
HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds



The Department of Human Development & Psychological Counseling Appalachian State University

Fall 2016

Professor: Dominique Hammonds, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, DCC Office: College of Education Building, Office 314A Classroom: ROCE 301, Thursdays 5:30pm - 8:20pm Phone: (828) 262-6047 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: T (10:00am – 11:30am); W (11:30am – 12:15pm); R (3:45pm - 5:30pm)

Please email me to schedule an appointment.

COURSE DESCRIPTION Several selected theories of counseling will be studied in depth, emphasizing primary sources. Other theories will be studied, giving breadth to this area of knowledge. Interrelationships of personality development, learning and "problems" will be stressed. COURSE OVERVIEW This introductory course is designed to increase student knowledge and understanding of theories essential to the helping profession. The nature of this course will require students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to the application of counseling theories to a variety of persons and presenting concerns. Relevant concepts of each theory discussed include view of human development, maladjustment, therapeutic alliance, goals of counseling, and the therapeutic process and procedures, and techniques of counseling. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course is designed to meet the requirements below as outlined by the CACREP 2016 Standards.


5. COUNSELING AND HELPING RELATIONSHIPS a. theories and models of counseling b. a systems approach to conceptualizing clients c. theories, models, and strategies for understanding and practicing consultation d. ethical and culturally relevant strategies for establishing and maintaining in-person and technology-assisted relationships e.  the impact of technology on the counseling process f. counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence the counseling process g. essential interviewing, counseling, and case conceptualization skills h. developmentally relevant counseling treatment or intervention plans i. development of measurable outcomes for clients j. evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques for prevention and intervention k. strategies to promote client understanding of and access to a variety of community-based resources l. suicide prevention models and strategies m. crisis intervention, trauma-informed, and community-based strategies, such as Psychological First Aid n. processes for aiding students in developing a personal model of counseling

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


CONTENT AREAS The topics covered in this course include 1) The Counselor: Person and Professional 2) Ethical Issues in Counseling Practice 3) Major Counseling Approaches: Psychoanalytic Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, Existential Therapy, Person-

Centered, Gestalt Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Reality Therapy, Feminist Therapy, and Postmodern Approaches

Foci: Key Concepts, The Therapeutic Process, Application of Therapeutic Techniques and Procedures, and Multicultural Perspective

KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL OUTCOMES The aforementioned course objectives will provide students with the opportunity to: 1. Identify and describe the basic tenets and key concepts of the major counseling theories. 2. Identify key figures associated with theoretical models, including review of selected seminal works from primary sources for each theoretical model. 3. Articulate the main philosophical differences between selected theoretical approaches. 4. Compare and contrast strengths and limitations of the various models studied. 5. Identify the historical and cultural perspectives of the theories. 6. Recognize the attitudes, values and beliefs that according to the theorists facilitate change and growth. 7. Understand and implement counseling techniques necessary for an effective interview. 8. Integrate and apply major techniques and problem solving processes. 9. Describe the conditions under which particular theoretical models and techniques can be utilized most effectively. 10. Assess personal assets, limitations and reactions to theories as a potential counselor and develop an initial personal philosophy of counseling.

TEXTBOOKS Required Corey, G (2017). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. 10th edition. Cengage Learning. Boston, Massachusetts. ISBN-13: 978-1-305-26372-7 METHODS OF INSTRUCTION I believe that students learn best when a combination of instruction methods are used. As such, class will be active and encourage engagement beyond lecture. This course utilizes the Flipped Classroom pedagogy and makes use of multiple methods of self-paced instruction outside of class and instructor-guided experiential learning during class time. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom et al, 1956; Lorin, 2001) levels of learning range from knowledge and comprehension to application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Thus, I will encourage discussion, application and evaluation of the course material. It is your responsibility to be knowledgeable about assigned readings, videos, or other relevant content so that you may contribute meaningfully in class. This course incorporates skill demonstration, class discussions, videotapes/DVDs, audio podcasts, and experiential activities. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AND PLAGIARISM

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


I. Introduction Appalachian State University’s Academic Integrity Code is designed to create an atmosphere of trust, respect, fairness, honesty, and responsibility. The Academic Integrity Code outlines “user-friendly” procedures and mechanisms for resolving alleged violations of academic integrity. The Academic Integrity Code is the result of cooperation among Appalachian’s faculty, students, and administrators, and promotes a campus dialogue about academic integrity. All members of the Appalachian State University community are responsible for promoting an ethical learning environment.

