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Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609

NO 1 ISSUE 32 APRIL 20, 2012


City’s BEST

Code Enforcement Officer Opal White helps keep Dallas clean and safe 10

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I MESSENGERCheryl Smith, Publisher

Established 2011

IMessenger is a tribute to Le Messager, founded by Cameroonian journalist Pius Njawe and The Messenger, an independent magazine, founded by labor activist A . Philip Randolph and economist Chandler Owen.IMessenger is committed to informing, inspiring, enlightening and provoking thought in a forum that is international. Submissions for publication consideration may be submitted to [email protected].


April 20, 2012

Message to the people...

Being your best you! That is what actor, singer and all-around entertainer

Tyrese Gibson talked about when accepting his Trumpet Pinnacle Award, earlier this year in Atlanta.

Clearly emotional during his acceptance speech, Mr. Gibson spoke of his faith and his efforts to be the best that he can be, because he said the words he lives his life by are, “God will never give you something somebody else is supposed to have.”

Coming from humble beginnings, Mr. Gibson talked about his life in South Central Los Angeles.

“I was in the hood like everybody else,” he said. “Broke, hungry, but something in me allowed me to keep dreaming and having visions beyond my circumstances.”

He could have lived a life full of explanations about why this or that didn’t happen or work out. Instead he went about life trying to be the best.

Sounds impossible? Well, just imagine the possibilities!One of the biggest copout statements ever uttered has to be, “well nobody’s perfect.”Anytime someone doesn’t do what they are supposed to do, if they neglect to honor a commitment, or fail to complete

a task; they reach into that bag of tricks and pull out the “nobody’s perfect card” to get them off the hook, or explain away their failures. Things happen. True. Mishaps occur. Most definitely. Some things are avoidable and other things, well, no matter what you do, it appears Murphy’s law is in full effect. So to save your skin, do you attack the person who you are responding to? Do you hold them accountable for not realizing that you are human? Are they unreasonable because you failed? For some reason people are becoming even more carefree with the retort, “Nobody’s perfect!” Well, back up, rewind that tape and try again. Y0u are God’s creation. There’s only one “you.” There will never be another “you.” So, what’s wrong with being the most “perfect” you that you can be? For ages, I have had little, to no, tolerance for those who are “because” people instead of “in spite of” people. You know the folks I am talking about, the ones who say, “ I am so sorry, but I am late because (fill in the blank), of an accident, I overslept, the traffic was bad,” and on and on. How about achieving, or being successful, in spite of obstacles, mishaps, etc.?

Good question. Unfortunately some people don’t realize their excuses are heard before they open their mouths. People see you coming and they smile, but in their heads, they are thinking, “here comes this sorry individual with another lame excuse.”

While going through an initiation process, I learned a saying that I have heard in varying interpretations but the message was still the same, “Excuses are the tools of incompetence that build monuments of nothing and those who specialize in them are seldom good at anything else.”

Many people “specialize” in making excuses for everything. In my opinion, “no one’s perfect,” is an “excuse.”Now some think that I am being harsh, that I am insensitive. Perish the thought, until you read further.How many times have you used someone’s death as an “excuse” for not taking care of business?“Oh, I had a death in my family,” you explained, in anticipation of the sympathy expressions that are sure to come.Well, if the dearly departed could weigh in, I’m sure many would not appreciate the use of their death as an “excuse?”When the Rev. Al Sharpton was about to board a plane to Florida for the Trayvon Martin March/Rally, he received

word that his mother had just passed. He decided to continue on the trip because he said he knew his mother expected that he would. Then too, he was there for her when she was alive. Some who use a loved one’s death weren’t even in the picture much of the departed’s time on this earth!

Rev Sharpton made it to the rally in spite of his mother’s death and continued the work that made her proud.In closing, Mr. Gibson gave credence to the notion of understanding your imperfections and putting aside excuses so

that you can be the “best you” that you can be.He said, “I show up being the best version of me I could be and in my mind you can’t get points today for yesterday’s

game, so every single day, I’m on a mission to be bigger, and better and greater and closer to God.”No excuses!


Voter Registration Card email a fraud 5

Activist supports

victims of BP spill


Cheryl Smith

Arlington, TX citizens want name changed in honor of Dr. King 8

Tyrese Gibson talks to a Rolling Out reporter at 2012 Trumpet Awards.

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By Lee H. Hamilton What role should debates have in political campaigning? That’s the question being raised by this Republican presidential primary season.There’s no question that

debates have some value. Structured properly, they make a candidate put forth his or her ideas and give us a glimpse of how they behave under pressure.

But there can be too much of a good thing. Preparing for many debates cuts hugely into the time a candidate spends with actual voters (rather than the media who control the debates), listening to their concerns, taking the temperature of the electorate, deepening the campaign’s message and building its organization and outreach.

More fundamentally, it’s worth asking whether debates give voters the information they need to make discriminating choices. Debates tend to harden candidates’ positions, rewarding indignation and forcefully stated convictions. They show us nothing of a candidate’s ability to work toward common ground with people who disagree — which is, of course, the essence of governing. 

Debates do not test important qualities: the ability to build consensus, to work with people of differing opinions and backgrounds, to make sound judgments about what’s best for the country, to sort through complex issues and arrive at proposals that move the nation forward. These are qualities that voters can gauge only by seeing candidates in action on the stump, by hearing them explain in depth how they would approach our big challenges, and by watching them as they encounter people from all walks of life.

Televised debates are a part of the modern campaign. They seem to be popular with voters and are undoubtedly good theater. But we should not mistake them for the best way to get information to the discriminating voter.

Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years.

I thought I'd shine a little light on some of the more outlandish items that expose life in the U.S. for some. There can be no remedy if there is no knowledge. The purpose is to share the knowledge in hopes that we can have receptive attitudes when real solutions are proposed.

Please scroll down and review these: At Home While Black; Outside While Black, Being Owed Money While Black; At an HBCU While Black; High School While Black and just to round out the understanding of the reality, Outside While White: These are Incredible Stories of Typical Black Life in the U.S.

1. At Home While Black: "I was treated like a criminal ... He dragged me, threw me across the chair, put handcuffs on me and just started calling me the 'b' name. He ridiculed me."- Venus Green (now 90 years old, 87 years old at the time of the incident).

In Atlanta, we had a similar situation that occurred with Atlanta PD fabricating a warrant for the home of a 90-something year old stalwart of the community and the police shot her dead. I remember reading about the woman in NYC who was victimized by a no-knock warrant and suffered a heart attack when the police broke down her door--which was at the wrong address. For Black families around this country, At Home While Black is real.

BALTIMORE -- An elderly woman got the last word after locking a police officer in her basement, and later suing the police.Venus Green, who was 87 when she was handcuffed, roughed up and injured by police, will receive $95,000 as part of a settlement with Baltimore City. The city chose to settle the case instead of taking a chance in front of a jury."We thought we would have a difficult time in front of a city jury, or any jury," Baltimore City solicitor George Nilson said. Green was so put out by what police officers did, the city said she locked one of them in her basement.

"I was treated like a criminal," said Green, a retired educator who's now 90.In July 2009, Green's grandson, Tallie, was shot and wounded. Tallie said he was shot at a convenience store, but police insisted it happened inside Green's house and that the shooter was either Tallie or Green."Police kept questioning him. They wouldn't let the ambulance attendant treat him," Green said. "So, I got up and said, 'Sir, would you

please let the attendants treat him? He's in pain,'" Green said.

Green said the officer said to her,

"Oh, you did it, come on, let's go inside. I'll prove where that blood is. You did it."

Police wanted to go to the basement, where Tallie lived, but Green refused on the basis that the police did not have a warrant."I said, 'No, you don't have a warrant. You don't go down in my house like that. He wasn't shot in here.'" Green said the officer replied, "I'm going to find that gun. I'm going to prove that you did it."

A struggle ensued between a male officer and Green."He dragged me, threw me across the chair, put handcuffs on me and just started calling me the 'b' name. He ridiculed me," Green said.

An officer went into the basement and Green locked him inside."She locked the door, the basement door. She basically took matters into her own hands," Nilson said."This was my private home, and if I latched it, that was my prerogative because he had no search warrant to go in my basement. So, I had the right to latch it," Green said.

Green said she suffered a separated shoulder in the scuffle, and she sued the Police Department for assault and violations of her rights."I was once a block watcher, department head of a high school. (I've) been around education for over 50 years. (I'm a) law-abiding citizen, I've never been arrested, I paid my taxes, owned my home, my husband died 34 years ago. (I) raised my son and I have been brutally abused," Green said. "I feel like the Police Department needs to go back to school."In the past two fiscal years, the city has paid out $16.8 million in claims against the Police Department. City Council President Jack Young voted against this settlement and others, saying he is "tired of the Police Department bleeding money."

Read more:

2. Being Outside While Black:

Young Black men harassed by NYPD; I've witnessed this on any given night in Los Angeles--especially in the barber shops, where young Black men are routinely hauled out of the barbers' chairs, lined up spread eagle facing the wall and searched and the barber shop searched.

This has been going on for a very long time. I believe I was driving along Crenshaw Boulevard in Black neighborhoods near the LAX airport every time I saw this happen. When was the last time you saw something like that along Rodeo Drive, or in Buckhead in Atlanta?

When will the real criminals be subjected to a TSA public patdowns or public exposure of their private parts--to say nothing of the radiation--by being directed through the XXX-rated Chertoff machines in use at airports around the world? Look at this video entitled, "Outside While Black." .com/watch?v=F-A5cNppZus&feature=youtube_gdata_player

3. Being Owed Money While Black: The people are being tricked into believing that Black Farmers are being saved while Black Farmers are set to lose 1.5 million acres through t h e O b a m a D e p a r t m e n t o f Agriculture.

4. Attending an HBCU While Black: Something insidious is happening to Historically-Black Colleges and Universities under the "post-racial" leadership of the Obama Department of Education.

