  • 8/12/2019 Hypnotique - February 2014




    HYPNOTIQUE 40Years



    One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip.

    He wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They

    spent time on the farm of a poor family.

    On the way home, the dad asked, Did you see how poor

    they are? What did you learn?.

    The son said, We have only one dog, they have four. We

    have just one swimming pool, they have a nice lake and the

    beautiful river.

    We have glass chandeliers and lanterns at night, they have

    the multi coloured stars and the moon to illuminate their night.

    We buy foods, they grow theirs. We have walls to protectus, they have their friends.

    We have encyclopedias, they have the Bible.

    Then they headed and the son said, Thanks dad for

    showing me how poor we are

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    Compiled by Showkat Ali

    Its a brand-new year and the second month is just the time when

    everyone is resolving to improve something about themselves.

    Rather than making a big resolution with no concrete plan onhow to make it happen, why not start taking steps to change your

    heart instead?

    If you can change your way of thinking, youll be more likely

    to make big changes in your life that will actually stick instead of

    being forgotten by the spring.

    Spend the next seven weeks changing your attitude and Ipromise this year will be lled with opportunities you never noticed

    in previous years.

    Focus on one new attribute each week:

    Week 1: Gratitude: Write seven things you are grateful for.

    Demonstrate your gratitude for at least one item on the list each day.

    Week 2: Courage: Write seven things that cause you fear or

    stress. Work each day to remove the illusion of fear from at least

    one item on the list.

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    Week 3: Commitment:Write seven things that have taken root

    in you as a result of walking in gratitude and releasing fear. Commit

    to creating a new path at work based on these discoveries.

    Week 4: Loyalty:Write seven things you are willing to sacrice

    to show your loyalty to support and uplift others. Discover and

    implement at least one item each day.

    Week 5: Trust: Write seven areas where your trust for yourself

    and others has developed and grown. Nurture each item one day

    at a time.Week 6: Belief:Write seven new things you have found to

    believe in about yourself. Strive to increase your belief in at least

    one of these areas each day.

    Week 7: Respect:Write the names of seven people you respect

    more than anyone else. Pattern your behaviors and attitudes after

    theirs to see what happens, focusing on one person each day.

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    What Can You Expect When You Reach the End of Week 7?:

    You will likely lose the desire to judge others harshly and instead

    discover signicant changes that need to occur within your heart

    and mind.

    You will no longer need to demand credit for everything you

    do in order to demonstrate your value to others. This journey isnt

    about beating yourself up. Its about making small improvements

    day by day until you are surprised to nd yourself standing far

    above where you used to be.

    By doing this, it is found that we focused less on changing

    others and lived less in judgment and more in self-discovery mode.

    May 2014 be the best year in your life !


    By Michael Lee -Author of How to Be an Expert Persuader

    Having good persuasion skills has become a necessity in todays

    fast-paced world. A large part of our success depends on the

    cooperation of other people. Inuencing them to our way of thinking

    is now a very essential step in the fulllment of our goals.

    Here are 5 simple yet effective persuasion tactics you may use

    everyday to build loyal and lasting relationships through the power of

    persuasion and inuence.

    Tactic # 1: You Must Enter Their World.

    Copy them. Observe how they act, how they speak, and how they

    think. If they rub their forehead while they think, act like them. If they

    speak at a clear and slow pace, try to do the same thing. This is called

    mirroring. In due time, the people youre mirroring will subconsciously

    feel more comfortable with you. Its as if they see themselves in you.

    However, you must proceed with caution. Do not let them be aware

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    that you are copying them. They might interpret it as mockery and

    youll just get into trouble.

    Tactic # 2: Meet Their Existing Needs and Desires.

    People are self-centered. They are initially concerned with their

    own well-being before others. If you can prove that your proposal will

    provide more advantageous benets to them than to your own, then

    they will probably accept it. If you could focus more on their interests,

    desires, needs, and expectations, then you would satisfy their cravings

    for attention. Moreover, it would show that you really care about them.

    Mutual trust and respect would be established. Satisfy the Whats InIt For Me? test rst, before convincing others to do what you want

    them to do.

    Tactic # 3: Provide Them with Compelling Evidence.

    Explain to them how your ideas or suggestions could be the most

    effective techniques to implement. Show them undeniable proof that

    you have the best product by way of testimonials, before and after

    scenarios, and detailed comparisons against your competitors. Just

    make sure that all your claims are true and veriable. Always maintain

    a good reputation. Be friendly and nice. Smile to brighten up the day.

    Make a sincere compliment to raise their spirits. Little things like these

    count a lot. Make them feel that whenever they need help or just

    someone to look up to, youll always be there to lend a hand. They

    would tend to be more receptive to people that they trust.

