrMi I iiriiirr mill Btial


in f i v ii noTMXK1 DERPIA .

n ftnliln neprrsslnal Oram:' lv i maul in Mlseriueated llillrtrrn

i i .in IrMi I iiriiirr mill Btial l I

;. .! I 'l ull- f IMli'HiT.Irish I'layr - .1 the Maxlne Klllrrti

'. I'V ).lV i onmrlhutlnn to thurl)' llf the ippm wiring hnlirtay season,..I l.isi nighl ill ' tin iMil ' No ilr,nnIII" ftS nf ihe pompntiy is sotiklt iw mm ii .i mis one it miaa'Ii, ii i 'M i m i itoiiini "ii sumor, c

utiR mnti Sue h milium and mchiinlsln nn rarely attainable by anyiin- - youthful

Harvest." n Mi RobtMMI MWIIM I"i wn in iiis iiiuv. iii iv ! bitter

i ' n irhlng when Hi" owing haa notr t ngiii IuikI Mr. Koblnmn'a I in

ippv ireniiaa on mis tnetna passesIroland ' ommenintor cnnabla ..f i

ng ii'" thfotigh the gloom of thla a,1'n'i ot iii.. n. ' Mhool of drama in,. i,l bava iMJcn good enough i aa-- i

in xotni' of ii- - myMerlea to ihe unanluenad Sot only la the purpewe of i

llHrveat" lo divcourag the rewitlta of i

. iiicatlnn when wrtmgly directed n a

ne, inn t" retnihe tin f lha frlh.. wani t" go i" Rngland ami learnideaa rather lhan k".'p ihelr own

ii a comforting lo feel thai there i

me iiieh lgnlfle nee In Mr Robina. n'al iv There I alwaya ini ccnanlatlon

moal drama with a purroe, it

.ncouraging t. feel ai ihe end f 'liehvrning thai on hai noi b i burrd in

tin W bava learned Then ntheramay alao have learn,!. oih-- i Uiat "tand,i. greater neetl ii nan lha attdlentaiMt nigh' which wa no nearer Ireland!that Wet Thlrtynlnti atreet. 8o Mr.

Ri.i'in. ti - clottd tun y lui a allver liningvn old farmei with live acn and me i

.:a'intcr ii lb moving figure In "Har-- 1

veal " The !d - - ii haa lieen kept athome lo help with ihe farming whileMi.- - othi'; .'! educated at ihe cotol ih worker ai dome mere adaughter who I .ii" aufhVintlj edu-cate- d

to Imdon and not only playlie typewriter lm become iii" mlatreaa

of a1, 11 i n.- - married man I l HI tl

became ".t who i ravelled ' merii aio aotici i iiiih and another waa nn., I.,

a lawye ind acquired i"i ial ambition i

Another i." ante aecretary a nr.'al'"an in Kngl I ami even haLiO'd hiuama and religion In rd, r "t .'ii bettei,n hi new world he youngeal son,

DO wan about lo I 'i in. an ap .th.H'arvn Dublin, K"' married and weni

honeymoon itii money from iiij fatherfhi happened too when lite farm hadheen worked untUit waa a dry aa a bone

fhay ware a happy, nappy group,Hd'ii'ateil beyond iheir nation in lifeand evidently aware that tney wouldbava trie P"; chance poaaible in thiHv.or!,! by kiik away from Ihe farm and- tying l here ao ion ,i. the money ti ! t

i .' 'ihe youngeal OII and In iteriionm aimultaneouly She viuiIh

t I..- a good a her education will allowand the aon decide io hi.. ai home andhi i' hi fatlmr red". 'in tli" farm Withouthaving to burn the barna lor mei: in-- 1

-- mi a Bu- ihere. ,. no aucceai in eiiiier I

unriertakinf .

