Page 1: I CALL FOR RPE - IEEE Computer Society · CALLFOR RPE Callsare ... level at whichthe tutorial will be presented by ... 1982, to Dr. Hwa-Nien Yu, IBM T. J. Watson ResearchCenter, POBox218,Yorktown


Calls are listed according to submittal deadlines. Conferences in which the Computer Society is asponsor or participant are indicated by the IEEE Computer Society logo; others of interest to ourreaders are also included. Submit information six weeks before the month of publication-e.g.,for the September 1982 issue, send information for receipt by July 15, 1982-to COMPUTER,10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720.

IEEE Transactions on Computers willpublish a special issue on recent develop-

ments in the design and implementation offamilies of computers in May 1983. Manuscriptson new user apparent architectures and im-plementation architectures are solicited. Majorfocus should be on detailed descriptions ofdesign tradeoffs made and methodology used.Submit papers by July 1, 1982, to Fernando C.Colon Osorio, Digital Equipment Corp., 75 ReedRd., Hudson, MA 01749; (617) 568-1431.

Jordan-International Electrical and ElectronicEngineering Conference: April 25-28, 1983, Am-man, Jordan. Submit an abstract by July 1, 1982,to Dr. M. Maqusi, Electrical Engineering Dept.,University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

ICS 82, Intemational Computer Symposium(IEEE et al.): December 15-17, 1982, Taichung,Taiwan. Submit a complete manuscript (20-pagemaximum) and a 200-word abstract by July 15,1982, to (Southeast Asia authors) Prof. Hsiang-Chi Hsieh, Dept. of Computer Science, Feng ChiaUniversity, Taichung, Taiwan, 400, Republic ofChina; (all other authors) Prof. S. S. Yau, Dept. ofEE and Computer Science, Northwestern Univer-sity, Evanston, IL 60201.

^ 1982 Office Automation Conference:February 21-23, 1983, Philadelphia, Penn-

sylvania. A call for participation has beenissued. Persons who wish to be speakers orses-sion leaders should submit their proposals byJuly 15, 1982, to Harry C. Rotenbury, INA Corp.,5th Fl., 1600 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19101.

1982 Computer Networking Symposium:December 9-10, Gaithersburg, Maryland.

(Tutorials: December 9; Symposium: December10.) Submit four copies of a 1000-word abstractby July 20, 1982, to John Carson, Dept. ofManagement Science, George Washington Uni-versity, Washington, DC20052; (202)676-8246. Acall for tutorial presentations that describepractical experiences with computer networksand applications has also been issued. Submitan outline and an indication of the educationallevel at which the tutorial will be presented byAugust 1, 1982, to Dr. Joseph B. Williamson,The MITRE Corp., 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.,McLean, VA 22102; (703) 827-7010.

20th Annual Allerton Conference on Communi-cation, Control, and Computing: October 6-8,1982, Monticello, Illinois. Submit a 1000-wordsummary for a regular paper or a 500-word sum-mary for a short paper by July 30, 1982, to Aller-ton Conference, c/o Prof. H. V. Poor, Coordi-nated Science Lab, University of Illinois atUrbana- Champaigrn, 1101 West Springfield Ave.,Urbana, IL 61801.

International Workshop on High-Level Lan-guage Computer Architecture: November30-December 3, 1982, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.(Tutorial: November 30; Workshop: December

1-3.) Submit three copies of a 20-page paper anda 150-word abstract by July 31, 1982, to Dr.Yaohan Chu, Dept. of Computer Science, Uni-versity of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742;(301) 454-4245. (Workshop originally scheduledfor May 24-28.)

Fourth Israel Convention and Exhibition onComputer-Aided Design and Manufacturing:December 13-15,1982, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Submit a200-word abstract by August 1,1982, to IsraelSociety for CAD/CAM, PO Box 3473, Tel-Aviv 61033, Israel.

10th Annual ACM Sigact-Sigplan Symposiumon Principles of Programming Languages:January 24-26, 1983, Austin, Texas. Send ninecopies of an 8-10 page summary by August 6,1982, to Alan Demers and Tim Teitelbaum,POPL Program Committee, Dept. of ComputerScience, Upson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca,NY 14853.

Second Software Engineering StandardsApplications Workshop: May 17-19,1983,

San Francisco, California. An invitation hasbeen issued to participate in a limited atten-dance workshop discussing the impact andpractical application of software engineeringstandards. Positions on the controversialissues associated with the application of soft-ware engineering standards are sought. Sendfive copies of a 600- to 750-word proposal byAugust 13,1982, to J . Brown, Boeing, MS 9C-70,PO Box 24346, Seattle, WA 98124; (206)575-5117.