I have visited many of them and I have seen this phenomenon for myself. How can one ethnically cleanse an HBCU? From this BlackAgendaReport article (,

5. Education While Black: Incredible video of a teenager being tortured by his teachers -

6. Drinking Outside While White: NYPD allow Whites to drink in the public and nothing is done about it and nothing is done to them despite clear violation of open container laws:

Cynthia McKinney served six terms as a member of the United States House of Representatives.

Shining several lightsThe Problem with Too

Many Debates

By Cynthia McKinney


Is there something on your mind? Is there something we should be thinking about? Your thoughts are welcomed at I Messenger!We would love to hear from you . Send your thoughts to us at, along with your photo, a contact number and a brief bio. Submissions should not exceed 300 words.

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Veasey leads all District 33 candidates in funds raised

(Dallas) At the close of the first fundraising quarter in the hotly contested race for the new

33rd Texas congressional district, State Representative Marc Veasey turned in a strong fund-raising report which, along with a number of major endorsements, m a k e h i m a c l e a r frontrunner, according to statement released last week. The campaign reported raising $127,425 since just January 1st. Over 200

individuals have given to Rep. Veasey. Both the amount raised and the number of donors leads all candidates running in New Texas Congressional District 33. Rep. Veasey ended the quarter with well over $100,000 cash on hand. Only millionaire candidates David Alameel and Domingo Garcia have more cash on hand. Rep. Veasey will enter the last six weeks of the election with momentum and the resources needed to mobilize his supporters for the May 29th Democratic Primary. “Clearly our message of standing up to failed Republican leaders in Texas and in Washington is being heard. The strong and broad financial support for our campaign is clear evidence that families in new District 33 want a congressman who they can trust to fight for good jobs, education their children and protection of Social Security and Medicare,” said Rep. Veasey. “I'm very proud that our contributions come from every part of North Texas. Our support reflects the diversity of New District 33 and my commitment to build a coalition of working families united to help President Obama complete his work to save the economy and restore justice and opportunity." Rep. Veasey served as a key congressional staffer for former Member of Congress Martin Frost prior to being elected to the state house. Veasey has experience working in virtually every precinct in the new district. CD33 is a diverse, strongly Democratic district where minority voters make up more than 80 percent of the total population. The citizen voting age population is approximately, 39 percent Hispanic, 25 percent African American and 36 percent Anglo/other. In just the last few weeks, Rep. Veasey has racked up major endorsements that reflect broad and diverse support from within the district. Rep. Veasey's most recent endorsements include the Texas AFL-CIO, the Dallas County Young Democrats, the Dallas County Chapter of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats and former U.S. Congressman Martin Frost. “No one in this race can match Marc’s record of building broad and effective coalitions to get things done,” said campaign manager Jane Hamilton. “Politically, that translates into Marc being the ideal candidate to win this race but more importantly, it makes him the person best able to represent this district in Washington.”

Republican Senate candidates accused of

pandering to Extremists

(Dallas) The Republican U.S. Senate candidates continue to pander to TEA Party extremists and the mega rich at the expense of everyday families. "David Dewhurst promises that if elected to the U.S. Senate he will cut the federal budget to the bone – just like he did in Texas," said Represen ta t ive Lon Bunram (D-For t Worth). "He's admitted that Republicans left school children with nothing. It would be plain shameful to replicate the cuts that Texas families have been forced to deal with at the national level. David Dewhurst and his Republican colleagues don't deserve a promotion, they need a dismissal." All of the Republican candidates vying for their party’s nomination would replicate Texas style “to the bone” cuts to essential services at the national level and would continue the GOP assault on women’s health. David Dewhurst, in his Senate ad, brags about the devastating cuts to essential state services in Texas and promises to cut the federal budget “to the bone.” "The Republican candidates support Rick Perry's assault on women's heatlh and want to take it to the national level," added TDP spokeswoman Rebecca Acuña. "They are also on the wrong side of issues that matter to Latinos. Every Republican debate to date has been an open season on Latinos. They all oppose the DREAM Act and support voter s u p p r e s s i o n l e g i s l a t i o n t h a t w o u l d disproportionately disenfranchise Hispanics. Latinos deserve a U.S. Senator who will stand up for their interests, not one who will throw Latinos under the bus to score points with the Tea Party." The Republican candidates continue to push extreme anti-Hispanic policies and are all opposed to the DREAM Act, which 91% of Latinos support. Ted Cruz has said that bilingual education creations a language ghetto. These type of candidates are exactly why Republicans are alienating Latinos at record levels.

Moore recommended by The Morning News and endorsed

by Teamsters, CWA   The Dallas Morning News has announced it is recommending Maricela Moore for Judge of the 162nd Civil District Court: "With six candidates vying in the Democratic primary for the 162nd Civil District Court, it can be difficult for any one to stand out and make an impression. But Dallas attorney Maricela Moore does. Moore, 36, receives this

newspaper’s recommend-ation." In the panel interview with newspaper editors, Maricela Moore stressed h e r u p - t o - d a t e understanding of civil law and her practical day-to-day experience as an attorney in state and federal courts and as a court-appointed mediator.

She also noted that she has broad experience, working on behalf of individuals and businesses, defendants and plaintiffs, in both large and small cases. Much of her recent work has been focused on representing individuals in disputes with their employers. In the last two weeks, the campaign has also

received the endorsements and support of the Dallas Teamsters Local 745 and the Communications Workers of America Local 6215.

Atty. Moore was also recently endorsed by Dallas City Councilwoman Vonciel Jones Hill, Wilmer Mayor A. Hector Casarez, Glenn Heights Mayor Victor Pereira, and Garland City Councilman Harry Hickey, who join a list of local city leaders who are supporting the campaign, including Dallas City Councilman Tennell Atkins, former Dallas Mayor Adlene Harrison, DeSoto Mayor Carl Sherman and Dallas City Councilwoman Angela Hunt.

Congresswoman Johnson comments on Buffett Rule

Washington, DC– On Tax Day, Congresswoman Johnson releases the following statement on the Buffett Rule and how we can strengthen the e c o n o m y f o r a l l Americans: “It’s that time of year a g a i n w h i c h m o s t Americans dread, Tax D a y. M i d d l e c l a s s Americans are being asked to pay a higher t a x r a t e t h a n millionaires and billionaires. This is an unfair burden on the middle class, which is why I support the Buffett Rule. The Buffett Rule seeks to reverse the notion that the tax code only works for the wealthy. For far too long, the tax code has benefited the wealthiest Americans, while middle class families have struggled. It is time for Congress to work together to address this injustice, strengthen our middle class, and rebuild our economy. The Buffett Rule will help us get there.” The Buffett Rule was named after billionaire Warren Buffett, whose secretary pays a higher tax rate than he does. Congresswoman Johnson is a co-sponsor of the Buffett Rule, H.R. 3903 "Paying a Fair Share Act."

Arlington Police Association endorses Chris Turner

Police praise Turner for commitment to p u b l i c s a f e t y, a c c e s s i b i l i t y a n d

effectiveness A R L I N G T O N – T h e A r l i n g t o n P o l i c e Association announced it is endorsing Chris Turner for State Representative in the new District 101. “After careful consid-eration, the Arlington Police Association is proud to endorse Chris

T u r n e r f o r s t a t e representative in the new

district 101,” said Randle Meadows, President of the Arlington Police Association. “The APA believes that Chris Turner is the best candidate in this race. Chris is the most effective and the most accomplished candidate and Arlington has always been able to count on Chris to get things done,” Meadows said. “In his previous term in office, Chris demonstrated his commitment to public safety by leading the fight for tougher DWI laws and cracking down on sex offenders.” “The endorsement of the Arlington Police Association is a tremendous honor and a huge boost to our campaign,” commented Turner. “I’m proud to have their support and confidence, and I look forward to working with them and their membership to keep our communities safe.” The Arlington Police Association joins a growing list of organizations and groups that have endorsed Turner over the past few weeks. The Arlington Professional Firefighters Local 1329 recently endorsed Turner, as have the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, the Tejano Democrats of North Texas and the Metroplex Democrats of Arlington. Turner also has the support of the majority of the Democratic precinct chairs in District 101. Mr. Turner is a lifelong Democrat who has worked to elect Democrats across Texas. He and his wife Lisa lived in South Arlington for nearly a decade, and their children attended Summit High School in South Arlington. The Turners now live in Grand Prairie. While serving in the state legislature from 2009 to 2011, Mr. Turner’s priorities included reforming the insurance system to protect the


On the Campaign Trail

U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson

TX State Rep. Mark Veasey

Maricela Moore

CD 33 Candidates You can also tune in to Cheryl’s World at #BlogTalkRadio or listen, by calling (646)200-0459

Monday, April 23,


Chris Turner

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interests of consumers, expanding veterans’ benefits, fighting for better funding for public schools, making college more affordable, strengthening DWI laws to protect families from repeat offenders, and lowering utility rates.

Paul Sadler says “it’s time to “woman up!”

P a u l S a d l e r s h a r e s message: One of the best things about running for the United States Senate is that every time I travel across our great state, I am reminded that this race isn't about me, or my family. It's about you, and yours. That's why it means so much to me when an average Texan goes the extra mile to support our campaign to return our seat in the U.S. Senate to it's rightful owners -- the people of Texas. This weekend, while my Republican opponents were arguing with each other about who would take life-saving health insurance protections from millions of Americans the quickest, and refusing to stand up for women's health care, I gave a talk in La Marque, by Galveston about the political power of Texas women. I was flattered when a member of the audience posted a video of my comments on YouTube, and I hope you'll take a minute and view them today. If you agree with me that it is wrong for political leaders to treat women like a so-called "pre-existing condition" and that it is wrong allow employers to discriminate against women by denying them basic insurance coverage, I hope you'll visit and join our campaign. It's time to Woman Up, Texas!