II. The Academic Integrity Code Students attending Appalachian State University agree to abide by the following Code:

o Students will not lie, cheat, or steal to gain academic advantage. o Students will oppose every instance of academic dishonesty.

Students shall agree to abide by the Academic Integrity Code when submitting the admission application.

EXTENSIONS Papers and projects are due as assigned. Unavoidable extensions must be requested in advance. Timely completion of projects is a substantial component of evaluation. No late assignments will be accepted for a grade without prior approval from the instructor. ATTENDANCE POLICY It is expected that students attend ALL scheduled class meetings in their entirety and are prepared to contribute in a constructive manner. Excessive tardiness and absences are a reflection of one's professional identity as a future counselor. Tardiness, “early leaves”, or extended breaks will be noted and accrued toward absences. As such, two tardies will be recorded as an absence. Furthermore, due to the degree of importance placed on the CACREP standards and core requirements you may be absent from only one class without incurring a grade reduction. Additionally, in the event that medical reasons, death in a family, or any other unforeseeable circumstance will result in you missing more than three classes, you will be advised to drop the course and take it at a time more convenient for you (i.e., there will be no Incompletes given by the instructor, nor make-up assignments for missed classes). COURSE CHANGES This syllabus is a good faith approximation of the requirements and schedule for this course. However, the instructor reserves the right to make reasonable changes (additions and deletions) as appropriate. ALTERNATIVE LEARNING NEEDS Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you have a disability and may need reasonable accommodations in order to have equal access to the University’s courses, programs and activities, please inform your instructors and contact the Office of Disability Services (828.262.3056 or Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS

1. Attend all classes. You are; however, allowed one absence. You may use this absence for whatever you choose. You may schedule a dentist appointment, have an out of town wedding to attend, or choose to

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


save it in case you take ill. Beyond your one absence, any others will result in a 4-point deduction from your CCS-R/ Attendance score. This is non-negotiable, so please use your absence wisely.

2. Submit all online assignments completed in Microsoft Word, not Pages or any other word processing application. No PDF’s will be accepted. Instructor feedback will be given via Track Changes in Microsoft Word.

3. All online submissions must be formatted in the following manner:



If you fail to follow these directions, points will be deducted from your assignment grade. 4. Always use APA 6 formatting when completing assignments. Among other things, this means you

should pay attention to your title page, margins, font type, font size, in-text citations, reference page, use of voice, and tone.

5. If you have a question about your grade or you want to talk about a part of an assignment that is specific to you, please make an appointment to come see me during office hours. We have a great deal to cover in this course and it may be better to use out-of-class time for these matters.

6. Please refrain from using electronic communications during class time. If you are expecting an important call (ex: update about family member in the hospital, please let me know before class). Barring extreme circumstance, it is rude and unprofessional to your classmates and the instructor.

ACADEMIC POLICY STATEMENTS Academic Integrity The tenants of Appalachian State University’s Academic Integrity Code will be enforced throughout this course including but not limited to assignments and activities (in and outside of class). For more information on the Academic Integrity Code please refer to: Student Accommodations “Appalachian State University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Those seeking accommodations based on a substantially limiting disability must contact and register with The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at or 828-262-3056. Once registration is complete, individuals will meet with ODS staff to discuss eligibility and appropriate accommodations.” Student Religious Observations Policy In accordance with Appalachian State University’s Religious Observance policy, students are permitted to a minimum of two excused absences each academic year for religious observance required by faith of a student. Written notice must be given to each instructor no later than three weeks after the first day of the term. Inclement Weather Policy In the event of inclement weather problems that could affect the safety and wellbeing of students and/or the instructor traveling from off-campus, the instructor will consult with the department chair and make a

