Page 1: I IF yJf I JWAkJ C7 - Library of Congress · 2010-06-09 · again, tho old lovo enmo to lior. hho wanted to moot hlin ngninnnd)et she did not daro i to spo.ik to him. It was nearly



married with a gold piece asdbelieves she's a wife.

Widow Sadie Jndd Tell the Blory of HerI.OTO lor Undertaker Jiimta Itlrnrdo orIlnckenaaek and IIow Ilia Love for HerConled-W- lll Have Hint Arretted,

In telling tho story of the lovo troublo ofMrs. Hadlo Judd It Is well to begin n Itli liorown statement thnt sho Is not a woman to hohilled with. Mrs. Judd sayft this omphntlcally.nnd with a snnp of two rnthor pretty eyes nnda fitnmp of n Branll foot Hackonsnck.whero Mrs. Judd has lived for twoj earn, Is Inclined to tnko lior nt herword. Sho wlflhos It known thnt sho Is ontho sunshiny side of 40. nnd thero li novorrgood reason for doubting hor. Mrs. .Tudd'afacols oval, nnd hor featurosnndcomploxlonnru good, hho has brown linlr. nnd thoclothes that covered hor d

llguro aro lookod upon In Ilarkcnenckns rather stilish. 8ho Is vorr drnmatloIn hor conversation. Whon Ilackcnsnck slending undertaker. .Tnmos ltlenrdo, callodonhoi. as ho sald.torthelasttlmohibt fnll nnd Bhonsked hlin fornn explanation nf hit conduct,and why ho had boon so nfTcctlonnte to lior Ifho was now cine to loavo hor. eho suys thatlio ropllod:

"Oh. that's tho kind of taffy thnt Iglvo'eraI nil."I Then Mr". .Tndd resolved that sho wouldI mnko hor btory public, toll how Mr. ltlenrdo

hid woddod hor with a llvo-doll-

cold pleco. nnd then nsk tho courtsfor vengennco. When Mrs. Judd wont toHnckonriiek a year ngo last Juno tlioroworo fow who romomborod thnt whon sho wasSarah Hnssolr, elghtoen loars beforo. she nndhor mother had lived thoro. In fact, thoybonrdod with Mr. lllcardo's family.

"liven then I led him. nlthoueh ho wasolder than I." sho bald last night

Mrs. Judd hnd ut thnt ttmo boon a widow forbovoii veils, l'uratlmo sho had lived nt thoMrlstol In Now York, nnd sho wroto for thomaga7lnos under tho nom do plumo of "Mrs.ProspOst." Thcro woro somo pooplo Inllnckonsack who wero unkind enoughto eny that hho posod ns n "form"for a Now Yolk fashion publicationcompany, nnd that It was thcro that sholearned to dross. .Sho rented a house in Statuhi root, nt tlio cornorof Clay, In Hnckensack,nnd lltted up hor parlor with hangings andpictures in a way that mndo ltattractivo.

Mr. James Itic.irilo. although ho was gettingBray nnd stout, was still u bachelor, ami as.Mrs. Judd watched him pass her house, fourtimes a day on Ills way to his otllco and bnekagain, tho old lovo enmo to lior. hho wantedto moot hlin ngninnnd )et she did not daro

i to spo.ik to him. It was nearly Septemberbehu sho inothim and tliuu bv accident. Miuattended tho funeral of a cousin of .Mr.lticnrdo's. who was also related to her byimar- -

r rlage. Mr. ltlenrdo had charge of it. and wlienho Invited tin- - friends of tlio deceased personti step into tlio parlor Mis. Judd bad to walkp int ti t in. Ho rocognl7od hor and said:

"Why. Sadie, how do jou do Why didn'tyou let ino know that you woro In town ?"

Then followed a call on Mrs. Judd In horcosoy littlo pnrlnr, and a woekortwohitorMrs.Judd was going to New York, and sho wrototo Mr. lllcardo about a business scheme, nndasked him to call on her nt the Uristol If hohappened to bo in tho city.' Imagine my surprise." snld Mrs. Judd nsher eyes Unshod, "to rocolvo in roplyto mybusiness noto a very warm lou I otto r fromMr. lllcardo. Ho did call on mo at tho Ilristol,anil wo had dlnnor together."

Hackensnek pooplo bogan to notlco that Mr.lllcardo found It convenient to drop In nnd bootho widow, as It was right on his wnv to busi-ness, and as Mrs. Ilrower. a cousin of thn un-dertaker's, lived next door to Mrs. Judd. Mr.lllcardo's relatives woro well informed as towlmt wus going on.

"They talkod about mo frightfully." saidMrs. Judd, " nnd said oil sorts of mean thingsnbout mo. for they saw mo going to entertain-ments ulth him. nnd it began tobe hlntod that wo wero going to bomarried. Mr. liicardo's relatives said thatI wanted him for his cold. nndono morning In Jnnuory ho foundmn crying. I had hoard all those btorlos undworhP. 1 wnntortto silence this gossip, nnd Iuskod him to marry mo nnd clear my name.He said ho would, but It must bo a secret inur-rln- c

i for tho present. Then ho pallid a Iho- -lollarRold piece out of his pocket, und liamlliiii

itto mo said solemnly: "With this circle of KoldI. Jnmos lllcardo. Uu then wed.' Of courno Iknow that this was ory but 1 look-od upon It as a marriage, and I now considerMr. Itic.irilo as my husband, llo was vuryattentive, nnd callodon mo oery nisht."

.Mr-.- . Judd told about little dinners that thoyhad together in her dining room, nnd although,tho gossip did n.t ceaso it did not annoy herso much. Tliis continued dining last summorand until last fall. Then, according to .Mrs.J mill's story, Mr. lllcardo caum to her mid slid:"It is getting to bo town talk lioro tliat'I nm

.. HiippoitfiiK vou. I am not, yiu kimu, an. I 1

' wish you w jiild gn to I'.itor-o- n iiml seo If youc i" hlro a hoiif there."

Mrs, Judd bug in to suspect that sho had nnd i. ne of lior frlonds snld to her:

AMiy. don't you know that Jim has beoncalling on 'Of (lark's daughter, l.lvlinr"

Mrs Judd didn't know It. but hhotliat .Mr. illcardo was grndunlly cens-

ing to call on hor, and sho heard somo thingsBbiuit him did not please her. Ilaekon-Mic- k

gossip hnd increased also and It madoMr- -. Judd my uncomfortablo.

Duo morning In tho latter part of SeptemberIlackciis.ick awoko ton sensation, ill s. .lipid'shouse uiiB rlinped in black. 'J ho blinds weropulled togcthci and tied with Idg black bows,iheie was blael; ribbon on tho frontof the house wlieinor it could botied and a lung stro.inior of black hunglimn tho door-bo- ll handle, which was in thomiddle of tho door. Isoono know tlio reasonfur It. Tho report that something had hap-pened In Mrs .Iiidd's house spread around townnnd attracted a crowd. Thoro was it whitocunl nttnclied to tho crcpo on tlio doorand on It was written: "Mucho salio ol zorr.i.pero mas el (juo la tomu." which Mrs. Juddhays Is tho Spanish for "Tho fox is cunning,but ho who catches him Is moio cunning.Mrs. J udil hnd worn whlto nil suiiiinei, but shoput on mourning on tho day bur house wusdiaried.

"I did thnt," sho said, "to let peoplo knowthat Jim had loft mo. 1'ooplo say that I wasclary about that time, und I rather think 1must h i mi bean."

Mrs. Judd Mill wears mourning, nnd untilyostoidny there wein Idg black bows on thebncks of all of lior chairs. .Mr. Weirdo'sllncki'nsai'k club bailgo was pinned on a por-t- it

mi In Mrs Judil's pallor last night, andtlinio wus ili.ipod abOMi It a piece of crepe.Thorn was also a big Pluck bow ontho comfoitublo lounge, but nil tho rest of themourning ilhbous hud been reinmed. Thoblack ribbons on tho flout of tho knuso nndthe crape on the door knob lomalned lhero fornearly two weeks last fall, und theio vornsome people In II lekonsack who th night thntMrs Judd had niiimiciIuuluuhW with Mr.very Kiitlsfucioiily.

Jlrs. Judd became ory niiii'h Interested Inhor htory ns sho told nlht. Mm walkedupnnd down thelloor. and giM) Imlt itlmni ofKim wniKH nun iuii. i .in. incariiii anil ol somoofhlsrelathch. She showed aroolerthatshehad purehabed, nnd then said:" Whon u man ruins n unman mntnlly andsho ruins him physically .It is good Jaw to saythat tho jury will iiciiuit her."

