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Human House WorldInternational solutions for

managers, teams and employees

Trust, security, challenges, development

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Human House World

Human House has been involved in various activities in more than 30 countries worldwide from 2002-2008.

Many of these activities concern the challenges that Human House’s clients based in Denmark have experi-enced in connection with stationing abroad, outsourcing and cooperation with colleagues and organisations from other countries and cultures.

Other activities involve assistance to foreign companies and partners to increase the efficiency of their coop-eration with Denmark and neighbouring countries.

A third category of activities focuses directly on international interaction, for example through coaching of cross-cultural management teams, start-up help for international projects, and development, conflict resolu-tion and cooperative skills in mixed international groups.

Worldwide networkHuman House’s group of consultants represents many different nationalities, and we have an extensive net-work of associated consultants with country-specific knowledge, which together ensures a professional com-petency span. Furthermore, Human House is the Danish representative for ITAP International, which is an exclusive organisation of consultancy companies with representation on all continents and in most countries.

International focus at Human HouseThis catalogue comprises a selection of typical and high-interest solutions and courses. Normally, we cus-tomise each activity or course, however, the standard descriptions can provide insight into the span and scope of possible activities and serve as inspiration.

Each solution can be conducted in English, Danish and the other Scandinavian languages. Also Spanish, German, French and Russian are available at short notice. Through ITAP International, we can offer solu-tions in practically all recognised languages – including Mandarin, Swahili and Arabic.

Activities and descriptions are kept updated on, where you can read more about our accreditations, methods and references.

Focus on client ambitions and resources

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International management groups and cross-cultural teams .....................................................1

Export of global staff policies and employee development systems ...................................................2

Executive Coaching for expats .....................................3

‘Meet the Danes’ – cooperation with Danes for foreigners ................................................................4

Cultural Training I – a MUST when cooperating across borders and cultures .........................................5

Cultural Training II – for administrative employees.......6

Cultural Training III – with focus on a specific country or region...........................................................6

Cross-cultural management – on site in Kenya ............8

Written report on a specific country or sales region .....9

International skills in sales, communication management and negotiation .....................................10

Conflict resolution between races, cultures, religions and people ...................................................11

Survivor’s Guide – Do’s and Dont’s in 40 different cultures ....................................................12

Cultural exercises and games – experience the feeling yourself ................................13

Consultants, certifications and references..................15

Focus on client ambitions and resources

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International management groups and cross-cultural teamsHuman House has a long tradition for arranging teambuilding and helping management groups and other teams to work together across individuals, nations and cultures. Many mergers and acquisitions are only truly successful when ’Due Diligence’ team members have cooperated and understood one another, and when the newly constructed management group delivers efficient and trustworthy cooperation.

Process facilitation in international cooperation and professional troubleshooting is therefore a profitable exercise.

Course purposeTo ensure efficient cooperation in international teams and management groups.

Course content1. Focus on group tasks, framework and roles2. Identify and enhance group strengths and weaknesses3. Work with common values and norms 4. Empower High Performance Teams5. Risk and Fun

Target groupAll international cross-cultural teams. For example project groups, top management and development departments.

Teaching method With respect for individual differences, the general teaching method demands active involvement from the participants, incorporating for example cultural tests, personality tests, group profiles, various assessment exercises as well as planning and discussions in the group.

Practical informationTypically, consultants of different nationalities and backgrounds will participate to match the diversity of the team. Courses can span from short one-day courses to lengthy processes.

Examples of client solutionsTeambuilding at foreign embassies. Project start-up of international project groups in private companies.

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Export of global staff policies and employee development systemsGlobal companies do not just export products and services but also policies and norms. In most cases it is desirable with some degree of uniformity between national and international departments even though local customs vary a great deal. There are many challenges when annual employee talks, management training, stress policies or staff handbooks are to be implemented worldwide.

Course purposeTo achieve success in communication, implementation and use of organisational methods and policies worldwide.

Course content1. Clarification of own starting point, current policies and methods2. Decisions about desired global policies3. Work with policy content and various destinations 4. Work with implementation of policies at various destinations

Target groupAll companies and organisations – both Danish and foreign – with global activities.

Teaching method Expert consultancy from Human House and our network. Joint project implementation, involving courses or other implementation tools at local destinations (if needed).

Practical informationDependent on specific subject and needs.

Examples of client solutionsAssistance with adaptation and implementation of a general staff handbook and export of stress policy for a major organisation.

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Executive Coaching for expatsAn international project or task represents a challenge for managers, specialists and their families. There will always be something more to learn even if you have tried it before. Executive Coaching is based on personal sparring and helps to prepare the expat for management and professional, personal and cultural aspects.

