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HOLY TRINITY KEW Anglican Church of Australia


August 25, 2013

Holy Communion

& Baptism


Welcome to HOLY TRINITY,, where services have been held, in this

church, since 1863. We pray that you will feel the presence of God and

know his blessings in your life



WEDNESDAY 11.00am – Holy Communion

SATURDAY 6.00pm – Holy Communion

SUNDAY 8.00am & 10.00am – Holy Communion

Family ministry: Sunday 10.00am in hall (in church on 1st Sunday)

Morning Prayer: 9.00am Wednesday-Saturday

The Noon Hour: 12 noon - 1.00pm Tuesday to Thursday

Healing Service: 11.30am, 4th Sunday

At Trinity Grammar School Chapel:

Sunday 週日中英文週日中英文週日中英文週日中英文10.30am – English Service

Crèche Area: is in the transept

near the pulpit. Parents and

children are welcome to enter

by the church aisle or by the

side door.

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HYMN: TiS 125

1. The God of Abraham praise

who reigns enthroned above,

ancient of everlasting days,

and God of love:

the Lord, the great I AM

by earth and heaven confessed!

We bow and bless the sacred name

for ever blessed.

2. The God of Abraham praise,

whose all-sufficient grace

shall guide us all our happy days

in all our ways.

He calls us each a friend,

he calls himself our God;

and he shall save us to the end

through Jesus’ blood.

3. He by himself has sworn,

we on his oath depend:

we shall, on eagles’ wings upborne,

to heaven ascend:

we shall behold his face,

we shall his power adore,

and sing the wonders of his grace

for evermore.

4. The God who reigns on high

the great archangels sing,

and ‘Holy, holy, holy,’ cry,

‘almighty King!’

who was and is the same

and evermore shall be,

the Lord, our Father, great I AM


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5. Before the Saviour’s face

the ransomed nations bow,

all praising his almighty grace,

for ever new.

He shows his wounds of love,

they kindle to a flame

and sound through all the worlds above

the slaughtered Lamb.

6. The whole triumphant host

gives thanks to God on high:

‘Hail, Father, Son and Spirit blest!’

they ever cry.

Hail, Abraham’s God and ours!

with heaven our songs we raise:

all might and majesty are yours,

and endless praise.

Thomas Olivers 1725–99 alt.

based on the Jewish Yigdal c.13th cent. and Revelation 4 and 5

Greeting: The Lord be with you.

AND ALSO WITH YOU. (see Ruth 2:4)

Sentence: You, O Lord, are my hope, my trust from my youth. Upon you

have I leaned since my birth. Psalm 71.5–6

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Prayer of Preparation:

As we gather as God's people let us pray together:

Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open,

all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden:

cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration

of your Holy Spirit,

that we may perfectly love you,

and worthily magnify your holy name,

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Summary of the Commandments:

‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord

your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your

mind, and with all your strength.’ Jesus said: ‘This is the great and first

commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbour as


Kyrie eleison (How Setting)

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The Confession

Let us confess our sins in penitence and faith, confident in God's


Merciful God, our maker and our judge,

we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed,

and in what we have failed to do:

we have not loved you with our whole heart;

we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves;

we repent, and are sorry for all our sins.

Father, forgive us. Strengthen us to love and obey you

in newness of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Absolution (Celebrant)

Almighty God, who has promised forgiveness to all who turn to

him in faith: pardon you and set you free from all your sins,

strengthen you in all goodness and keep you in eternal life,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prayer of the Day

O God, the Judge of all, through the saving blood of your Son you have

brought us to the heavenly Jerusalem and given us a kingdom which cannot

be shaken: fill us with reverence and awe in your presence, that in

thanksgiving we and all your Church may offer you acceptable worship;

through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives to intercede for us, now and for ever.



Readings from 'New Revised Standard Version' (NRSV)

First Reading: Jeremiah 1.4-10

4 Now the word of the Lord came to me saying,

5 ‘Before I formed you in

the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I

appointed you a prophet to the nations.’ 6 Then I said, ‘Ah, Lord God ! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am

only a boy.’ 7 But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am only a boy”; for you shall go

to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command

you. 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the

Lord .’ 9 Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the

Lord said to me, ‘Now I have put my words in your mouth. 10

See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up

and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.’