Message about your Voter Registration Card

THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR: Attention ALL currently registered voters of Dallas County: Once you are a registered voter, your voting privileges DO NOT EXPIRE!! No matter what you hear – ONCE A R E G I S T E R E D V O T E R – S T I L L A REGISTERED VOTER, as long as you remain a resident of the County! If you are currently a registered voter and have NOT moved you will receive your NEW Voter’s certificate by April 25th. Remember, PLEASE disregard ALL emails instructing you on how to vote!! If you haven’t moved OUT OF COUNTY you are STILL

REGISTERED TO VOTE! If you need to update your information – you ARE STILL E L I G I B L E T O V O T E ! ! G o t o and click “voter registration status” to get all the details you need, OR call our 24/7 voter hotline at 214.819.6300. Do not be misled! IF YOU STILL LIVE IN THE COUNTY, YOU ARE STILL REGISTERED TO VOTE! For e v e r y t h i n g y o u n e e d t o k n o w, c a l l 214.819.6300 – again, 214.819.6300 IF YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE AND STILL LIVE IN THE COUNTY, YOU ARE STILL ELIGIBLE TO VOTE!

Conyers Pledges to Support Constitutional Amendment to Limit Secret Corporate

Campaign Cash (WASHINGTON) – At a Congressional Summit on Overturning Citizens United, House Judiciary C o m m i t t e e R a n k i n g Member John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) pledged to work towards passing a constitutional amend-ment to expressly permit Congress the power to r e g u l a t e c o r p o r a t e spending in federal

elections. The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizen’s United v. FEC equated corporate campaign donations with free speech, overturned established federal campaign finance laws, and opened the floodgates on unlimited campaign spending by Super PACs. The summit highlighted local, state, and federal efforts to limit the ruling by amending the U.S. Constitution. Ranking Member Conyers along with Representative Donna Edwards (D-Md.) have introduced one such amendment in the House this Congress as H.J. Res. 78. Ranking Member Conyers released this statement following the summit:“The Supreme Court’s holding that corporate political speech is no different than an individual citizen’s political speech was not the law when the Constitution was written, was not the law before the Supreme Court’s decision, and should not be the law in the future. The Citizens United decision undermines citizens’ faith in our Nation’s democratic process. Congress regulated corporate campaign donations to limit not only the potential for corruption, but also the appearance of corruption. The mere appearance of impropriety has a corrosive effect on voters’ belief in the legitimacy of the government. “Fortunately, we have options to preserve the integrity of our democratic electoral system. To date, 12 proposals to amend the Constitution in response to Citizens United have been introduced this Congress, including H.J. Res. 78. I accept the Supreme Court’s a u t h o r i t y t o d e t e r m i n e t h e l a w ’s constitutionality. But many of my colleagues and I respectfully disagree with the Court’s decision in this matter. That is why I pledged to support amending the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people, undermined by Citizens United and related cases, to protect the integrity of our elections and limit the corrosive influence of money in our democratic process. “Congress needs to take a leading role in in i t ia t ing the process to amend the Constitution. As elected officials, it is imperative that we demonstrate to the American people our dedication to the principal that the voters, not moneyed

corporate interests, should determine the outcome of elections. A constitutional amendment providing Congress the explicit authority to regulate corporate campaign contributions would do much to restore the American people’s faith in honest and fair elections.”

2012 National Urban League Conference

This year, the National Urban League heads to New Orleans for the 2012 annual conference! Tak ing p lace in an important election year and themed “Empower t h e N a t i o n , " t h e conference will tackle the issue of double digit unemployment affecting u rban communi t i e s reminding each of us of the power and responsibility we share in making our country better and the integral role education plays in enabling that change. Bringing together thought leaders, business leaders, and YOU, the conference will feature informative workshops, plenary sessions, and a plethora of networking opportunities. This year’s N.U.L. Experience Expo Hall will also feature a Career Fair, College Fair and exciting exhibits and entertainment all in the great city of New Orleans!Don’t miss it, Register Today!

The Texas Tenants’ Union -Helping to advance tenant


Want to help advance tenants' rights? On Saturday, April 21st, both major political parties are having conventions throughout the State of Texas. Any voter can attend. The conventions take place at the county or state senate district level. At the convention, you can introduce resolutions to advance a cause. The Texas Tenants' Union has drafted two resolutions: one urging the Texas Legislature to strengthen tenant laws and another urging the Texas Congressional Delegation to support full funding for housing and other safety net programs. We are hoping to get these resolutions introduced and passed by many county and senate district conventions around the state. Some counties and senate districts encourage voters to submit resolutions early via e-mail or online. If you can go, you should attend the convention of the party you intend to vote in the primary election, ie: if you plan to vote in the Democratic primary, go the Democratic convention; if you intend to vote in the Republican primary, go to the Republican convention.

U.S. Rep. John Conyers

Paul Sadler
























National Urban League’s Marc Morial

Send in your election news to I Messenger!

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Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609

NO 1 ISSUE 23 FEBRUARY 17, 2012


Brought joy into the lives of many






Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609

IMAJ performs at


Is something happening in






on Blogtalkradio


ZEMILLThoughts in Vision


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Remembering theHON. KATHLYN JOY




JOYSTRICKLANDMothers Against Teen Violence

Forever vigilant4

Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609 NO 1 ISSUE 17 BRINGING YOU ENLIGHTENING, EDUCATIONAL, EMPOWERING, INSPIRING, THOUGHT-PROVOKING INFORMATION JANUARY 6, 2012

From the Mother

landPart 2






An Exclusive


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99 and counting!Happy BirthdayDELTA SIGMA THETA


Monumental Message 8

Happy Birthday Dr. King!




Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609

NO 1 ISSUE 21 FEBRUARY 3, 2012

Quest for Success Honorees



9/27/36 - 2/1/12


14Don’t Stop, Don’t Shop





Check out Cheryl Smith’sMEN OF SWAGGER




DFW/ABJ’s30th Anniversary

12/1/11Dallas Music

Delegation to SENEGAL


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Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609

NO 1 ISSUE 26 MARCH 9, 2012

IMAGEworth emulatingDeMetris Sampson

Photo: Lorraine Hood-Jack

Brought to you by Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club 609 North Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 214.740.0609

NO 1 ISSUE 27 MARCH 16, 2012

A GIVING HEARTChery l “Act ion” Jackson


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• I MESSENGER is published every Friday, emailed to thousands of unique addresses, FaceBook and Twitter addresses and website subscribers, and receives over 20,000 views. My extensive lists include: my media list (local and national media), National Association of Black Journalists (regional and national), D/FW Association of Black Journalists, Dallas Press Club, Dallas Metroplex Council of Black Alumni Associations, Divine Nine (Black Sororities and Fraternities), Delta Sigma Theta (1913 - has list of 17,000). Then there are my several personal pages on FB (5001, 885 subscribers, 600 fans, 1500)

• On my website ( I have over 2500 subscribers to I Messenger

• According to Issuu, since January 16, 2012, I Messenger has 2064 readers and 20650 unique page views (In a campaign, we did 114,061 placements)

• We are printing 20,000 guides in additional to the social media campaign.

May 2012 Publication Date

Tune in to Reporters Roundtable

Soul 73 KKDA Sundays at 6a.m.

Activists mark two-year BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of MexicoArt Rocker, Chairman of Operation People for Peace and Dr. E. Faye Williams leading a march with 100’s of protestors in front of Ken Feinberg’s office in Washington, DC

Dick Gregory, Human Rights Activist and Art Rocker, Chairman of Operation People for Peace, protesting with over 12,000 people

against the Keystone Pipeline

Pensacola, FL - The National Leadership team for Operation People for Peace, consisting of Dick Gregory, ; Art Rocker (Chair) ; Dr. E. Faye Williams,; Dr. Bernard Lafayette, Jr., are speaking out on the two year

anniversary of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, April 20, 2010-April 23, 2010. Operation People for Peace, Inc. represents over 400 churches, 100 or more pastors and 10,000 plus underserved and underrepresented claimants. "Finally, over $773 million dollars plus will be paid to these claimants affected by the Oil Spill.

This group represents over 10% of all oil spill claims that have been received by Judge Barbier by the Federal district court of New Orleans, LA,”said Art Rocker. "After Dick Gregory and I protested and went to jail several times with Ken Feinberg's hundreds of promises, finally we can see some daylight.”

Dick Gregory’s 80th

Birthday CelebrationJune 29, 2012

Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club




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“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” . Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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From staff reports

On Saturday, April 28, 2012 beginning at 11:00 a.m. the Arlington Branch NAACP will lead a kick-off March calling for renaming Division Street in honor of slain civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Marchers will begin at 400 Eastern Star Street at 1000 E. Sanford Street and proceed east on Division Street ending at Legends Way and the Silver #4 Parking Lot in front of the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, where a Rally and Press Conference will be held. With broad community support, the “End the Division” campaign brings t o g e t h e r l e a d e r s f r o m v a r i o u s backgrounds including religious, civic,

elected officials and hundreds of community members. A petition requesting support for the renaming has been in circulation since early January and has garnered hundreds of signatures. Those wishing to sign the petition showing support can sign at the ra l ly or check out the webs i te ,“In the city of Arlington, far too long, we’ve been burying our heads in the sand, afraid to speak up and challenge the status quo, but now so many are finally coming together to say it’s time to make our city, a true open city for all, said Silk Littlejohn Gamble, President of NAACP Arlington. “We believe the ‘End the Division’ campaign will end the many divisions that have plagued Arlington, TX for far too

long. “It’s time to heal these wounds, besides we owe this honor to Dr. King, who was a believer in bringing all mankind together.” She continued, “Stephen B. Oates, famous former professor of history at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, an expert on United States history, who has written 16 books, including biographies of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Lincoln, reminds us that on April 4, 1968 when word of Dr. King’s assassination reached white students at a dorm on the campus of the University of Texas at Arlington, those students cheered. “This disrespectful act alone demands that we right such historical wrongs for our city and move us forward in a positive way,” she concluded.