Jn tho next hroatli hho nssoited that sholoveitMr. lllcardo iinsslonntoiy.

"Mr. lliearilooiillod onmoaltor I hud drapedtho front of my house In mourning." she said."and ho put his unns aiouml nm andtold mo that ho did pot Intend t ileavo mo. Then, whin ho was leailngthat night and I l.ltsou him andasked him what ho meant by allhis sweet words, ho said that it was thosumo taffy that he gaM to all w.miun. I won'tbo classed thatwav, I was Ills wife just nsmuch ns If wo had boon mnrilad in church,nnd I considered him my husbnnd."

Mrs. Judd didn't Hnd Hnckensack very pleas,ant after sho had published hor sorrow withthe blaok ribbons, but she didn't give up hope.She thought that perhaps she could hlro ahouse In l'uterson. whoio Mr. lilcardo s callswould not o.Ncltn so much gossip. Sho wentto Sir. lllcardo's undertaking Minn onNov. --0 "I wantod to toll him about tho rat-orso- n

houses," sho snid, "and ns I handedhlin tho list 1 said, 'You will bo upwon't you, dear' nnd ho irlod to slam tliodoor In inv fnco." Sirs. Judd says thatMr. lllcardo then nsaiilted her, tearingher dross and cloak and ruining her bonnet.Sho admits that pmhaps he was angry becaiiMione uigb when she Mmpcctod him she hadgone to lmut.ii and aroused, th"f unity, to sen If ho was there. .Thenhlio iiad iiJoiihRl Sir. lllcardo s broth-er and generally mado a, good dealof disturbance because sho. cnuldn tfind Mr. lllcardo. That did not justify thnassault in her opinion. howovor.aDd shoaworoout a warrant for him tho next day. 1 his war-rant waa never eorred. Mrs. Judd sold that

bbbW k

she did not hnvn money enough to proscputoSir, lllcnrilo Inst fall, so sho determined to waituntil slio did,

"Mr. lllcardo's cousin lives next door tome." she siihl, "and other relattvosor hl Uearound mo. They dogged mo when I went onthe strcot. Two of tho women assaulted moseveral times by running baby carrlngosngnlnst moon thustreoU .

"Thoy would cross tho carriages togethor.sothat 1 couldn't get pat. and sny 'Hero sho Isnow. Just look nt that face.' This has

mo so that, slnco last Now loirs. Ihao Iippii out In the dnytlmoiinly throe times.A reln'lvo of .Mr. lllcardo's. who Hvos down thostreet, saw mo und shouted out as I went by:

Look at that for stjlo. will you'"'Slis. Judd says that her lawyors advised nor

not to push hor suit ngnlnst Mr. Itlcordofor assault, but to Include It In nn no-

tion ngalnt him for broach of prom-ise. Sho, howevor. ilctoriulncd to beginwith tho assault case, nnd last week shoswore out a warrant In Justice Cummins scourt for Hlcurdo's arrnst. This was kopt

until yesterday. Sirs. Judd snys that showill go before the (trand Jury nud Jmo hlinindicted, nnd then sho will proBocuto him forbreach of promise,.

Juntos lllcnrilo U n mlddle-ago- d man whoIs ery popular In Hackonsack. Ho Isleportod to have mndo a good deal ofmoney In his lusinoss. In reply to Sirs.Judd's charges ho made n general l.

nnd said that sho had put blaokrltit otts on hor houso to blackmail him. andthat this suit was brought simply for bl ick-nri-

llo declared that ho would light It totho ond.

itonsEnnivvi:n r ms rniEST.

I'mlicr McOrnll Knlnrccn Ills nisnpprovBlnl'n ljirNblnuep Tor the tsecond Tlmr.

Ilr.orKTON, Mass., Mnrch 0. Tlioro was ahorsewhipping Incident on Klllott street, inthis city, yesterday nfternoon. which Is es-

pecially interesting from tho fact that It was aclorgyman who piled tho whip.

About two jenrs ngo nn Irishman camo tothis city. Ho was In III luck and told storiesnbout imaged mother nnd family In Irelandwho relied upon him for their sustenance.

The Itov. Father StcGrall of St. Tntrlck'sChurch camo to his assistance by loaning himnionoy and olTerlng hlin employment. Thoman. however, showed ho was unwilling tohelp himself nnd Tnthor SlcOrail lost all

In him. Tho priest ascertained soonupon good authority thnt tho money supposodto go to tho family In Ireland was bolng usedto support a woman in llrockton tho man wasdl'cli irgeil.

At the time tho Irishman was boarding witha coupii) on tinrron nventio. Aciiunintnwowith tlio wlto ripened into nflectlon, and beforelong the woman separated from her husband.

'I he morning follow Ing tho man's dlsehnrgo.which occurred last April. Tathor SIcCrnillisited f'nhary Coinetery ntan onrlv hour andfound his former omploj oo thero in compnnywith tho woman.

Indignant at tho way his confidence hndbeen utilised. Father Sledrnil alighted from hiscarriage and used his horsewhip to add vigorto hlsdlsapproMil. Following this the victimleft town, going to Itnndolph. where ho re-mained till very recently.

On his return to this city, he took up his oldtricks with eon moro publicity than before.Ho secured a tenotnout on Klllott streot. andboldly HmmI there with tho woinun. YostordayFather Slctirail camo upon the man on thestreet.

He rebuked him for tho life he was leading,nnd intimated that he had no right to nsso-c.,)- o

with decent people. Tho man made asi rly reply, and the prlost. seizing his horse-whip, g.uo tlio man a sound thrashing for thobecuiid time.

;; in or.r.n An kissed 111:11.

Miss liiirc'i' Accusation Acntimt the Iter.JTiHtiird 1. hbcrmiin.

Pot p .SiMiisn. N. J.. Starch 0. All this part ofCapo Slay county is interested in tho trial oftlio liev. Dlwnrd F. Sherman, until recentlypastor of tho T.ibeinnclu SL 1'. Cliurcii. Thotrial before a eommlttoo of ministers. Thomini'-te-r is accused by SINs Fllza Church, amember of bis foimer congregation, of " con-duct unbecoming a minister In that he onseveral occasions hugged and kissed and usedimproper langingo to hor." Sir. Shormnnwas rcpiesented by counsel. Ho Is now InKansas Tity. and is too 111 to como Fast Hiswife wns proont and looked after her hus-band's int ei est Sliss Church tried to conincothn committee thnt Faster Sherman had notonly misbehaved toward hor. but had huggedand kissed other members of his congregi-tion- .

That pntt of her tistlraony. however,was ruled out b the committee.

Thcoilomi lunch, SIis Church's father, saidthat Sirs. Sherman Iiad on two occasions toldhim she w.isjcnlousof her husband and hadspoken about tlio wav her husband had actedtoward his daiiglicr. Sirs. Sherman indignantlydenied Sir. Church's testimony. Thodefoticooffered in evidence twelve nflldnv its againstSir. hurcli and his daughter. Sirs. AllonVanaman sworn that tho pastor was not muchto blame. If ho was nt all. Sho said sho hadheard .MlshChuicli coaxing Sir. Shormantocailon her. One of tho wltnsssusfortlie complainantjumped up and snid that tho persons who hndsworn to the atlldavlts woro liars, and ho couldprove it. While tho excitement was nt itsheight thn eommlttoo resolved to rcfor thomatter to the net ('oiifornnce. which will meetIn New Ilruusuick ou JIurch ll), und thenadjourned.

is GniiASE jvt.vr doomed?Mnnnger Aronson Furlildn lis Vme by Blcm

licrs or the CunIqo Company.Actors nnd actresses at tho Casino are learn-

ing a d method of painting theirfaces with an artist in water colors ns a specialInstructor. Tho now stylo is duo to nn officialorder of Slnnager Aronson directing thuabandonment of the old method of theatricalmako-u- p by tho uso of stick greaso paint ondcosmetics. These aro In uso in every theatrelu tho country, hut Manager Aronson haswarned his pluyors that thoy aro daugorous.