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


decision regarding whether class will be held. In the event that class is postponed, students will be contacted by email. Students are responsible for checking messages before leaving for class. Classes postponed due to inclement weather will be rescheduled or compensated for through other arrangements or assignments. Online tools such as Go to Meeting or Adobe Collaborative via AsUlearn help us stay on track with the course schedule and meet virtually when classes are cancelled. Alternatively, make-up assignments may be required that explore relevant material missed due to cancellation. Examples may include a discussion board, live online chat, or writing assignment. The instructor will determine, based on schedule and course requirements, when to implement these options. ASSIGNMENTS Participation and Dispositions Attendance and participation is a very important part of this course. Class attendance is mandatory; however, you are allowed one absence (excused or unexcused). I do not need to be informed of your absence, but keep in mind that beyond your first absence you will incur grade deductions (-4) per missed day of class. Dispositions refer to appropriate conduct, professional behavior, and expectations of counselors. Please refer to the Counselor Competency Scale –Revised provided by Dr. Hammonds for more information. Each week I will assess your developing competency, in addition to course assignments, using the rubric below. Attending class each week will grant you 4 points; however, you may lose these points for dispositions not meeting a rating of “ Meets Expectations”. At the end of the semester, full points = 13 (number of in-class days) x 4 (CCS-R Rating of “Meets Expectations”). Personal Counseling Theory Paper You will choose a counseling theory to research and summarize why the chosen theory is a good fit for you at this point in your professional development. When articulating your personal theory address key concepts of the chosen theory such as main philosophy, key concepts, the therapeutic relationship, etc. The Corey (2017) text and at least two additional articles from a primary sources should serve as your references. The personal counseling theory paper is to be a typed five to six page paper (not including a title and reference page) written using APA 6 format. Please double space your document, use Times New Roman font (12 pt.) and allow one-inch margins on all four sides.


Unacceptable Below Near Meets Exceeds Expectations

1. Linked tenets of theory to personal attributes, goals, and projected working environment

2. Meaningful incorporation of two additional resources

3. Material was presented in an organized and well thought-out manner. Thoroughly addressed all parts of project prompt

4. Used Correct APA formatting and citations with three or few grammatical or writing errors

5. Proper assignment file name extension

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Midterm Exam The midterm will cover the first half of the course material. The exam will be a combination of multiple choice and true-false questions. While you will be allowed to use notes to help you complete the assignment, it will be timed and you will not have enough time to consult other sources for every question. Reading all course material and participating in in-class experiential activities is the best way to prepare. Students will complete this assignment online and receive immediate evaluative feedback. Final Exam The final exam will cover the second half of the class and will consist of a combination of multiple-choice and true-false questions taken from the material covered in class. While you will be allowed to use notes to help you complete the assignment, it will be timed and you will not have enough time to consult other sources for every question. Reading all course material and participating in in-class experiential activities is the best way to prepare. Students will complete this assignment online and receive immediate evaluative feedback. Case File The case file project is the culmination of your theoretical and practical knowledge of counseling theories and techniques. As such, you will be required to create a three-ringed binder that will serve as a “case file” for each client that the class assesses during the GGCCRP experiential activities.

While the Case File assignment is very detailed and time consuming, you will be given time each class period to work on your case file with the help of other classmates and Dr. Hammonds. Use this time wisely.

“CASE FILE ” PORTFOLIO RUBRIC Expectation 1 2 3 4 5

Unacceptable Below Near Meets Exceeds Expectations

1. 19 face sheets are present and completed 2. I9 intakes are present and concisely written in clinically appropriate language

3. 19 case conceptualizations are present and address all parts of the prompt in a theoretically-sound manner

4. Written summary is organized and well thought-out

5. Written summary includes no more than 3 grammatical or writing errors

6. Written summary concretely and clearly explores role of theory in relation to client presenting concern

7. Written summary concretely and clearly explores role of theory in relation to client background

8. Written summary concretely and clearly explores role of theory in relation to case conceptualization

9. Written summary concretely and clearly explores role of theory in

• Your case file must include: o 1 face sheet for each client (total 19) o 1 intake for each client (total 19) o 1 case conceptualization for each client (total 19) o 1 written summary of your thoughts about the role of theory in relation to: client presenting

concern, client background, case conceptualization, and client treatment plan that encompasses your experience of all 19 activities. This summary must be between 3 and 5 pages of double spaced text. Please use APA 6 style format.

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


relation to treatment planning 10. Written summary includes concise reflection of student’s personal experience of the assessment, conceptualization, and treatment planning process

11. Written summary is in APA 6 format 12. Case File Portfolio submitted on-time Yes= 3 No= 0

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


12. Submitted in a 1.5 inch 3 ring binder with title page in front sleeve YES: 6 Points NO: 0 Points Bonus Opportunities Occasionally you may be given an opportunity to enrich your counselor development and/ or contribute to the scholarly work of Dr. Hammonds. For your volunteer participation you will be rewarded with bonus points. Opportunities will be announced as they arise.