In, dii'iKtn'r aeuda lor euough moneyv.. . hack to Loudon, which ne prafi r

a:i if frank enough t" aay II"!'I rother learn of tim way in which aha!,.' . money and a. hi wife cannot,' vn lha life on i,i ' la- a thayIhey allretain aufficioni advantage fromtheii .,i n ation io keep away from ti" it

and father, Much a "Harvest" manoi atiir all Pe hopetea Bui therewemed i" me audience Ian nigm iui

Lompanaation for the misery tnai- . .pallida i" ",i lioth sidet of tne

footlightsMr Robinson's play may have ajcited

I'lt.lin and itt Ln-o- ii may have '.iito Knockmalglos in which naction paaaed But for nss anywhere

- m the worid ii - sorry stuff Indeedt thesis I always inai "in ly m the for

ground Its observation may lie true iolife ni which very few persona can pos-ol-

l interest cj There I little humorin the test, which is generally ea bald andtie" from imagination a a governmenleporl nn the same subjeel Miiglii he

piotura fd the Irish peasantry ii vi. ii lie oriticised by any patriot nni i:nd"d by the blaaing genius suppot" letide s nue .vii'-r- iti 'l e com 1..I1

ii im itioally the product I alt.'H'.II"!hvffsctive save fi Hie Una minuti if

e laai act ' her a f lint Hare of i heal riual interest warmi i; i " unending n

ri "in which Mr expoundsh,--i would be hi u.'in of the nmnany

v ii" who Haw '.ii"iii laai nmht for therni tirng The wholly amateurish prod-

uct of the author left iti.-n- i wholly ai sepI'hsy recited their long speeches anddrsed like tiie paraonggaii ttiy "rnuppoaed to repreaeni Sara Ulgoodhadihr opportunity to wear a inodish frockan 'h" typewriter from London and dls-nov-

ph e qf her lovelinessVrtiiur Sinclair could lie different as the

dtxkemin lor of much unfortunate edu-pto- n

only in hla appearance ilin read-ing is always the mums J. M. Kerrigan,who i the most attract ive personalityami the m wan Again a young Iriantanner, t'athleen Neabttl and Rileen lo-- 1

v re comely young women and Fred( 1 ' Donovan vas his usual monoto-- fdeclamatory self, J. A, O'Rourke

once ni exaggerated type ofIhe itagfl Irihmr.n more groiesrjue than1at vh'iic that the daya of Barry and Faysver in duced. The Irish Player should

lest the patience of their friend by. !i representations. There is no excuser ' hem in New York


Nuitl I. Illle Disturbance ai tile Victorianut vithinK serlout.

lhan (irahani and Ethel tad laat Friday of felonioualy shoot-- a

K fi Htokaa, returned to vaude-yesterda-

appearing at tha Victoria111 11 Hong and dunce turn, 'iho

I id 11 "Lillian (Iraham and Ethel' .1 in Hung-- i MiM tirahnni at theI. into "

si1 ant l)itrict Attorney WilliamI 'librae, who was one of liie prose- -

in tha Stokes case, waa in theuca Mr, Krabrea spied Juror No. 7,

Pannenbaum, Ha went over andMr rannenbaura if tha Jurora had

i complimentary tiokota, Mr.iinhaum Intimated that ha had paid

p his seat,.v.iham-Conra- act vuh the only

t lourteen turn that Waa noi liber- -il'plaudedi When Mia Conrad in

." ind Mia (irahani in pitlk aaugMystarloua Haa" and proeontedTI' is of dancing soma people

SUgl "d A few hissed. There were cat- -

at IIm A large, strong ieraon attachedIn th tlieatro walkwi up and down the

isle frowning. Finally he sat on tneIra rail facing the audience ready,

' appeared, to leap upon troublemakersHi- - service were not reauired. Theacl was hnef nd quiokly faded away.

i nun . Denies', Dec. i. Mme. Eames

wl . appeared at the Boston Opera Housesaid there is no truth in the

report that her Iwo appearanoea in thiacity aie to tie her last in grand opera.

