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Hua Mulan

Maddie Cooley

Hua Mulan

Hua Mulan, when you think of this name you probably think about the

Disney animated movie. This name is much more than what Disney said it was. Mulan was the

first EVER female warrior. She was born in Henan, China in 1368 B.C. No one knows the exact

date because in the 1300's no one recorded information like that. As a child she already knew

how to do sword fighting, martial arts, and archery because her father had been training for the

war against Leopard Skin, China's worst enemy. Leopard Skin was a very mean and gruesome

person who could only be caught by the best warrior in all of China. When she reached around

ten years old, her mother taught her how to weave and Mulan, set all if the fighting techniques

aside. She did this to continue, and I know it's weird, but for the art of weaving. The only thing

she didn't know was that she was going to need the war skills for the road ahead.

One day, men in war uniforms came to her hut, and said that her father must go

to war. Mulan overheard the conversation with the men and she knew, that with her skills, she

could replace her father in war. The only problem was woman didn't have half as many rights as

we do today, so they weren't aloud to go to war. She felt so bad for her father, who was extremely

sick, to have to go to war that she took her servant to got to the shops in the town to buy an army

uniform. Back then, the army wouldn't provide you with a uniform, so you would have to buy

them. Her parents didn't know what was going on when she left. When she got home after

shopping, she told her parents what she was going to do. Her dad didn't care and her mom was a

little worried.

She suited up and went to war. She was in war for about three years and then,

things got serious. Leopard Skin was planning war against China. Mulan was worried. The past

few years she had been fighting in battles. This was going to be a war. She trained all she could.

They were at war for about three months. In the fourth, Leopard Skin was bringing out the big

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guns. He was sending the best and most trained men in his army. The Chinese army commander

was also very worried now. He sent his best warrior to capture Leopard Skin. That warrior was


It took her only two weeks to do the job but she did it. She thought that it was

going to be a hard task. To her it was somewhat easy. She was in war for approximately thirteen

years. On her way home she was asked to go to a temple to accept an achievement award for all

the things she did in the war. She went to the temple but while she was there she realized that she

didn't feel worthy of it. She thought that because she had been hiding that she was female. She

accepted the award , but she felt guilty. When she got home she went inside to greet her family.

She had all the soldiers wait outside. When she came out after greeting her family, she was in a

beautiful dress and the true Mulan. After life in the war, Mulan continued her hobby of weaving.

I think that she is a heroine because she did something not to prove herself,

but to help her family. She loved what she did and she did it for good. Even though she died

almost 2,099 years ago but her confidence still influences people today. She may not know it but

she is a hero that helped woman all over the earth.

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