Page 1: I am a firm believer that all of us are - Blessing Manifesting · I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within
Page 2: I am a firm believer that all of us are - Blessing Manifesting · I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within

I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom

beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within

you, just waiting to speak, to share, to show you who you are

meant to be, and what you are meant to know, or realize that

you know.

Sometimes you forget this wise woman exists, or maybe you

don't even know that she's there to begin with. She is. In

times of need she is there, waiting patiently, for you to

come to her, for you to ask advice or comfort. She is there

to share your joy and to magnify not only the love you have

for yourself but for everyone else.

She waits.

She knows your soul, she knows your deepest darkest secrets, and she possesses an

understanding of you that no one will ever have.

She IS you.

Deep down inside that beautiful, shiny, soul of yours – (Put your hand over your heart and feel

the beat of your life, your soul lives somewhere near that magical spot) – you know exactly who

you are and what you need.

So frequently we look outside of ourselves for love and validation. We want a friend or a partner

to tell us that we are loved, or to comfort us. There's nothing wrong with that, but isn't it

amazing to know that there's someone who could love you unconditionally, who knows who you

are, and who is always there for you no matter what?

Page 3: I am a firm believer that all of us are - Blessing Manifesting · I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within

She's never too busy, she never has to pencil you in. She doesn't disappoint you or make you feel

like you aren't worth the effort. She's there, she just needs a quiet moment for you to hear what

she has to say. She yearns to nurture you, to comfort you, to heal you and help you be your true


My first experience with speaking to my inner Goddess was in a letter and now she and I are very

good friends. It is the most important relationship I've ever started.

I remember the day very clearly. I was sad and

grumpy and sitting in my bedroom feeling like I had no

one. I pulled out a pen and paper and I started writing

a letter to myself. It was all the things I wanted

someone to tell me.

Sweet things... endearments... comforting words.

As I got deeper into the letter I realized that these just

weren't things I wanted to hear, they were things that were true, things that were honest and

heartfelt. In writing that letter, a friendship was born and after that, came a love affair.

After a few more letters came a journal. In this journal I would allow that kind, comforting, soul

that was me to speak. She continued saying things that I needed to hear. I began to rely on her

as I would a friend, as I would a loved one.

When I would cry I would find my inner Goddess speaking out loud to me.

“It's okay, Darling. You will be okay.”

When I needed advice and took the time to listen, I would hear the answers. It wasn't always

what I wanted to hear, or advice I wanted to take, but it was there and it was full of wisdom.

Page 4: I am a firm believer that all of us are - Blessing Manifesting · I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within

I have realized I am never alone, there is always someone there to share in the joy and in the

pain. It's hard to have trust in your inner voice, it is hard to embrace your goddess-self, but

once you do, you can be in love for life. In love with who you really are.

One of the keys to discovering your inner Goddess is releasing judgment about yourself. Let go

of everything in your head that is telling you that you aren't a Goddess already. Recognize that

the little voice that whispers –“You have no right to call yourself a Goddess.” or “After all of the

things you've done in your life how can you call yourself a goddess?” ((You might hear a snort

of derision in the background)) – it is not truth. That is not reality, that is your inner critic

sabotaging you.

Don't listen!

Being a Goddess is not about being above

anyone or better than anyone, it is simply

about acknowledging that you are made of

Divine and Sacred stuff. That's easy to do

because it's simple, and honest, and true.

You are made from the same magic that

made the ocean, and trees so tall that you

can't even begin to see the tops of them, of

stars shining brightly in the sky, that's all you, that's what makes you a Goddess. Use that

wisdom as a map to find the voice of wisdom inside of you.

Another way to listen to your Goddess-self is to spend time with her by using your imagination

and meditation. Find a quiet place and get into a comfortable position. Close your eyes and

Page 5: I am a firm believer that all of us are - Blessing Manifesting · I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within

imagine yourself transported to some place magical. Where to go is completely up to you. It might

be a forest, ancient ruins, the ocean at sunset, a meadow at sunrise, just make it your special

place. Imagine a woman coming towards you and know that this is your Inner Goddess, maybe

she looks like you, or someone you know, or just something that comes from the depths of your

imagination. Take in every detail of your encounter. Maybe you sit in silence, maybe you talk,

note what you talk about and how you feel in her presence. The best way to find your Inner

Goddess is to truly begin loving yourself in all aspects, physically, mentally, emotionally, and

spiritually. These prompts can assist you in embracing all that you are meant to be!

What things do you love about yourself? What criticisms are you letting go of right now?

What is your perfect relationship like? What sort of qualities would you want in a partner and how

would they treat you? Do you love yourself unconditionally? What steps can you take to start

loving yourself right now?

How have your feelings for yourself evolved throughout the years? What are the things that you

most love about yourself? How can you improve your relationship with yourself?

What's your favorite way to get in touch with yourself? What are the things that you like to do

just for you? How is your self talk? Is it positive or negative? In what ways do you underestimate

your abilities? What are sometimes you've been proven wrong?

Write yourself a love letter. Let that inner voice speak. She has been with you since the moment

you were born. She knows of all the wonderful things you are, she wants you to know how loved

you are for them. Practice speaking to yourself in a kind and loving manner. Everyone makes

mistakes, everyone has bad days, and those are the days when you need love the most. Don't be

afraid to give it!

Page 7: I am a firm believer that all of us are - Blessing Manifesting · I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within

Journey Through Journaling

Journey Through Journaling is full of

journaling prompts to inspire you to

write your story. Real, honest, authentic

and spoken with your true voice.

Explore yourself and your past.

Buy It Now.

Do you hate taking your picture?

If the answer is yes, then sign up for

this selfie-taking ecourse. It's time to

stay in the picture. It's time to get

comfortable with seeing your body and

your face. It's time to develop a love

and appreciation for who you are and

what you look like!

Buy It Now.

Do you need instant wisdom?

If you are stuck, struggling, or you feel

like you are at a crossroads, then allow

the cards to guide you. Let me do a

reading for you! The cards won't tell

you what to do and they can't predict

the future. They do offer insight, and

access to a new viewpoint.

Buy It Now.

Seasonal Magic!

If you have trouble finding the beauty in

the different seasons then take a look

at the Blessings series.

Learn to love the wisdom and the

beauty woven throughout the seasons.

Buy It Now.

Page 8: I am a firm believer that all of us are - Blessing Manifesting · I am a firm believer that all of us are filled with wisdom beyond what we think we know. There's a wise soul within

Can you hear her yet?

When you begin to communicate with your wise-self

your life will begin to change, like a flower slowly

opening. You let the sunshine in, you allow the rain to

fall gently upon your petals, and most of all, you release

your brilliance and radiance out upon the world.

Embrace your Inner Goddess, love yourself as you love

her and love her as you love yourself.

Never let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough.

Never, ever, let anyone let you feel like you are anything

“less than”. You are perfect and you are a blessing


Thank you so much for downloading this eBook, I hope you enjoyed it Sweetheart. It was a labor

o f love and I so very, very, much enjoyed sharing myself and my thoughts with you. If you have

any questions or comments please feel free to email me at [email protected]

You can find me at:

My Personal


Blessing Manifesting Facebook Page


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