Tlilb conclusion Is the result of nn Investiga-tion by a phshiciun who was called to thotheatre to discover tho causo of tho neuralgiapnins and inflamed oyellds which rocontlydisabled hOMrul members of Ilia company.Jell He Ani.'clis. slIa (ierrbh, and AnnloMvejH, mil hotuoof tho chorus girls linvo nilbad nchlng mees and oyes for a fortnight puht.Thoiioebu stiullnil their faces through u bigmngiiiii In,; glass, nnd surprised thoni by

In ciiiild detei t particles of tho greasepaint and cosmetic lodged In the pores of theskin. Thorough scrubbing with soap andtowel had to dlblndgo thn particles.They n.ick tliuro nndlcaused Iiillnniiiiatioii.In siune i.'ises the liillainmatlon was so soveiot lint the) la) i rs were unable to nit at all. herealtef tlioy usoonly plain dii p chall; and mineral rouge, andSlanagei n i in piisteil a notice In thu greenloom biht night louiuellliig tlio company toadopt th advice,

Thn nmv of thin action has created consid-erable tab. at tho other playhouses.! and maylesii.t lu Mm adoption of a similar policy. Man-Uf- a

tiller, insist that all llist-clas- s greasopaint and tin atrleal cosmetics aro made ofharmless, v egutublu bubbtuueos and cannot in-jure tlio skin.

IVlio I.nat Till SJS Note I

A blue-eye- boycalled yesterday afternoon nt the cnllory ofI'liotogiaplier I). Abraham at H.'ifi Washingtonstreet, llrookljn, and taking a $5 noto fromhis pocket told Sir. Abraham that he wantod ngood picture of himself taken, and that howasn't paitif-ula- r about tlio prlco. Sir.Abiaham (jiiiihtionod tho boy us to hisidentity and how ho camo to guthold of thos..rinoto. and tlio boy's embarrass-ment led bin to siibpoct that tho noto hadbeen stolen. Whllo Mr. Abraham stepped fromthe gallery to consult ono of his omployeos asto the host courhii to pursuo, tho bright littletoy slipped out.loivltig tho noto on the deskbehind him. Tile boy did not return, and lastnight. Sir, Abialinin notified l'ollco CaptainCampbell and thu noto is now awaiting itsownei lu thu Adams btreet station.

t liumb:rlula C'ralQ to Morrr,City Chamberlain T, 0, T. Craln will be mar-Ho- d

to tho daughter otllichard II. Clark, theFresident of tlio Cuthollo Protectory, after thuI.enton season,

Sllcliuel J. Sluliiueon. tU.o Into socrotary oftln t utility ilemoeraev County Conuiilttee, Isongiiircil to linn rv StUs Sliuy tillmy, n da ligh-ter ol I'llidli" Works ComiulSiiloner liilroy.Sir. Sliihiuccn Is 'laiiimiiny man.

Iter llcnlb .Nm (uiisnt In .llulpioi lire.Aii.iutopbi-bytount- i I'hy.slclati Convoise, at

Jersey City yotoi day afternoon, in tho case ofAbblo Ilaselbach, who died nt 200 Itallroad

Tuosday morning, disclosed that deathhad been caused by chronic- uepultbj, and notby malpractice.

. ' --j 1J.J;



nitAOGED ovr xtina: negroes.

These They Shot (o Dtlh In RevrnKe (brWonndtne Herernl llepnty Whcrlfls Inllald on n Iotv Itesort Tlie Rnld OrevrOnt ofn Qnnrrcl Itetvvren a Cnlorrd nndm. White Hoy The City Alaracil nndKcorea or Armed Men on the (Streets.

SIewhib. Mnrch flror tho first lime In Itshistory Jlompjils has had a lynching. Thrconegroes werolnknn out of jull nnd shot, ns thoresult of the race troublo three days ngo Inthe suburb known ns "Tho Curve." Tho ne-groes hondaunrters thoro wore nt tho l'ooplo'sOrocorr. a tllvo whoro bad whlskoy and gam-bling were tho lending attractions. It isowned by a stock company of colored mon.Thomas Stoss, a lettor carrlor. Is the Presi-dent, nnd Calvin McDowell was mnnngcr. WillStowam, a hnngor-o- n nt tho place, and thosetwo woro tho principals In tho troubles thoro.Across tho Btroct a whlto man. W. It, Darrett.runs another grocery, whero whiskey nndpoker nro common day and night. On Wednes-day night last a colorod boy struck n whltochild. The lnttor's fntherwhlppodtho coloredboy. Tho negro's father undertook to thrashtho whlto man. but was soundly thrashedhimself.

Tho same night Barrett lodapartyof dep-uty sheriffs to SloDowell's placo In sonrchofSteward, for whom n warrant had been Issued.A row ensued. The llo wns given. Fnrrottclubbed McDowell, and In return tho negroesshot nt him, ballots piercing his hat ami coatwithout injuring him.

Thcso oyonts proclpltnted tho trouble. Ilar-re- tt

mndo'complalnt to Judgo Duboso. and ontho next day SIcDowell was arrested, but gavobonds. 'J ho Judgo said ho would preservetho peace nt tho Curve, nnd a posso ordeputies went out on Saturday nightto arrest Steward ami raid tlio placein caso gntubllng was going on. In thn meantime, tho negroes claim, they woro told thntHarrett had nindu thro its to clean thorn out.A moetlng was held on Friday night at a colorod church, and tho rosult wns thnt on Satur-day night a large crowd of nogroes assemblednt tho l'ooplo's Giocery armed with shotguns.Thooflleors did not know this. Tho armeduegroos woro concealed in the store.

Tho Sheriffs posso divldod. four of themfront door and tho others going to

tho rear. Tlio appearance of tho ofllcors Infront drew n Volley troui ambush, and thrco ofthoin foil wouudod. one. Charles Colo, it wassupposed, being mnitnlly hurt. The negmosclaim they thought It was liarrett s gang andthat they bad coino to clean them out. Tliounhurt oflleers scented thirteen ot thenegroesin tho htoro, and tlio next day siteon otlieisworo arrested on suspicion. All those in anway Implli ated wero captured oiopt ouo.Hugh Williams.

Thero was much indignation on tho part oftho nogroos, hut no serious talk of mob vio-lence, and with tho wholesale arrests uml thoassurance from Judgo Duboso that all therulltv should be tumtslicil tirointitlc. tout lli.tfurtlior fact that tho vu)iiinl"dotncers were outof danger, excitement had died out. No extraguard at the jail was put on, ami Inst night thehherltl. after visiting tho jail, went home, andtho jailor wont to bed in his apartments in tliotavror. leaving tlio night alone.

Atao'clockthls morning thu Jill bell inn g.Tom O'Dnnnoll. the tu:nko. asked who wnsthere, nnd tho spokesman of a parti of loursaid they worn olllcers and bad Hugh Wi-lliams In charge. O'lJunnell openod tlio outergate. Tho four men nt otu-- helped him. boundlilmwitli a rope, und admitted a mob of 75masked men. O'Dnnnoll refused toglvo up thokeys or tell where t lie prisoners tho mob want-ed wero. Tho kevsvvero found In tho jallci'sotllco and tho lynchers, who know tlio menthey wanted, searched tho cells for SteDuwell.SIoss. htev."ard, and another negro ringleadernamed Mianks. The latter was the only mgrowounded in tho Snturduy nightand for this reason ho was placed on the tieroccupied by the women prisoners. Tins bavudhis life, for the mob "ouid not llndhini. J'biiother three they quickly found and bustledthem out of tho jail. leaving the turnkey btilltied.

Tlio mob hnd dono Its work so quietly thatJailer Williams didn't awnko until the mobhad loft. Tlio cries of O'Dnnnell aroused him.Williams went to tho telephone to summonaid from the police station, half a mile away,but the mob had out the telephone wire out-side the jail beforo untering. Ho had to go tothe station house to raiso an alarm, so that thomob bad n half hour's start. A carriage wassent for .Sheriff Slcl.endon. und at nearly

found tho dead bodies inan old Hold In a deserted section between thowaterworks and the CIieBiipeako and Ohioliailwny. about a inilo north of the jail.

Tho deputy sheriffs wounded on Saturdaynight wero all shot in the head. Cole beingshot In the oyo. In like manner tho mob dis- -

of its victims. All weio shot In thelend, nnd SlcfJowcll's hand was half rhut oil

ns though ho had grasped a gun Kurd in attempting to light for his life. Ills eves weioshot out by bullets from thu side. Tho othertwo wor not bo badly mutilati-il- . 1 hob .dieswere brought to the city and placed In thu.stableof tho county undertaker. A huge ciow-- ofnegroes there, but nonu gained ad-mittance. It was an crowd, andno threats ot retaliation woro heard, lint atlO.-U- o'clock word came that a mob of L'bOnrmod negroes was marching on tlio Cm vc.Judgo Dubo-- n gavo instant orders for a poscoof 150 men to go to tho scene. Thin owns arush to the nearest gun storo for arms, and inn fow minutes mon wero boon on tho streetsaimed with repenting rilles nnd niivv nistulaawaiting cars for tlio Curve.

