
Hybrid Approach of Relation Network and Localized Graph ConvolutionalFiltering for Breast Cancer Subtype Classification

Sungmin Rhee and Seokjun SeoSeoul National University

Computer Science and Engineering{lars, dane2522}

Sun KimSeoul National University

Computer Science and EngineeringInterdisciplinary Program in Bioinformatics

[email protected]

AbstractNetwork biology has been successfully used to help revealcomplex mechanisms of disease, especially cancer. On theother hand, network biology requires in-depth knowledge toconstruct disease-specific networks, but our current knowl-edge is very limited even with the recent advances in humancancer biology. Deep learning has shown a great potential toaddress the difficult situation like this. However, deep learn-ing technologies conventionally use grid-like structured data,thus application of deep learning technologies to the classifi-cation of human disease subtypes is yet to be explored. Re-cently, graph based deep learning techniques have emerged,which becomes an opportunity to leverage analyses in net-work biology. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid model,which integrates two key components 1) graph convolutionneural network (graph CNN) and 2) relation network (RN).We utilize graph CNN as a component to learn expressionpatterns of cooperative gene community, and RN as a com-ponent to learn associations between learned patterns. Theproposed model is applied to the PAM50 breast cancer sub-type classification task, the standard breast cancer subtypeclassification of clinical utility. In experiments of both sub-type classification and patient survival analysis, our proposedmethod achieved significantly better performances than exist-ing methods. We believe that this work is an important start-ing point to realize the upcoming personalized medicine.

1 IntroductionBreast cancer is one of the most common cancers, especiallyleading type of cancer in women with more than 1,300,000cases and 450,000 deaths per year worldwide (Network andothers 2012). Breast cancer has multiple risk factors for de-velopment and proliferation including genetic change (Sine-shaw et al. 2014), epigenetic change (Rhee et al. 2013), andenvironmental factors like age (Nixon et al. 1994) or residualenvironments (Sineshaw et al. 2014). Also, breast cancer is acomplex, multifactorial disease where the interplay betweenthese risk factors decide the phenotype of cancer such asprogression, development, or metastasis (Martin and Weber2000). As a result, there are multiple scenarios of tumorige-nesis. Thus, it is a challenging problem to determine how acancer cell is developed and progressed.

Characterizing mechanisms of a complex disease as awhole is not possible. An effective approach is to define sub-types by dividing cancer into several categories according to

various criteria such as phenotype, molecular portraits, andhistopathology. For the molecular portrait-based subtypescheme of breast cancer, numerous studies have made effortsto build gene-expression based models based on differencesin molecular mechanisms among the patient cohort (Perouet al. 2000; Herschkowitz et al. 2007; Paik et al. 2004;Prat et al. 2010; Parker et al. 2009). Among the severalmolecular properties based breast cancer subtypes, PAM50(Parker et al. 2009) has become a standardized model withthe clinical utility to make diagnosis decisions in practice orbuilding a treatment plan for a patient. For instance of prac-tical usage of subtype in cancer therapy, St. Gallen interna-tional expert consensus panel introduced a system for rec-ommending adjuvant systemic therapy based on breast can-cer subtype since 2011 (Goldhirsch et al. 2013). However,despite the practical utility of breast cancer subtypes, theyare still remained to be suboptimal as the complex mecha-nism underlying breast cancer cell is not fully investigated.

The main technical issue in elucidating biological mech-anisms of breast cancer is that innate relational and coop-erative characteristic of genes should be considered. In anyspecific biological context, multiple dysregulated genes de-rive phenotypic differences by mechanisms such as form-ing complexes, regulate each other, or affect signal transduc-tion. To address the technical difficulties related to complexassociations, many previous studies utilized biological net-works (Barabasi and Oltvai 2004; Barabasi, Gulbahce, andLoscalzo 2011; Cowen et al. 2017). Early biological networkstudies tried to discover distinct patterns based on edge in-formation (Barabasi and Oltvai 2004; Barabasi, Gulbahce,and Loscalzo 2011), and recent approaches rely on the com-mon paradigm network propagation, which assumes that theinformation is propagated to nearby nodes through the edges(Cowen et al. 2017). However, network biology requires in-depth knowledge to construct disease-specific networks, butour current knowledge is very limited even with the recentadvances in human cancer biology.