Course Grading

EVALUATION: Grading Scale: A = 95-100 A- = 90-94 B+ = 86-89 B = 83-85 B- = 80-82 C+ = 76-79 C = 73-75 C- = 70-72

F = 71 or Lower


CCS-R Dispositions Students will have the opportunity to earn up to 5 points per week of course participation for demonstration of Professional Dispositions as outlined by the Counseling Competencies Scale-Revised.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


(5) Exceeds Expectations / Demonstrates Competencies (4) Meets Expectations / Demonstrates Competencies (3) Near Expectations / Developing towards Competencies (2) Below Expectations / Insufficient / Unacceptable (1) Harmful

Possible 52 Earned

2 Mid-Term Possible 15 Earned

3 Final Exam Possible 15 Earned

4 Personal Theory Paper Possible 25 Earned

5 Case File Possible 58 Earned

Course Totals

Possible 165 Earned



HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Date Tentative Course Schedule Assignments

1 8.18.16 Course Introduction Introduction and Overview The Counselor: Person and Professional Ethical Issues in Counseling and Practice

Read: Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3 MindTap: Ch. 1 Lecturette, Video Quiz, Ch. 2 Lecturette, Ch. 3 Lecturette

2 8.25.16 Psychoanalytic Therapy

Read: Ch. 4 MindTap: Ch. 4 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

3 9.01.16 Adlerian Therapy Read: Ch. 5 MindTap: Ch 5 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

4 9.08.16

Existential Therapy Read: Ch. 6 MindTap: Ch. 6 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

5 9.15.16 Person-Centered Therapy

Read: Ch. 7 MindTap: Ch. 7 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

6 9.22.16 Gestalt Therapy Read: Ch. 8 MindTap: Ch. 8 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

7 9.29.16

Behavior Therapy Read: Ch. 9 MindTap: Ch. 9 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

8 10.06.16 SACES CONFERENCE: NO IN-CLASS MEETING Crisis Counseling Family Systems Theory

Read: Ch, 14; Miller, G (2011) MindTap: Ch. 14 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, *Mid-Term Exam


10 10.20.16 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Read: Ch. 10 MindTap: Ch. 10 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

11 10.27.16

Choice Theory/ Reality Therapy Read: Ch. 11 MindTap: Ch. 11 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz

12 11.03.16 Feminist Therapy Read: Ch. 12 MindTap: Ch. 12 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz * Personal Theory Paper Due

13 11.10.16 Postmodern Approaches Read: Ch. 13 MindTap: Ch. 13 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert 1, Video Interview w/ Expert 2 *Case File Portfolio Due

14 11.17.16 Final In-Class Meeting An Integrated Perspective

Read: Ch 15 MindTap: Ch. 15 Lecturette, Video Interview w/ Expert, Video Quiz



17 12.08.16 (14) Final Exam

*Final Exam

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds




1. Counselor Competency Rating Scale-Revised pg. 11 2. Personal Counseling Theory Paper Directions pg. 13 3. TCAD-CM pg. 14 4. Case File Portfolio

a. Face Sheet pg. 16 b. Narrative Intake (Biopsychosocial Assessment) pg. 17 c. Case Conceptualization pg. 20

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Counselor C

ompetency Scale –R

evised Lam

bie, Mullen, Sw

ank, & B

lount (2015)

Part 2: Counseling D

ispositions & B


HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds



You will choose one theory of psychotherapy. Research and summarize why your chosen theory is a good fit for you at this point in your counselor development. When articulating your personal theory briefly address key concepts of your chosen theory such as human development, maladjustment, therapeutic relationship, therapeutic alliance, goals of counseling, and therapeutic process and procedures/techniques of counseling. Your paper should be a personal interpretation of your theory of choice. Do not simply parrot the textbook. In other words, please include an in-depth discussion of what makes this theory a good fit for you, what you personally bring to your chosen theory, and how you will uniquely implement this approach. Again, this should be the focus of your paper, not simply recounting basic concepts of the approach. The course text and at least two additional empirical articles or books should serve as your references. The personal counseling theory paper is to be a typed five to six paged paper (including a title and reference page) written using APA 6 format. Please double-space your document, use Times New Roman font (12 pt.) and allow one-inch margins on all four sides.