'I ho city was plungi d Into tho greatest ex-citement it has known since tlio negro riotsafter thn war. All sorts of rumors of a racoconllict wio In circulation. The police woionil ordered to the scene, citrons voliintnercilto go. nnd In halt an bourn crowd of severalhundred whlto men, nil armed, weio at thuCuive. Not a negro was in sight save an occ

pnsslng ihuky. who looked at the iirinei!men in surprise nud fear, not knowing whut Itmeant.

Tho nogroes did hold n largo socret meetingin inn iiwin sircei cnureli.oM'i which piesldestlinitnr, 'Inv lor Mghtingilu, wlio is incused,owing to his incendliry a,N. (o lilb ilock.ofstirring up morii race bitterness th hi nil thuoth'-- r negro le.nlors combined. This leads!iippielieiisiou of more tumble. Many of thocolorod leaders luvn no svnipatlu with tlioinched men, because of tlioii law Ics conduct,

'ilio Itov. It. A. Jones, an negiopreacbor. is out In a card in this melting'scounselling Ids raco to coolnoss iiinl

patlenco. and becis hlng them not to llhten toagitators and among theirpeople.

Tho lynchers wore nil from tho Curve, nndtho cl l.ens of Memphis condemn theli action.Tho .Merchants lAiliango called u mass nu

public condemnation of II, huton second thought it wns decided to take nosuch action.

Judgo Dubosn took prompt moasiirestn sup-press any poss bio tumble, A gunsmithnamed Ijrank Sebum nm, who had sold gunsto norrocH. was online. I inni, .....ithp guns ot tho Tonnsssue Jlllbis, a colon dmilitary company,.Were conllscated undstacked In thu hhorirrh ofllce. An evlia fun onf deputies Is on guard at tho tall and at thuCurvu. l.veryth rig Is .juiot

A meeting of the reputable white residentsof thn ( urvo was hold t nt which i"-- u.

lutlons wero passed expreh.lng thu belief Ilia!tlio roiibbi would not luive occumdhidltPSft' 'Slin .i', '.".,"''''V'V nd gambliiu'den

'Kfl'. ," l.nrreti. und c tiling mithp to clo-i- i bis p,.0 ,! tUniti, f t ,nrsaloons where liquor U illegally sold andgambling piactlseil. Tho meeting pledged

" '"ithoiltlcs in piebcrviugCol.' II. Clay King, the celobrnted criminalavvyer and nut .or. who h I , ,nT m ledto dentil for killing Dhv ' d if Pnctnii liiwvi.r

f1,"'-???1"-,'"-" I'll said

nrdorly mob." that itsV"lt '''""lumbers v;ero notdlsturbod. though was within ten feet oftho orowd as It rushm throuel i ill ,. irrl- -

Cnehler M.ibte Airctcd.TAnRVTOws. 3Inrch(.-Jos0- pii y, Mabcp. thn

defaulting cashlor of tl,0 Tarrytown Nationallliink. wasnrrobtedto.nlg,t und was taken to

hlin Wains nnd linked U), rho Westch-si- er

county liraiiit Jiuy .. .i i ,i 'i.gnli.hthliiiM-bte.iluYbT- .V.'"'1 I"the bank. Slabeu inaib g 'a 'i '".n'o-- ,1

hiht Ueci-mbei- . when It w,,s , Lem, , "ilnbank olil, ialb. mid It vasnoM ought twitwould bi.prosecutod. ' i7.ri...v l'l.itlpreasod tho case against I'lhif. if.,

Uliaacity tlll'.ji.diiU, Brgoilju sua hwtIletween Ihe Acts and Bravo lOe.

lUtf Dime. &a. All Tobacco Chrirettci, are tbe onlymaaini.atjriae,ii,uu. zuvami,-xi- t,


Tl the I.uiulre Stnto Kxpreiivla Now Vurk Con.tral tor Albtny. Plica, bjrrcu. ilocbriKir, Buffalo,x UlilT MI '" & Hit world, Kotxtr


renee Hprendu llrr llnntle In the EighthAKMmtil)- - Illtlrlet.

Oncouponn tlmo a bulldog snld to pussr." Lot us play and bo friends." "Willi nil myhoart" nnBWorod pussy. "My I what lovolyteeth you havo." " Oh I They aro vory tendor.but your claws look nlco." "My claws," snldpussy, "nro not sharp." Thon thoy stood nndlooked Into each other's eyes a long tlmo.Finally thoy bnckod off cnrofully nnd wenthome.

Tho regular Hopubllcan organization ot thoKlghth Assembly district hold a meeting Instnight. GtibtnvSeliurmniin proslded and JohnIJrodsky wnsthcie.

" Sir. Chairman." bald Brodsky."Mr. llrodsky has tho floor." snld Schur-mnn-

" What can I do for you John?"And thcro wns such a huge gnu in tho room

1 hat tho knlv os nearly fell out of all tho sloovos.Sarcasm 1 No. It was n solorau fact Dog nndpussy wero Dialing together. Only tlio nightbefore theio wero two "regular" Hopubllcanmeltings within it hundred feet ot eachother, at ono of which llrodsky wnscalling Schmninnnn finud. whllo Hchurmannpiitertnlnod tlio other with remarks aboutllrodsky. Hut last night both bides came to-

gether in tho rooms of tho John A. Logan As-

sociation. 0:t Lu IIow street. It wasaregulirbusiness inciting of tho regular organisation,of which Oils Schuriuann Is Prosldent, and thoassociation of which Frodsky Is at tho headhad nothing to do with it.

Two men stood outside tlio door, two big,stiong men, who represented tho two loaders,and thoy were Instructed to allow no troublemakers in.

" Fine day." said Brodsky's man." Yes, It It doesn't rain," said Schumann's

man.They glanced furtively nt each other ovory

now nnd then. Tho Schuimnnn man wasseized with a sudden thirst, und whllo ho wasabsent a M'N reporter, as It happened, enteredthe building, llrodsky's man looked at himclo-cl- then seized liim firmly by tho bhoulderuml said:

"I don't know you. (let f hell out o' horoY'aln't gaw'nt'bust updls meotln'l ltoportor?'Seuso me. I t ought 'blunged tdo hchur-mann gang."

Inside thero woro two tables ton foot or sofrom each other At ono sat Chairman Sehur-inaii-

witli tho secretary, and nt tho other satliiodkv with a few friends. The memberss.italong tho walls, with their hands Intholrpock-et- s

and their coats buttoned. Somebody saidhu had a leport to offer, and It was laid on thotable. Then folluwid a stretch of sllcnco. dur-ing which N'liiiriiinun looked at l!rudky andlltodsky looki d nt the coiling. It wns gettingmonotonous and both sides wero uncomforta-ble. Feeling called upon to say something anil snld:

" Cientlemoii somebody snlckored nnd for amoment sileiico reigned. Then): Ono thing Ihavo noticed In tho past two years it. that thisroom is not sate to meet in. During somo ofour our. meetings tlio celling downstairs was cracked. I move thnt n committeehu appointed to give the President nuthorityto hlio u halt Bomewhcro fur big meetings."

"You me in nitillcatioii meetings. I sup-pose." Sir. llrodsky suggested, swoetly.

"ics. Thatis what 1 meant This is goingto bo itulto an exeitaiuo yiar, anawe will need plenty of room."

"During what mouths would you say?" Sir.Iirodsky asked.

"There It. no motion befcro tho house," saidone of men.

"Never mind.Clinrlov." tho Chairman repliedsmilingly. "This is only a friendly discus-sion."" I'll mnko tho motion myself." snld Brodsky.

He mndo it and it was carried. Then silencefell again.

"Allow mo to havo n word, snid a Brodskyman. after calling to tlio Chairman severaltimes wit bout roceiving recognition.

"Oh. exciiso me. I was looking in tho otherdirection." tlio chairman explained. Thon afcclintmnnn mnn got up. -

"Sir. ( liuirmnn. if vou will reJbgnlze me.""Mr. "

"It Is customary for every district organiza-tion to appoint a committee on patronage.ISIiiniiirson th.- - llrodsky side. I move that acommittee of three be appointed."

Sir. liiodsky jumped up, sat down again, nndthen arose, with a digiiitleil slowness.

Sir. Chaiinian thero Is no objection to thisbody appointing a conimitteo providing thiscommittee amounts tounvthing."

".Motion moved and seconded." said Schur-mnti- n

with an n exiuesslon on his face,"All in favor say aye.' cotitriuy 'no.'"