Deep learning has shown a great potential to address thedifficult situation like this. However, application of deeplearning technologies to the classification of human diseasesubtypes is not straightforward since deep learning technolo-gies conventionally use grid-like structured data and they arenot designed to handle network data. Recently, graph baseddeep learning techniques have emerged, which becomes an








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opportunity to leverage analyses in network biology.In this paper, we tried to advance network bioinformatics

by incorporating a novel hybrid method of relation network(RN) and graph convolution neural network (graph CNN).The concept of the problem is illustrated in Fig. 1. As tra-ditional deep learning approaches assume input data withEuclidean or grid-like structure, there have been limited at-tempt to incorporate deep learnings in network biology. Toovercome this issue, we incorporated and extended recentdeep learning methods. To sum up, given the prior knowl-edge of putative associating genes represented in a graphstructure, our proposed method is to capture localized pat-terns of associating genes with graph CNN, and then learnthe relation between these patterns by RN.

In summary, the main contributions of this work are asfollows:

• We proposed a novel hybrid approach composed of graphCNN and RN. Our method is motivated by the fact thatrelations between entities are traditionally modeled witha graph structure. To the best of our knowledge, this workis the first of its kind.

• We designed a model for biological networks. Since thedimension of the conventional biological network is toolarge, we applied fast graph convolution filtering methodthat can scale up to the very large dimension. In addition,we modified the relation network to fit in the task.

• We demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach byclassifying PAM50 breast cancer subtype on TCGAdataset. Our model was able to achieve good performancein both classification evaluation and capturing biologicalcharacteristics such as survival hazard and subtype prog-nosis.

The article is organized as follows. In the next section, wereview previous studies related to our work. Then, our modelis described in Section 3. In Section 4, we demonstrate theexperimental result in both quantitative and qualitative per-spectives.

2 Related Work2.1 Deep learnings on graphsRecent survey papers (Niepert, Ahmed, and Kutzkov 2016;Bronstein et al. 2017) present comprehensive surveys ongraph deep learnings that recently emerge. In this section,we review a representative selection of the previous studiesrelated to this work.

In the case of recurrent neural networks (RNN), there hasbeen an attempt (Scarselli et al. 2009) to combine the graphstructure with the neural network earlier than CNN. Graphneural network (GNN) is one of such study, which is an ex-tension of recursive neural network and random walk. Therepresentation of each node propagates through edges untilit reaches a stable equilibrium. Then it is used as the featuresin classification and regression problems. This approach wasfurther extended to a method named gated graph sequenceneural network (GGS-NN), introducing gated recurrent unitand modifying to output sequence (Li et al. 2015). Recently,

Figure 1: Conceptual illustration of our task.

Johnson proposed a method built upon GGS-NN by allow-ing graph-structured intermediate representations, as well asgraph-structured outputs (Johnson 2016).

CNN has been successful on domains with underly-ing grid-like structured data such as computer vision, nat-ural language processing, audio analysis, and DNA se-quences. Recently, several works extended CNN to moregeneral topologies like manifolds or graphs (Bruna et al.2013; Henaff, Bruna, and LeCun 2015; Niepert, Ahmed,and Kutzkov 2016; Defferrard, Bresson, and Vandergheynst2016). Bruna et al. introduced a spectral formulation ofgraph CNN (SCNN), which draws on the properties of con-volutions in the Fourier domain (Bruna et al. 2013). Theyextended the ideas to large-scale classification problems(Henaff, Bruna, and LeCun 2015). Nevertheless, the methodstill does not scale up well due to the computational cost ofO(n2) for matrix multiplication.

The method proposed by Defferrard, Bresson, and Van-dergheynst leveraged on the spectral graph CNN (SCNN),which is a key component of our approach. Computationalefficiency was improved by using Chebyshev approximationtechnique. As a result, their method outperformed the exist-ing SCNNs in terms of accuracy in their experiments.