Response: Hear the word of the Lord,


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Psalm: 71.1-6

1 To you, Lord, have I come for shelter:

let me never be put to shame. 2 In your righteousness rescue and deliver me:

incline your ear to me and save me. 3 Be for me a rock of refuge, a fortress to defend me:

for you are my high rock, and my stronghold. 4 Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked:

from the grasp of the pitiless and unjust. 5 For you, Lord, are my hope:

you are my confidence, O God, from my youth upward. 6 On you have I leaned since my birth:

you are he that brought me out of my mother’s womb,

and my praise is of you continually.

Second Reading: Hebrews 12.18-29


You have not come to something that can be touched, a blazing fire,

and darkness, and gloom, and a tempest, 19

and the sound of a trumpet,

and a voice whose words made the hearers beg that not another word

be spoken to them. 20

(For they could not endure the order that was

given, ‘If even an animal touches the mountain, it shall be stoned to

death.’ 21

Indeed, so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, ‘I tremble

with fear.’) 22

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the

living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal

gathering, 23

and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in

heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous

made perfect, 24

and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to

the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of

Abel. 25

See that you do not refuse the one who is speaking; for if they

did not escape when they refused the one who warned them on earth,

how much less will we escape if we reject the one who warns from

heaven! 26

At that time his voice shook the earth; but now he has

promised, ‘Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the

heaven.’ 27

This phrase ‘Yet once more’ indicates the removal of what is

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shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may

remain. 28

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be

shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable

worship with reverence and awe; 29

for indeed our God is a consuming


Response:Hear the word of the Lord,


Gradual Hymn: TiS 616

1. O day of God, draw near

in beauty and in power,

come with your timeless judgment


to match our present hour.

2. Bring to our troubled minds,

uncertain and afraid,

the quiet of a steadfast faith,

calm of a call obeyed.

3. Bring justice to our land

that all may dwell secure,

and firmly build for days to come

foundations that endure.

4. Bring to our world of strife

your sovereign word of peace,

that war may haunt the earth no


and desolation cease.

5. O day of God, draw near

as at creation’s birth;

let there be light again, and set

your justice in the earth.

Robert Balgarnie Young Scott 1899–1987 alt.

Words by permission Office of the Principal,


Music by permission The United Church Publishing

House, Canada

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We stand for the reading of the Holy Gospel as a sign of respect as we

greet our Lord who is present in His Holy Word.

The Lord be with you


The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Saint Luke chapter 13

beginning at the 10th




Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. 11


just then there appeared a woman with a spirit that had crippled her for

eighteen years. She was bent over and was quite unable to stand up

straight. 12

When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, ‘Woman,

you are set free from your ailment.’ 13

When he laid his hands on her,

immediately she stood up straight and began praising God. 14

But the

leader of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had cured on the

sabbath, kept saying to the crowd, ‘There are six days on which work

ought to be done; come on those days and be cured, and not on the

sabbath day.’ 15

But the Lord answered him and said, ‘You hypocrites!

Does not each of you on the sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the

manger, and lead it away to give it water?16

And ought not this woman,

a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen long years, be

set free from this bondage on the sabbath day?’ 17

When he said this, all

his opponents were put to shame; and the entire crowd was rejoicing at

all the wonderful things that he was doing.

Gospel Response: This is the gospel of the Lord,



Sung by

Choir &


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• SERMON - (copy of sermon available at back of church)


Let us pray for all people and for the Church throughout the world.

Each petition of intercession or thanksgiving concludes with:

Lord in your mercy, HEAR OUR PRAYER.

We pray for: We pray for all who work for peace and justice.

We pray for The Diocese of Ruaha, Tanzania; The Diocese of The

Northern Territory; St Laurence Community Services Barwon Inc; Holy

Trinity Williamstown; St Stephen’s Bayswater; All Souls’ Sandringham.

We pray for our ministry team: Roy, Jessica, Norman, Helen, Leonie, Ros

& Pam - and for all who serve within the parish. We pray for all who are

working on the building project and for its successful completion; and

our Bishops Philip and Barbara.