Tho "aes" wero faint and tho "noes" wororousing.

"Curried!" exclaimed tho Chairman."Division! Division1" criPd several llrodsky

men. jumping up. Hut their iendor said:"No, let 'em have It Don't call for a divis-

ion."" Th next thing." continued tho Chairman."Is to appoint tlio conimitteo. Sir. Itoberts,Sir. O'Connor, nnd myi-pl- f aio horoby ap-pointed. Thero being no further businessthe meeting stands adjourned."

"The most harmonious, rj'jeo. wo over held."llrodsky said.

Then chunnann nnd Brodsky lookod nteach other, biullod. nnd went their respeetivownvs.


Murphy Siijh lie Didn't fntend to StarveWilli I.iiIm Around.

Henry Jlurphy, 30 years old. took a room onthe top door of tho houso nt H).'i Fast Thirty-fourt- h

street, owned by Sirs. FmmaOrant. onlast Slonday. He snid that ho had j'ust comedown from St John, N. II.

ebterday morning at S o'clock Sirs. Grantwas sleeping in her room when sho nwokoand saw Slurphy attempting to unlock horwardrobe, trying key uftcr koy which ho tookfrom his pocket upon It.

Hu turned an 1 saw her looking at him. Shoj'umpod from tho bod to escape. Ho caughther by tho linlr. tearing n handful from horbead, knocked her down, nud kicked hor.Tin n he run out of thu house

Slis (liant went to the window nnd shoutedfor belli. Slurnhv ran Into tho arms nf CmlDcveryat Lexington avenuo nnd Thlrty-tlrs- tstroi t.

Iln was taken to tho Fast Thirty-nt- h streetstation liotisu nnd seaichod. On him werofound llftj-thro- u keys, a small jimmy, u lllo,and a Knife.

"I guess I've (lxoil myself this time." hesnld in tlin station house. "Up in h, John,where I UM'd to live, I was a waiter, but I

couldn't Hud any work In that lino here. Iwas htaiving lu death, and I had to steal: 1

wusn't going to die of want with tilings righticmly to my hand,"Yesterday morning ho was arraigned at tho

Virl.vlllii Court and remanded, 'lo-ita- y hisphotograph will bo takuu for tho Rogues' Gal-lery.

catholic itntiAL ni:sii:i).I'fillcrinon Ttecn vviih ii Knight ofPythlnn

und Dlril IV Hliout the Klle nl'the Church.When tho frlonds of tho Into Jersoy City

Peter F, Itoen, went to attend his fu-

neral yesterday morning tnoyworo surprlsodto learn that tlioro was to bo no high muss,and thnt tho body was not to be buried In

giuunit. It had been ndvorllsedthatn solemn high mass would bo sung in SI.Petet's Church. It tiansplicd that arrange-ments for a mass hi I boon made, but whenBishop Wigger learned Hint Boon was nKnight of I 'j thins and n momberof other se-cret had died without having

thn last rites ot the I hun-h- , althoughho had been sick for nearly a mouth, ho for-bade tho rellgloiH lervicos nnd tho burial Inconsectated giouiul. A comm Itito was sentto tlio Bishop to try and Induce him to recon-sider the nider. Tho UMwp relontod ho faras to penult tlio body to bo placed in tho vaultin tlio Catliollo i ometery until furtlior orders.It s possible, but not probable, that it mayoinntii illy ho hurled in consecrated groutui,

llcen's lenitives andfriends were greatly putnm about thu matter, Tho mom hers of GrantLodge, Knights of 1') thins, to which Been be-longed, will hold a special meeting and ap-point a conimitteo to watt on Bishop Wlgger.

A Iln vvllh Tpliu In Kldrldge Slrcet,Dr. I) iiiii of 41 lllvlngtnn street was called

jobtonl.i) livening t attend Bohurt Norwich, uID je.n-ol- d boy, living on the third llooi of theteiv n i i t at V.lTi F.ldililgo stieel with hspil it I hu doctor found that the hi.yvwishtiffeil gfiotn typhus, iiud notified thu Boatdof Health.



The Rplrlta thnt Keep Ilnnntlns ner-R- hnI Aetnnnded thnt thn Widow or .lodgeTerry Khould llo TliuiiEht C'rnxy-rinc- edIn Custody I'endlug the Kxnmlnnllnn.

San Francisco, Starch a Stnmmy Tloasant.tho old negro woman who Is tho only truofriend left to unfortunatoSnrnh Atthcn Terry,sworoout awarrnnt y forthonrrost otthofamous plaintiff In tho Sharon divorce ansa ona charge of insanity. Slis. Terry's lntoetrscnpndo occurred In tho Hamniau batliB yos-torday. Sho took a lath thero. and. after

mnsnago treatment, refusod to moveuntil "tho spirits" should conbent Shofallcdto get tholr consent for ubout throo hours,and mcantlmo romnlned on a marblo slnb.

About 5 o'clock bIio got up, dressed herself,nnd loft the placo. Sho wns arrested shortlybeforo noon y and brought boforo JudgoLovy. She wns nccompnnled by Sirs. Pleasantnnd lookod weaiy. When, with dlshevollodhair and glaring oyos, sho ontorod tho courtroom shooxclnlmod:

"What doos nil this moan? Do thoy reallythink tho widow of Judgo Terry Is nn Insanowoman? Well, well I let them examine me.I want Judgo Coffey to conduct the examina-tion."

Sirs, riensnnt ppoko kindly to hor, nnd triedto calm hor. but she continued to talk in arambling manner.

"I nm broke," sho snld. "Ipawnod a ringInst night to get my dinner, and I slept In thopark alt night, for I did not havo a bod uponwhich to rest myht-i- d. Look nt my shoo."Hero sho roached down, pullod oft ono of hershoes, nnd hold It up to tho gazo of evorybodylu tho court room. "That Is my littlo shoe."sho oxclalmod. and then laughed historically." It's full of electricity, but I'm going to put iton my foot. There's magnetism in that footMammy Pleasant is not my friend now. Shothinks I'm insane. Hal Hal Thoy don'tknow me."

At this juncturo Judgo Levy mado his nn--pcarauce. Whon ho took his seat on the benchthn unfortunate woman, long accustomed toseeing Judges and listening to court proceed-ings surrounded by a host of attorneys, recog-nized him instantly, und smiles wreathed tiercountenance.

Slis. i, ny give tho nnmosof nscoro of wit-nesses whom sho wanted Bummonodto provohor sanity. Tim Judge agrood to subo-i-m-ithem, and then set tho hearing formorning.

"I supposo that In tho mean tlmo you willwant to putmo In somebody's custody." snldSirs. Teiry. "I don't vvantto go into MammyPleasant's custody." hho continued, and at tliosame time hlio looked sncoringly at tho oldcolorod woman. "Shi sent it big nigger mnninto my room tho othor night, niul I don'tthink that was prono". so I waut to bo put Incharge of Dr. Livingston,"

Sirs. Terry then nroso nnd picked up n vallsoand a largo nunnlitynf old wiro. wlilch shosnid wns charmed with electricity, and wentaway with a deputy six riff to the Homo of

whcruslio wl1! lio detained until to-morrow morning. As sho walked nut of theloom she was followed by a largo crowd, uponwhom she bmlled pleasantly. Hernppenrancowns " sh ibl.y.goiitoel." Mio wore a long seal-sk- it

torn in several places, and whichlooked as If It had bei n made for a womanmuch hirgerthan Sirs. Terry. Her lint had nodoubt once boon a cholco bit of millinery. Itwasof the turban style, but tho trimmings weroall awry, and her uiikeiiipt hair heemcil to butangled in thu feathers of tho hat Hor dresswas in tatters, and lior face had been rougeduntil hlin looked ns if situ had been mndo upfern part In bu'lesiiuu opera When she

thu hack Slnmniv Pleasant accompaniedher. As sho stepped in. sho hiild:" Hero como tlio eleetrleals. Pulldown thocurtains."

UAitn times ton iiie imoKEns.Mnn t'runrlnro IleulrrN In Mining Mocl&n

IV 111 Sell Their 1'iiliitliil Itnlldlng.Rv ritwcisco. Slarch !. The San Francisco

Stock nnd r.vchango Board building, whidiwas built in tlio great bonanza excitement In1H77, will soon bo sold and tho monoy divldodamong thn member of the Board. Tho build-ing and lot aro worth and this wouldgiv .) MKHl to cai-i- i member, W horeas tho prlcoof 8"ats now is only s"..riHl.