Course purposeTo empower an expat to make maximum use of management and personal potential in an international environment.

Course content1. Personal strengths and development areas2. Work/Life balance in an international setting 3. The family’s position and role4. Management challenges5. Conflicts and cooperation at the destination

Target groupManagers and specialists who wish to function optimally under unfamiliar cultural conditions.

Teaching method A number of Executive Coaching sessions with a business coach before departure. May involve an inter-national leadership test including benchmarking to selected countries and cultures. Subsequent Executive Coaching and sparring at the destination. Can be supplemented with a local business coach from Human House’s ITAP network.

Practical informationVarious levels of involvement ranging from a single preparatory coaching session and test to lengthy coop-eration processes via email, telephone and face-to-face meetings.

Examples of client solutionsHuman House conducts Executive Coaching for managers with over 20 different nationalities spread over more than 30 countries worldwide.

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‘Meet the Danes’ – cooperation with Danes for foreignersAs a foreigner cooperating with Denmark it can be difficult to understand Danish values and norms. Seen from the outside you meet irony, sarcasm, lack of respect for organisations and titles and a culture, where you can work 70 hours a week, if it is fun, but immediately change workplace, if it is not.

For foreign owners, who have to make an acquisition successful, or for employees and colleagues, who for example are under Danish management in an outsourced production, it is a culture with very few visible rules and many invisible rules.

Course purposeTo give people from other countries and continents an introduction to typical Danish business and work culture and empower them with strategies that can facilitate and benefit cooperation.

Course content1. Understand Danish values, norms and behaviours2. Try to act in concrete work culture3. Train own challenges towards ‘Danish’ behaviour4. Understand the differences through theoretical models

Target groupEmployees, managers and colleagues from foreign companies or groups of owners who cooperate in and with Denmark. Employees in Danish companies’ international departments.

Teaching methodTypically a course of 1-2 days with the possibility of subsequent individual coaching. An international culture test such as ‘Culture in The Workplace Questionnaire‘ is recommended.

Practical information‘Meet the Danes’ can be held for a few people or for larger groups. With few adjustments the training and teaching can be adapted to cover cultural issues in the whole of Scandinavia.

Examples of client solutionsTraining of employees from India, Formosa, Kenya and China before and during cooperation with Denmark. Preparing US management for acquisition in Denmark.

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Cultural Training I – a MUST when cooperating across borders and culturesIntercultural challenges concerning subjects, habits, behaviours and pitfalls materialise when you cooper-ate with or work in an environment which differs from your own native country and where people have other backgrounds than yours.

Course purposeTo focus on intercultural challenges in the job and give participants some useful techniques and tools that can help them be more efficient – and avoid misunderstandings.

Course content1. An understanding of intercultural cooperation and a definition of the derived concepts2. Tools for coping with culture across departments and physical and mental distances3. A personal culture test/profile which shows how you typically prioritise 4. Comparison of own norms with the norms of employees in other countries and cultures5. Insight into own cultural background and how your identity influences intercultural cooperation

Target groupThis course is a ‘must’ for everyone who has frequent contact with people across cultures and national borders – regardless of whether it takes place in your own country via telephone, meetings or email or in an international setting.

Teaching methodExercises, tests, presentations, discussions and participants’ personal experience.

Practical information2-day course with 8-16 participants.

Examples of client solutionsCourses and activities for over 20 companies and organisations. See references on page 16.


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Cultural Training II – for administrative employeesSame basic content as in Cultural Training I, however with special focus on administrative employees on home base or in the back office.

The administrative employees’ encounter with other cultures is typically experienced through meetings, emails, telephone and other types of communication. Therefore, the course focuses on practical administra-tive examples and real-life cases.

Teaching methodExercises, tests, presentations, discussions and participants’ personal experience.

Practical information1-2 days depending on actual requirements with up to 24 participants.

Cultural Training III – with focus on a specific country or regionSame basic content as in Cultural Training I, however with special focus on a single country or region, for example China, India or Southeast Asia.

Teaching methodExercises, tests, presentations, discussions and participants’ personal experience often with participation of country-specific expert.

Practical information2 days depending on actual requirements with 6-16 participants.

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The best solution in the given situation

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Cross-cultural management – on site in KenyaIn cooperation with Human House’s business partner in Kenya we arrange a full-scale leadership simula-tor, where Danish managers and other interested parties can experience themselves in a mixed culture with regards to race, language, geography and religion.

Together with trained Danish and Kenyan consultants the participants are presented with a range of dilem-mas and challenges that are to be solved in cosmopolitan settings.

Kenya is especially suitable for this purpose, as the country includes various Christian groups, a large Mus-lim group, a very large Asian group of primarily Indians with Hindu or Buddhist faith as well as various native tribes and other races.