--jSpXti Company's tales of rrnh Bwf In New' ,yi- - uie wees cnaing aeiurasy, Deo IS,asxxsieYit soots per pound. -- oils.

1 J O rp the quirt, rmtfulV i O I 1 Hook Room of

Houghton mifflinCOMPANY

At 1 linr r Addrc

16 EaHt 10th Streeth'xrliiKh r Rook$ for man CrOTi

UUml lu Airnii'int tin lu a .llfulnlmiir .in

B R 0 A I) W A Yo Ksblbtti io

ni i miii t rKHTIl l. I IKIKI s.

rrdl'i Raqnirai" anil MacDawatl Matlabi I ii rna ir iinii.

I'olumliiH t'liiv.-rmi- i'li.rih"s tlir-- ox- -

rellanl Bin of cultivating choral muaic :

this city anil it Immediate vicinity. I

,hhi to m Meriting to developnrou(jtti un nnivcrmiy axtanaion rcntrwtrained f."tivai chorui of gboul .. tiiou- -

and vo i Si iui branch of Huhchoir ni" tin' Brooklyn Oratorio Society,iii.. New Rochalle Chorua, tha Vonkara

horal Uo, lety and i h L'nlvt rity i horua,lie fci'.vai chorua nave a conoef i in'

nighi at i arnegla Hall, and aa ih datachanced to be th.. birthday of RdwardMacPowoll, iha diatinguiahed American"otnjOecr, i'il ii'i profaaaiir of iiium:"at i'.i due regard wm paid to thatfai ii th" arrangement of the pro- -

n number wa MacOow.ll'I lor 'liii'sira. opua i' conducted

P of ' nrnettua Rubner, praaent headi" i 'Inmlila ii;n-- t in. nt of mualc,

W'M agnpi ana fuor aonga t

.'. .i .'"'H.r na iioiy. "My Jean,' ie Ik ' "Long Alio" and "A

M ntfi i Mi." th. Verdi'ii wit i.i 'Ihe aolo aingoran.' (Due Mildred Pottar, meaao.

wiprn l hai'lta llAck! t tenor, andlitirt'Ci i :)i".t: miii1 iaaa.

II i of - r iiliinii a featlvalhorn no av. w ,i purpose of I 'll

iiva t tor i horal muaic In Newor'i commendable one and de--

V.'i po , ncouracem, ntI iio great! difllcui v ik,ubtleaa will bem arouainn punllo interet, for it haa

nnplciMautty avid, i In recentnr. inii M'.rH h n" est i. mi,imI r.r

me " rforn J i't w wot Piaibiy th i e stii ml iv I I v t'i" ftp.nearonco of mc nee organiaatio a nicnta compoat i "i rn ti ano vtgoroua nice

'ami . il ii a "i d.'nl of mw

t.mi o n t t i i in: on it

Mr turn... in I Mi'll.'lit in.',- anil till'Performance Ueod.

Pononialli'" "I Oiocondn" waa givenai the Metropolitan l)iera Hon" la.tnighl in iho pn ae nee of a large audience.'II.' i rf i mam a aa . nn ,,f ibe i nlthe current teaaon and ii waa doubt-du- o

in n amall meaaure to ilm atimuin- - given by lha brilliant ninRinit of MrI'aruao who wa in etcellenl voloa All

in. atmy "I admirer knew that ffanfirimoMo ih one hi i.i parte, andwhen lie ha full . mtuand of hi tonalreaource inn delivery of the muaic i

sure li be admirable II.' huiir "Cleloe Ilia ati m ml iiiv a ml waliaard NM.Il dtfligll UlL' suliaenuenicenei

Mis I loal inn wa 1. in fine f"' m ands,iiij the niiiM" i.t Hie 1 it la tola uneomroonty well Mine. Orridge repeated herpmiaaworthy linperaouation u. La icra

I Ml,. l ', I,.,:,.., ! , ,.1.1 .