2.2 Relation reasoningAs Google DeepMind’s team mentioned in their recent study(Santoro et al. 2017), deductive reasoning methods innatelyreason about relations of entities from training data, whichis also represented as relations (Quinlan 1990). However,these approaches lack the ability to deal with fuzzy andvariational input data robustly (Harnad 1990). Meanwhilein the statistical learning domain, DeepMind recently pro-posed a method named relational network as a general so-lution to relational reasoning in neural networks (Santoroet al. 2017). The method focused on relational reasoningwith an easy-to-understand and generalizable network struc-ture, which makes it easy to be modified or combined withother methods. In addition, despite its simplicity in struc-ture, it has demonstrated super-human performance in visualquestion answering problem. Owing to the simplicity of RNstructure, we could easily modify and combine it with graphCNN for the first time, and shows that the relational reason-ing indeed helps to improve the performance of the proposedbreast cancer subtype classification task.

3 MethodsIn this section, we describe the proposed method. Fig. 2 il-lustrates the overall workflow of the proposed method. Thefirst step (Fig. 2 A) of the method is the graph convolutionstep to represent and capture localized patterns of the graphnodes (genes). The second step (Fig. 2 B) is the relationalreasoning step. In this step, we built the model that can learnthe complex association between graph node groups (genesets) from the learned localized patterns of graph nodes(genes) in the previous step. The next step is to merge therepresentation of graph convolution layer and relation rea-soning layer.

For the explanation of our method, we will denote dataelements of each sample p as xp ∈ Rn, and weighted graphtopology as G = (V,E,A), where V and E represent thesets of vertices and edges, respectively. Also, we will use Ato denote the weighted adjacency matrix and N to denotethe number of vertices, i.e. |V |.

3.1 Localized pattern representation by graphconvolution neural network

For capturing localized patterns of data (gene expressionprofile), we first mapped input data in the graph structureand used graph CNN technique to find localized patterns ofthe graph signal. Let xp ∈ Rn be the graph signal (or geneexpression) in the sample p. Then graph Laplacian matrixL is used to find spectral localized patterns of xp under thegraph structure G. Laplacian matrix L of graph G is definedas L = D − A where D is a weighted degree matrix ofgraph G and A is a weighted adjacency matrix of graph G.As graph Laplacian L is a kind of graph shift operator, it canbe used to represent diverse patterns of the graph in graphsignal processing. One of the usages of graph Laplacian isthat we can get the difference of signals between each nodeand its neighboring nodes simply by multiplying L to thegraph signal x.

In addition to this basic usage, the graph convolutionof signal x is also defined with graph Laplacian. Let’s as-sume that L = UΛUT is an eigenvalue decompositionof graph Laplacian L where U = [u1, ..., un] is a ma-trix composed of eigenvectors {ul}nl=1 and Λ is a diagonalmatrix diag([λ1, ..., λn]) composed of eigenvalues {λl}nl=1.We can say that {ul}nl=1 is a complete set of orthonormaleigenvectors as L is a symmetric positive semidefinite ma-trix (Defferrard, Bresson, and Vandergheynst 2016). Thenthe graph Fourier transform is defined as x = UTx and in-verse graph Fourier transform is defined as x = Ux (Shu-man et al. 2013).

Unlike in the classical signal processing domain, it is notstraightforward to define the convolution of two signals inspectral graph domain. Thus, convolution theorem in equa-tion 1 is borrowed from signal processing domain to definegraph convolution

(x ∗ y)(t) = F−1(F (f)F (g)) (1)

where F and F−1 in the equation denotes Fourier and in-verse Fourier transform for each, and x, y denotes two inputsignals. As Fourier transform in graph spectral domain isalready defined, we can induce graph convolution by com-bining convolution theorem and graph Fourier transform asfollowing equation

x ∗G y = U((UTx)� (UT y))

= U((UT y)� (UTx))

= Uy(Λ)UTx (2)

where � is the element-wise Hadamard product and y(Λ) ∈Rn is a diagonal matrix diag([y(λ1), ..., y(λn)]). Since thematrix U is determined by the topology of input graph and itis invariant, only the matrix y(Λ) determines various formsof convolution filters and acts as learnable parameters ingraph convolution. Among several graph convolution fil-ters, the proposed method used polynomial parametrized fil-ter yθ(Λ) =