Stilling Mock business has sunk so low thatng.eit nart of tho brokois cannot make aliving Tlio lamlis refuse to come in ami boplnn-- on cutthroat liouls, and as no now dis-co- v

oiios aro nnde in thu ('.mistook tluro is nochance or vvoi king up any excitement.

Consolidated Virginia lias dropped below $.r.and other stocks am kicking round the marketat 1 por share. Fnder thehu circumstancestlio poverty-stricke- n brokers propose to real-ize on their exchange building, which is en-tirely too gaudy and palatial for their presentplcayuno business. When thn exchange wasopened seats cot 'jr,()t)0, and onco they weroheld ns high ns l O.OOO. Since then tho priceshivo gradually diopped as business has

The Ktnte Crund Army Encampment.Burrvix), Starch 0. Tlioro oro about 1.000

delegates hoio attending the State G. A. Ik en-campment '1 ho contest for Department r.

for which Poolo of Syracuse. Kay ofBrookljn. andCleary of Bochestor aro candi-dates. Is lively. Poolo seems to betho favorite.

Ati anonymous circular was published lastnight charging that ho oflored to tluow thull. A. TL vote of tlio Miltn to l'lnv,.lim,l In nr,..- -hlder.itlon of Ids intention In tho otllco ofI nilcil States Pension Agent, but it proved aboon mane.

Hnriuuiiv prevails among tho women dole-gate- s

to thn Women's Belief Corps meeting.About HI.) women are In attendance It isgcnoinlly understood that Sirs. F.llcn Putnamof lliillnlo, tho Prosldent of tho corps, will boreelected.

(She Is Too 1'onng to Help lny OflT mMai t;nue.

Boo Loopnow. tho German nows womanwho sells papers at tho City Hall olovated rail-road station, was arrosted last night with liorfourtpoii-yenr-ol- d daughter. Hose, by AgontBarker of the Chlldicn's Society. Sirs. T.onp-no-

Is charged with violating the law in re-gard to children under 111 jears of age. bliuhas sold papors at tlio elevated station fortlireuvenrb, using thoprullts of her labor toi.iy oil a mortgage ou a small farm near

Boonevllle, N. 1. hho was taken to tho Oakstieet station and her duughtor wus placed intlio caro of the society.

S ii lil tied Ordered Her lo Kill Her Children.Sirs. Stary Pachus becamo suddonly insano

ypstordny morning In her rooms on the thirdfloor of 'J0'2 Johnson avenuo. Willlainsburgli.Aflor announcing to her husband that Oodhad nrdeied her to kill their Tour children, shocaught the eldest child, a girl of 7 years, andtiled to forco her to tlio window. Sir. PaehusIntoifered In tlmoto snvutho little one fiomharm. With the assistance of Polleotiinn Cnti-illd-

he took .Mrs. Pachus to tho ulllou of thoCiuiiniibslonors of Chirities and Correction,nndslio was remnnded to tlio asjluui for thninsiiiio at I'lathuhh. She is ubout !I0 yearsold. and until Tuesday night, when alio nitedstinngely, had nevei sliuwti uny symptoms ut

A IIIII Chili In 1st, Louis, Mnrch P. Fifty commeiclal ny.

ellors, reproFontlng wholesiilu houses of thiscity in thn South and West, h iv.i formed a lllllclub and havo bout an iuiltitiun to Scmitoi-Hil- l

to aiblioss t to Douiociucy of St, Louiswhile on hU trip South.

Til cy 1VIII llnnd IId'Ioiih,RlDOBWonp, N. J., Sfnrnh ll. Tho people of

this town byaronjorltyof lUOln a totalXO deolded yonterday to bond tho townshipfor Ssttl.oUU to niucadamlo the roads.

The Firemen t'.uue llmue Itrjolelng.ThoYoternn Flromen. whq havo boon on apleasure tilpto Now- - Oilcans, letuined homo

hihl night, making lots of nulso with tlielrbandb of music.

M here li liid.n' 1 Irus Were, '

A VI 1 .Yi. Hu Uu in i flint. Vf iiiuml Win!,,buiiu I .011(1111). it mi ui $1 ' JO

Ji--, (ll. pim r,.f, ,,., ilium..,, -, -- j

(,r..-ii- .I..-I.- I fa'., .i.nrii. il M, , i J ,n. up-tiu.-i

fciieet, r, Mini), iiuiluniutfi

OL'.V. Al.dEll'S ctyniDAcr.lie Thinks tie Una Michigan Solid, Oeslde

Ti lends In Other .Mnlee.CnicAtfo, Stnrch on. Alger. In nn

y declnrod hlmsolf a candi-date for tho nomination."But I wish It clenrly understood." con-tinued Gon. Algor. "thnt my candidacyIs not to bo consttuod In tholight of an adverse criticism on PresidentHarrison or his Admlnlstrntlon. Ho has giventhe country a clean, ablo Govorment.In matters whorcin ho nnd I hnvo dif-fered in policy, his judgmoiit mnyhavo been hotter than mine, nsI claim no suporlor wisdom. Tho ambition toasplro to thu Presidency Is tho right of thoAmorlenn citizen, tho bright hopo of evoryAmerican boy. In becoming n candldnto Iam but exorcising that highest privilege ofntAnieilcnn.' then. too. I llkoto see snmothlngmorolnpolitics nnd Conventions than actit and driedarrangement Competition Is the life ofpolitics ns well ns of business. I hnvolecolved nsstiranhos of support frommany quai-teis- . I expect to havo thoMichigan delegation, but I havo reason totill k that I will have fiipndsln other States aswell. AstotheMntos from which lexpcct votes.T now talk. I know Hint four years ngoinsiinuitimis vvorotaade thnt money hud beenused In my bohalr. So far ns 1 nm eonopriiodthat Is untrue. If nnvor my nllogod friendsniado mistakes. It was without myknowledge or consent, and to thisday I iiiii Imincniit of any knowledgo ortho use nf Improper means togainvotos forino tn the Convention. If nnvtlilng of that

,a" 'ono It was dono nt their oxponso.But I do not bollevo n vvotd of It.

If I ennnot got tho nomination In nn hon-prab-

way, as tho freor choice of a mniorltv ofBepubllcun party. I do not want it"CLEVELAND O.V CObonESS.

lie In Hald to Hnro Kemnrked thnt Itnitindera Ilnve Never llren Kxceeded.Omaha. Slarch 0." The blundors commlttod

by tho prosont Democratic Congress hnvonever been oxceedod." is tho romnrk Im-puted to Grover Clovelntul by Dr. Georgo L.Sillier, tho n Dcmneiat of this city.In nsilvor talk beforo an executlvo session oftlio Domocrntlo Stnto Central Commlttoo housed tho quotation, saying that ho had itnotthrco days old from Clovoland.

shot a cinctr.o justice.A Mnn lie hnd Fined Wounds Illm Twice

us lie Sll nn the Ilrnch.Lincoln. Neb.. March ft An attempt was

made to kill acting l'ollco Justico Borgolet ntnbout 10 o'clock this morning while policecourt was In session. Chnrles Warnor. n mannbout t!5 yonrs of age. walked into tho courtroom nnd up to tho dosk whero Justico Borgo-let sat writing. Drawing a rovolvor ho firedtwo shots nt tho Justice in rapid succession.Tho first shot took effort In tho region of thoheart, but was turned from Its course by somoarticle in his vost pocket The second bullotstruck the Justice ovor tho loft eye nndploughod through the llesh In an upward di-rection. Warner was atonco seized and heldafter a severe struggle.

Judge Borgeiot was removed to his homo.Tho extent of his injur os nro not known ntthis hour, but it is not believed that bis woundswill provo fatal. arner wns fined by tho jus-tico on Inst Saturday for stealing trousors froma merchant and bus since beon mnklng threat-ening remarks concerning tho Judge.


Trains Stopped. School Closed, and PeopleAre Keeping Indoor.

Omaiia. March 0. An extraordinarily highwind provniled in this section Tolo-phon- o

and telegraph wires woro bunched, andgreat damage was dono in tho way of blowingin plato-glus- s windows and destroying cor-nices. Tho wind blow nt tho rate of fifty-si- x

miles nn hour.St. Pvul, Slarch 0. Boports rocolved hore

from all over tho Northwest show that a tor.rlble storm is provulllng. Schools nro gonor-nll- y

closed, nnd peoplo cannot xonturo out ofdoors. All wires west of Fargo aro reporteddown.

In this cltyolectrlo car traffic between thocity and outside Is seriously . Whontho Chicago. St. rnul, and Kansas City trainwas within about seventy miles of tho city,Ldwaid O'Brien, u photographer from Newlprk. stepped out on the platform and wasblown therefrom. The train was oulcklystopped, and ho wns brought to tho city andsent to tho hospital. His Injurlos nro painful,but not serious.