Course purposeTo give managers personal experience with coping in situations that require ethics, integrity, communication and personal courage. All this at the same time as being in the minority standing out from the crowd.

Course content1. First-hand presentation of and experience with values and norms seen from other angles2. Different religions in the workplace and society 3. Different races and tribes in the same workplace4. Conflict resolution5. On-site exercises and encounters with different groups6. Unexpected situations and surprise challenges7. Feedback on own performance

Target groupManagers and project managers who want first-hand experience of own reactions in multi-cultural manage-ment situations, possibly as preparation for stationing abroad or as preparation for cooperation with countries and cultures that are very different to Denmark and Northern Europe.

Teaching method One-week live-in course in Nairobi and neighbouring areas. The programme will be prepared in close coop-eration with each individual group.

Practical informationOnly small groups of maximum 8 participants, which are divided during the course. Obtain relevant informa-tion about the destination, vaccination schemes, etc.

The best solution in the given situation

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Written report on a specific country or sales regionIn many cases companies or organisations choose to acquire a brief report on business and cooperation conditions of a country or region they are planning to establish contacts with.

The report is neither a tourist guide nor a description of country facts, which can be obtained from the coun-try’s embassy or from the Foreign Ministry. On the contrary it is a targeted description covering basic charac-teristics of professional business and the cooperative environment in the region in question.

On request, the report can contain details of typical trades and industries, education levels and more.

Normally, the report is prepared in cooperation with Human House’s ITAP representative at the destination.

Course purposeTo provide an organisation or management with the first platform for an understanding of new business sur-roundings and norms.

Course contentBusiness norms, standards, meeting culture, etc.

Target groupWidely applicable for groups and whole companies.

Form Report form with diagrams and charts – spanning from a few pages to more comprehensive productions.

Practical informationDepending on the required content the delivery time can vary between 2 and 4 weeks.

Examples of client solutionsAnalysis and report on Denmark for US board of directors and reports on Belgium (both Flemish and Wal-loon), Finland and Australia for various Danish companies.

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International skills in sales, communication, management and negotiationWhen sales training, communication training, management or negotiation skills – or a combination of them all – are to work in an international setting, it is important to take specific differences and subtle parameters into account.

Human House is a recognised expert in traditional management disciplines such as sales, negotiation, com-munication, management, stress handling and delegation. With this course we add necessary international and cultural dimensions to traditional techniques.

Course purposeTo learn how to use traditional management and communication tools in an international setting.

Course content1. Training in international methods and techniques 2. Focus on the international element3. Special focus on a specific country or region

Target groupManagers and other people who are to perform management and do business with other countries and cultures.

Teaching methodCourse with training exercises, tests and visits by persons from other cultures.

Practical information1-4 days depending on subject and needs. Can be carried out on site in the relevant situation.

Examples of client solutions8 x 2-day international negotiation techniques for a Danish company.

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Conflict resolution between races, cultures, religions and peopleConflict resolution represents a real challenge for many managers. And conflict resolution in organisations with different nationalities, races, cultures and religions increases this challenge even further. For example if a reprimand risks causing irreversible loss of prestige, or a dismissal risks resulting in severe poverty.

The competent conflict solver acts with high integrity, ethics and determination in all surroundings, but at the same time seeks to maintain logic and a sense of justice with the conflicting parties. This is the case both for conflicts between individuals or groups of employees, and for the difficult talks that the manager is a part of – for example in connection with poor performance.

Course purposeTo strengthen the manager’s ability to prevent and solve conflicts where culture, psychology and chemistry are in play.

Course content1. Basic conflict understanding2. Perception of conflicts in different cultures3. Tips and tricks on how to avoid conflicts4. Tips and tricks on conflict resolution5. Balance between ethics, requirements and consequences 6. Focus on specific countries and groups (option)

Target groupPersons who need to be prepared for situations ‘where management can hurt’.

Teaching method and practical information Can be carried out as a course of 1-2 days’ duration with exercises and cases, or as individual coaching.

Examples of client solutionsCoaching and training of government officials and of managers in concrete and general conflict situations. Concrete conflict resolution in Asia and China.

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Survivor’s Guide – Do’s and Dont’s in 40 different culturesIs it okay to shake hands in this country? Is it appropriate to accept a private invitation from a client? What about accepting a gift? Is it okay to speak openly to the boss, to employees and so on. Do’s and Dont’s is a quick guide to some of the elementary rules in a country or a culture. Combining our internal and external network resources we possess upfront business knowledge and information from a large number of coun-tries. This knowledge is put to good use in an amusing and precise survivor’s guide that can ensure immedi-ate survival in the given foreign culture.