    Tactic # 4: Communicate Wittingly But Clearly.

    Most people, if not all, would like to be accepted and to be perceived

    as likeable. But what if you have to tell something undesirable which is

    just for his or her own good? How can you get your message across

    without hurting their feelings? Substitute negative statements with

    positive ones. Instead of saying You dont understand, say Let

    me explain. Instead of remarking Youre wrong, say Permit me to

    clarify. Instead of stating You failed to say, just mention Perhapsthis was not stated. There are certain words that affect a person

    more negatively in comparison with other words that have the same


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    Tactic # 5: Agree with Them First...

    Nothing could be more pleasing to the ear than hearing someone

    else say that you are right. In this case, be prepared to let other people

    know that you respect their opinions. You may add your comments

    at the end, but acknowledge them rst. Say: Youre right, although ...

    Great suggestion, however ... I agree with your opinion, however ... I

    would feel the same way if I were you, although ... I understand your

    situation, however ... Reassure your counterparts that the decision

    made will benet both parties. People need to feel that they have

    made the right choice.Happy Persuasion !


    Psychologists say that you will never learn to truly love someone

    unless you learn to love yourself rst. Many people are so busy trying

    to please others to prove their love that they forget giving importanceto their own being. We have to learn to love ourselves rst. Only then

    will we be able to love others completely. Here are nine ways to love


    Create Balance

    Many people make sacrices to prove their love for others. In the

    process they sometimes neglect their own needs just to make others

    happy. When this happens, there will come a point when the person

    who gives so much would feel empty and used. Love yourself and

    know your limits of giving.

    Take Care of Yourself

    One way to love yourself is by taking care of yourself. Eat healthy,

    exercise and maintain an active lifestyle. Save something for a rainy

    day and spend a little of your hard earned money on the things thatmake you happy. Keep your home pleasant and tidy so that you can

    relax and sleep peacefully. Love yourself by maintaining a healthy

    body, mind and soul.

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    Be true to what you feel

    If you love someone you should be honest to that person, right?Be true to yourself and acknowledge how you feel for every situation.

    Analyze why you feel that way and do something to address feelings

    that prevent you from being truly happy.

    Believe in yourself

    Of all the people around you, it is you who need to believe in your

    own capabilities. Know your strength and best qualities and use these

    to enhance your personality. Stop focusing on what others have or

    can do. Focus on what you have and believe in yourself.

    Stop Listening to Putter-Downers

    There are people who like putting others down just to make

    themselves feel good. Ignore these bullies and what they have to

    say. If it is not constructive criticism then it is useless. They have a

    right to their opinion about you, but that doesnt mean you should

    be affected by what they have to say. Again, believe in yourself and

    prove them wrong.

    Stay away from Negative People

    Just like putter-downers, people who constantly complain and

    focus on their problems are bad company. Stay away from negative

    people because they will just pull you down and inuence you into a

    life of negativity. Surround yourself with happy, supportive and positive

    people if you care about your mental health and would want to live

    a stress free life.

    Love your Work

    What you do for a living is a big part of your life. Not many can nd

    work that they love to do. But you can always learn to love the work

    you have. Find things that you love about your work and again focus on

    the positive things that will make you want to go to work with a smile.

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    Do things for the right reasons

    Many people dont realize that they do things for the wrong reasons.May it be to impress someone or to earn enough for retirement, at

    some point you will realize that your goals have been wrong and you

    have been wasting most of your time. Do things for the right reasons.

    Reect on your tasks and ask yourself, is this really important to me?

    Get Spiritual Support

    Religion or belief in a higher power plays a vital role in a persons

    overall well being. Your faith in this force will guide you to nding the

    true meaning of love. Understanding the supreme beings unconditional

    love towards us will help you love yourself more.


    (Separating Bad Feelings From a Loved One)

    By Cris Johnson, NFNLP Trainer

    The part of you that has been protecting you by making you feel

    bad is an important and valuable part. We need to preserve this ability

    to help you protect in future situations. The purpose of this technique

    is to rene and improve your brains ability to protect you by updating

    its information. We will not remove the memories, just the strong

    negative emotional response.

    Here is the process :

    1. With your eyes open or closed, imagine youre sitting in the

    middle of a movie theater and you see a black and white snapshot of

    yourself on the screen.

    2. Now, oat out of your body and up into the projection booth. See

    yourself sitting in the movie theater seat, and you notice the black

    and white photo on the screen. You may even wish to imagine the

    exiglass over the booths opening, protecting you.