Arlington, NAACP kick off campaign to rename Division in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Here is a partial list of Supporters and Speakers at the Rally:

Ben Jealous-National President NAACPGary Bledsoe-Texas State President NAACPBob Lydia- Texas State Vice President NAACPN.L. Robinson-Pastor Mt Olive Baptist Church ArlingtonGary A. Smith-Pastor ArlingtonSaid Atif-Imam Dar El Eman Islamic Center ArlingtonJohn Wooten-1964 NFL Cleveland Browns Super Bowl ChampionCharley Taylor-Washington Redskins Pro Football Hall of famerDwight McKissic-Pastor Cornerstone Baptist Church ArlingtonFrederick D. Haynes III-Pastor Friendship West Baptist Church DallasZan Wesley Holmes Jr.-Pastor St. Luke “Community” United Methodist ChurchMichael Bell-Pastor Greater St. Stephens First Church Fort WorthLee Muhammad- Student Minister NOIDenny Davis-Pastor St. John Missionary Baptist ChurchDennis R. Wiles-Pastor ArlingtonAndy Mangum-Pastor ArlingtonIsiah Robertson-President of the Dallas Former Players Chapter of the NFLPAB.R. Daniels Sr.-Pastor Beth Eden Baptist Church

Thomas Payne-PastorDavid Mossier-Pastor ArlingtonRobert Rivera-Arlington City CouncilJimmy Bennett-Arlington City CouncilKathleen Hicks-Fort Worth City CouncilDiane Ragsdale-Former Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dallas City CouncilGloria Pena-Arlington Independent School District TrusteeJerry McCullough-Arlington Dr. Marcelo Cavazos-ArlingtonAaron Reich- Arlington Independent School District TrusteeBarbara Nash-Texas State RepresentativeDiane Patrick-Texas State RepresentativeJimmy Walker-Assistant Superintendent of Administration ArlingtonIndependent School DistrictWendy Davis-Texas State Senator District 10Jean Hood-President Office of Human Resources University of Texas atArlingtonDr. Carrie Tunson -Vice President for Continuing Ed. D. Tarrant CountyCollege-Southeast CampusShaun Bailey-President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Arlington, TexasAntoine Hicks-President Alpha Phi Alpha University of Texas at ArlingtonJackson Clay-Vice President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity University of Texasat ArlingtonErica Cain-Texas Youth & College Adviser NAACPDontae Robison-President NAACP College Chapter UTA

Tom Ha-Vietnamese American Community/Asian American Chamber of CommerceCharles Jackson- President, Arlington Black Chamber of CommerceJeffrey Fobbs Jr.-President African American Police Officers AssociationArlingtonKofi Taharka-Chairman National Black United Front (NBUF)Luis Castillo-President Arlington LULACThomas Muhammad-National Black United Front (NBUF)-Dallas ChapterMalik Aziz-President National Black Police AssociationKyev Tatum-President Tarrant County SCLCMary Ellen Hicks-1st Black Woman to serve as an Appellate Judge in theState of TexasManuel Valdez-Justice of the Peace Tarrant County Precinct 5Lisa R. Wood-Justice of the Peace Tarrant County Precinct 8Terry Meza-Attorney LULAC ArlingtonHoward M. Rosenstein- Civil Rights Attorney ArlingtonWalter Dansby-1st African American Superintendant Fort Worth ISDCliff Johnson-Former Texas Rangers Baseball PlayerRay Winbush-Professor Morgan State University �������������������������������� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿRace Relations Expert onOprah Winfrey Show�������������������������������� ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿAndy H. Nguyen ArlingtonCarl Pointer, Minister Arlington

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Remnants of Slave Justice: Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin  Cheryl’s


6-8p.m.Tune in for inspiring, informative, educational and

entertaining commentary, news and talk!


The brutal murder of innocent Em-mett Till in Money, Miss. a genera-tion ago was so horrific that it galvanized nation-al and international media attention and became pivotal in mobilizing the

civil rights movement. When Mamie Till courageously decided to have an open casket for her 14-year-old son so that the world could see what violent racism looked like in America, there was a shift in the community’s conscious-ness in response to both the racially motivated murder and the blatant miscarriage of justice. Not only were the perpetrators acquitted, but they also sold their story to a popular magazine after the trial in which they boldly de-scribed their crime of torture with legal immunity. T h e y w e r e a s s a f e i n their egregious actions as the precedent setting plantation slave owners before them. Today’s version of murder and legal immunity appears with the automatic police response to the fatal shooting of unarmed, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin as self-defense. The uproar over the failure to a r r e s t t h e c o n f e s s e d k i l l -er and to fully investigate Trayvon M a r t i n ’s d e a t h h a s u n d e r -scored the institutional resistance to j u s t i c e a n d a n e n t r e n c h -ed orientation that is not uncommon in “post-racial” America as long as you play by the rules. The rules today require you always to denounce racism, to blame the victim and to allow the terror of murder to teach the subtle lesson of role and place. Emmett Till should have known his place and not whistled at a white

woman; Trayvon Martin should not have worn a hoodie. Racist conditioning provides the prism through which deadly force is embraced as a right and a subtle instrument of control. African American male youth who are oblivious to the conditioning process of racial intimidation and control pay a high price. In spite of the declarations that slavery ended over a century ago and that the race card is unneces sa r i l y i n f l ammato ry, remnants of abuse, injustice and supremacis t ent i t lement per-sist. This worldview is echoed on conservative news networks and in local police departments. This racist conditioning can be seen in constitutional constructionists, who worship the wisdom of the founding fathers and deny their failure to resolve the issue of African humanity. The polarization remains evident today in a deadlocked in Congress, i n t h e c o d e d r e m a r k s o f presidential campaigns, and in the church house, where transformative power is no longer expected from the pulpit or pew. The pain of uncovering such internalized behavior causes many to become paralyzed with guilt, repression and fear. Avoiding these effects of the past too often means that we are unable to identify the remnant of intol-erance and hatred that festers in our midst. Emotional reaction makes it difficult to identify the psychopathic racial personality, mentacide, white privilege or what the New Jim Crow looks like today. The price we pay goes beyond the tragic deaths of innocent youth. Decision-making humanity is compromised; spiritual values are attenuated; capitalist enterprise is undermined; and there are only perfunctory tools for study and correction.

Instead of healing and moral resilience, the best society can do is react, deny and defend. Compassion, i n t e g r i t y a n d h e a l i n g a r e thwarted and a century long pattern of hate and confusion continues. However, there is another voice, another worldview. In order for us to move forward as a nation, this historically silenced voice must be considered. It would be too simplistic to say it is the voice of freedom. No, it is the voice of a culture and a people who are rarely seen without distorted lens. Regrettably, the reinforcement of this distorted conditioning has taken place under our watch. African American men have not only been incarcerated at epidemic rates , which paral le l post Reconstructionist oppression, but the images that bombard us “normalize” criminal imagery. This art if icial stereotype was strategic for the defense of slavery and today, works so well that stereotype is more readily accepted than authentic identity. The parents of Trayvon Martin—and a million others—force us to address our failure in what could be a watershed moment. They offer America yet another chance to move towards a redeemed reality of reconciliation and justice. What comes after the marches will suggest the decision we have made. Noted author Brenda Wall will be the speaker at the NAACP’s Juanita Craft Freedom Fund Banquet, Friday, April 20, 2012 at the Omni Hotel, 7p.m.

Dr. Brenda Wall

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Making a differenceBy Cheryl SmithI Messenger

If there are eyesores in your neighborhood, you’re probably thrilled when someone like Opal White appears on the scene.

On the other hand, if you’re that neighbor who refuses to cut your lawn, let’s friends and relatives leave their inoperable vehicles on your premises, or you use the side of the house as a dumping ground; well you won’t be happy at all because you will be cited.

During the third annual Dallas Community Outreach Conference at the Texas Discovery Garden Center at Fair Park, the focus was on code compliance, crime prevention and building stronger, safer neighborhoods.

The two-day conference featured Dallas Police Chief David Brown, Dallas County Health and Human Services Director Zachary Thompson, Dallas City Councilwoman Carolyn Davis and several city of Dallas employees who discussed everything from bulky trash and water conser vation to crime prevention and group home facilities.

According to Project Coordinator Thomas Muhammad, the purpose of the conference was to “educate neighborhood stakeholders and code enforcement professionals on different strategies to keep Dallas neighborhoods clean.”

“Attendees are taught important information that will help foster clean and sustainable communities,” said Mr. Muhammad.

Assisted by Friday host and veteran journalist John McCaa, and Saturday host and president of the Regional Hispanic Contractors Association John Martinez; the well-attended conference provided a

wealth of information from panelists and the many vendors in attendance.

“Community is very important to me,” said Councilwoman Davis. “We work to ensure that the constituents are getting the very best service because we focus, plan and implement.”

Ms. Davis said high weeds and abandoned homes are unacceptable and not only are they an eyesore, but they devalue the neighborhoods.

“People in our communities care about our property too,” she added, as attendees applauded.

Now sometimes the poorly kept establishments are not the fault of an individual. Some of the homes may belong to estates, or even banks. Recently the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) and four of its member organizat ions f i led federa l housing discrimination complaints against Wells Fargo, U.S. Bancorp and U.S. Bank National Bank Association.  Filed earlier this month with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and resulting from an undercover investigation of the banks properties that found that its foreclosed properties in White areas are much better maintained and marketed than its properties in African-American and Latino neighborhoods.

With the high rate of foreclosures in Texas, as well as Texas being one of the states that does not have a recission allowance for homeowners whose properties are in jeopardy, it’s probably safe to say that based on information from NFHA, some of the eyesores in communities are the direct result of inadequate upkeep from banks and mortgage companies too.

The investigation by NFHA uncovered “a systemic practice of maintaining and marketing its foreclosed, bank-owned properties (also known as Real Estate-Owned or REO properties) in a state of disrepair in communities of color while maintaining and marketing REO properties in predominantly

Conference focuses on cleaner, safer communities

Zachary Thompson , Dallas County Health and Human Services Director and Thomas Muhammad, Code Compliance Conference Project Coordinator

Opal White accepts her award for Code Inspector/Officer of the Year as Councilwoman Carolyn Davis looks on.