Mr. Kengnn Arcusea Her ITnahnnd She InI.lkely tn Illc.

Sergeant norliliy of tho Loonnrd streotstation wns standing nt Hudson nnd Harrisonstreets nt 11 o'clock last night when ho hearda woman scream "Murder!" Ho ran to thocorner of Harrison and Stnplo streets andfound Sirs. Slnryltengan holding hor husband,John Bcagan. n sailor of ii Staple stroot, by thocoat Thn woman was bleeding from nn uglygash In tho throat When Hurllliy arrostodthe man she said:" lie's tlio murderer. Look what ho did."

At tile station house sho refits, il in i,aihad outlier. Bongan'shnndsniiil i lothes worocovered with blood. 'Ibu hospital surgi-o-sewed up the gash, which extended from tholeft ear around the tliro it, under the chin tothu light cheek. Tho woman 'was removed toI (lumbers Streets .Hospital. She will probablydie. A bloody knife was found two blocksnwny by Boundamun Slastorson shortly otterlteugun s arrest

Dr. Ncudder Committed to .loll.Citicvoo, March 0. Dr. Honry Martyn Scud-de- r

was y sent to tho county jnll on awarrant charging him with tho murder of hisnged mothor-Iu-lo- Sirs. Fllzaboth PnrkerDtitilon. Hu wns assigned to cell No. 11 onthe main corridor of tho jail, directly f icingthe jail ulllou. The warrant on which Dr.ncuilder was committed totlie county jail ll

was Issued one week ngu. Thuhervieo oftliow irinnt was delegated lothe police, whoiiegleitedto perform their duty. It Is proba-bl- e

that investigation will bu mudo by tlioPolice Board.

The M'ruther.Thentnrm llnr paiudnverthliclty onTnetday wan

cenird jc.tirbn nn Hni unit nt Malnn, liavliutihiuhiii'liiMl hi ncrir). Atthouirti the liarnm.

Icr.u Pirtliin r 'i -- U -- 't, Hiu pro.nurii Kraillput IiaI nvirj miulit In. hie, w tin h uranium 0r the hnhtne4 ottho vv in I flit- it nn thnt vim ino)inj,-ilow- iru n tliaNnrtliHi.t sn,u .i ui.irktil Ju puwer Ainliiiitiriiltiii.i', H w ii oier Uiko Superior, hum.lnt.itHiiril Tie) hiii'I) In Ita front nur thelnbeaand Olim ViilUy icr lUlit and humdhIiiu vnriablu,uliilf ilio Mta I In lie r nr nrtliiicentrc, over llni Ml..lsliii anil vtbniiri ..l ijii, ua tloshiK n calo and

alt. nihil b) a BMeri) iu1l unio. Ttio ItiniiirHtiiro Invtiunt'ii'itn unit .Manlliitjii tell Irnai 10" to ao' ana ,lietuw tio, Ttte Irruzuu hie nuctieil kuutU to UuArknn..ii Vallc),

hiiliuiiii uiirmer wcitlipr prevnilcl mcr tlio takehi it s lllll Minn in Vhtiiif.nt i mi I Hit. VtLbMlij,i a.

Itiu .! rai "ill i' in nst o, r lliu lulu, ami ihiiriIlLht r.iiu illtllti Mioiit) an I nvcr Nun l.nuluel, uil.'U uloiu-- tlio inn, I It Hill lie billon eil byl.'irliic uiutner In tlio atttriinoii ami bei nine, much ut lil.iit, ith probability i.r cold. Uirt iitliernii Iri In) and Saturday,The Miatlierwu. clear lu the Southern State anil

writ. if tlirMUnUiippl.In tbu city Ilia la tji fair, with Increailnir

nn an I a leu ipriaVIe nf rain lu the afternoon,lll.lirit ollldol teinperatare, C0j louett, au, aeranat. uml III), "J nr cut.; Hind generuli) not; iiroi,vt leclty, 10 intee an hour.

The llmruiomeler at I'errj'i pharuiacy In Tua Setb JllJiMk' lecurdi il I tie tauif er.ituro ) ett rua n lullos

J1JI, JS'l.' IHI, Jf-- J,1.V VI ,...-r,-

. jo' n 31 , M ,, III ,',i.II A M am ll - VI 17" 47Ii l .17' J.' ti - l J'.H 4J

12 VI 1 41- - I J nut il.-li-l - IJi-- j . Avirj.-'i- Mar. UP Is'U lllj'

M l.lllM.lliV liiiui i.T Till si s rail, in)I r N.w lii.l.mJ, ttiri.itiiuiu ui.itinr mil rum

n c if ib u- - Miithn tMiair, i . uer h) I ri 1) iinanhi.-- .

Jn ptft 1'uit ei ,VVip Jtr..v, tff'tiiiinf elnulmf,villi lijlt rutin, vtttirly vtiiU, (nrrriMii.j (n juice, tnitrhtoldir IhvrmUy night.

For Waitern New York light rain or mow; trltkteBlfHwtlUrljwtaili,wltIii cols Waft, .




llEVi:SOED UFO.Y HER COMMERCE. ,1 t '. .jl 't.

The nehrlngMen Treaty of. rhttratloB S 1 !

the Correspondence Ilnlh Be lore th . 'f'l 'Hennte-Slm- rp t'rlllclem or f.ord Hull. ? 'jbitry'e Kemanl (o llcnevv the Modus VI. , "i

Temll ,fbr the Preservntlnn of the Beatla iwhile thn Arbitration Goei On-- Tli ,

'Wllhdrnunl of Cnnnitn'n TrnnNpnrlallom ' '

l'rlvlleara In the United Hlntea Htcsm. , - ;

nienilrd by Henntora and Itrprenentutlrea I j Jol llolh Parllea-Mennvv- blls Poachers J I

i .

nro Threatened with PunUhment. ' ?

Washincitojj. nreh Fryo's rig- - $ J Iforotis Bpoech In tho executive sosslon oftha '1 j,'

Ponnto yebterday advocating a policy of lm-- j 'mcdlntoandcomploto ooramorolal retaliation f,ngnlnst Catinda unless England shall ngroe to ' fjdeal fairly In tho ncnl flshorlos controveray ' fmet with approval throughout Washington. S J

andwasovorywhoro discussed by Btntosraoaand politicians Mr. Fryo's upoeeh. '

moreover, was followed by tho Introduction ' j'this morning, by Senator Slorgan, of a resolu- - j

tion providing for putting Into offoetnt onoo a ! iPlan of retaliation ns far nB would affoot th '. 'privileges now enjoyod by Cunnda tn tha !

transportation of lmportod merchnndlso ."J

through tho United Statos. In tho socondday's dobato of tho llehrlngHoa question, after ' JMr. Morgan's resolution was Introduced, tha i 'jnronrtptv nml Tirnntl'iniaitt. Ae n...ii...i I naf.. ...u...,w...,j v luiuiiiiiLuu naa j aaaagain tho loading topic, nnd It boglnsto look as jIf membors of both parties woro about roady . 9to take soma decided step in tho matter. ! --M

Tho Tresldont sont to tho Sonato y tha Scorrespondence that haB taken placo on the Msubject of tho Uehrlng Son llshorles slnco thalast publication nbout a yonr ago. Tills corro- - 'spondenco. as well as tho trcity of arbitration. 'Swas at onco mado public. Tlioro Is nothing llwhatovor In tho treaty that has not alroadr 9boon announced In tho newspapers, and In tha "iBcorrospondonco tho only now foaturo is that 'Misirt wlilch relatos to Lord Salisbury's refusal 'In nnnonnl tn n un a.p..I nl ll.n .. J. . ...u ... rlSBB

Soon after tho President's mossago was ro- - '' VBccived nn executive sebslon was hold, and

' Mthrco hourRwcro spont In n continuation ot I fjMtho discussion begun yostorday. Tho princl- - i .wMpal speakers y woro Senators Sherman. j 'flVoorhoos. Morgan. Halo. Tolior. Chandler, 'IflPalmer. Ransom, nnd llutlor. Nearly all of ,;JthoBoSonntors wero strongly In favor of rati- - I ,9fylng tho trcoty. contondlng that the ef-- ' )

feet of such a course would bo that of j ?a flag of truco pending the contest ovor j Htho proposition for a ronownl of the mofftt jMvivendt. A fow Sonators, howevor, notably ,VMMr. Voorhoos. opposed such action. Senators jjNbhermnn nnd Morgan mado tho most Impor- - ltant spooehes of tho dny, and tho Iattor I 1surprised ovon tho Sonators who liavo known i3lhim longost by tho unubual vigor of his uttor- -nucos nnd tho advanced ground ho took In f 'i.THfavor of tho most prompt and warlike retalla. if "'jBtion upon Canada. l 'mm