∑K−1k=0 θkΛk that can express localized sig-

nal patterns in K-hop neighboring nodes. However, eval-uating polynomial parametrized filter requires very expen-sive computational complexity O(n2). To deal with thiscircumstance, previous study (Hammond, Vandergheynst,and Gribonval 2011) proposed an approximated polyno-mial named Chebyshev expansion. The Chebyshev polyno-mial Tk(x) of order k is recursively defined as Tk(x) =2xTk−1(x)−Tk−2(x) with T0 = 1 and T1 = x. Then the fil-ter can be approximated as yθ′(Λ) =

∑K−1k=0 θ′kTk(Λ) with

Λ = 2Λ/λmax − In.Going back to the graph convolution in equation 2, we can

now define the final graph convolution filter as

x ∗G yθ′ =


θ′kTk(L) (3)

where L = 2L/λmax − In is a rescaled graph Laplacian.The equation 3 can be easily induced from the observation

Figure 2: Overview of the proposed method.

(UΛUT )k = UΛkUT . Note that the entire filtering op-eration only requires O(K|E|) and is fully differentiable,which makes it feasible to be learned by backpropagationalgorithm (Defferrard, Bresson, and Vandergheynst 2016).

Convolutioned graph signal is further pooled with neigh-boring nodes identified by Graclus algorithm (Dhillon,Guan, and Kulis 2007) as proposed in the previous study(Defferrard, Bresson, and Vandergheynst 2016). There areseveral pooling strategies in neural network such as maxpooling and average pooling. Empirically, the average pool-ing performed best in our experiments. Therefore, we usedaverage pooling in the proposed method.

3.2 Learning relation between graph entitiesusing relation network

To reason about association between graph nodes, we usedrelation network (RN), originally defined as

RN(O) = fφ(∑i,j

gθ(oi, oj)) (4)

in the previous study (Santoro et al. 2017) where the in-put is a set of objects O = {o1, o2, ..., on}, oi ∈ Rm. Inthe original study by Santoro et al., multi-layer perceptron(MLP) is used for function of f and g, and the parameters θand φ are synaptic weights of perceptrons. Also, unlike thetask in this paper, there exists a query for each of the inputsamples, and each query is embedded to the vector q by anLSTM. Then, Santoro et al. re-defined the RN architectureas RN(O) = fφ(

∑i,j gθ(oi, oj , q)) so that it can process

the query in the neural network. This query embedding q canwork similarly as an attention mechanism. In other words,query embedding has an ability to select object pairs that are

important for the classification task. Also, coordinate val-ues of objects are used to define object pairs in the work ofSantoro et al. as it takes an image input, which has innate co-ordinate information. Therefore, even if all pairs of objectsare considered in the original RN, it was able to show a goodperformance.

However, in our task only the information of object vec-tors are available in our task and the number of consider-ing objects is larger than the original work. This lead to twotechnical problems for relation reasoning, 1) object pairs thatare not relevant to solve the problem can interfere with learn-ing, and 2) considering all pairs is not feasible as the numberof the objects is too large. Thus, we modified the relationnetwork to fit in our task. First, we sort the edges in the de-scending order of edge weights. Then top κ number of edgesare selected as input object pairs. Relations between two ob-jects in each of the selected pairs are then inferred with gfunction. Also, we used different functions for g and f . Weused MLP with separated parameters for each of object pairsas g function and linear ensemble summation as f function.Then the final object relation network is inferred as

RN(O) =∑i,j

εijgθij (oi, oj) (5)

where εi,j is a learnable parameter that can be interpretedas an attention of each object pairs for the task, oi ∈ Rm

is object embedding for each of graph nodes, and m is thenumber of convolution filter in the last graph convolutionlayer.

Figure 3: Illustration of h function.

3.3 Merging graph convolution layer and relationnetwork

The final output of the proposed model architecture is de-fined as

y = softmax(h(xi) +∑i,j

εijgθij (oi, oj)) (6)

to combine outputs from graph convolution layer and rela-tion network, where h(xi) is a composition of functions:graph convolution, pooling, and fully connected layer.