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White communities in a far superior manner.” 

“Our findings underscore the obvious:  properties that are poorly maintained not only lose value but have a higher likelihood of selling to an investor, rather than to a family,” said Shanna L. Smith, NFHA President and CEO. “U.S. Bank is making it harder for the market to come back in communities of color.”

The culprits, wherever they are, have to be identified and dealt with if the neighborhoods and communities are going to thrive. Dealing with the culprits was a major concern for conference attendees. There were numerous members of neighborhood associations and crime watch groups who expressed their concerns about absentee landlords, abandoned homes that were being used for illegal activity and some neighbors who are unable to deal with the upkeep of their property.

Anna Hill is the president of the Dolphin Heights Neighborhood Association and Mr. Muhammad says she ha s p l ayed a ma jor ro le in supporting the East Dallas community

and a s s i s t ing the Da l l a s Po l ice Department in reducing crime within her community.

“If you don’t have a crime watch group,” she urged, “then you need to start one.”

The group she helped organize is now a 501 C 3 ne ighborhood association that has expanded to include a beautification program, a scout and after school programs. Ms. Hill says their program has been successful because they get people involved, even the children.

“I have children telling me, ‘I’m calling the police if I see someone doing something,’” she said.

And that community’s involvement is just what Mr. Thompson referred to when he encouraged attendees to take pride in their neighborhoods.

“Take care of your own house and encourage people to focus on code compliance,” he said, adding that citizens should also be prepared in case a disaster occurs. “In case of something like a tornado or a fire, or something else happens that you have to leave your home, you need to be prepared.”

In the meantime, you need to take care of that place you call home by putting trash in its proper place, making necessa r y repa i r s and maintaining a well-kept dwelling.

If you don’t, you might have a meeting with Opal White and a potentially unpleasant situation will be diffused immediately because of her pleasant smile and disposition.

A native of Dallas, Texas. who attended Lincoln High School and Eastfield College; in 2004 Ms. White began working as a Code Inspector I for the Ci ty o f Da l l a s in the Department of Code Compliance.

She started out on the Premise Abatement Team and wa s then promoted to a Code Inspector II in the Southwest Code Compliance District. From there she seized the opportunity for further growth and transferred to work with the City Marshals Illegal Dump Team as a Code Officer II.

Today she is a Neighborhood Code Representative in the South Central Code Compliance District.

A short visit with Ms. White and you’ll understand why she was chosen as the Code Inspector of the Year.

“My experience with the City of Dallas has been very pleasant,” she said. “I love working in the community with the citizens and attending to their concerns and or requests.”

Amidst thunderous applause and cheers from fellow code inspectors, city employees and citizens attending the conference, Ms. White beamed as

she was praised for exemplary service.Now anyone traveling on Highway

67 wi l l see her wide smile on a billboard, courtesy of Access Storage, Mobil Oil of DeSoto and Southwest Auto Repair of Lancaster, proclaiming that she is the Code Inspector of the Year.

A humble and charming woman, Ms. White graciously accepted the award as fellow officers and community members applauded and cheered.

According to Mr. Muhammad, the honor was well deserved. Voted on by fellow code officers and residents, Ms. White was the final selection from the committee, which was made up of former Dallas Deputy Mayor Pro Team Diane Ragsdale and Ron Cowart.

The crew is already back on the job planning for next year’s conference, which if the previous ones are any indication, there will be a standing room only crowd.

Congratulations to the City of Dallas:


% First Place % % Opal White% Second Place%% Tonya King% Third Place % % Howard Middlebrook


( First Place % % St. Monica Elementary School% Second Place%% Highland Hills Neighborhood % % % % % Association% Third Place %% Cedars Neighborhood Association

Code Officers congratulate fellow officer Tonya King

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Finalists and Semi-Finalists announced for

2012 High School Playwriting Project

 Circle Theatre and Fort Worth Theatre have announced the finalists and semi-finalists in their eighth annual High School Playwriting Project. Staged readings of the four finalist plays are scheduled for 3:00pm, Sunday, April 29, at Circle Theatre, in Sundance Square. Texas Christian University theatre professor, Alan Shorter, will direct the readings. This annual playwriting project staged reading is free of charge and open to the general public, as well as families and friends of the playwrights. Finalist and semi-finalist students and their teachers will receive cash stipends, certificates, trophies and complimentary theatre tickets as an acknowledgement of their participation and accomplishment. A reception honoring the selected students and teachers will immediately follow the readings and awards ceremony on Sunday. For further information or to reserve g e n e r a l a d m i s s i o n s e a t i n g , c a l l 817-877-3040, from 12pm - 5pm, Tuesday through Friday. Circle Theatre is located in Sundance Square at 230 West Fourth Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102.

Frisco ISD-TV’s Jamie Miller and Erica Mackler

win Journalism Competition

Medical City Dallas Hospital recently announced joining the Texas Institute for Robotic Surgery. They sponsored a student journalism contest for this event, allowing students to serve as working members of the press. Four Frisco ISD-TV crew members were selected by Frisco ISD-TV Executive Producer, Eva Coleman, to serve as two-person video teams to cover this event. They were selected based upon their academic and media accomplish-ments in the Audio/Video Production course at the Career & Technical Education Center. The video teams of Jamie Miller / Erica Mackler and Kayla Kawalec / Alex Le were challenged with selecting an angle and producing a story resulting from the press conference. They had the opportunity to interview doctors, as well as a patient who has undergone robotic surgery. Their video entries had to be completed on a tight deadline and could not exceed two minutes. Miller and Mackler were announced as winners and will each receive an iPad for their efforts. To view their winning video, visit the Frisco ISD-TV YouTube channel here: Always Innovating Winning Video

Center for Nonprofit Management

Register online at or call 214-826-3470, ext. 239.

FREE 501(c)offee ClubFREE Nonprofit networking for those who

work and vo lun teer a t nonpro f i t organizat ions. We meet the f i rs t Wednesday of every month and will discuss a different topic each month.

Fee: FREEDate: Wednesday, May 2, 7:30 am to 9:30 amLocation: Café Express, 3230 McKinney Ave, Dallas

Essentials of Brand Loyalty The Inner Circle: Essentials of Brand Loyalty for NonprofitsThe relationship between marketing and development can be the lynchpin of success for fundraisers. Specifically, analyzing your various audiences, understanding their motivations, and learning how to move them into your inner circle of volunteers and donors. In this 4 hour interactive workshop, you will:Discuss the relat ionship between marketing and developmentUsing the “target” approach, define and categorize the stakeholders for your nonprofitDefine “what’s in it for them.” By analyzing s t a k e h o l d e r s i n t e r e s t s i n y o u r organization, you can better determine how and what to communicateCreate a tactical marketing/development plan with limited budget

Instructor: Laura Wooten, sole proprietor of Wooten CommunicationsFee:$65 members/ $115 non-membersDate:Wednesday, May 2, 9 am to 12 pmL o c a t i o n : C e n t e r f o r N o n p r o f i t Management, 2902 Floyd Street, Dallas

The Three R’s of Auctions: Revenue, Revenue, and RevenueLeveraging Procurement, Sponsors, and Guests to Drive Auction RevenueWant to make more money at your live or s i l e n t a u c t i o n ? C o m b i n e s m a r t procurement, sponsor commitment, and the right guests with a personalized bidding experience, and you'll see your guests bid more money—more often—and have more fun doing so. In this seminar, we will share the tips, tricks, and strategies learned at hundreds of benefit auctions. You'll get the best practices compiled from the experience of thousands of Greater Giving clients. You'll also get some new approaches to help your organization and mission stand out, so you can take advantage of emerging fundraising opportunities as the national economy begins to recover.

Ins t ruc to r :Pa t r i c ia Borders , Area Marketing Executive, Greater GivingFee:$65 members/ $115 non-membersDate:Thursday, May 3, 9 am to 2 pmL o c a t i o n : C e n t e r f o r N o n p r o f i t Management, 2902 Floyd Street, Dallas

How to Ensure Capital Campaign SuccessEffective planning for a formal campaign can't start early enough and should be a comprehensive, collaborative process. During this training you'll learn the essential elements of a successful capital campaign using best-practices, practical experience and specific examples. At conclusion, you'll be able to: --understand what it takes to conduct a successful capital campaign--create a comprehensive campaign business plan--make informed decisions on how to

--proceed with a campaign

Instructor: Daniel Neel Fee: $65 members/ $115 non-membersDate: Wednesday, May 9, 9 am to 12 pmL o c a t i o n : C e n t e r f o r N o n p r o f i t Management, 2902 Floyd Street, Dallas

Design and Messaging for Winning Campaign MaterialsThis course will give participants an overview on how to develop messaging and materials for winning campaigns including strategy, branding, design and messaging. It will highlight the most common mistakes made by "DIY" communicators. It will include specific examples of the fundraising campaign branding, logo, tagline, design and messaging process. At conclusion, participants will be able to:Develop a strategy statement for their organization's campaign communicationsUnderstand the elements that create strong branding and communicationsHow to effectively implement campaign communications

Instructor: Daniel Neel Fee: $65 members/ $115 non-membersDate: Wednesday, May 9, 1 pm to 4 pmLoca t ion : Cen te r fo r Commun i ty Cooperation, 2900 Live Oak Street, Dallas

Taking the Fear Out of “The Ask”The #1 reason people don't like asking for

money is the fear of the unexpected. This course will provide practical guidance and tools for planning, conducting and successfully closing major and capital gift solicitations. At conclusion, participants will be able to:--develop individualized solicitation strategies--solicit major gifts with confidence, anticipating and appropriately responding to potential objections--prepare others for effective solicitation visits

