  • 8/11/2019 Hypnotique October 2014




    HYPNOTIQUE 41Years


    By Mr S.Narayanan

    Two seeds lay side by side in fertile soil. The rst seed said, I

    want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil and thrust

    my sprouts through the earths crust above me ... I want to unfurl

    my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring ... I

    want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing ofthe morning dew on my petals!

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    Block S-27 C, Rainbow Flats, Ponnambalam Salai, K K Nagar, Chennai 78

    President Vice President Vice President Secretary M UTHIAH RAMANATHAN Dr T M PERUMAL Dr C N RAMGOPAL MAJOR V V NARAYANAN

    93810-34310 93810-65016 94442-90841 91500-00615

    Joint Secretary Joint Secretary Treasurer Joint Treasurer R.GOPALAKRISHNAN G.GANESAN U M BAFNA SHOWKAT ALI

    98844-81760 98401-29523 98415-34999 91766-78980


    By Jason Mangrum, Co-Author of Uberman! Almost Super Human

    Spiritual masters say that enlightenment can happen in an instant

    or like the blooming of a lotus ower. The same can be said ofrealizations, and learning. As you read a book on any subject you will

    have moments that you stop reading just long enough to say Ah ha!

    or Wow, thats how that works or Thats why that happens!. There

    is a point where something is gained from knowledge. First you are

    ignorant, and then you inquire, next you realize, now you have the

    power of that knowledge and can apply it to your world.

    I have used this method that consists of only 2 words to create

    anything I want usually within 24 hours if not instantly.

    I have told these words to very few close friends, accompaniedwith the warning Be careful what you wish for There is only one

    guideline when using these key words and I will get to that immediately

    after I tell you what these words are. All you have to do is know what

    you want to make this work.

    I Command!

    Then put it in this sentence: I Command (Then just state whatever

    you want). I know it sounds too simple. Your disbelief in this might

    actually aid in its power.

    You remain detached from the outcome because it just sounds

    too easy This couldnt possibly work, Ive tried everything your

    mind will say.

    Good. What can it hurt to seriously give this a try? I have used

    I Command all day, everyday and I have come to realize thepower I have over the outcome of my life. So have those,to whom I

    have told these words, through their own experiences with it. Your

    mind may just dismiss the acquisition of your desires as coincidental.

    But does it really matter? After all you have got what you wanted and

    so do not worry about how.

    If you honestly begin to use this take into consideration that this

    command once made is not concerned about the HOWit will happen.

    The power will just take the shortest possible path to accomplishment.

    All things great and small are possible when you use the words I

    Command, but whatever they are, be prepared. Of course you can

    always change what you want if you realize its not what you thought it

    would be. It is never too late in this world and nothing is nal. The only

    thing constant in this world is change. You can either be conscious of

    your creating or dragged along oblivious to it.

    There is only one rule.

    One limitation and this is important if you truly want to apply this

    knowledge. You cannot command something for or concerning

    someone else. Such as: I command so-and-so to fall in love with me

    instead use- I command my true love to make himself known to me

    Thats it. These words are yet to fail and you can command anything

    within the realm of your imagination nothing is impossible. All you

    have to do is command, and then look for the command to be fullled.

    In course of time, the verbal commands arent even necessary. If

    you apply it, be prepared to get what you want. Just be ready for the

    change. Happy Commanding !

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    Switchwords are powerful poignant words used to connect

    directly to the subconscious mind, giving it direction for drawing

    the essence of the communication.

    The more a Switchword is repeated, the more it affects your

    energy. The more it affects your energy, the more you draw the

    experience, condition or response the Switchword represents to


    Use Switchwords to help nd abundance, bring love, nd lost

    articles, enhance relationships, center attention on you, become a

    good orator, enhance your learning skills, connect to your creativity,

    get transportation, etc.

    Some Switchwords you may nd very useful include:

    REACH Find lost objects; reach solutions for problems;

    remember forgotten information.

    TOGETHER Master any activity; have it all together; become


    BE - Be at peace and in good health; to be unaffected by ridicule

    ACT - Be a good orator

    PEACE Quell panic; reclaim stability; cease hostilities

    Divine ORDER Organize; be efcient; clean up a mess; put

    in optimum order

    GIGGLE - Get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at hand

    How to Use Switchwords to Clear Negative Thoughts

    The more you try to get away from something, the closer it

    follows you. For your attention to it, or desire to be rid of it, brings

    it ever closer.

    The Switchword pair PURGE-CANCEL is often very helpful

    in stopping this vicious circle of I dont want to think negative

    and because you are focused on not wanting, those negative

    thoughts keep coming.

