Page 1: Hunger Games By: Alex Melby

Hunger Games

By: Suzanne Colins

Alexandra MelbyReading-Miss Roche

Period 5May 11, 2012

Page 2: Hunger Games By: Alex Melby

Suzanne Hunt: Biography

• Suzanne Colins was born in 1962. She went to New York University to study to be a dramatic

writer. Her first great series was her New York Times best selling five story fantasy and war

series called The Underland Chronicles. Then she exceeded far from that series and had

written one of the bestselling novels and series called the Hunger Games. This series is so

popular that they have even made a movie on the first book that I am doing this book report


• Webpage:

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• Hunger Games was district twelve that is in Panem. In Panem they have this yearly games. The games are

called the Hunger Games. Usually they pick two people from each district to play in the games, a total of

twenty-four people in the seventy-fourth Hunger Games. From district twelve they chose Peeta Mellark and

Primrose Everdeen but here sister Katniss Everdeen volunteers for her because Prim is very young and would

have a hard time fighting for her life. The Hunger Games goes for a while then Katniss meets her ally Rue. Rue

is from district eleven. Katniss has Rue as an ally because when she thinks of Rue she thinks of Prim and how

hard it would be for her to stay alive even though she has been doing a pretty good job of it so far. Then when

Rue gets killed by a spear. Now Katniss really wants to win this thing. The Capitol announcers just said that

two people from one district could win if both of them were both alive. Katniss goes and finds Peeta and finds

him with mud all over him and a gushing, deep, epic, and lengthy cut on his thigh that Cato did to him. Katniss

gives her all to keep him a live and it worked. While this happened Peeta and Katniss fall in love. Right when

the last Cato the last tribute standing died they thought they won but then the capitol announcers hollered that

now they could only be one winner. Read the book to find out what happens next?

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Characters• Main Characters:

1. Katniss Everdeen: She was the winner of the Hunger Games with Peeta and is a great

sister, daughter, and friend to everyone. Girlfriend of Peeta.

2. Peeta Mellark: He was the winner of the Hunger Games with Katniss. Also the Boyfriend

of Katniss.

• Supporting Characters:

1. Primrose Everdeen: Katniss Everdeen’s sister. Prim was the person Katniss went in the

Hunger Games for.

2. Mrs. Everdeen: Katniss’s and Prim’s mom.

3. Haymitch: Their instructor for training for the Hunger Games and helping them during the

Hunger games. For an example: he gave them medicine, food, etc.

4. Madge: She is the mayor of district twelve’s daughter. She gives Katniss the mockingjay


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Plot• Introduction

- You meet Katniss and her family. You see what she has to do to make her family live.

- Setting: In Panem during the seventy-fourth Hunger Games.

• Rising Action

- They get ready to go to the picking of the tributes for the Hunger Games.

- They pick Prim but Katniss goes and volunteers for her.

- Peeta gets picked for the male tribute for district twelve.

- Peeta and Katniss go to their justice building in their district to say their final goodbyes until the Hunger

Games are over if they come out alive.

- They both get taken to the capitol to start their training for the Hunger Games so the judges can see what

they can do so they can score them from one through twelve. Katniss gets and eleven.

- The Hunger Games start and Katniss finds Rue after a couple of days into the Hunger Games.

- Rue dies from another tribute throwing a spear into her stomach and now Katniss has her mind set on

winning this Hunger Games for her.

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Plot Continued- The Hunger Games announcers just said that you were able to have two tributes from one district to win.

• Climax

- Katniss goes and finds Peeta and saves him from his horrific gash in his leg that Cato did to him. They fall

in love at this time.

- Falling Action

- Cato the last tribute standing gets killed.

- Peeta and Katniss has won or they thought they did then they heard the Hunger Games announcers say that

now you can’t have two people win from one tribute.

- Conclusion

- Peeta and Katniss offer to kill themselves but then the Hunger Games announcer say rapidly before they

put the toxic berries in their mouths that there can be two winners and there was.

- Peeta and Katniss will the seventy-fourth Hunger Games.

- They go on a talk show with Caesar to talk about the Hunger Games.

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New Vocabulary

1. Despicable adj. morally reprehensible

“How despicable we must seem to you,” said Cinna. Pg. 65

2. Stammers v. A speech disorder involving hesitations and involuntary repetitions of certain sounds

“ Peeta blushes beet red and stammers out.” Pg. 130

3. Assailants n. Someone who attacks

“ I wait frozen for the woods to come alive with assailants.” Pg. 247

4. Quiver v. An almost pleasurable sensation of fright

“I sacrificed three in the explosion, two at the feast– rattle a bit too loosely in the quiver.” Pg. 313

5. Mutts n. An inferior dog or one of mixed breed

“But it’s not until we get around to the mutts that I forget I’m on camera.” Pg. 368

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Starring Actors

• Katniss Everdeen: Emma Roberts

• Peeta Mellark: Harry Styles

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Starring Actors

• Rue: Willow Smith

• Primrose Everdeen: Elle Fanning

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Starring Actors

• Gale: David Henri • Haymitch: Robert Downey Jr.

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Soundtrack Tunes

• The scene when Katniss is helping Peeta because she is afraid that she will lose him from his open gash in his leg that Cato made with his knife.

• “Calling All Angels” By: Train

I need a sign to let me know you're hereAll of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere

I need to know that things are gonna look up'Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup 

When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my headWhen you feel the world shake from the words that are said 

I need a sign to let me know you're here'Cause my TV set just keeps it all from being clear

I want a reason for the way things have to beI need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me 

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Rating• I gave Hunger Games a

Five out of five stars

I loved the book so much. It was sad at times but thrilling the next. It made me just want to keep reading and reading.

It is one of my favorite books by all means in a long time.

It was so descriptive and exciting. I loved it.

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Other Recommendations- Rest of Hunger Game Books

1. Catching Fire By: Suzanne Colins

2. Mockingjay By: Suzanne Colins

- Other Books by Suzanne Colins

1. The Underland Chronicles

2. Mystery Files of Shelby Wool

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