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    3. Now, watch protected in the projection booth, as the other you

    in the movie theatre watches a black and white movie of a younger

    you going through the entire relationship with ______(Your lovedone, the good, the bad, from the earliest memory till now. Watch it

    all, starting before the beginning up till now. Observe until you are

    in the current time.

    If you are not fully detached, make the theater screen smaller and

    farther away, make the picture grainier and stop and start the lm so

    that when youre done viewing it, youre completely detached. End

    the movie with today, with a freeze frame of yourself.

    4. Next, leave the projection booth and slip back into the present

    you in the theater seat. Then, step into the freeze photo of the younger

    you, who is feeling OK again, at the movies end. (This is double

    dissociation.) Now, run the entire movie of that relationship backwards

    in color, taking two seconds or less to do so.

    Be sure to go all the way back to before the beginning. See, hear,and feel everything going backwards in those two seconds or less.

    Add some funny music, you may want to see your loved one with a

    clown nose, fools cap and feet.

    5. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times.

    6. Now bring up a collage of all the negative times you had with

    this person. Be honest, all the hurts and slights should be here.

    7. Let this fade away into your past.

    8. Now bring up an image of this person, and notice all of the

    connections you have with this person. You may notice cords of light,

    or energy strings. Pay attention to all the connections, both good and

    bad. You may notice that the positive connections are of a different

    quality than the negative.

    Now, keep the good connections because you love this person

    but only wish to sever the negative feelings the grudges, etc. In

    whatever way is right for you, cut the cords.

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    You may want to use a silver sword, or a special scissor. Once you

    have cut the cords, reattach them to yourself, and let them reattach

    theirs to them.

    Allow yourself to see or feel about this person in positive ways,

    allowing any negativity to fade into the past where it can never again

    maintain its hold on you.

    To test the process, attempt to return to the bad feeling state in any

    way you can. What if you were faced with that person now?

    (If you still get a negative response, repeat

    the steps 1 to 8 exactly, but faster each time, until none of the

    phobic response remains.)

    Thank your higher self for helping to focus on the positive aspects

    of this relationship in your life. Now your relationship is purely positive !


    We all get worried sometimes. But when it happens too often it

    can prevent you from being productive and it can even affect the way

    we deal with the people around us. Worry is a result of fear, mostly of

    mistakes, rejection and failure from achieving our goals. Although it is

    considered as a normal emotion, we should also know that we shouldlearn to shake it off as soon as we recognize the feeling.

    1. Not Problems But Challenges

    The rst step is to change the way we see things that bother us.

    When problems come our way we start to frown and sigh even before

    we realize just how grave the situation is. But if we look at it in a

    different perspective where problems are considered as challengesthat we need to solve, then it becomes a positive force that drives us

    to nd a solution.

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    2. Stop Focusing on the Problem

    People tend to focus on the problem and forget that they need tond a solution. Learn to state the problem once and then focus all

    your energy in nding the solution. You will be surprised to see just

    how fast you will nd it.

    3. Organize

    Most of our worries come from lack of preparation for a situation.

    Learn to organize your schedule and the things that need to be done.The less work you set aside for later, the less things you will need to

    worry about.

    4. Prioritize

    List down your tasks and learn to prioritize. Solve the most urgent

    challenges rst then move on to the next ones. This way you are sure

    not to leave out any important tasks or challenges.

    5. Expect the worse

    Worry can get the best of us if we allow it. Before you start giving

    in to your worries always ask yourself Whats the worst that could

    happen? Expect the worst case scenario and prepare for it.

    6. Hope for the Best

    Hope is an essential way of keeping your spirits up. Always hope for

    the best thing that could happen and make this your way of reminding

    yourself that you should never give up.

    7. Dont take things too seriously

    Sometimes after some time we would realize that we were

    worried about the silliest of things. Dont take things too seriously andif you nd that your concern is not that big a deal, just laugh about


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    8. Get support

    If you nd yourself worrying about something, talk to a friend.Having someone listen and give you advice can help you overcome

    your worries.

    9. Forgive yourself

    If you worry about something wrong youve done, do something to

    make things right. Of course it is important that you learn to forgive

    yourself and move on from a mistake.

    10. So What?

    Another reason for worry is when we bother to think about what

    other people would say about us. Learn to say So what? and stop

    minding what others think. As long as you know that what you are

    doing is right, you have nothing to fear.


    By Ms Ananthi Karthic

    A man was about to die and saw God coming closer with a suitcase

    in his hand.

    God said:Alright son its time to go.

    Surprised the man responded: Now? So soon? I had a lot ofplans... Im sorry but its time to go.

    What do you have in that suitcase? the man asked.

    God answered: Your belongings.

    My belongings? you mean my things, my clothes, my money?