    1. As soon as you wake up, lay in bed chanting PURGE-

    CANCEL for 3-4 minutes.This can keep you free of negative

    thoughts for the entire morning.

    2. Later in the day, just in case any negative thoughts start,

    again chant PURGE-CANCEL and repeat for the rest of

    the day.

    3. Chanting PURGE-CANCEL intensely for a few times every

    day, can keep you from having negative thoughts that day.

    4. If you do get any negative thoughts, cancel them with


    5. When in a positive thinking space, PURGE-CANCEL

    stretches out that positive thinking.It does not cancel that

    positive thought.

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    (From Anger Kills By Drs Redford Williams & Virginia


    Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in whichit is stored than to anything on which it is poured. Mark Twain

    7. Relax

    Angry people let little things bother them. If you learn to calm

    down, youll realize that there is no real need to get upset, and

    youll have fewer angry episodes. Regular exercise can help you

    relax in tense situations. When possible, go for a walk, or stretch

    and breathe deeply whenever you start to feel upset.

    You will also feel more relaxed when you get enough sleepand eat a healthy diet. Dehydration can often lead to irritability too,

    so keep hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water.

    8. Build Trust

    Angry people can be cynical. They can believe that others do

    things on purpose to annoy or frustrate them, even before anything

    happens. However, people often focus less on you than you might


    Build trust with friends and colleagues. That way, youll beless likely to get angry with them when something goes wrong.

    Youll also be less likely to attribute the problem to malicious intent

    on their part.

    To build trust, be honest with people. Explain your actions or

    decisions when you need to, and always keep your word. If you do

    this consistently, people will learn that they can trust you. Theyll

    also follow your lead, and youll learn that you can trust them in


    9. Listen Effectively

    Miscommunication contributes to frustrating situations. The

    better you listen to what someone says, the easier it is to nd a

    resolution that doesnt involve an angry response.

    So, improve your active listening skills. When others are

    speaking, focus on what theyre saying, and dont get distracted

    by formulating your response before theyve nished.

    When theyre done speaking, show that you listened by reecting

    back what they have just said.

    10. Be Assertive

    Remember, the word is assertive, not aggressive. When

    youre aggressive, you focus on winning. You care little for othersfeelings, rights, and needs. When youre assertive, you focus on

    balance. Youre honest about what you want, and you respect the

    needs of others.

    If youre angry, its often difcult to express yourself clearly. Learn

    toassert yourself and let other people know your expectations,

    boundaries, and issues. When you do, youll find that you

    develop self-confidence, gain respect, and improve your


    11. Live Each Day as if its Your Last

    Life is short. If you spend all of your time getting angry, youre

    going to miss the many joys and surprises that life offers. Think

    about how many times your anger has destroyed a relationship, or

    caused you to miss a happy day with friends and family.

    Thats time that youll never get back. However, you can prevent

    this from happening again the choice is yours.

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    12. Forgive and Forget

    To ensure that you make long-term changes, you need to forgive

    people who have angered you.

    Its not easy to forget past resentments, but the only way to

    move on is to let go of these feelings. (Depending on what or who

    is at the root of your anger, you may have to seek a professionals

    help to achieve this.)

    So, start today. Make amends with one person that youve

    hurt through your anger. It might be difficult, but youll feel

    better afterwards. Plus, youll be one step closer to healing the



    These strategies are only a general guide. If anger continuesto be a problem, you might need to seek the help of a suitably

    qualied health professional, especially if your anger hurts others,

    or if it causes you physical pain or emotional distress.

    Key Points

    Anger is a powerful force that can jeopardize your relationships,

    your work, and your health, if you dont learn to manage it effectively.

    To manage anger, acknowledge that you have a problem, keep

    a hostility log, and build a support network based on trust.

    Also, use techniques to interrupt your anger, listen, empathize,

    be assertive with others, and learn to relax, as well as laugh at


    Finally, dont let anger get in the way of the joys in life, and learn

    to forgive people who make you angry.


    It is an important skill to be able to communicate your

    thoughts well. But even the best of speakers encounter difcult

    conversations wherein they have to defend their belief or point

    of view on certain matters.

    Moments like these can be quite stressful and challenging

    especially when things get out of hand and emotions start to

    run high. It is not easy to convince other people to change their

    minds, especially if they do not want to listen. But there are ways

    to be able to deal with this kind of situation.

    Here are three tips to master difcult conversations.

    1. Stay Calm

    Most people who are in a difcult conversation or debate,

    tend to lose their temper and raise their voices when they to try

    to prove a point. This is not the best way to sway the other party

    to believe you.