A IEEE Infocom 83: April 18-21, 1983, SanDiego, California. (Tutorials: April18; Con-

ference and Exhibits: April 19-21.) Submit fourcopies of a full paper by August 15,1982, to Dr.John Spragins, Program Chairman, IEEE In-focom 83, PO Box 639, Silver Spring, MD 20901;(803) 656-3190.

Compcon Spring 83: Intellectual Leverage7for the Information Society: February28-March 3, 1983, San Francisco, California.Papers are solicited on the following topics:local area networks: baseband, broadband,voice/data PBX; personal computers and workstations; distributed computer systems: theirconnectivity and management; factory automa-tion and CAD/CAM; interactive graphic sys-tems; data base machines and issues; impact of


Call for papers for Computer

Computer is looking for articles that coverall aspects of computer science, technol-ogy, and applications. Computer is aimed ata broad audience, whose interests are notlimited to narrow specialties; articles areusually survey ortutorial in nature and coverthe state of the art or important emergingdevelopments. Submit six copies of themanuscript, including illustrations, refer-ences, and authors' biographies, to thesenior editor:

* Dr. Stephen S. YauDept. of EE and Computer ScienceNorthwestern UniversityEvanston, IL 60201Telephone: (312) 492-3641

In addition, a number of special issues arebeing organized. Submit six copies of rele-vant articles directly to the guest editor.

* Data Security in Computer Networks.Submit by July 30,1982, to Prof. SubhashKak, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Loui-siana State University, Baton Rouge, LA70803; (504) 388-5241.

* Communications Satellite Software. Sub-mit by August 31, 1982, to Dr. Kamal N.Karna and Emilio W. Dusio, RCA Astro-Electronics, PO Box 800, Princeton, NJ08540; (609) 426-2359 or 2212.

An authors' information sheet can be ob-tained from Stephen S. Yau at the above ad-dress or from the IEEE Computer SocietyWest Coast Office, 10662 Los Vaqueros Cir-cle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720; (714) 821-8380.


Page 2: I CALL FOR RPE - IEEE Computer Society · CALLFOR RPE Callsare ... level at whichthe tutorial will be presented by ... 1982, to Dr. Hwa-Nien Yu, IBM T. J. Watson ResearchCenter, POBox218,Yorktown

artificial intelligence; VLSI: gate arrays,memories, microprocessors, custom functions;electronic office: systems and networks;semiconductor device design, fabrication,testing, and packaging; speech recognition,synthesis, and analysis; computer/communica-tions interface; software: operating systemsand languages; social, legal, and regulatoryissues in data processing; computerized infor-mation utilities; new and emerging computerapplications; computer systems and networkarchitecture; computer system peripherals;data flow structures; circuit and logic simula-tion. Send four copies of a 1000-to 1500-word in-formal digest by September 1,1982, to John F.Wakerly, Computer Systems Laboratory, Stan-ford University, Stanford, CA 94305; (415)856-0169.

Fourth Symposium on Automation TechnologyIn Engineering Data Handling: November 3-5,1982, Monterey, California. Submit a one-pageabstract by September 1, 1982, to Prof. Peter C.C. Wang, Code 53Wg, Mathematics and Na-tional Security Affairs, Naval PostgraduateSchool, Monterey, CA 94940.

First Intemational Symposium on AutomatedIntegrated Manufacturing: April 5-6, 1983, SanDiego, California. Submit a 100- to 200-wordabstract by September 30,1982, to Leonard B.Gardner, P.E., 2406 Buttetop PI., Spring Valley,CA 92078; (714) 464-2446.

Intemational Symposium on VLSI Tech-nology Systems and Applications: March

30-April 1, 1983, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic ofChina. Submit 12 copies of a detailed abstractfor a 30-minute presentation by September 30,1982, to Dr. Hwa-Nien Yu, IBM T. J. WatsonResearch Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Hgts.,NY 10598; (914) 945-1942.

Sixth International Conference on DigitalSatellite Communications: September 19-23,1983, Phoenix, Arizona. Submit abstracts bySeptember 30,1982, to Howard B. Briley, Con-ference Administrator, ICDSC-6, c/o Comsat,950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, DC20024; (202) 86346248.