To be more specific about h, we summarize the proce-dure of h as follows. First, the input signal xi is normal-ized by a batch normalization method (Ioffe and Szegedy2015) to make learning process stable since it has large ab-solute value and variance. Then, the normalized input signalis filtered by a graph convolution layer as defined in equa-tion 3. Next, the convoluted signal is normalized through abatch normalization method so that the learning process isaccelerated and learning parameters can have regularizationeffect. Then, ReLU activation function is used, defined asσ(x) = max(0, x). After the activation, average pooling isapplied. We named the procedure from graph convolutionfiltering to average pooling as graph convolution layer. Af-ter two graph convolution layer, a final feature map is usedas an input of fully connected layer. Next, the output of finalfully connected layer is the output of function h. Function his illustrated in Fig. 3.

Output at the last graph convolution layer was representedas feature maps that were directly input to the relation net-work. Then cross-entropy between y in equation 6 and clas-sification label is used as the final objective function. Xavierinitialization technique (Glorot and Bengio 2010) is used forinitialization of all parameters, and for parameter optimiza-tion, Adam (Kingma and Ba 2014) optimization and mini-batch training is used.

Hyperparameters for learning procedure is determined asfollows. Two graph convolution layer were used. Each layerhas 32 convolution filters. K of the first layer is 10 and sec-ond layer is 2. Pooling size is 2 for both of the layers. Twofully connected layers are used with 1024, 512 hidden nodesfor each. For the relation network, top 1000 edges were se-lected. MLPs for g function have 2 layers with 128, 128hidden nodes for each. We set hyperparameters for trainingprocedure as mini-batch size = 100, learning rate = 1e-3, L2regularization coefficient = 5e-4.

4 Results and Discussion4.1 DatasetWe applied the proposed method on dataset of human breastcancer patient samples. RNA-seq based expression profilesof genes are extracted from TCGA breast cancer level 3 data(Prat Aparicio 2012). There are 57,292 genes in the originalexpression profile, and we excluded genes that were not ex-pressed and further selected 4,303 genes in the cancer hall-mark gene sets (Liberzon et al. 2015) to utilize only genesthat are relevant with tumor.

For the classification label of the patient, PAM50 molecu-lar subtypes were used. PAM50 is the most commonly usedbreast cancer subtype scheme. The subtype includes Lumi-nal A, Luminal B, Basal-like, and HER2. Luminal subtypecancer cells are mostly grown from inner (luminal) cells ofmammary ducts and known to have better prognoses thanother subtypes. Compared to Luminal A however, LuminalB subtype tumors tend to have poorer prognosis factors likehigher tumor grade, larger tumor size, and lymph node in-volvement. Basal-like cancer cells are mostly grown fromouter (basal) cells of mammary ducts and known to haveworst prognoses and survival rates. HER2 subtype had itsname since most HER2 subtype tumors are HER2-positive.HER2 subtype tumors tend to have poorer prognoses thanluminal subtype tumors. In our study, 367 Luminal A, 295Luminal B, 165 HER2, and 254 Basal-like patient sampleswere used for the experiment.

To reflect interactions among genes, gene expression val-ues were mapped to a biological graph. For the topology ofthe graph, we used STRING protein-protein interaction net-work (Szklarczyk et al. 2014). STRING is a curated databaseof putatively associating genes from multiple pieces of ev-idence like biological experiments, text-mined literature in-formation, computational prediction, etc. STRING is one ofthe most widely used networks in network bioinformatics(Han 2008).

4.2 Breast cancer subtype classificationFor true breast cancer subtype label Y = {y1, ..., yP } andpredicted label Y = {y1, , , yP } of P number of patients,the accuracy is calculated as

Accuracy(Y, Y ) =1



I(yp = yp) (7)

where I is an indicator function. The accuracies were mea-sured by a monte-carlo cross validation experiment (Dub-itzky, Granzow, and Berrar 2007). We repeatedly sampled10% of patients as a validation set and used remaining 90%of patients as a training set. For each of data splits, the pro-posed model was fit to training set and accuracy was as-sessed using validation set. The accuracies were averagedover data splits.

4.3 Comparison of classification performanceTable 1 lists accuracies of the proposed model and com-paring methods. Peak accuracies during learning processes

Table 1: Performance comparison of the methods on PAM50breast cancer subtype classification. GCNN denotes graphconvolution neural network that has identical hyperparame-ters with the proposed method. GCNN + RN denotes simpleintegration of GCNN and vanilla relation network.