We pray for those in need, and for those who care for them: Ian

Huntington, Babe I, Jean S, Bp Barbara, Margaret Y, Tom F, Philip C,

Brenda, Jean I, Beatrice S, Judy S, Miriam A, Robert D, Mia C, Jan T, Peter

Hs and those we remember in our own hearts and prayers.

We pray for the members of Holy Trinity not able to worship with us,

Wilma M, Margaret D, Ronald D, Ren C, Nancy K, Hilary, Joyce L,

Elisabeth D, Lorna M, Jean D, and all who care for them.

We remember before God with thanksgiving the lives of Wilma

Emmett (1996), and Arthur Batson (1993), as we come to the

anniversary of their entry into your nearer presence.

Almighty God, you have promised to hear our prayers.

Grant that what we have asked in faith

We may by your grace receive,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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When Jesus had risen from the dead, he commanded his followers

to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We have come

together today in obedience to that command. In baptism, we are

joined to Christ, and made members of his Church.

Baptism of children is a celebration of new life and the promise of

eternal life, and an acknowledgement of their need for care and


While we focus on the grace of God given to those who are

baptized, we also acknowledge that spiritual growth depends on parents

and godparents, and the wider circle of family and friends, who are the

examples and influence that mould a child’s character. In this service of

baptism we bring Ida into God’s presence that she may be enfolded in

the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Parents and Godparents who bring children for baptism must

express their own trust and commitment to the promises of God, and

their intention to bring up the children in the faith and practice of the


The Baptism party gathers around the font.

The parents and godparents are asked the questions:

Q/ Before God and this congregation, you must affirm your belief in God

and so I ask: Do you Believe in God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

A/ I do.

Q/ Will you accept the responsibilities placed upon you in bringing Ida

for baptism?

A/ I will.

Q/ By your prayers and example, by your friendship and love, will you

encourage her in the life and faith of the Christian community?

A/ I will.

Q/ As your life will be an example to Ida, will you turn away from evil

thoughts, words and actions?

A/ I will.

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Q/ Will you affirm Christian values, especially those of honesty,

compassion and mercy?

A/ I will.

Priest to the congregation: You have heard our brothers and sisters

respond to Christ. Will you support them in this calling?


Priest: Almighty God lead you in the light of Christ to his everlasting

kingdom. AMEN.

Prayers and Blessing of the water

[Let us pray:] Grant, merciful God, that Ida may be so united with

Christ in baptism that your new nature may be raised up in her where

the fruit of your Spirit may grow and flourish. Give to family and friends

the desire to share what you have revealed in your Holy Gospel.

We give you thanks that at the beginning of creation your Holy

Spirit moved upon the waters to bring forth light and life. With water

you cleanse and replenish the earth; and through the waters of the Red

Sea you led your people by Moses out of slavery into freedom, and

brought them through the river Jordan into the land of promise. We

give you thanks for your Son, Jesus Christ: for his baptism by John, for

his anointing in the Holy Spirit, and that through the deep waters of

death Jesus delivered us from our sins and was raised to new life in

triumph. We give you thanks for the grace of the Holy Spirit who leads

us to your kingdom.

And now we give you thanks that you have called Ida Frances Lilah

Rowland to new birth in your Church through the waters of baptism.

+ Pour out your Holy Spirit in blessing and sanctify this water

so that all who are baptized may be made one with Christ in his death

and resurrection, through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN.

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An affirmation of faith

Priest: I ask the congregation to join with the parents and godparents in

affirming the faith of the church.

Do you believe in God the Father?

A/: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

Do you believe in God the Son?

A/: I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was

conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under

Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to

the dead. On the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into

heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father; from there he

will come to judge the living and the dead.

Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit?

A/: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the

communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the

body, and the life everlasting. AMEN.


Priest: Ida Frances Lilah, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the

Son, and the Holy Spirit, AMEN.

I sign you with the sign of the cross to show that you are marked as

Christ’s own forever.

(Oil that has been blessed by a bishop is used in anointing to symbolize

being chosen in God, as were the priests and prophets of the Old

Testament, and the New Testament understanding that we are all

anointed in the Spirit through belief in Christ.)

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Live as a disciple of Christ; fight the good fight, finish the race,

keep the faith.

ALL: Confess Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, look for his

coming in glory.

Priest: God has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

ALL: Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father.

Priest: God has called you into his church.