    God answered: Those things were not yours they belonged to

    the earth.

    Is it my memories? the man asked.

    God answered: Those never belonged to you, they belonged to


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    Is it then my talents?

    God answered: Those were never yours, they belonged to the


    Is it my friends and family?

    God answered: Im sorry they were never yours, they belonged

    to the path.

    Is it my wife and son?

    God answered: They were never yours, they belonged to your


    Is it my body?

    God answered: that was never yours, it belonged to the dust.

    Is it my soul?

    God answered: No that is mine.

    Full of fear, the man took the suitcase from god and opened it just

    to nd out the suitcase was empty.

    With a tear coming down his cheek the man said: I never had


    God answered: That is correct, every moment you lived were

    only yours.

    Life is just a moment. A moment that belongs to you. For this reason

    enjoy this time while you have it. Dont let anything that you think youown, stop you from doing so.

    Live Now

    Live your life

    Dont forget to be happy, that is the only thing that matters.

    Material things and everything else that you fought for, stay


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    We all experience moments of weakness at some point in ourlives. The challenge would be how to deal with the difcult emotions

    that come with these trials. Even the strongest people are sometimes

    overwhelmed by sadness, fear and anger. These are normal emotions

    that we should learn to deal with and overcome.


    Some people are ashamed to cry when they have problems. But Isay, it is healthier to let it out. Cry when you feel like crying. It doesnt

    mean you are weak when you cry. It only means you are true to what

    you feel. A good cry about a problem can make you feel a lot better.


    In times that you feel burdened by a difcult emotion, sometimes

    the best thing to do is go to sleep. It is easier to think with a restedmind. It helps you calm down and put your troubles aside for another


    Pray or Meditate

    Taking time to reect can also help you overcome negative feelings.

    The silence and the time alone can help clear your mind and help

    you see things in a different light. Seeking help from God and askingfor strength through prayer also helps a lot in dealing with difcult


    Talk to a friend

    When you feel troubled you can always call a friend and tell him

    or her about your woes. Friends can give you advice on how to solve

    your problems. Although friends may not always have the answers

    or the solutions to your problems but having someone to support and

    to listen to you can lighten your load.

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    Hug It Out

    Sometimes it just takes a warm hug from someone you love to

    make you feel better. When dont feel like talking about your problems,

    spread out your arms and hug someone you love. This will surely

    make you feel better.

    Release The Negativity

    When you feel the urge to hurt someone because of anger or

    frustration, release that negative energy by doing something physical.

    I release my negativity by cursing. We have all been told that cursingis bad, but scientists have found out that it actually helps reduce pain

    levels. Some people tear up letters. Some do some shadow boxing.

    nd a way to release that negative energy.

    Distract yourself

    Another way to deal with difcult emotions is to distract yourself.

    Go on a vacation or do something you really enjoy. This may not solvethe issues that have caused your negative emotions but it would surely

    make you feel more relaxed.

    Eat Comfort Food

    Many people who are going through a bad breakup seek comfort in

    food. Although this may cause you to gain a couple of pounds, stress

    eating helps soothe a broken heart temporarily.

    Get Counseling

    When the emotions seem to have been there for much longer than

    it should, then maybe it is time to seek professional help. It doesnt

    mean you are crazy when you go and get counseling. It is just seeking

    help when you nd that you cannot do it on your own.

    Lastly, no matter what you try, it is in your hands on how you will

    deal with your difcult emotions. You cannot blame anyone for yourmisery. At the end of the day it is you who will have to pick yourself up.

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    2.29 pm : Welcome Address

    2.35 pm : Self In(tro)duction by Members and Guests

    2.45 pm : Hypnotism - What it is and What it is not- Mr Muthiah Ramanathan,

    President, Hypnotique Circle

    4.15 pm : Tea

    4.40 pm : Pecha Kucha 20 x 20 - A Japanese Concept

    -Mr Patt, Toast Master, Life & People Skills Trainer

    5.20 pm : Geology, Archeology & Psychology

    - Master Vishnu Vijay5.40 pm : Mass Relaxation

    - Ms Ananthi Karthic,Psychological Counsellor

    Hypnotique Circle (Madras)

    Heartily invites all its Members and Guests for theMonthly Meeting on Sunday, the 9th February 2014

    at Hotel Palmgrove, Kodambakkam High Road, Chennai - 34

    * Free for Members * Guest Investment Rs 150/-


    If undelivered, please return to :Mr. J.UMEDMAL BAFNA, Old # 2, New # 3, Akbar Sahib St, Triplicane,

    Chennai - 600005. Mobile : 98415 34999

    Printed atShakthi Printers- +91-94449 20003

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