Methods Peak Finalaccuracy accuracy

Proposed Method 87.03% 84.08%GCNN + RN 67.05% 61.37%GCNN 85.99% 82.93%SVM - 78.39%Multinomial Naive Bayes - 75.78%Random Forest - 79.60%

were listed for top 3 methods in the table, and final accura-cies after learning are listed for all of the comparing meth-ods. We can see that the proposed method performs best.Also, the simple integration of graph CNN and vanilla RN(GCNN+RN) showed the worst performance. We used iden-tical hyperparameters and model structure with the proposedmethod for GCNN+RN, except that equation 5 is replacedwith equation 4. We believe that GCNN+RN performs poorsince, as we described in the method section, the originalRN gets query encodings and coordinate values as inputs,that can work as a clue for relevant object selection. How-ever, as there is no coordinate value or query in our task, webelieve that changes in our hybrid approach is efficient tomake an increase in performance.

4.4 Consistency of tSNE visualization andPAM50 subtype prognosis

To qualitatively study whether the learned representation canexpress the biological characteristic of the patients, tSNEplot (Maaten and Hinton 2008) of the last convolution fea-ture map is drawn (Fig. 4). Only the representation vectorsof the objects, which were inputs of relation network wereused to plot. We can see distinct patterns between four sub-type patients in the plot. However, the distinction betweensubtypes was not clear than typical examples e.g., tSNE plotof MNIST handwritten digits. We believe that this shows thecomplexity of the problem we are solving in the task. As wedescribed earlier, the problem has higher input dimensionand association between each feature should be considered.

More interestingly, we can see that the order of subtypesin the tSNE plot is identical to the order of prognosis ofbreast cancer subtypes. It is a well-known fact in the breastcancer clinical domain that Basal-like subtype has the worstprognosis, followed by HER2, Luminal B, and LuminalA. Especially, Basal-like subtype is known to have distinc-tive molecular characteristics from other subtypes (Bertucci,Finetti, and Birnbaum 2012), which is also represented inFig. 4. All of these patterns do not appear in the tSNE plotwith raw gene expression (Supplementary Figure). Thus, wecan say that the proposed method successfully learn the la-

Figure 4: tSNE visualization of graph convolution featuremap.

tent molecular properties in the expression profile of the pa-tient samples.

4.5 Survival analysisTo further evaluate the ability of the model to comprehendcharacteristics of molecular subtypes, we performed sur-vival analysis. We clustered the patients into two groupsbased on raw gene expression values and feature map dataat the last graph convolution layer with dimensions reduced.Agglomerative hierarchical clustering with Ward’s criterion(Ward Jr 1963) was used for clustering and tSNE was usedfor dimension reduction. Then Kaplan-meier plots (KMplot) (Kaplan and Meier 1958) drawn for each of two clus-tering results are seen in Fig. 5. KM plot is standard analysisusing non-parametric statistics to measure hazard ratio ofeach group. In medical science, KM plot is often used to an-alyze the effectiveness of treatment by comparing KM plotof treated and non-treated patient groups.

The plot generated by feature map values (Bottom of Fig.5) shows that the patients were successfully divided into twosubgroups that have distinct survival patterns with a p-valuesmaller than 0.05, while the plot with raw expression value(Top of Fig. 5) failed. This is an interesting result as it showsthat the model could simultaneously learn the phenotypic in-formation such as prognosis of the patient while performingthe classification task, which is not directly related with theinformation.

5 ConclusionIn this study, we show that hybrid approach of relation net-work and graph convolution neural network can learn the

Figure 5: Kaplan meier survival plot of patients. Top plot isdrawn with the patient clusters with raw gene expression andbottom plot is drawn with the patient clusters with learnedconvolution filter.

complex molecular mechanisms underlying breast cancercells. The proposed method is designed to perceive cooper-ative patterns of genes and their associations. We observedthat the method is successful to capture molecular charac-teristics of breast cancer in both quantitative and qualitativeevaluation. We anticipate that our approach could extend theterritory of both network bioinformatics and deep learnings.One important future work of the method is to extend themodel to manage multiple heterogeneous data sources likesRNA sequencing, DNA methylation, as well as gene ex-pression data. To do this, we plan to extend the model by in-corporating other techniques like multi-view learning and/ortransfer learning.

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