FTCS-13, 13th Annual Intemational Con-Ob ference on Fault-Tolerant Computing:June 28-30, Milano, Italy. Send four copies of anabstract (200-word maximum) by October 1,1982 and four copies of the complete paper(4000-word maximum) by November 5, 1982.Send to Luca Simoncini, I.E.I.-C.N.R., Via San-ta Maria 46,56100 Pisa, Italy; tele. 39 50 500159.

ACM Sigsoft/Sigplan Software EngineeringSymposium on High-Level Debugging: March20-23, 1983, Pacific Grove, California. Submittwo copies of a single-spaced working paper ora four-page position statement by October 8,1982, to Dr. Mark Scott Johnson, Hewlett-Packard, 1501 Page Mill Rd., Bldg. 28B, PaloAlto, CA 94304; (415) 857-8719.

A 10th Intemational Symposium on Compu-ter Architecture: June 13-16, 1983, Stock-

holm, Sweden. Submit five copies of a manu-script in English (maximum 20 double-spacedpages) by October 15,1982. Send to appropriateaddress as determined by region of residence:(America) Prof. Jean Loup Baer, University ofWashington, Computer Science Group, Seattle,

WA 98105; (Far East) Prof. Mario Tokoro, KEIOUniversity, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama 223,Japan; (Europe and all other regions) Prof. Lars-Erik Thorelli, Royal Institute of Technology,Computer Systems, S-100 44 Stockholm,Sweden.

ICC 83, 1983 Intemational Conference on Com-munications (IEEE et al.): June 19-23, 1983,Boston, Massachusetts. Submit four copies ofmanuscript and a one-page abstract by (authorsoutside North America) October 18, 1982 or(North American authors) November 1, 1982.Send to appropriate address as determined byregion of residence: (Europe, Africa, and MiddleEast) Dr. F. Tosco, CSELT, Via G. Reiss Romali,274,10148 Torino, Italy, tele. (39)11 21691, ext.388; (North America) Dr. L. J. Ricardi, MIT Lin-coln Laboratory, PO Box 73, Rm. D-422, Lexing-ton, MA 02173, tele. (617) 862-5500, ext. 7331;(Central and South America) Dr. J. Valerdi andDr. J. Pomalaza, CICESE, PO Box 222, SanYsidro, CA 92073, tele. (714)398-3803, ext. 201 or203; (Asia and Oceania) Dr. N. Kuroyanagi, NTT,Musashino Electr. Comm. Lab, 9-11, 3 Chome,Midoricho, Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180, Japan;tele. (0422) 59-2539.

3 13th Intematlonal Symposium on Mul-tiple-Valued Logic: May 23-25, 1983,

Kyoto, Japan. Send four copies of an originalsurvey, tutorial, or research paper(20-page max-imum) and a 50- to 100-word abstract by Novem-ber 1, 1982, to (North and South Americanauthors) K. Wayne Current, Dept. of ElectricalEngineering, University of California, Davis,Davis, CA 95616; (European authors) Stanley L.Hurst, School of Electrical Engineering, Univer-sity of Bath, Bath, England BA2 7AY; and (allothers) Tatsuo Higuchi, Dept. of ElectronicEngineering, Tohoku University, Sendai 980,Japan.

g Optical Mass Data Storage: June 6-10,1983, Arlington, Virginia. Abstract is due

November 8, 1982. For more information andauthor's application, contact SPIE, PO Box 10,Bellingham, WA 98227; (206) 676-3290.

3 ACM IEEE 20th Design Automation Con-ference: June 26-29, 1983, Miami Beach,

Florida. Submit five copies of paper byNovember 19, 1982, to Hillel Ofek, IBM Corp.(B22/951), PO Box 390, Columbia St.,Poughkeepsie, NY 12602; (914) 485-7763.

Sigplan 83, Symposium on Programming Lan-guage Issues in Software Systems: June 27-29,1983, San Francisco, California. Send fourcopies of an 8-12 page summary by November29,1982, to Prof. Lawrence A. Rowe, ComputerScience, Div., EECS, University of California,Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720.

The Journal of Digital Systems will publish aspecial issue on channel routing in November1983. Submit papers by December 1,1982, to Dr.Ernest S. Kuh, TE01, EE and Computer ScienceDept., University of California, Berkeley, Berk-eley, CA 94720.

1984 IEEE Intemational Conference on Acous-tics, Speech, and Signal Processing: March19-21,1984, San Diego, California. Submit threecopies of a 200-word summary by September 1,1983, to Dr. Stanley A. White, Rockwell Interna-tional (BB85), PO Box 4192, Anaheim, CA 92803.

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