Page 1: HS120 Anatomy & Physiology Unit 5 Seminar Teresa Thomas, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM

HS120 Anatomy & Physiology

Unit 5 SeminarTeresa Thomas, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM

Page 2: HS120 Anatomy & Physiology Unit 5 Seminar Teresa Thomas, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM

Unit 5 Seminar Review of Chapters 1 -6 An introduction to the structure &

function of the body Chemistry of Life Cells & Tissues Organ systems of the body Integumentary System The Skeletal System

Overview of Final Project

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Unit 1 Review Questions

The study and structure of its parts is:A.PathologyB.AnatomyC.PhysiologyD.Ecology

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Unit 1 Review Questions

What is the study of the function of its parts?A.PhysiologyB.AnatomyC.PathologyD.Ecology

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Unit 1 Review Questions

The order of the body’s arrangement is:

A.Molecule, atom, organ system, organ, tissue, cellB.Organism, atom, cell, tissue, organ system, organC.Organism, atom, cell, organism, tissue, organD.Atom, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organismE.Molecule, cell, atom, organ, organism, organ system,

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Unit 1 Review Questions

Assume all directions start here:

A.SupineB.Frontal (coronal)C.SagittalD.Anatomical

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Unit 1 Review Questions

The body’s continuous ability to respond to changes in the environment and to maintain relative constancy in the internal environment is called?

A.HomeostasisB.SuperficialC.Structural LevelsD.Anatomical

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Unit 1 Review Questions

The regions frequently used by health professionals to locate pain of tumors divides the abdomen into four basic areas is called?


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Unit 1 Review Questions

A lengthwise plane running from front to back that divides the body into right and left sides is called?


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Unit 1 Review Questions

Which of the following does not lie in the abdominal cavity?

A.SpleenB.Most of the small intestineC.Urinary bladderD.None of the above

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Which element is not one of the 4 elements that make up about 96% of the material in the human body?


Unit 2 Review Questions

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Unit 2 Review Questions

Which is the three kinds of particles within an atom?

B. Protons, Nucleus, ElectronsC. Electrons, Neutrons, CytoplasmD. Protons, Neutrons, NucleusE. Cytoplasm, Protons, Neutrons

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Unit 2 Review Questions

3. What is the most abundant tissue in the body?

A. NervousB. SmoothC. ConnectiveD. StriatedE. Muscular

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4. The smallest particle of water is called a water ________.

A. AtomB. IonC. MoleculeD. ElementE. Electron

Unit 2 Review Questions

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5. When two charged atoms cling together to form a molecule, we say that a(n) ? bond has formed.

A. OzoneB. CovalentC. ChemicalD. ElectricalE. Ionic

Unit 2 Review Questions

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6. Stratified squamous epithelium has ? cells in its outermost layer.

A. Cube shapedB. Tall, narrowC. Flattened, scalelikeD. SphericalE. Blood

Unit 2 Review Questions

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7. Which type of muscle is found in the walls of most hollow organs of the body?

A. Skeletal muscleB. Smooth muscleC. Cardiac muscleD. Biceps brachii muscleE. Connective muscle

Unit 2 Review Questions

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8. Enzymes are _____________________.

A. ProteinsB. LipidsC. CarbohydratesD. Nucleic acidsE. Inorganic

Unit 2 Review Questions

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Unit 2 Review Questions

Which are the three main parts of a cell?

A. Serous Membrane, Cytoplasm, NucleusB. Plasma membrane, Viscera, NucleusC. Viscera, Cytoplasm, Cytoplasmic MembraneD. Plasma Membrane, Cytoplasm, Nucleus

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Unit 2 Review Questions

Which is not an organelles found in cells?

A. RibosomesB. GolgiC. MitochondriaD. Leukocytes

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Unit 3 Review Questions

11. Which layer does not have a blood supply?

A. EpidermisB. SubcutaneousC. DermisD. Superficial

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Unit 3 Review Questions

12. Which layer has the pigment cells?

a) Epidermisb) Dermisc) Superficiald) Subcutaneous

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Unit 3 Review Questions

13. What is that pigment called?A. KeratinB. MelaninC. LanugoD. papilla

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Unit 3 Review Questions

14. Which is not one of the four major types of membranes in the body?

A. MucousB. EpithelialC. SerousD. Straited

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Unit 3 Review Questions

15. What are the functions of the skin?

A. Protects from injuriesB. Acts as barrier and regulates what enters/leaves body.C. Regulates body temperature.D. Synthesizes, stores vitamins.E. Sensory functionF. All of the above

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Unit 3 Review Questions

16. Which is not part of the Integumentary system?

A. Hair & NailsB. Squamous cellsC. ReceptorsD. Pituitary Glands

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Unit 3 Review Questions

17. Which type of body membrane lines the digestive tract?

A. Cutaneous membraneB. Tympanic membraneC. Serous membraneD. Synovial membraneE. Mucous membrane

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Unit 3 Review Questions

18. Which is the thickest partof the skin?

A. EpidermisB. DermisC. Subcutaneous

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Unit 3 Review Questions

19.Which layer is the fatty tissue?a) Subcutaneous (Hypodermis)b) Epidermisc) Dermis

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Unit 3 Review Questions

20. Which part of the epidermis is undergoing mitosis all the time?

A. Stratum GerminativumB. KeratinC. MelaninD. Stratum Corneum

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Unit 3 Review Question

21.Which of the following statements about hair follicles is true?