    If you speak with anger in your tone, it will appear as a

    provocation instead of a convincing tactic. If you speak to people

    in an intimidating way, they tend to focus on how you make them

    feel rather than what you are trying to say.

    No matter how hard it is to stress your point, always stay calm.

    Speak slowly and clearly. Treat your debater as a friend and not

    as an enemy.

    Focus on your goal which is to get the message across and to

    explain your side well. This can only be done through a civilized

    way of speaking.

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    People are getting busier. As stress levels soar, people nd

    ways to manage it by reconnecting to inner harmony. Some make

    the best out of yoga and meditation to achieve peace and serenity.They realize that our life is the creation of our own mind.

    When the mind is troubled, it also attracts negative thoughts and

    visions. Taking care of the mind, however, must not be secondary

    to taking after our own body. We can be in charge of our mind, if we

    condition it on staying calm, and become the master of it. And by

    doing so, we can achieve greatness in our passions and endeavors.

    Here are 7 ways to be the master of you own mind. These are

    easy and wonderful means that can pave the way towards more

    creativity and focus and less stress:

    Find time to be alone in stillness

    Solitude is healthy for your mind. Stillness gives you clarity.

    Meditation is one of the most powerful means to maximize both

    solitude and stillness. It is a great key to master you own mind.

    Stillness allows your mind to take control of the situation, to get rid

    of negativity and allow positivity to ow through you. Be still with

    nature. Let the calmness of nature nd you. Be lulled by its beauty

    and the wonder that surrounds you.

    Daydream, do it as much as you want

    Daydreaming is healthy for the mind. As you daydream, your

    mind is at its freest. Let it wander. When your mind is free, it is

    relieved from any kind of stress and pressure. Daydreaming is

    a way of drifting away lost in your thoughts. It is your means to

    create your own reality. While others think that daydreaming or

    mind wandering is useless,

    2. Keep an Open Mind

    The point of a debate or dialogue is to understand each others

    point of view and reach a solution to whatever problem you are

    talking about. A conversation becomes difcult because some

    people are xated on trying to prove they are right. They refuseto listen to the other side of the story and in the end they nd no

    resolution. Just remember that nobody is perfect and everyone

    has the right to their own opinion. Learn to listen and weigh

    the other persons reasoning with yours. Be humble enough to

    know that you could be wrong too or the other person may have

    some good points that may be helpful in nding a solution to the


    3. Be Observant

    There are people who argue and never get to an agreement

    because they are not on the same page. If you want someone to

    understand and believe you, you have to speak their language.

    You may be talking in terms that the other person does not

    understand. Be observant. Use words and examples that the

    other person can relate to. This way, you can make them see

    your point through their level of understanding.

    Difcult conversations can be a healthy way of communicating.

    You can see it as a challenge or as a learning opportunity. Youget to hear other peoples point of view and at the same time you

    also learn to defend what you think is right.

    Just remember that whichever way the conversation goes,

    you should always maintain a sense of respect for yourself and

    for the other person.

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    Dr. Scott Kaufmans (NYU) study has showed that mind-

    wandering is an adaptive trait that helps us to achieve personally

    meaningful goals, and it helps us to access spontaneous forms

    of cognition like insight, intuition and the triggering of memories

    and stored information. Celebrate the beauty and magic of

    daydreaming. It has so many personal benets such as self-

    awareness, reection, compassion and so much more.

    Look at the glass half-full

    Positivity is one of the most powerful ways to be the master of

    your own mind. What your mind perceives, your body and spirit

    will conceive. When you wake up in the morning, notice the little

    yet essential things and non-things around you.

    Be happy for the aroma of coffee or the tender sunshine thathits your face, a blessing to follow the sun the ultimate source of

    energy. Marvel at the simplest beauties within your reach: the family

    and friends, the owers and reminders of nature that surround you.

    As you do this, you are also conditioning your thoughts toward the

    brighter side.

    Rick Hanson, author of Hardwiring Happiness recently shared

    to Hufngton Post that Lingering on the positive improves the

    encoding of passing mental states into lasting neural traits.

    Detach from the digital world

    How many hours do you spend just using your gadgets and

    staying online? According to research, stress is strongly associated

    with excessive exposure to the digital world. Imagine how many

    people are checking on their phones and gadgets just to make

    sure that they are getting new likes and messages over social

    media sites and their emails. Save yourself from the worst cases

    of being swallowed by your own digital image, live in the moment.

    Over reliance in technology will take you away from the best

    natural wonders in life enjoying the easy moments while talking

    and laughing with someone you hold dear, watching the beautiful

    sky, eating slow and sleeping well.

    Take some time off. Allocate enough time for ofine enjoyment.

    You will see a big difference in your life.