Instructor: Daniel NeelFee: $65 members/ $115 non-membersDate: Thursday, May 24, 9 am to 12 pmL o c a t i o n : C e n t e r f o r N o n p r o f i t Management, 2902 Floyd Street, Dallas



Dick Gregory’s 80th

Birthday Celebration

June 29, 2012Harwood 609 Restaurant

and Jazz Club

Page 13: I Messenger 32a



Get your free health screenings at select CVS Pharmacy Stores. During National Minority Health Month, select CVS/pharmacy stores around the country will be offering free health screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, body mass index and professional consultations with a CVS Pharmacist and a nurse practitioner. This effort, part of CVS/pharmacy’s “Project Health,” aims to prevent disease through early detection by bringing free screenings to local communities across the country to help African American and Hispanic communities take proactive steps to better health. “Project Health” offers an array of free comprehensive health risk assessments and screenings during five national health

awareness months, which began with American Heart Month (February) and will conclude with Diabetes Awareness Month (November). For more information on free screenings and “Project Health,” visit 2323 W. Illinois Ave.Dallas, TX 75224 2–6 PM 202427 W. Jefferson Blvd.Dallas, TX 75211 2–6 PM

213034 S. 1st St.Garland, TX 75041 2–6 PM

1902 Pleasant Valley Rd.Garland, TX 75040 2–6 PM26815 E. Abrams St.Arlington, TX 76010 2–6 PM 1811 E. Arkansas Ln.Arlington, TX 76010 2–6 PM

27 4140 E. LancasterFt. Worth, TX 76103 2–6 PM 6548 Meadowbrook Dr.Ft. Worth, TX 76112 2–6 PM

288520 Camp Bowie, W.

Project Health - Adore your Health Day with CVS


Vivica A. Fox hosts Spirit of Democracy Awards Gala

Honoring Men Committed toEmpowering Underserved Communities

Washington, DC - Melanie L. Campbell, president and CEO of The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (The National Coalition), has announced the recipients of the prestigious 2012 Spirit of Democracy Awards. The honorees will be presented during the 15th annual Spirit of Democracy Awards Gala hosted by actress and producer, Vivica A. Fox (Set It Off, Kill Bill, Soul Food), on Thursday May 17, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. Honorees are Michael Baisden, nationally syndicated radio personality, author, philanthropist, and social activist instrumental in exposing the Trayvon Martin case; Al Dotson, chairman of the board, 100 Black Men of America; Shawn Dove, campaign manager, Campaign for Black Male Achievement, Open Society Foundations; Gerald Hudson, executive vice president, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and David Honig, founder and president, Minority Media and Telecommunications Council.

"This year we are proud to be 'Ce lebra t ing Our Bro thers . ' The leadership of these men in their respective fields helps to empower underserved communities across the country" said Campbell. "These strong, positive men also set an example of excellence in achievement for young brothers across the country." There will also be a special tribute to the late Ruby Campbell Pulliam who was a servant leader in civil rights and women's rights. The Spirit of Democracy Awards are presented to individuals and organizations who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to creating balance in the democratic process and support The Nation Coalition's mission and vision of making civic participation a cultural responsibility and tradition. Sponsors include AT&T and Verizon, among others. The event is open to the public. Individual ticket prices are $175. For tickets or more information call 202 659-4929 or visit to purchase online.

Page 14: I Messenger 32a



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Tune in for inspiring, informative, educational and entertaining commentary, news and talk!

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Get up, get out, get JIGGY!

!WHAT: Get up, Get Out and Get JIGGY Family Fitness Day WHO: An event put on by the Southwest Suburban Dal las Chapter of Jack and Jil l of America, Inc. and community partner Gateway Charter Academy WHY: Health information, screen-ings, exercise demonstrations, resources, children’s activities, vendors and more. WHERE: G a t e w a y C h a r t e r Academy, 1015 E. Wheatland Rd. Dallas, TX 75241 WHEN: SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

This is the first year Family Fitness Day will be held at Gateway Charter Academy. Now, in its’ second year, this event brings families and communities together for health and fitness information, r esou rces , wo rkshops and shopping in a fun atmosphere. The Southwest Suburban Chapter and its partners are expecting a number of families and communities members to take advantage of the free health

screenings, information on healthy behaviors, and fitness showcase. The children’s activities and exercise demonstrations make for a festive family event. Event partners include Gateway Charter Academy and Waffle House. Get up, get out, get JIGGY is an important initiative for the South-west Suburban Dallas Chapter and is aimed at combating the epidemic of obesity by informing and engaging families in healthy eating, regular exercise and healthy lifestyle choices. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in workout demon-strations, visit with medical professionals, shop with vendors and leave with enough information to Get up, Get out and Get JIGGY. The Family Fitness Day kicks off with an early morning dance inspired by first lady, Michelle Obama and led by Jack and Jill members, Gateway Charter Academy students and community members. The SWSD Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. hopes this event serves as a catalyst for communities seeking supportive environments that support healthy living!

Denver women who make a

difference honoredDenver, CO ( -- The

Denver Urban Spectrum, an award-winning monthly publication, has been spreading the news about people of color since 1987. From national headlines to the celebration of local "African Americans Who Make a Difference," the paper, with a distribution of over 25,000, has been a driving force within the

Denver metro African American community for 25 years.

To celebrate the silver anniversary, a four-day slate of community events are planned, culminating with a black tie awards dinner honoring 25 "Timeless Legends" - women who hail from Denver, many who are internationally known. The recipients include Grammy award-winning singer Dianne Reeves,

the Little Rock Nine's Carlotta LaNier, former Denver City Councilwoman and 2008 DNC Chair Elbra Wedgeworth, internationally-known choreographer Cleo Parker Robinson, and former First Lady of Denver Wilma Webb.

The gala will be Saturday, April 28, from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Renaissance Hotel, 3801 Quebec St., in Denver. Former Speaker of the House Terrance Carroll will serve as the Master of Ceremonies and the Honorable Mayor Michael Hancock and First Lady Mary Louise Lee are the honorary chairs. Entertainment will be provided by The Julius Show. Sculptor Ed Dwight has been commissioned to design the Timeless Legends awards.

Saturday morning's event will be dedicated to youth. Families are invited to attend "It's Your Time," an educational and health youth rally from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Montbello High School, 5000 Crown Blvd., in Denver. The special guest speaker is author and self-made millionaire Dr. Farrah Gray who will address the 12-18 year old students. Also included in the activities will be live entertainment and remarks from Denver City Councilman Chris Herndon.

Other celebration events include "A Moment In Time," a VIP kick off reception at the Blair Caldwell African Amer i can Resea rch L ib ra ry on Wednesday, April 25 and a "A Time for Laughter," a night of comedy featuring local comedians on Thursday, April 26 at the Improv.

Jack and Jill sponsors family fitness day and health fair

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Phyllis Janet Wilborn Patterson

November 27, 1954 - April 11, 2012 Phyllis Janet Wilborn Patterson was born to Albert and Charlie Mae Wilborn on November 27, 1954 in Dallas, Texas. Phyllis united with Munger Avenue Baptist Church on May 9, 1966. She was active on the Trustee Ministry, was a board member, and Budget and Finance Coordinator. Phyllis attended K.B. Polk Elementary School, Rusk Jr. High, Thomas Jefferson High School and The University of North Texas. While at North Texas she pledged the Amazin’ Zeta Eta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., in the Fall of 1974. Her line name was Fallious #14, The Elite Establishment 23 Out of Reach. In addition to her Delta accomplishments she received a Bachelor of Business Administration

(concentration in Accounting). Upon graduation from North Texas, Phyll is was em-ployed by Mobil Oil Corporation as an accountant for 25 years, and retired therefrom. She worked as a gas accountant, senior financial accountant, lead accountant –

Mobil administrative Services and accounting tax payroll. After retirement from Mobil, her career continued as a consultant with A J Consulting, Ernst & Young Compensation Management Team and Cross County Mortgage LTD. On July 30, 1983 Phyllis married Jimmy Patterson. To this union two children were born, Evan Brian Patterson and Alyssa Jimene Patterson. Phyllis was a loving, extraordinary, caring, and unconquerable mother. Her life was spent making sure that her children were supported in every way possible. She was active with the Cedar Hill Schools PTA, Delta TASPERS, soccer mom, PTA athletic chair of Cedar Hill Basketball, and Jack and Jill of A m e r i c a , D a l l a s Chapter. Phyllis made sure that all of her friends and family were cared for. She went out of her way to remember and celebrate their special d a y s a n d accomplishments. Her special interests were ceramics, piano music, puzzles, volunteering with community service programs and business and professional groups. She was a Golden Life Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. As a member of the Dallas Alumnae Chapter for over 30 years, she served as the first financial assistant, budget chairperson (7yrs), budget committee (10yrs), Jabberwock Chair, Dodd Education and Support, TASPERS, treasurer, membership chair, and vice president. She remained active with her initiation chapter, the Amazin’ Zeta Eta, as Alumnae Association President, primary advisor, and financial advisor for over 10 years. On April 11, 2012, she departed this world. She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert Jimpson Wilborn, Sr. and Charlie Mae Wilborn. Left to bereave her death but cherish her memories are her children, Evan Brian

Patterson and Alyssa Jimene Patterson, sisters Nancy Ann Wilborn Diggs, Madelyn Elaine Wilborn Hart both of Dallas, brother, Albert Jimpson Wilborn Jr., sister-in-law Myrtle Peggy Hartwell Wilborn of Anaheim Hills, California, brother –in-law Bobby Diggs, Dallas, TX. ,nieces, Hope Hart and Brook Hart Jones, nephews Dustin Hart, Jason Eric Wilborn, Kevin Wilborn and Terrence Wilborn and a host of additional relatives and friends.