tt.iii by iiei' Laura Mr Amato' stalwartHcr'tha called forth abundant applause,Mr Toaoaninl conducted with In- - un-failing ahili'y

l OKI ) il l I I I'l r.t.iiiii ii - In III.' Title Ik tMtn Mevera I

Nr., Hang,Mi Audrey Ma le, a 10 was h si . .

litre in "The Ircediins, reappeerediukIi in the title rie of "Peggy" t i'

' sum she nam; . hs H"iin- - orl ;ltii llyallotted t" frjyv In this Leslie SSI III' --

musical iiiow nnd several new ones,.'I,, no; them, "Come "1 Trouville, MrsIrundy" and " 1 he in Bird " Th lest

a .s a duet sung witu rarreu Kouti rA new review oiik called I idles ol

Veaterday wa Introduced into the show,n ude up, alter the ttr t few Intro-ducior- y

.. of esoarpt from "Helloi ,1" in "Hrvana" and the Florodora"

'." and other of Leslie rt' song.

The performance last night pi d'--

run a snap and sparkle hit hei .'liHenl......I II N Ol ti s ixn n tl f MS.

Onttnrlo Hoelel tine, "The Melah"Twice et Meet,.

le accordant" Vith it new pi , v tnikimh 11, the Oratorio society aaide from

leguiar brlatmaatide "Measiah"wi concentrate upon the

Brahma festival for nel March andIn e held in Connection with the Sym-ph- i

ny Society of New Vork "The Mes-kia- h

Le hiipk s arnegla Hall onvt'edtn day afternoon Decemhei '.'7, andFriday evening. Daoamber 20

Major-lie- Daniel I. Sickle is goinglo nit 111 a '.ox at the Lilierty Theatre

evening and witneaa Duatinami William Farnumin "The Lutient Rebei " it i. Mary Tixi.i Lit in memorialnight for ihe benefit of a fund lo erect amonument to Mrs Lincoln

Stanley Ford haa been engaged by A, H.Wood for a part in "Modest Surjinne."ihe new musioal bhow in which SallyFisher will mug the title rrtle and whichwill star: nt the Liberty Theatre on NewYear n night

Nate Fenton opened a n. w restaurant,the Pekin, at Broudwu y and Fortstreet, last night. A catmrel show wasa fe dure

'Ihe Musicians Clul. of New York, in-corporated laai month, will formallyita club room at 03 Weal Kortj fifth streei

nighl li has tin. entire fifthfloor David Biapham ;s presid ent.

Hundreds of request have induosd themanagemoul of the Kin ncnlor Theatre,Fortieth street near Broadway to resumeon Thursday, with afternoon and eveningperformance each day through the holi-days, tha color motion pii lure of the cor-onation.

Ttnf ninth performance of "Boughtand Paid For" took place Inst evening atWilliam A. Brady w Playhouse.



lUueUstMibr HUGH THOMSON30 ssauUtt lsl cols, sd sy s

Lit decorsU

HHssdMnsly l.onnd Is CUth, Qusrto.

Bosd. Net $8.00 &sThe delicate i nmnilv of Hush Thomenn'a

walk hsi enprcisll)' adapted him in lllua-trsi- r

the nilken insnsssef THR SCHOOL IFOR SCANDAL.l.i- piqusiiry nf Iii, women, their thy

insidrnlineM, the old world sir nf mo Hdeity, insltc Hie olil comedy of Sliriirisnnew itory in ail plcturs I, Ming. &

Al Al( BoohulUrt SCOMPANY C

New York RH&S





oi.n LettEM Mint T AMERHALSO HOLD at sotusay s.