A. Arrector pili muscles are associated with them.B. Sudoriferous glands empty into them.C. They arise directly from the epidermis layer of skin.D. All of the above.

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Unit 3 Review Question

22. The gland that produces a “conditioning cream” for the hair and skin is the

A. Eccrine sweat glandB. Apocrine sweat glandC. Sebaceous glandD. Mammary glandE. Ceruminous gland

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Unit 3 Review Question

23. The skin plays important roles in maintaining a stable body temperature

A. TrueB. False

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Unit 3 Review Question

24. What is the largest sensory organ of the body?

A. EyeB. EarC. TongueD. SkinE. Nose

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Unit 3 Review Question

25. What characterizes second-degree burns?

A. BlistersB. SwellingC. severe painD. all of the above

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Unit 4 Review Question

26. Which is not a primary function of the bone?

A. SupportB. ProtectionC. Synthesis of Vitamin DD. Storage

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Unit 4 Review Questions

27. Which is not one of the four major types of bones?

a) Thoracicb) Flatc) Longd) Short

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Unit 4 Review Question

29. A role of the skeletal system is to____?

A. Protect vital organsB. Produce blood tissueC. Enable movement of the bodyD. Provide a framework for the bodyE. All of these are correct

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Unit 4 Review Questions

30. The fatty material inside long bones is_____?

A. Red bone marrowB. White bone marrowC. Yellow bone marrowD. Blood-producing tissueE. Made mostly of calcium

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Unit 4 Review Questions

31. The layers of bone material that build up to form cylindrical units of bone tissue are called_______?

A. OsteonsB. LamellaeC. LacunaeD. Canaliculi

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Unit 4 Review Questions

32. Bone-making cells is called ______?

A. OsteoblastsB. OsteocytesC. OsteoclastsD. FibroblastsE. Osteomalacia

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Unit 4 Review Questions

33. The acetabulum is located in the_____?

A. SkullB. HipC. AnkleD. NeckE. Thoracic cage

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Final Project – To include…. You are tasked with creating a PowerPoint

presentation that will be used to educate a patient on a recently diagnosed condition.

Create an educational and informative piece that can be understood by the average citizen.

Details:1. Select a disease or condition that has been covered in

one of the systems discussed in this course (Chapters 1-10).

2. Describe the anatomy of the organs, physiology, pathology, and biochemistry involved in the diagnosis.

3. Include information about how other organ systems are impacted by the condition.

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Final Project – Continued….

• Be sure that you have addressed the following objectives in your work:• Identify the major anatomical regions, landmarks,

directions and cavities of the organs affected by the diagnosis.

• Identify the organs involved in the diagnosis. Explain the normal functioning of the organs.

• Analyze the chemical basis of physiologic processes involved in the disease.

• Explain how the disease or condition affects the integration of the body systems in maintaining homeostasis.

• Describe the functional relationships between the body systems and the disease process.

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Required Elements Submitted as a Microsoft PowerPoint 12 – 15 slides with Speaker Notes! Written in Standard American English

Proper grammar Sentence Structure Spelling – Use spell check and review (their/there issues)

Demonstrate the following Thorough content – viewpoint and purpose Organization & Flow

APA formatting Citations in the Speaker notes or slides per APA guidelines References

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APA Formatting Title Slide– in proper APA format

Your Name HS120, Section # Unit 9 Final Project Kaplan University Date

Overview Slide Bullets not to contain more than 5 – 7

words No paragraphs! This information should be in

your speaker notes. Citations within the speaker notes and/or

on the slide for quoted material or picture. Summary Slide Reference Slide

Page 47: HS120 Anatomy & Physiology Unit 5 Seminar Teresa Thomas, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM

APA Formatting (cont’d) References

Textbook Reference (hanging indent)

Thibodeau, G., Patton, K. (2008). Structure and Function of the Body 9 (13th ed). St. Louis,

MO: Mosby Elsevier Publishing

Notice the second and subsequent lines are indented 0.5”

KU Writing Center – APA information Others

References (on the reference page) per APA Citations ( speaker notes and/or slides)

Do not use URLs (website addresses) as in-text citations or as the reference.

Page 48: HS120 Anatomy & Physiology Unit 5 Seminar Teresa Thomas, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM

APA Formating (cont’d) The PPT you submit must be your own work. If you borrow ideas from printed sources or from people you

have spoken to or heard speak, be certain to cite the sources of those ideas.

Even when paraphrasing, you need to include citation. References are to be listed on a Slides of its own

Formatted as per APA guidelines. For information in formatting per APA guidelines, visit Kaplan’s

Writing Center. You must use a minimum of three references other than your

textbook. Medical dictionaries and medical encyclopedias, if used,

are not to be counted as one of the three references


Page 49: HS120 Anatomy & Physiology Unit 5 Seminar Teresa Thomas, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM

Final Project (cont’d)

If you have questions, you can: Other Sections

Contact your Professor AIM Email

My Section Call me (This is Quicker)

Send me an email Remember it may take up to 24

hours for a response

Page 50: HS120 Anatomy & Physiology Unit 5 Seminar Teresa Thomas, RN, BSN, MBA-HCM

Final Project (cont’d)

Don’t wait until the final day to ask for help.

Favorite saying…. Lack of planning on your part, does not

constitute an emergency on my part. Yes, you can borrow this for your older

children, coworkers and anyone else who meets the criteria!

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