Desni Bowie-Green June 20, 1953 - April 1, 2012

D e s n i B o w i e -Green was born to the parentage of Lester Bowie (deceased) and Quillia Bowie on June 20, 1953 in S t . L o u i s , Missouri. Desni was educated in the Evanston, Illinois school district and graduated from Northern I l l i n o i s U n i v e r s i t y i n 1975 with a BA in Education. She was active in her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta. On August 1, 1983, God gave her a son, Deon Reese Evans. On F e b r u a r y 1 4 , 1989 she married Thomas Edward

Green, Jr., of Rochester, NY and to this union they were blessed with a son, Cameron Edward Green on June 25, 1990. As a child, Desni was very active in church. Her first membership was with Springfield Missionary Baptist Church and later with Faith Temple C.O.G.I.C. Desni relocated in June of 1987 to Dallas, Texas where she was united with First Baptist Church of Hamilton Park in 1990. She worked willingly in the church in various roles and responsibilities that included: Mass Choir Secretary, Sunday School teacher, 2nd Vice President with the Women's Council and was awarded Woman of the year twice. Desni began her career in banking in Evanston, Illinois. She continued her career in Dallas working for the Bank of America where her last role was AVP in Fraud Claims. She was with Bank of America for almost 25 years. Desni was energetic, elegant, articulate, precise, humorous and very loving. She was also a very loving daughter, sister, mother and friend. She leaves to cherish her loving memory: sons, Deon and Cameron; mother, Quillia Bowie; brothers, Terry Bowie (Leslie)of Silver Spring, MD, Tyrome Bowie of Evanston, IL and Kevin (Jeanette) of Crowley, TX; sister, Beverly Ware of Florissant, MO.

Steve CokelyJune 17, 1952 - April 11, 2012

Steve Cokely passed away on April 11, 2012. Steve was born June 17, 1952 and was the father of three children. Steve was a political researcher and lecturer who has lectured nationally on political and

economic issues especially as they relate to the Black community. Steve served as special assistant to the former mayor of Chicago, Eugene Sawyer. He was also assistant to the special committee on rules under the late then-Mayor Harold Washington,

Steve was also a futurologist who c o m m e n t e d e x t e n s i v e l y o n w a t e r conservation, organic farming, and communal living. He has given over 5,000 lectures in the past decade alone on the topic of global warming and corporate conspiracies, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, etc. Steve’s research delves into the history of Marcus Garvey, the Black Panthers and other areas of African-American history. Steve has lectured at many college campuses nationally and is also known for his conspiracy theories involving the Black Male elite organization known as the Boule and the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace

May 9, 1918 – April 7, 2012

Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace (May 9, 1918 – April 7, 2012) was an American journalist, game show host, actor, and media personality. During his career, which spanned over 6 0 y e a r s , h e interviewed a wide range of prominent newsmakers. He was one of the original correspond-ents for CBS' 60 M i n u t e s w h i c h debuted in 1968. Mike retired as a regular full-time correspondent in 2006, but still appeared occasionally on the series until 2008. He died on April 7, 2012 in the New Canaan, Connecticut, care facility where he had lived the last few years of his life. He was 93. Mike whose family's surname was originally Wallik, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, to Russian Jewish immigrant parents, Frank and Zina (Sharfman) Wallace. His father was a grocer and insurance broker. Mike attended Brookline High School, graduating in 1935. He graduated from the University of Michigan

four years later with a Bachelor of Arts. While a student he was a reporter for the Michigan Daily and belonged to the Alpha Gamma Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity.

Richard Wagstaff "Dick" Clark

November 30, 1929- April 18, 2012

Rock n' roll icon and TV and radio pioneer Dick Clark died on Wednesday, April 18 of a heart a t t ack in San ta Monica, California at age 82. He was born in Bronxville, New York, and was raised in nearby Mount Vernon, the son of Julia Fuller

(née Barnard) Clark and Richard Augustus Clark. His only sibling, older brother Bradley, was killed in World War II. Dick attended A.B. Davis High School (now A.B. Davis Middle School) in Mount Vernon and Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York, and was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity (Phi Gamma); he graduated in 1951 with a degree in business. Dick, affectionately known as "America's Oldest Teenager," is survived by his wife Kari, and his three children Richard Augustus II, Duane, and Cindy. Memorial plans have yet to be announced. As a successful businessperson, he served as chairman and chief executive officer of Dick Clark Productions, which he sold part of late in his life. He also founded the restaurant chain, "American Bandstand Diner," modeled after the Hard Rock Cafe. Beginning in 1973, he created and produced the annual American Music Awards show, similar to the Grammy Awards. In 2005, Dick returned to his Dick Clark's New Year's Rocking' Eve special after missing the 2004 broadcast, due to a stroke, which forced him to skip his first broadcast in 32 years. Dick was once again back in Times Square this year, along with co-host Ryan Seacrest, to ring in 2012.


Donna P. Charles

5/20/1958 - 3/23/2012

Elusive Lady #22Spring 1978

Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,

Inc., FAMU

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Carter Boyz

By Gary Edwards

This is Gary Edwards' story, The Carter Boyz, about one of the most sensational stories to make Dallas headlines in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  Carter Boyz is Mr. Edwards’ version of events that led to the incarceration of several Dallas-area football "stars."

Although the young men who found themselves on the wrong side of the law were not all from David W. Carter High School, by the time they were having their day in court, they were dubbed the "Carter Boyz."

In his own words, Mr. Edwards tells how life was as a member of one of the best high school football teams in the country.

They actual ly won the State Championship in 1988, only to later ha ve the t i t l e s t r ipped , but a s teammate Jessie Armstead, who was not involved in the rash of armed robberies, wrote in the foreword, "no one can take away what Carter High School accomplished in 1988."

Mr. Armstead went on to play professional football in the NFL and he says that Mr. Edwards "will take you on a journey like you have never seen, and of course, give you the real story, unlike what was written or said in the media or portrayed in Friday Night Lights."

The rash of armed robberies not only made headlines but was featured

in the television show Friday Night Lights and is the subject of a movie that will be released soon.

Carter Boyz was co-written by former Da$as Weekly writer, George Gates and edited by current columnist and former managing editor Shewanda Riley.Mr. Gates describes Mr. Edwards as a "humble, spiritual and remorseful man who wants to send a message to younger kids of today."

By reading Carter Boyz, you will be able to add Mr. Edwards' perspective to a l l the hy pe you 've read in newspapers or seen on television, as well as the never-ending rumors.

Not on l y i s Car ter Boyz interesting and insightful, it is very revealing as you read about the lives, before and after, of the key figures.

Love on the LineBy Laura Castoro

Love on the Line is the story of love and relationships, careers and the clergy. Thea Morgan has a long history with Rev. Xavier Thornton but there's been a l i fetime away f rom one another and they are getting back together to get married.  

Now Thea 's a h igh powered executive who is breaking the glass ceiling at her international corporation and Xavier's a former athlete and popular minister.  She has just received a promotion to vice president at her Dallas, Texas-based

corporation and he ha s ju s t been assigned to pastor at a small church in an Arkansas town.

Thea rea l l y doesn't want to move to smallville Arkansas and she doesn't want to l ea ve the "ne w" position, but Xavier seems to be on a mission and he's totally focused on what he can do to help the members of St. Hurricane Church.

To exacerbate matters, there's the self-appointed church matriarch, Hattie Patterson, who refuses to accept Thea. Actually, she seems determined to get rid of the church's

new First Lady. Mrs. Patterson may have met her match.

Bi-racialism is also a topic, along with the biases that Blacks have toward whites and vice versa.  Thea ha s a daughter f rom her f i r s t marriage, Jesse.  With Thea's fair skin and her husband's blond hair and blues eyes, Jesse could easily have passed.  Her struggles are enough to cause intense discussions as she deals with sharing her lineage, to avoid the truth coming out in at an inopportune time.

Love on the  Line has a host of interesting characters who are easy to identify with because of the skillful writing of Ms. Castoro. This is an endearing love story that has a happy ending. 

Support the Black PressSupport Black -owned


Send your books for review to: Cheryl Smith, P.O. Box

860 Grand Prairie, TX 75053 ELITENEWS

In our libraryReviewed by Cheryl Smith

Page 17: I Messenger 32a



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I started TBANN because I felt in my heart that there were more stories to be told about black America. For far too long have our stories been either ignored or treated as a sidebar. TBANN is here to change all of that.

TBANN will focus on news and issues that affect black Americans. All of black America. Rich or poor, famous or blue collar, natural or permed, dark skin, light skin or whatever makes us unique - we all have one thing in common.

We are black America!

I need you to help TBANN change the face of black news in America and across the world.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012Hyatt Regency Dallas - Landmark Ballroom

300 Reunion Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75207 

5:30 p.m.  Sponsors VIP Reception 6:30 p.m.  Dinner and Program

Dr. Brenda Wall

will be the speaker at the

Dallas NAACP’s Juanita Craft Freedom Fund Banquet

April 20, 2012

7:30p.m. at the Omni Hotel. For tickets call 214.916.9919.







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Dick Gregory’s 80th

Birthday CelebrationJune 29, 2012

Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club

Page 18: I Messenger 32a



April 20-21

The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM) is an NGO in Consultative Status with the United Nations. From CIVIL RIGHTS to HUMAN RIGHTS and SELF-DETERMINATION? CHICAGO CONFERENCE 2012 AGENDA. Confirmed speakers Cynthia McKinney, Law Professors Vernalia Randall and Carla D. Pratt, Political Science Professor Tyson King-Meadows, Attorneys Dr. Ava Muhammad, Chokwe Lumumba and Standish Willis, multiple HBCU past president Dr. John Waddell, National Black Farmer's Association President John Boyd and Queen Quet of the Gullah-Geechee Nation.

**********Roots for Youth African Children's Theater AuditionsFriday, April 20, 2012 at 6PM - 7:30 PMat Act of Change Institute3200 S. Lancaster Rd., Ste. 623 (Lancaster Kiest Shopping Center, behind Mo-Town)

Dr. Brenda Wall will be the speaker at the Dallas NAACP’s Juanita Craft Freedom Fund Banquet

7:30p.m. at the Omni Hotel.

For tickets call 214.916.9919.