ALL: We therefore receive and welcome you as a member with us of

the body of Christ, as a child of the one heavenly Father, and as an

inheritor of the kingdom of God.

Prayers for the child, parents and godparents

Merciful God, in your infinite love you have made a new

covenant with us in Jesus Christ, promising to be our God and the God

of our children. Enable all who are baptised in your name to live as your

faithful people.

Fulfil your promises for Ida, we pray, and grant that she may

grow in your faith and service.

We pray for John, Anna and Jemima, that in your Spirit of

wisdom, their family may grow in your love, and their home share in the

joy of your eternal kingdom.

And we pray for Ida’s godparent, Selina; enable them to share

with their goddaughter what you have revealed to us of your love in

your holy gospel. We ask this in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ,



{Celebrant} We are the body of Christ.

His Spirit is with us.

The peace of the Lord be always with you.

And also with you.

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Offertory Hymn: TiS 446

1. Glorious things of you are spoken,

Zion, city of our God:

he whose word cannot be broken

formed you for his own abode.

On the Rock of Ages founded,

what can shake your sure repose?

With salvation’s walls surrounded,

you may smile at all your foes.

2. See, the streams of living waters,

springing from eternal love,

well supply your sons and daughters

and all fear of want remove:

who can faint while such a river

ever flows their thirst to assuage —

grace, which like the Lord the giver

never fails from age to age.

3. Blest inhabitants of Zion,

washed in their Redeemer’s blood:

Jesus, whom their souls rely on,

makes them kings and priests to


For his love his people raises

over self to reign as kings,

and as priests, his solemn praises

each for a thank-offering brings.

4. Saviour, since of Zion’s city

I, through grace, a member am,

let the world deride or pity,

I will glory in your name:

fading are the worldlings’ pleasures,

all their boasted pomp and show;

solid joys and lasting treasures

none but Zion’s children know.

John Newton 1725–1807 alt.

Music by permission Oxford University Press

Offertory Prayer: Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation.

Through your goodness we have these gifts to share. Accept and use our

offerings for your glory and for the service of your kingdom.


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The Prayer of Thanksgiving

Priest: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Priest: Lift up your hearts:

People: We lift them to the Lord.

Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give him thanks and praise...

Priest: ... Forever praising you and singing:

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Priest: …. do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me

Priest: in songs of never ending praise:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever. Amen.

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{Celebrant} We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.

We who are many are one body,

For we all share in the one bread.

The Choir sings the Agnus Dei

Come let us take this holy sacrament of the body and blood of Christ in

remembrance that he died for us, and feed on him in our hearts by faith

with thanksgiving.

Baptised Christians who receive communion in their own church

are invited to share communion with us.

Communion wine may be received:

(a) from the common cup from (drink or intinction)

(b) from an individual glass on request from the first Eucharistic Assistant.

Or you may choose to receive the wafer only (Communion in one kind).

The Choir Sings “Ave Verum", Elgar


Post-Communion Prayer

Prayer of self-offering

Father, we offer ourselves to you

as a living sacrifice

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Send us out in the power of your Spirit

to live and work to your praise and glory. AMEN

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Final Hymn: TiS 608

1. Where cross the crowded ways of


where sound the cries of race and clan,

above the noise of selfish strife

we hear your voice, O Son of Man.

2. In haunts of wretchedness and need,

on shadowed thresholds dark with


from paths where hide the lures of


we catch the vision of your tears.

3. From tender childhood’s


from human grief and burdened toil,

from famished souls, from sorrow’s


your heart has never known recoil.

4. The cup of water given for you

still holds the freshness of your grace;

yet long these multitudes to see

the sweet compassion of your face.

5. O Master, from the mountain side

make haste to heal these hearts of


among these restless throngs abide,

and tread the city’s streets again:

6. till all the world shall learn your love

and follow where your feet have trod,

till glorious from your heaven above

shall come the city of our God.

Frank Mason North

1850–1935 alt.



Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:



'Copyright © 1995, The Anglican Church of

Australia Trust Corporation. From the text of A

Prayer Book for Australia, published under the

imprint of Broughton Books. Reproduced with


- Recorded music played under PPCA licence


Hymns copied under one of the following


- 'Copyright © 1999, The Australian Hymn Book


From the text of Together in Song. Reproduced

with permission.