Hi urn- - in llflrtiiiuliu. KsrtuMli Wmrman and i laaaaro Offered TrlptyptN

f Htfashlfa t;an Rrperti on Caton tan umi Papers on Independence,

.sffrmi c DtspefrS THS MvLondoNi I t i" t Botheby'a to-d- ay

Jnpajieee color print, tha property ofR, Knxweii, umi autograph latum andhlatorloal documents fortntpf part of

iho oollootlon known aa lha Townahandbolrlooma, taken from Raynhatn Hall,tukdiiiuini. wow Hold at Auction,

The total foi the ii Jnfianena printwaal,M6, sprint by Hnrunorm(Rur.ukl),ITOS -70, "A Reflection ol hmU... nrougnif'i'. "Woking persimmon, a garden

arena by Vtamaro a triptych of magnlfl.cent di'vign an, i i nt. aw color, aoia n

4B0 nwi r r.iru inpivl1ll iChobunaal! aoW for and

"Klver and Mountain of ii " Ki-.i- i Koad,"by Htroahige, dated ISM. want for 177.40.

Of tin Towimh I lieirlooma, an undited "Accoitni of Hie Contineni andIslands of America." of about I7t. signediv Jonathati I Mnttis id for Vi.

" a Scheme t,. orlvr ihe French Out ofAll the Continent ol America, by Thomasole, dated Set.t.'tn r 9, I7M. brOttghl f'l".

"F.itracts and Partlctilara Relating i"Treaties of Commerce with France andSpain Concerning Sew Foundland, NovaScotia, Cape ir.-- and Canada." la i

about 1716, ur.d '.mount.', of WoollenManufacture Between in.iT and1714." brmighl IW .'

a letter written by Oabrlel Johneton, I

Onveraor of Carolina. December 1. 1715,1

to i.or.l Wilmington old f"r .":

An Important collection if paper,dating from l7Jo to iti... relating t..Carolina and Georgia, wen- - up loMN.

"Trattaactlona Between Lngland andI ramt' Relating to Hudson' Bay" n;.a beautifully written manuscript ofseventy.flva pan.- -, on veil nn Kilt, witharm f the HuiWot Bay Companj on

the side, tea. lied I TS

An abatracl f the proceeding uponthe petition- - f"i settling the I min-darl-

between N"' Hampshire andMaaaacbuaatta Bay and a letter fromJonathan Bolcher, Ooverm f Maaaa

chuaatt. to Lord Wilmington on affairsconnected itii the province, petitionof ministers and pastors ol Maaaacbuaatta,nltoggther fourteen documenta, wen) i"t

I0"A long and very imporUnl letter tioin

(i i. Bel. her of Massachusetts t lordWilmington, dated Boston, November in.,;:t:i bitterly oompiaining "i tne nppoji-lio- n

and dllatorlness of the House !

Aaaembly, brought H8n eighteen page treatiae on New Eng-

land signed by John Oaenford andLord Wilmington brought

petition of J Bridger, late Surveyor!nfWoodaln Ameri a, 'Lord fownehend,

1 copy of the eertilicate of the Aaaemblyreferring the above dated from SeaHampshire December 16, I7W. and ..iku.'.Ii'.- - hv of ihe Count III went for IU.

A three page f. ill 'atlliC Ihe prO -

luce of Nova Scotia ion by ' Philippe,who waa Oovernoi T'J'i t. Kill, sold.,1 13s

Papers referring to tmerioa and theColonies calendered by th" HiatorioalManuaoripai Conimlsalon, including ih"atate ol ihe French colonlea in New

oi lcans and thelndlana between Carotinami the Miaalaaippl by John Barnwi1730, and sundry other documenta. nine-

teen m all, generally addresae,! 10 lionlWilmington. II3S

A lettei written by William Penn tol.otd Townsbend in 1710 in reference toSwlas clonlsts for Pennsylvania I trough 1

liao1 inmgi.ts regarding the legality of

the Americana and .'ti "i d euraentI70tl-lt- : hold fot fc'.l '.''.