April 21

Booksignings at Jokae’s African American Books

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.Nakaie Dorsey, Author

Daughter of Destiny

South Dallas Business and Professional Women’s Club Annual V. Alyce Foster Awards Luncheon, noon at the Hilton Anatole Hotel. Subscriptions are $ 60.00.

Walnut Hill Elementary School is having a “Community Health and Safety Fair” 11 am-3 pm. There will be free dental and eye exams. Immunizations are offer for $5 each. Carter Blood Care will be there as well as other free giveaways. Contact Gwen Walker or Debra Ginchansky at 972-502-7809 or email [email protected] or [email protected]. More details at Located at 10115 Midway Road, Dallas TX 75229.

March of Dimes premier event, March for Babies, is the nation’s oldest fundraising walk at White Rock Lake’s Norbuck Park at 8:30am. Those wishing to join the fight against prematurity can sign up today as an individual or start a team at

Who: Wilmer-Hutchins Class of ‘81What: White Linen Party!When: 8pm-2amWhere: Elks Lodge, 2444 S. Zang St., Dallas, TXWhy: Fundraising Party to buy Computers for Wilmer Hutchins High School Computer Lab


********The Pan-African Connection Bookstore

Art Gallery and Resource Center828 Fourth Ave., Dallas Texas,

  9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.Reflections of Africa By

Mama-TA presents

Community Sewing Class


Hear first hand accounts by Kathleen Cleaver, former leader of the Black Panther Party, now Professor of Law at Emory and Yale Universities and an expert on COINTELPRO. Ward Churchill, just-removed Professor at the University of Colorado who has written extensively about COINTELPRO. Laura Whitehorn, radical activist and former political prisoner who was targeted by the federal government. Francisco 'Kiko' Martinez, long-time Chicano/Mexicano activist and attorney 4907 Spring Avenue (Spring Plaza/ICDC)Dallas, Texas 75210 5:00 – 8:00 PMModerator: Broderick Gamble, Vice Chairman NBUF-Dallas

Panelists: Robert Ashley, News Director/Talk Show Host KHVN-AM (Heaven 97) Carolyn R. Davis, Dallas City Council Member District 7 Silk Littlejohn Gamble, President NAACP Arlington Branch Jeffery Muhammad, Student Minister Nation of Islam Mosque #48-Dallas Call: Thomas Muhammad, NBUF at 214-460-7672 or Email: [email protected] This Event is FREE and Open to the Public


Pan African Connection Bookstore'Generation to Generation'

Conversation with Two Dallas EldersEdward Harris and 'Mama' Eva McMillan

****3 p.m. - Dallas Activist Ed Harris will make you laugh and learn

from the many storiestold while sitting in the barber’s chair from his new book: 

'Barber Shop Tales'

6 p.m. - Wisdom and Humor with  'Mama' Eva McMillanReading from Book:

"With the Pig We Ate the Rootie and the Tootie": by Lillie Nelson and 'Mama' Eva McMillan

Mama McMillan will share with us her love for sayings from generations past, like "Every Shut Eye Ain't Sleep and Every

Good-Bye Ain't Gone" or "Drinking Coffee Make You Black", and more.

April 21 - 22

TeCo Performs @ Earth Day Dallas in Fair Park introducing the Jimmy Brashear Players

April 22. Celebrate the 18th Anniversary of First African Freedom Church

and the 56th birthday of Rev. Clarence Glover. SANKOFA Sunday, 5p.m. at Pan African Connection Bookstore

“How To Get Your Twist On with a Healthy Scalp” 3:00-5:00pm

Conference room of LA’s Hair & Scalp ClinicLimited seating…Must RSVP 817 265-8854


Pastor Mark A. Harris & Lady Pamela Harrisinvite you to celebrate his 24th Annual

Pastor's Anniversary@ 10:45 a.m. at

Cooper Missionary Baptist Church 1801 S. Riverside Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76104

featuring guest Pastor   Douglas E. Brown

Join the Friendship-West Baptist Church Family for

Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III29th Pastoral Anniversary

Guest Preacher:Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

April 23

Join Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pmat Friendship-West Baptist

Church to witness"Escape From Death: The

Anthony Graves Story"Dr. Haynes and the

community will engage in conversation with

Anthony Graves to hear about his experiences of

beingexonerated off of death row

and life after prison.

Job Seekers!2:00pm to 4:00pmSite: First Baptist Church, 1707 San Jacinto, Dallas, TexasEmployability With a Background Seminar for job seekers.This seminar is FREE for all jobseekers looking for work with a criminal background. Jobseekers can contact our ministry phone number to register for this seminar at 817.823.6471.

April 24

At Paul Quinn College, Nurse Davis will host a seminar of the effects of alcohol and marijuana usage in the main lobby of the Lucy Hughes dormitory from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. And Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,Inc will host a self-defense session in the SUB/Annex from 7:13. to 9 p.m. 

April 26COFFEE & CONVERSATIONS WITH Rep. Stefani CARTER The April Coffee & Conversations with Carter meeting will be held on Thursday, April 26, 2012, from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the home of Eileen and Dan Yeager, 15802 Ranchita Drive, Dallas, Texas 75248. Coffee and snacks will be provided.

Pan African Connection Bookstore at 6:30 p.m.Fun for the Entire Family!

Come Celebrate and Remember the 25th Birthday of our Son and Brother Ancestor Ishmael Muzak

Food, Venders, & Music Community Release of Balloons in Ismael's Honor

Free and open to the PublicFor more info contact Melody (Afi) Bell at 214-434-8009

Mark your calendar

Page 19: I Messenger 32a




Friday, April 28

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day

Thursday, April 26

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day• LIVE from Harwood 609

Wednesday, April 25

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day• LIVE from Harwood 609

Tuesday, April 24

Join Cheryl and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day• LIVE from Harwood 609

Monday, April 23

Join Cheryl, and Lady T• Black Economic History

Fact of the Day• LIVE from the African

American Museum - It’s Monday night politics

NEW TIME! Cheryl’s World on at 6p.m. Tune in to Reporters

Roundtable Soul 73 KKDA

Sundays at 6a.m.214-787-1730 Call in to 646-200-0459

April 28

Booksignings at Jokae’s African American Books

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Dorothy Burton, Author - Why We Fall

********************************3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Patricia Ann Griffin, AuthorConversations, A Book of Poetry

Dallas County Community College District wants students and community members to get down dirty for a good cause! A one-day event, “Be the Change,” will bring together people who will volunteer their time to make a difference -- to literally be an agent of change – as they clean up the Great Trinity Forest, the largest urban forest in North America,

2012 Jazz Series Continues at TECO TheatreNick Colionne & Richard Elliott

                 Two shows only:  7PM & 9:45PMComplimentary cocktails with the artist

Today's Sisters' Ministry For Women, Living in today's World presents The Women of Tomorrow's World HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO, 1175 Municipal Way, Grapevine Community Activity Center, Grapevine, TX General Public Cost $8 per personHosted by: Visionary/Founder Harriet P.

Best Southwest Bar Association (BSWBA) will sponsor a community legal clinic from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon at the Church of the Disciple, 220 S. Cockrell Hill Rd., DeSoto,


"What I want you to know . . . "Introduction to Memoir Writing

10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Pan African Connection Bookstore

828 Fourth Ave. Dallas, TXThis fun and thought-provoking workshop will help you turn your memories and special moments into precious family heirlooms. You will learn how to become gatekeepers of your unique histories and storytellers of your own lives. What you walk away with just might be the beginning of your book!Workshop fee: $25

Get up, Get Out and Get JIGGY Family Fitness Day WHO: An event put on by the Southwest Suburban

Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and community partner Gateway Charter Academy WHY: Health information, screenings, exercise demonstrations, resources, children’s activities, vendors and more. Gateway Charter Academy, 1015 E. Wheatland Rd. Dallas, TX 75241, 9 AM - 2 PM


A2ZPresents announces Soul Singer/Songwriter Teedra Moses performing live in Dallas, TX for her 1st ever show in Dallas! This highly anticipated show will take place atThe Loft at Gilley's, 1135 S. Lamar St., Dallas, TX


Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s Annual Dialogue on “A World of Women for World Peace.” This

year’s theme is “Women, Technology and Peace,” and to reflect upon this the Congresswoman has invited renowned speakers and panelists including Linda Higdon, Founder of Global Room for Women and

Vivienne O’Connor from The United States Institute of Peace who will travel from around the nation to address

guests. Don’t miss out on this special afternoon from noon to 2 p.m. at Crow Collection of Asian Art.

April 29

Topic: “What your Hair says about your Health” Time: 3:00-5:00pmLocation: Hair 4 U Salon 230 W Parker Rd, #200, Plano, TX 75075Limited seating…Must RSVP

May 2Public launch of the Speak to Me foundation 6-8pm Kenichi Restaurant 2400 Victory Park Lane, DallasAttire: Casual Chic Cost: FREE To raise awareness and funds for a well deserved 501(c)3 non-profit Enjoy free light bites and beverages. Great raffle and a silent auction items too!

May 4Southern Bible Institute will celebrate its 85th anniversary with a gala banquet at the Hilton Anatole Hotel, 2201 Stemmons Freeway in Dallas, Texas. The black tie affair begins at 7 p.m. in the Chantilly Ballroom. PastorTony Evans is the keynote speaker

Paul Quinn College 2012 Baccalaureate with Bishop Vashti McKenzie as the speaker at 10:00 amCommencement is Saturday at 11a.m.

May 5

Show times at Verizon in Grand Prairie:Thursday & Friday, May 10 & 11 – 800pmSaturday, May 12 – 300pm and 800pmSunday, May 13 – 300pm and 730pm




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Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon Weekend

Dick Gregory’s

80th Birthday Celebration

June 29, 2012

Harwood 609 Restaurant and Jazz Club609 North Harwood, Dallas, TX

June 30, 2012

18th Annual Cheryl Smith’s Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon --USA Bowl , Dallas, TX

For sponsorship and ticket information


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