Page 1: Hydrologic Data Management for CMAS

Hydrologic Data Management for CMAS

CUAHSI HIS: NSF support through 2012 (GEO), ~10 mil invested

Partners:Academic: 11 NSF hydrologic observatories, CEO:P projects, LTER…Government: USGS, EPA, NCDC, NWS, state and localCommercial: Microsoft, ESRI, KistersInternational: Australia, UKStandardization: OGC, WMO (Hydrology Domain WG, CHy); adopted by USGS, NCDC

An online distributed system to support the sharing of hydrologic data from multiple repositories and databases via standard water data service protocols;

software for data publication, discovery, access and integration.

Ilya Zaslavsky, UCSD

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Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc.

An organization representing more than one hundred United States universities, receives support from the

National Science Foundation to develop infrastructure and services for the advancement of hydrologic

science and education in the U.S.

122 US Universities as

of July 2008

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Integration of Disparate Data

All accessible through standard WaterML interface.Currently over 1.75 mil stations, servers in US and Australia. Free software


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HIS in CMAS• Premise:– Having a consistent data infrastructure for modeling across city will make it easier to calibrate and

customize models, compare results, will support a variety of other analysis, visualization and modeling efforts, reduce duplication in data collection, support partnerships

• Plans:– Capacity building workshops (first hands-on workshop is planned in Malaysia in July, have seed

funding)– Setting up HIS Servers to help publish local hydrologic data + training– Create an online forum for hydrologic modeling in tropical areas– Analyze hydrologic data availability for study cities; calibrate available remote sensing data for use as

Geo-HMS inputs– Adjust data protocols, validate standards and ontologies based on local context

• To date:– Project web portal partly built (participants can edit content, upload data, use wiki, etc.).

Currently has documents, links to data and modeling resources, news feeds, etc.– TRMM investigated as possible source of precipitation data (

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