Thouglttaon the dispute between UrealBritain and hei colonies, sixteen and a

half page- - suggesting the app Intmenl !

a L ad Lieutenant ad f u i inpetition of Cap! Jolin Welbe eon- -

coining Australia and ll South Seaswritten to Lord Townlu i AugutI7'.'3. old for 1360

A series of official latter by Henry Bi

John, first Vlsoounl B ilingbr ke, 10

chirles Vlacounl Townsbend in 1710-- ti

treating of the negotiation for peaoa atThe Hague and the campaign of the Dukeof Marlborough, s ld for MS

Cestumes at MaeDowell I'lub'a Festival.

i'he programni" committee of theChristmas festival of tli" MucDowellChili to he held at the Waldorfwish to announce tha i: ia not obligatoryfor t he audience to appear in coatume, billthose desiring to da are requeated i"confine their ooatumes to character inthe play of Slukkespeare. No dominosor masks will be admitted The niusii aldrama, in one a t "Victoria Ainorls,"will hegin at 9 Ii. when the doors of theLallrooui will be oloeed until the secondpart of the f.rogramnie.

Presents for ChildrenMRS. BURNETT'S

Little Lord FauntleroyI) ii!u 'ttatfJ in ol ii nt lij, k .i ni

white fcy Rittnald ,r,h.

If" M,ariaKS?i

L,;''." ", TarviiTrfiaVu il

From Mrs. Burnett's Preace.

Yhe book which told his storyhas been read so many thousandtinitjs that its lettering has beenworn out and its pictures havefaded away. As lie himself hasnot faded away, there has beenmade this new book with newpictures by the same handwhich years ago created thefirst Fauntleroy who made hischeerful little how to (he world.

Charles Scribner's

rirmAuM i



t lllLMtES IS fffV.4FfV.Vl11 il(lll(t III it.

vnd itn ef Them rlpnte m... Forgeiriieir vein', sod Palm a. iho WereCarried ttm d t tie ahowhouse MlsiDressli r F.njayed n n Herself,


Marl Dreasler entertained yeatordayal tern,', ni thai ia, specially antartalnod,She gave i pniy and was hoatoaa loIt, Mid small gliosis, orphan, from sixteenhome- - il lid netle and l.iii child cripple,The part) w,i .1 Bpeoial performance I

oi "Tlllie'a Ni ; no ire" at ti.e ManhattanOpera House i he gueata all had theirpirty mat ners 1 at in t ami sat up ntifiami gratei "l'i 1 in." in lie early pre- -

llminarH of the "Nightmare." For thiswas an r?v i ami the awe and glunourhad to wear off a Lit before childhoodgot Pack i" n ituralnea again.

Enter Titlh disguising Miss Dressier!Whew! There was rmi then on and offthe stage No, n u exactly not. jusisucoeasiona of loud noises and applauaaand boy l.i Ighing nghl out with a aidcrack ana gui. smiling and t ti.-- i i"working Into outright laugh thai d

iheli owners and eyes thai shouehke si irs

Well, n all Ihe guels forgot Companymauni r ind were calling the hoa teasI'Hir And when Marie Dressier madea little .peech of greeting from the ooxwhere Frederick Townsend Martin waathe gueat cheered PiHi and flutteredhandkerchiefs, ith here and there acrutch or t" waving over on lha eaatside of the house, where moel of thecrippli s w et

i haven') hod much fun its inisfor age. gasped Mi Drcaaler betweenbreath ofi stage "i- -i after an uproarfrom the u idience wiien she had laidflat a hole iKittalionof exploding Italiannod French and Spanish officers withone uugiitv -- w.,i. oi i hefty arm