    Let it be, let it go

    Forcing yourself to do things that youre not in the mood of

    doing is the best way to stress out. For sure, you dont want

    more stress in your life. When things seem to feel murky, let it go.

    Let things be if youd like to relax more and drink more tea, let

    it be.

    The more you drag yourself to achieve some things, youd be

    burning yourself out and not really give your best shot. When you

    allow your mind to breathe and to take its time, the ripe moment

    will come. Then, from there, you can achieve wonders.

    Fuel your life with meaning

    Pleasure is cool but where does it lead you? Have you ever

    experienced being so pleased because youve done something

    meaningful? This is why meaning is more powerful than pleasure.

    Remember that when you are just always thinking of the

    hedonistic way of life, youll also feel empty at some point. Pleasure

    owing with meaning has this indelible mark in your mind.

    You know and feel that you have done something enriching. This

    is also an amazing way to be touched by life and to touch others.

    When you pursue meaning, you are also nurturing your mind to

    attainment that are not based on superciality.

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    When I am requested to speak to youngsters I like talking about

    this phase of my life and liken it to a fascinating plant: The Chinese

    Bamboo. You can take a Chinese bamboo seed and plant it in the

    ground, water and nurture the seed for an entire year & not even

    see a single sprout. In fact, you will not see a sprout for 5 years.

    But suddenly, a tiny shoot will spring from the ground. And over

    the next 6 weeks, the plant can grow as tall as 90 feet. It can grow

    as fast as 39 inches every 24 hours. You can literally watch the

    plant grow.

    What was the plant doing during these 5 years, seemingly

    dormant period, it was growing its roots. For 5 full years it was

    preparing itself for rapid, full growth. Without this root structure,

    the plant simply couldnt support itself for its future growth. Some

    would say the plant grew 90 feet in 6 weeks, I would say it grew

    90 feet in 5 years & 6 weeks


    Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life.

    Dont be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other

    peoples thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out

    your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to

    follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what

    you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    - Steve Jobs


    A newly wed girl was being welcomed at the husbands home

    in a traditional manner.

    She was asked to give a little speech. She addressed as follows:

    My dear family members, I thank you for welcoming me in my

    new home and family, she said Firstly, with my presence I would

    not want to create any inconveniences by my being here. I mean

    that I dont want you all to change your way of life, your routine.

    What do you mean my child? asked the patriarch of the family.

    What I mean dad is: Those who used to wash dishes must

    carry on washing them. Those who used to do the laundry must

    carry on doing it. Those who cooked shouldnt stop on my account.Those who used to clean should continue to clean.

    As for me, I am here just to CONTROL YOUR SON!

    Remember that book pages are wings

    During your break time, open a book and start reading. Reading

    has its own therapeutic benets. When you are opening pages

    of words and worlds, you are also relaxed. This is why most

    bookworms call it the great escape. Note though that the bestway to read is to feel the texture of the good old book, smell the

    pages and drift away with the lines.

    Staring on a gadget for reading may drain your energy, too.

    Its great to do it the old school way. So, yes, you have what it

    takes to be the master of your own mind. Let try out these 7 ways.

    Happy treading!

  • 8/11/2019 Hypnotique October 2014


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    Hypnotique Circle (Madras)

    Heartily invites all its Members and Guests for the

    Monthly Meeting on Sunday, the 12th October 2014

    at Hotel Palmgrove, Kodambakkam High Road, Chennai - 34

    * Free for Members * Guest Investment Rs 200/-



    If undelivered, please return to :Mr. J.UMEDMAL BAFNA, Old # 2, New # 3, Akbar Sahib St, Triplicane,

    Chennai - 600005. Mobile : 98415 34999

    Printed atSHAKTHI PRINTERS +91-94449 20003


    2.29 pm : Welcome Address

    2.35 pm : Self In(tro)duction by Members and Guests

    2.45 pm : The Magic Book of Listening

    Mr Manoj Keshav,Director - Training,

    Zeal Leadership Academy

    4.15 pm : Tea

    4.45 pm : Human Rights and Women

    Hypno T. Sankarvel,

    Educationist and Human Rights Activist

    5.30 pm : Feedback

    5.45 pm : Mass Relaxation

    2.29 pm : Welcome Address

    2.35 pm : Self In(tro)duction by Members and Guests

    2.45 pm : Tips, Tools & Techniques for The Audience Connect

    Ms Nina John,Distinguished Toastmaster and

    Past District Governor, Toastmasters International

    4.15 pm : Tea4.45 pm : A lm by Women for Men-

    Screening of a Documentary with a Difference

    5.30 pm : Feedback

    5.45 pm : Mass Relaxation

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