Page 1: Hunt or Gather, Share or Steal:Scottish News Networks, 1790-1840


Hunt or Gather, Share or Steal:Scottish News Networks, 1790-1840

M. H. BealsSheffield Hallam University


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After 16 Sept 2014

Page 2: Hunt or Gather, Share or Steal:Scottish News Networks, 1790-1840


Scottish Scissors-and-Paste Journalism

Identifying Reprints

Understanding Dissemination Pathways

Manual Construction of Social Networks

Digitally Constructed Dissemination Pathways

Page 3: Hunt or Gather, Share or Steal:Scottish News Networks, 1790-1840

+Journalism in Georgian Scotland

Proliferation of Colonial and Provincial PressesSpread of Journeyman Printers

Reduction of Stamp Duty

New Profit ModelsEntertaining and Literary Content

Adverts to Attract Readers to Sell to Advertisers

Ports and Post-RoadsSignificant amount of Material Copied from London

Growth of Domestic News-SharingEventual Establishment of Direct Overseas Connections

Manual Dissemination of NewsLimited Number of “Specials”

Postal Exchange, Subscriptions, CorrespondenceNo Telegraph until 1840s and Not Used for Miscellany

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+Scissors-and-Paste Journalism

A contemporary term, often used pejoratively, for the wide-spread practice of excerpting from or recycling of articles from other publications, this term actually covered a number of different editorial strategies, ranging from agreed syndication to unacknowledged piracy […] The practice was not limited to news and, encouraged by confused and ambiguous copyright law, many cheap literary miscellanies were founded on the premise of extracting 'useful knowledge' from prohibitively expensive books, monthlies and quarterlies to make it more accessible to the lower classes.

Catherine Feely, Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism

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Promise Large-Scale Digitisation EffortsKeyword SearchingnGram Matching (WCopyFind)Edition Tracking (Juxta)

Viral Texts Project (Cordell, Dillon, and Smith) Large-Scale Corpus of Nineteenth Century Newspapers

Extensive, Automatic Repair of OCR ErrorsIdentification of Highly Reprinted Materials (Memes)

Discussion and Exploration of Meme Traits and and Patterns

PerilsDiscrete Digital Corpera (Paywalls)

Offline Penumbra (Curation)Lost Nodes (Incomplete Data)

OCR Variability (50-80%)

Computer-Aided Identification of Reprints

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+ Computer-Aided Identification of Reprints

# concordanceset.pyimport redef replace_words(text, word_dic): rc = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, word_dic))) def translate(match): return word_dic[] return rc.sub(translate, text)

def getNGrams(wordlist, n): return [wordlist[i:i+n] for i in range(len(wordlist)-(n-1))]

basenumber = raw_input('What is the first id number? ’)number = str(basenumber)numberint = int(basenumber)basenumberend = raw_input('What is the last id number? ’)endnumber = int(basenumberend)

ngram = raw_input('How many words should be in a phrase? ’)ngrams = int(ngram)combifile = 'combine.txt’listopen = open(combifile, "r”)wordlist = = wordlist.split()listopen.close()ngramslist = getNGrams(splitlist, ngrams)

if ngramslist: ngramslist.sort() last = ngramslist[-1] for i in range(len(ngramslist)-2, -1, -1): if last == ngramslist[i]: del ngramslist[i] else: last = ngramslist[i]

tidystring = '’

for item in ngramslist: number = str(basenumber) numberint = int(basenumber) lineitem = " ".join(item) print lineitem tidystring += str('\n' + lineitem + ',')

while (numberint<=endnumber): file = str(number + ".txt”) fin = open(file, 'r’) text = fin.close() if lineitem in text: tidystring += str(number + ',’) numberint = int(number) numberint += 1 number = str(numberint)

# create an excelfile for this exampleexcel_file = "ngramcompiled.csv”fout = open(excel_file, "w”)fout.write(tidystring)fout.close()

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+ Computer-Aided Identification of Reprints

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+ Understanding Reprint Networks

Meme Identification

Courtesy of Viral Texts Project,

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+ Understanding Reprint Spread

Chronological Spread

Courtesy of Viral Texts Project,

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+Understanding Dissemination


Genealogical Model

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In-Text References

Maintained Errors

House Style


A Faithful Reprint

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Original, Sydney Gazette, 8 November 1815

Reprint, London Courier, 2 January 1817

A Faithful Reprint

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Reprint, London Courier, 2 January 1817

Reprint, Caledonian Mercury, 6 January 1817

A Faithful Reprint

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Reprint, Caledonian Mercury, 6 January 1817

Reprint, Aberdeen Journal, 8 January 1817

A Faithful Reprint

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+A Faithful Reprint

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+ Manual Construction of Social Networks

The Glasgow Advertiser, 7 October 1793, p. 5

Knoxville, May 11.IT is shocking to describe the bloody scenes thathave lately taken place in this district. TheIndians have killed and scalped a great number ofpersons, among whom is Colonel Isaac Bledose,who was massacred within 150 yards of his ownhouse.

On the 27th instant a body of Indians attackedGreenfield station: they killed John Jervis, anda negro fellow, belonging to Mrs. Tarker. Bythe bravery of three young men, viz. William Nee-ly, William Wilson, and William Hall, the stationwas preserved; they killed two Indians, woundedseveral others, and put them to flight. It is to beremembered, that Neely and Hall had each lost afather and two brothers, and Wilson a brother, bythe savages. Men are now in pursuit of the Indi-ans.

Full Discussion of Dissemination Pathway Available at:

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+Manual Construction of Social


Derived from Google News Archive, British Library 19th Century Newspapers,, Readex Early American Newspapers,, and the University of Kentucky

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+Binary Computer Model

Arbitrary Tolerance Levels

Reference to Additional Tables

Bypassing Missing Nodes


Difficult to Recreate Human Instinct…

…But is That a Bad Thing?

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+Phylogenic Model

Phylogenetic Model

Image Courtesy of Fred Hsu (Wikipedia:User:Fredhsu on en.wikipedia) CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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+ Can Computers Replace Historians?

Computer ProgramOCR Clean-up ProcessesDivision into Likely Meme GroupingsVariety of Relatedness Scores

Textual IntegrityPrefixes and SuffixesChronological SeparationChronological-Geographical FeasibilityWell-Worn Path ModifierModeling of Relatedness Factors

Directional Social Network DatabaseRaw Data to Inform Additional Research

Manual CorrectionsDirect Attributions

Parsing Compilations

Initial Discovery of Well-Worn Paths

Inclusion of Offline Materials


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Hunt or Gather, Share or Steal:Scottish News Networks, 1790-1840

M. H. BealsSheffield Hallam University


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