- Church Copyright Licence #325734

- Copyright Agency Limited licence 2907

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Readings for 10am Sunday, September 1, 2013


Reading Hebrews 13:1-4a, 5-6, 8, 16 Psalm 81:1, 10-16

Gospel Luke 14:1, & 7-11


Birthday: Maggie Daic (Wednesday)

Tax Deductible Donations to Holy Trinity can be made for the 'Building

Appeal' through the National Trust, OR for 'Family Ministry' through the

Anglican Foundation. Forms are available at the back of church.

A Thank you Morning tea

During my PhD candidature I have been so heartened by the interest,

encouragement and care of the Holy Trinity community. Please join me

following the 10am service on TODAY for a celebratory morning tea to

say thank you. Jane Sullivan

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Roster Duty This Week 25/8/2013 Next Week 1/9/2013

6pm Sat

Celebrant Leonie Bird The Rev'd Dr H. Granowski


8am Sun

Welcomer David Harkin &

Irene Shorthouse

Rick Nicholson &

Ros St Flour

Reader Marilyn Frood Chris & Merrilyn Beeny

Intercessor Leonie Bird BCP

Euch Assist Diana Cerini Irene Shorthouse

David Harkin

Server Carol Fraser Dinesh Warnakulasuriya


Celebrant The Rev'd Dr Helen


Rev Dr N Curry

Preacher The Rev'd Roy Stanley The Rev'd Roy Stanley

Breakfast Marilyn Frood and Nancy


Alan & Nell Eddy

10am Sun

Welcomer Clarence Muttiah

& Bruce Chisholm

Carol Fraser &

Alan Wilson

Reader Ken Rigby &

Don Watkinson


Intercessor Jane Sullivan Families

Euch Assist Elaine Hutchinson Janice Lucas

Server Jane Sullivan

ALM Jane Sullivan Pam Hughes

Celebrant The Rev'd Roy Stanley The Rev'd Roy Stanley

Preacher The Rev'd Roy Stanley The Rev'd R Stanley

Transport Rosemary Nairn Bruce Chisholm

Morning Tea Tim & Rosemary Sewell Elaine Hutchinson & Barbara


Counters Robert and Marilyn Frood Rosemary Nairn & Carol


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Parish Diary


25 Sun 11:15am


Jane Sullivan’s THANK YOU morning tea.

Healing service.

28 Wed 6pm Concert rehearsal

29 Thu 7pm Wedding rehearsal

31 Sat 3:30pm



Concert rehearsal





‘Managing Challenging Behaviour’ workshop

4 Wed 7:30pm Discussion group meets in Vicarage – ‘How the Bible was

formed’ Pt.1.

5 Thu 8:30am


Trinity Grammar rehearsal

Trinity Grammar concert

7 Sat 2pm Orchestre Nouveau concert

8 Sun 2pm Home group meets at Leonie’s

Holy Trinity Church Directory

PO Box 37, Kew 3101 251 High St (cnr Pakington St), Kew 3101

Ph: (03) 9853 7158 Email: [email protected]

Ministry Team and Church Officers:

Vicar: The Rev. Roy Stanley, (03) 9853 7132; 0408 012 165 [email protected]

Assistant Priest: The Rev. Jessica Cheung 0403 380 837 [email protected]

Family Minister: Ros St Flour, 0411 349938 [email protected]

Parish Chaplain: Pam Hughes, 9855 8279 Small Group Co-ordinator: Leonie Bird

Honorary Associate Clergy: The Rev Dr Norman Curry, The Rev Dr Helen Granowski

Authorised Lay Ministers: Leonie Bird, Jane Sullivan, Joy Watkinson.

Churchwardens: David Harkin, Barbara Thomson, Robert Frood

Vestry members: Joe Gandy, Carol Fraser, Rick Nicholson, Beth Bailey, Diane Leist,

Blake Shorthouse (Treasurer), Tim Sewell, Alan Wilson.

Wedding enquiries: Susan Baker – contact through church website weddings page.

Music Team

Director of Music: Stephen Kerr, 0422 524 574; [email protected]

Associate Organist: Ian Tyler Deputy Organist: Anthony Carr

Choir Section Leaders: Philippa Allen, James Allen.

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