Sonator Shorman surprised tho Senate by i 1 .9the statomont that the corrospondonco would li 'Mshow, or If not It could easily bo proved, that f 1 j MLord Salisbury had roncatodly disavowed i1

P.ngland'srosponsibllltyfortho outrages upon 1 riAmerican rights in Pohrlng Sea, and laid all 1 ' 'thoblamoon tho shoulders ot tho Canadians,to whom ho had continually retorred as poach- - U , t skm

ers. Kevoral Senators questioned tho correct- - j$l ffHnossof Mr. bhorman's statomenton that point; gbut tho Sonator ropcated it and unoOlolally f ' fUassured tho Senato that Canada, and fiflnot tho English Ooversment, was most- - ' tilly to blame. Lord Salisbury. Mr. Sherman , Wmtsaid, mado no sccrot of tho fact that he could 'IBnot control tho Canadian in this matter, much t .as ho would Ilko to. Sonator Sherman made Skflnn enrnebt nppoal for tho ratification of tho j H,treaty, and his ndvieo was strongly endorsed '' .ifflby Senators Morgan and Halo, who oolntod 4 sllout that with a trualy or arbitration the United $ MStatos would bo strengthened in nor position flaflso far as tho good olllces of friondly Govern- - I 'J 'jEUmonts woro coneernod, and that It would In the S !lHend bo Impobblhlo for Knghtnd to declino a j XlHtnoitiis t'li'raifi whllo arbltiation was In prog-- i --IbbIrets. t j MSonator Morgan announced to the Sonate In 'J ,'ifaHtho most S'lluuin terms that ho legarded the !? imwPresent situation ns the most critical blnce he ti ,'alhad been lu public llfo. herlous Jillloulty and 2 rHoven bloodshed, ho bald, wero threatened, and A "mMhouppealod to tho Senate to discuss tho mat-- If i4sHtor In a broad, calm, btatosmanliko way, to-- (j (immtally unbiassed by political prejudices or na- - I .tlomil jealousies. Mr. Morgan tavored tlio j iHratlllcation of the treaty as tho best means to j laHa satisfactory conclusion of the controvmsy. j I lSenator Voorhoes added to tho general In- - j I rJaHterobt nnd ocitcmont of tho dihcusslou by J 1Hmaking a llcreo attack upon tho Adinlmstra- - ) HHtion for w lint ho debcrlbed ns Its " bungling 1 i ;JHdiplomacy." Ia bald that tho President 3 Mmnnd Secrotnry of State had blundered from J ,Umtho start, nnd that it was a dis. 3 !grace) and n hliniuu for them to bend i tXeaflto the honato a treaty proposing arid- - t; lilmmtratlon in the face of England's lufusnl to iHbbbIprevent poaching whllo tho question was bo- - rt , ,aHing arbitrated. Senator Voorbees charged ' 'obbbbthat the Admiuistratiou know that a ronewal ' iimmof tho iiWiIiia rnimli had been refused when i,the treaty was signed, and that therefore a, t JMmstupeniloiis blundor of diplomacy und status- - '3Hmansliip had been coiiiiultted. .' 5l

Senator C'liandlorclinll.iiiged this statoment, I ifHarid a protracted dibputo arose ns to tho dates VbbbbIof tlio various suctions of tho correspondence. I '?iHAt its conclusion tho improsslon provniled VbbbbIamong many of tho Sonutors that Mr. Voor- - ' Mbees was warranted In making bis statement. MHSenator Toller said that tho United Statos . atrnmhnd purchasuil certain rights In tho Uehrlng ibbbBSou from llussla. and until it could bo shown 'bbbIthut I.nglnnd had prior claim to or any share , 'AbbbIII thn heal islands and the wutors contiguous if ''bbbbbthereto theruwns no occasion for arbitration. 'bbbIHo InsNtod that the tieaty should bo rojectod 'bbbIand the I iws against poaching enforced. 'tlaBBB

Sonator Palmer of Illinois, who has Pros!- - , i IHbbbbbbbI

deiitinl abidrations, stated his undnrbtnnding (Obbbbof the cutitioversy and advocated a vigorous Vbbbbpolicy toward Great llrltain. He. like Senator IH1 idler, does nut believe there Is any necessity 1 lCmHfor at liitiati'iti. holding tint tlio United Mates vImbbbIhas eortalu rights In tho lielirliigSe.iucqutred ' Ibbbbbby purch ibe und therefore need not ask Dug- - 1 nmmland whether those rights shall he enforced, 'IbbISenatois Hansom of North Carolina and Hut- - j?!bbbb1lei-o- f .south Carolina said they weie lu favor of , 'I.bbbb1busliilniiigtbe Ailnilnlstiatlon In any policy it 'IbbbbImiglit pursue In this case, but they deprecated bbbbbIh isty acliiin that might involve the country in ibHa warwlth Gieat llritaiii. "'I lioewhn pasroil bbbbbIthrough thu lute win," said Hans uu, .,'jHliesitatn tu oiigngu in aiiotbei bloody coullict . jBBBBif it can lie avoided by huiioi.thlu metliodh." msHSenator llutlor niid he woiilil go as far us iHany Sonator to uphold thn honor and dignity raBBBHof the t'nlted States against Great llrltain or iHany other foreign (ouiili ), but bo did not see ivbbbbIfimu thu facts presi'iiteil any occasion for the , Vbbbbsensational aspect presented hy certain per- - timmwbona in dealing witli this subject. It appeared fmm1 him that lUiglnnd Imagined she saw an op- - 'ibbbbbbpurlunity to aconite certain privileges In Hen- - Cbbbbbbring Sea without giving anything in return, Ibbbbbbami with tbillt w.ia reauy to tnkoad- - , bbbbbbIviinlagool the nIiii.iIImii. I "JbbH'Ihe whole mat l. r was final v lab ovor until . jbbbbbbI

IbbbbbbIIf any n linncii vvhaliiMjrciin bn placed upon , tHtie utterances of h admg Smiatoih and Hop- - UMit inovident that the Mintlinont V MMof Ihe majority, f both Houses of Congress Is H

in fit i n of iiompt and elTeetlvo retaliationagaiiibt I'anailu, ami II beginbtolook thorefore 1 taBBBBBlas it tin tlneats that havo for sev- - Beial leir.s been miidu against the con- - flt i n 1' ii of tho transportation and sbbbbH'tie r privileges enjoyed by Cutnida are i isbbbbH

nbi ut to be carried out. Sonator Cullnm. 1 sbbbbbbIChairman of tho Conimitteo on Intnr-Stat- e bbbbbbbI( omul . ninkt-- no concenlmont of hisopln- - IbbbbbBh n t hat tho Jaiglish (iovernment should bo ' rBBBBBBs!tri ated ai. an enemy of this country and shut '.bbbbbbsout coiiipletely from the commeiclal prlvl- - bbbb1eges which she now enjoy?. Mr. Cut- - bbbbbbbIloin said that ho was In U 'aBBBslfavor of tho iiiobt vigorous retaliation K Hiigaliibt 'nmida. and bellov cd that the 1'nltcd ft bbbbbI'; I. ties blinuld nt once servo notice iiun tho V bbbbbbbII.ngllhb liovernmi'iit that ir she did not eon- - t Hrede our lights In the fisheries nintinversy 'iildat ono withdraw t'unaln's bbbbbbbIfii'l'itii's in this coiihtiy, "Wo lune been . i mmmpa i .nt long i.;ii.iiuh."liii bald, "and now is J mmmthetnii it'istnke , Hmajority ol .Mi-- . Ciillnm's Jeitihllcaii col- - I Hlm jtb s bcilevu as be ii is, and so umhos m bbbbbbbbtliuiiiM-IVeb- . Senator 1 ru' bpeech in tho bbbbb1eeeiitiviibessioii)uiteiday wasrlmiilyarop. 'JVf mmmAotitlonof othor bpeeches which ho hnsdellv- - ':lf bbbbbbBerod in thu Senato In the last live or six years, bbbbbbB

i Io tiau lopofttodly saia thut UjeKovy liagUn3 .1 jH?.'.iitria)'.iHiri.'n. ipw.j.ia.,.,-- . - s fc


I -- JAmmmJ

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