"I'tll induing ail lie la c al em I everkm I h.el in my repertoire and acimathe l.iol I 1 n ..r ii. i ui get thoaekiddles la ng an .- -" 'cm a' il Well,it eat - ai king lie had in he line olreal mv i Aim ihe light and airyMis, r sprinted om staaeward to

the H nn,, u fe more ataciyi ms,

in- - gueata didn't seem to know muchalion Chant ecler models, Vankeo wivea,tocieiy c ottw onauiauaea, lioule-vgrdia- ra

umi su b like thai danced aiioutin the chorua, lu ji ' VVhsu TUIU uion in.' rail of that airship way up in theatmosphere ami swung her lega androck. si .:c, and forth oul over space,ami didn'i give u hung and ihen, ker-plunk, vent right ov.i laickword downthrough ih" ether and landed Iti ihe mid.die of 1 hlny-fourt- h atree and 1,6041

kili.fs with a aploah! that was somasplash! And when Hh" a, a grand operasinger and got gran i and i ragic ami henll came lime in die f.'il over baion ih1 parlor sofa thai waa on hand tothe dot and rolled itaetfofl stage autoliko

h mi one puahin'! Oi when willowy'ifn i." a soulirette, wound heraelf

til in and out ol snaka dame, and (In-.Id-

dances and got into futM) sha;.e.sto make fun of all i hen. at ylish new iianc-nig- s

Well, what's the use of frying totalk about TUIU vii"ii you're laughingail the time)

The extra policemen and firemen andih" attendants helped curry out elghand ten year "Ids with injure,! Ia"kand braces on ih.'ir l"gs or broken kneei aps and weak spines, toil beaming amisouring out "TilUg!" With the anecatai ic squeal

The children came from those placesThe Miaaion of the Immaculate wrgm,the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the

Aid Society, the Hebrew Hheher-u,- g

luardian Society Orphan Aaylum i heSlieltermg Arum, the Oil hailH Home ofIhe Proteattuit Epiacopal Church, iheNew Fork Home for Homelaaa Ikiys. iheHalf uiphan Asylum, Crippled ChildrenSchool. New York Hon.e for Destitutei rippled Children, choir l eys of the Ca- -

theuralof St. John the Divine ami theDe Hirach Home for Working (lirl.The N.-- York Aaaociatioti for Improvingthe Condition of the Poor, ' he i ity ciiar-Itle-

Department, the I deportment ofPuhi lharitiea and tin liepurtmenliif Public Schools sen) wm hlldren,

III Ihe Imxm were Mrs I). H, P Bel- -

monl Mrs. Jnmea Bpeyer, Mra, ttrme Wil-son. Mrs Stuyveaant Fih. Mrs OeorgaGould, Mgr. Lavelle, Rabbi Wiae. Firei'ommiaaionor Johnaon and FrederickTownaend Murtin Roberl Adamson athere for the Mayor, who could not bepresent .





Peter & Wendy

"Hundreds of thousands willbe grateful to Mr. Harrie fortim book.'' London Punch,

"Mothers and fathers, anduncles and aunts, will bless Mr.Harrie s name."

- London Daily Mail."The story, as a story, is

skillfully told; one simply mustfollow it to the end. And thestyle is Mr. Barrie at his best,delicate, vivid, whimsical."

New York Tribune.

Sons 153-- 7

& Co.M;J7SmrT

(i sm t i in inn. i E" nTOLl v.

Nnmrbeny'f to.i ifmance) Olealt' NewIM) nil 11 lint "Friend From dwie."Somewhere Isrtwecn Ninety-secon- d and

I'hlriy-fourt- h street was spirited aafrom a moving van on Saturday "O'Sheathe Rogue, hatincey oicotl new play,no II. If I In runt . who wrote it. notifiedPolice Headquarters yesterday, ii l

StOW '.l away among someaoiled linen andpoker chips, toge her ii h "The Road to I

Power,' a political play which has beenlpurchased by H, II, Fraaee; the manu-- lscript of another play, "Af erMany l'ny."

land a f" thousand epigrams whit h MrDurant mournfully declared had takenhim slk months to do, They were all In a I

battered auR - and the whole outfitidhmppeared.

