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well, the professor said, I have to make a duplicate world in my patch,

then I can go home! I have done that already! Mr. Giant, do you realize

that I have done so much to help you, first the plants and then the seed

mystery, and in return you haven’t helped me at all!!

well my boy…. The world that you see has animals in it as well right?

So then, where are the animals in your little garden? Get those some

how and your garden would be a step closer to home!!

that I have done so much to help you, first the plants and then the seed

Here’s the solution! I have these clay figures

of animals, I’ll put them in my patch and TADA….

They have to be alive JC!! But… we have Dr.

Zook… he can give life to these clay figures!

That is quite obvious

from his name isn’t it??

wow…. That’s like

hop skip jump

away?? It’ll take

me ages to reach


Oh….. now what??

All these are broken!!

You are clumsy JC!! Anyway… you go ahead and find

Dr. Zook and I’ll put these back together!! He lives on

the other side of the river that flows behind the

mountains right after the huge desert near this field!!

Phew! It is so

hot!! I need a

lift!! May be that

Eagle can help! Oh no, no! I meant could

you drop me somewhere ahead,

May be across the mountains!

If I drop you,

won’t it hurt?

Hi, I am heading to

meet Dr. Zook!

I was wondering if you

could give me a lift?

Well, I can give you a lift for sure?

But how high do you want to go?

Features of Animals 01



Like I have a

choice except


Very funny sir!! I mean just help

me get to the river!! That’s it!!Oh alright!

Hang on!

Any creature that has :-

• 2 wings

• 2 limbs or legs

• A beak

• And feathers all over its body

is generally called a BIRD!

Umm… so, what

kind of an animal

are you?

I am not an

animal JC! I am a

creature, in general,

creatures like me are

called Birds!

And they

can fly!!

Hey, not all birds

can fly, like my friend

OSTRICH - is a bird

but it cannot fly! And

also, not everything

that flies is a bird!

Like a BAT can fly,

but it is not a bird,

it is an animal!

The birds that can fly have very light and hollow bones

which make it easier to fly. The wings are used to trap

and push air and glide through the air.

Well, That’s quite interesting, but

your nails are poking me! Can you

do something about them? Why

are they so sharp anyway?

So what is the


A – Because, it

never gets to


Q – Why can an

ostrich not

fall ill?

02Features of Animals

Well JC, the sharp nails, as you say, are my

CLAWS. They help me get a good grip on

my prey. Many birds have CLAWS with sharp

nails. They are very helpful to grip and tear.

Birds like parrot and kingfisher use them to

climb tree barks others use them to tear flesh,

like vultures and eagles. There are other types

of bird feet as well – have a look!

My beak as you see is sharp and curved.

It is very helpful in hunting and eating meat!

Other birds have other types of beaks –

like flat and long and sharp!

1 – Some birds have long beaks like storks and

cranes. It allows them to fish easily.

1 – Some birds have long legs and thin feet.

These help them in wading through waters.

Like cranes and storks.

03Features of Animals

3 – Birds with claws like eagles and vultures

have sharp claws. Sometimes claws are used

for perching and tearing flesh or even

climbing trees.

2 – Birds that swim in water, like ducks and

swan have a thin fold of skin between their

toes. These are called webbed feet and make

it easier to swim.

3 – Some birds have long, strong and sharp

beaks to be able to make their nests or bore

into tree trunks. Like woodpeckers and


2- Some birds have Flat beaks to be able to

hold their prey and filter food. Like ducks

and flamingoes.

Oye… Leave my tail,

I cannot steer!

Oh do you use the Tail to steer?

No wonder I cannot do it,

I don’t have one you see!!

Kid, you are not meant

to be underwater. Look here,

I have these fins that enable

me to propel myself and swim.

Look at my body

shape. Its is called

a streamlined body,

it makes it easy for

me to swim.

And here, just below my head are gills.

These help me breathe underwater!

Features of Animals 04

but why do you have to

have so many types of

beaks and feet??

Got it…. One last

question…. Do you

have to hide from

the police when

you are sick??

Because when you are sick

you become – ILL-EAGLE!!

Remember this JC, the nature has to take care for everyone!

So according to what we eat and where we live and how we find

food, the nature gives us our organs. It is called the process of

adaptation! All creatures have external and internal features as

required by their environment!

Why would

that be??

PHEW!! Any second longer underwater

and I would have drowned without breath!

I need to find those gills in store next time!!!



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