Course purposeTo give the first overall and general picture of prevailing customs and practices in meetings, management and social contact in specific cultures worldwide.

Course content1. What is typical for the country in question?2. How do business contacts normally work?3. What are the major differences and challenges?4. How are Danes perceived in this culture?5. What is the road to success in this culture?6. How to get on the first flight home?

Target groupAll managers and employees who are about to initiate contact with a foreign country or culture which they have no prior experience with.

Teaching methodPresentations, pep talks, good and bad examples, funny examples, discussions and questions.

Practical information Typically, a brief presentation of up to two hours as a supplement to for example factual information from the Foreign Ministry, etc.

Examples of client solutions Brief presentations about for example Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Latin America, East Africa and Great Britain have been conducted in recent years.

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Respect for people, the organisation and bottom-line results

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Cultural exercises and games – experience the feeling yourselfHuman House has access to a number of games and methods, which in an amusing and educational way can be applied to illustrate international challenges and cultural differences. The basic idea is that you have to experience the clashing norms yourself to understand how others may feel.

Course purposeTo provide a learning experience by feeling the cultural differences in practice.

Course contentFor example:

1. The Hand2. DajaDaja3. Culture in the Workplace Questionnaire4. Central/local5. The Meeting6. Human House Cultural Indicator

Target groupSuitable for large groups who want to have fun together – maybe in connection with a new project, a merger or cooperative relationships.

Teaching methodInteractive games, exercises, tests and so on.

Practical informationGroups from 10 and up to hundreds. Duration between one hour and one day.

Examples of client solutionsTeambuilding and cultural games for 10-200 people have been carried out for the majority of the companies on the reference list. See references on page 16.

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CertificationsHuman House are certified users of a wide range of organisational develop-ment tools and business psycho-metric tests.

Among others FIRO-B, MBTI step 1, MBTI step 2, JTI, Culture in The Work-place Questionnaire, BELBIN Individual and Team, PDI - Potential 360, Man-naz 360, NEO-PI-R, TMI, EQ, BTB and Team Profile.

Consultants at Human HouseHuman House provide consultants for a large number of organisations and companies. We have extensive experience from private companies and organisations as well as public, regional and municipal organisa-tions. Our clients see it as a strength that we can draw from experience across sectors and industries.

The client is always in focus at Human House. That is why we specifically tailor the solution to the client’s needs and resources, using well-documented methods that have been carefully evaluated and selected among existing theories and techniques.

Our consultant products cover a wide spectrum of organisational solutions. We draw on the latest knowledge within our core competencies from international research and development institutions. The solutions are often combined with coaching and course elements.

We also offer consultant products and courses within the following areas:

• Change management• Organisational development• Organisation culture• International management• Management development• Coaching• Executive coaching

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International solutions on all continents Human House has provided international solutions involving teambuilding, Executive Coaching, mergers, outsourcing or other management products in:

Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Faroe Islands, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Kenya, Nepal, El Salvador, South Africa, Italy, USA, France, Turkey, Slovakia, Latvia, Russia, Benin and Malaysia.

Client referencesHuman House has provided international solutions for:

AnadigicsBoehringer IngelheimCanonCarlsbergColoplastCopenhagen Airport InternationalDanidaDaniscoDanish EmbassiesDILFDONG EnergyEgmont BooksEurocontrolEricsson Diax3F (United Federation of Danish Workers) Ferring Pharmaceuticals

GrundfosHKIBMLafargeL’OrealLundbeckMannazMaersk OilNokia DenmarkNovo NordiskNycomedSmyril LineTDCMinistry of Foreign Affairs of DenmarkVestas Wind SystemsVikan

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About Human HouseHuman House A/S was established in 1995 and has 20 permanent and associated employees. Human House has departments in Copenhagen and Aarhus as well as an extensive national and international network.

Human House A/S is the Danish representative of ITAP International. Our consultancy group consists of managers, psychologists, economists and organisational experts with personal management experience. Human House takes a concrete approach to each individual task.

We combine various professional core competencies within organisational develop-ment and business psychology with concrete consultant experience as well as personal management experience.

Our consultants are qualified in the most common organisational tools, culture develop-ment and psychological tests.

Around 50% of our activities are carried out in the metropolitan district of Copenhagen – and 50% in the remaining parts of Denmark and in foreign countries.

Around 50% of our activities concern courses and competency development – and 50% other consultant solutions such as organisational development and Executive Coaching.

Client solutions are distributed with 60% in private companies and 40% in the public sector.

Human House A/ST: +45 7010 9080E: [email protected]:

Rosenkrantzgade 19BDK-8000 Aarhus C

Havnegade 39DK-1058 Copenhagen

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