"ijv.1 year, when l was moving from heMgompiin to Fortieth street, somebodylifted of the load a new sun case thai hadmanacrlpi in It, so this Hme I decided toput my epigrams and things amid unam recti veeurroundings," Mr. I hiranl saidyeaterday. "Clearly fate i. not with mei hadn't even a ipy of anything except'O'Shea the Rogue." rhla other roguewon't find much use for my tuff, foi it "all copyrighted. Bui n I should happento see one of my epigrams in print MienI'm going lo pounce on Homebody

The van which i on- - i lie other I uranaffects safely to Thirty-fourt- h streei

I io iho Lakewood Kxpreaa andVan Company ami was driven i y oneI hi'inas MeCrony.

Mr. oil ott may get liack his play, bul acompany of fifty negroes whoso leadei I

John Lejubrlehlll o' Sa6 Seventh avenue,are -- t weeping over the irrci rlevabllit)of isH.k's ami scores .i "Friends FronDixie," Ihe musical play which theytried to rehearse !ai nigh- - at MadisonHall, at 1361 h si reel and Madison avenue,and couldn't becattae there waa nothingto !nok ai The prompter's precious black

ag had disapi ear il and its i ontents ofwords and muaicwere last .een by Policeman Connolly trickling into ihe I itsIt'vr from th" fingers of William linn ofin last 139th street, who said that he hadtoken the satchel and lorn up the paperiiiKide insl for t he fun of it .

wins. I IH. f EliSOS TO l tfffl .

Vwllnlsl miii Become the Vi Ifr or Merger ,

Mkw I 'onatancede I 'ly, er Rdson, daugh-i"- iof Dr and Nil- - Tracy Bdaon, will

is. married on Friday nexi to Charleatatuii. Beeger, Jr son ,.r Mr and MrsCharles Louis Seeger ol Mexico city,SleXICO III" VVilillllg cerelllollV 111 Is'pei Lamed by ihe Rev, Thotnaa It SheerAfter ih" ceremony a reception will begiven by Mr. and Mrs Kile i harder Rdaonat their Inline 7s Foal rifty-flft- h street,from i nil t o'clock

Miss Fxlson - a violinist and a pupilof I ran.' Kueiael. Her first public ap-pearance in New York came las! week.

,w lieu sue .Miniil tuningat his ooncerl of old chamber muaic inRumfi ird Hall She is Ihe :m aiuldauglitci,,f ibe laie Prof. Bile Charller, sister ofE, c Edapn, Harvard 'ot, grandnleoe "tDr and Mrs Rdward Curtis and nieceoft'apl and Mrs Templin Potts, U. 8 N

of Washington.Mr Seeger w a graduated from Harvard,

dass of i una, He was a member thereofthe Signet and Stylu- - He ih a composerand has leen working fur the last threeyears in Berlin and Cologne.

STADEE ouni l( i: ll OX'T DO.

Too i.nose. the Mayor Thinks, smt nope,vrc suggested,

P is likely thai the Mayor will vetoHi" ordinance passed at the last meetingof Ihe Board of Alderman s'liinttiimstandees at the luck of the orchestra intheatres The Mavor, it is understoodthinks thai the ordinance haa boon looael)drawn, thai ll is noi definite enough asto the space which .hall ls allowed lothoee permitted lo stand and that In- -auffidanl provision is made f,,r keepingclear the aisles, it Is understood thai ifan ordinance could lie SO drawn a to pro-vide for Ihe roping in of certain spacesbehind the orchestras.! that the standeesWould not encroach on the ainles theMayor might Is- - inclined to sign such ameaaure

laic students In "Th Devil's Disciple.'The Vale University Dramatic Asso-

ciation will give Ita annual winter pro-duction in New Vork on January 3 and ;i

at the Waldorf-Astori- a, The play chosenis Bernard Shaw's comedy of theAmerican Revolution! "The Devil Dis-ciple " of three casts, from

I which the final caat w ill im selected,are being held dally in New Haven.

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