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Theoretical Conceptualization, Application, and Documentation Course Model (TCAD-CM)

This creative and engaging class project developed for use with a graduate-level Counseling Theory and Techniques course combines the use of Flipped Classroom pedagogy and numerous active instructional techniques such as simulated clients, actors, and a process model developed by Dr. Dominique Hammonds in 2015, The Group-Guided Case Conceptualization Role Play model (GGCCRP). Students will learn counseling theory and techniques by actively applying them in simulated situations, as close to the real world as possible but without the risks associated with using other counseling students or peers as role-play clients such as breaches of confidentiality and boundary issues.

There will be 10 days over the course of the semester in which two student participants of the “Oral

Interpretation” course from Appalachian State University’s Theater and Dance Department will come having prepared a detailed character sketch representing a client with a mental health concern. Near the beginning of the semester, student actors will be given a case description approved by the instructors of the master’s-level counseling theories course and undergraduate-level acting courses. Each case will be different and represent a new client with in-depth background, identity, experiences, and presenting concerns. Student actors will be challenged to study and embellish the character in order to present a realistic representation of the client, their mannerisms, and emotions.

Counseling students will not be given the case or description of the client ahead of each class period

and instead must conduct a brief assessment of the client’s presenting concerns and begin to develop a preliminary conceptualization of the client through the lens of the counseling theory being discussed that week. Students must work together as a group to assess and conceptualize the client, guided by the instructor using the GGCCRP model. This process is dynamic and will grow and change depending on what is presented by the student actor and questions posed by student counselors, which is very similar to the process of counseling with real-world clients. As such, counseling students must have a sound understanding of the basic concepts of each theory in order to assess and conceptualize each client with intent.

Please read below for structural details about the use of the Theoretical Case Conceptualizations

Project during the fall semester of 2016.

Number Date Student Actor Name Simulated Client Name Theoretical Approach 1 9-01-2016 TBD Client 1 Adlerian Therapy

2 9-01-2016 TBD Client 2 Adlerian Therapy

3 9-08-2016 TBD Client 3 Existential Therapy

4 9-08-2016 TBD Client 4 Existential Therapy

5 9-15-2016 TBD Client 5 Person Centered


6 9-15-2016 TBD Client 6 Person Centered Counseling

7 9-22-2016 TBD Client 7 Gestalt Therapy

8 9-22-2016 TBD Client 8 Gestalt Therapy

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


9 9-29-2016 TBD Client 9 Behavior Therapy

10 9-29-2016 TBD Client 10 Behavior Therapy

11 10-20-2016 TBD Client 11 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

12 10-20-2016 TBD Client 12 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

13 10-27-2016 TBD Client 13 Reality Therapy

14 10-27-2016 TBD Client 14 Reality Therapy

15 11-03-2016 TBD Client 15 Feminist Therapy

16 11-03-2016 TBD Client 16 Feminist Therapy

17 11-10-2016 TBD Client 17 Solution Focused Brief Therapy

18 11-10-2016 TBD Client 18 Narrative Therapy

19 11-17-2016 TBD Client 19 Family Systems

Course Name: Counseling Theory and Techniques

Course ID: 5220 – 101

Meets: Thursdays from 5:30pm – 8:20pm

Classroom: RCOE – 301

Project Agenda

5:30 - 6:00pm Material Overview & Questions

6:00 - 6:45pm GGCCRP 1 with Simulated Client

6:45 - 7:00pm Break

7:00 - 7:45pm GGCCRP 2 with Simulated Client

7:45 – 8:20pm Documentation & Questions

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Face Sheet

Date of Admission_____________ Client ID__________________

Client Full Name________________________________________________________________

Self-Identified Gender __________________________ Preferred Pronoun/s__________

Date of Birth__________________________________ Guardian__________________



Telephone Number____________________________ E-mail____________________

Emergency Contact Name_______________________ Relationship________________

Emergency Contract Telephone_____________________________________________________

Presenting Concerns______________________________________________________________



Referral Source:

Internet/ Website

Friend/ Family

Treatment Mandated by _______________ ______________________________________

Other ______________________________ Service Requested:

Individual Counseling

Couples Counseling

Family Counseling

Distance Counseling

Other ______________________________

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Biopsychosocial Assessment

Last Name, First Name, MI

Client ID Date of Assessment XX/XX/XXXX

Demographic Information (age, sexual orientation, race, gender, relationship status, place of residence) Presenting Concern (concern, duration, intensity) Family Background / Intimate Relationships (relevant history) Academic/ Employment/ Military Previous Counseling/ Medication (medication, dosage, prescription date) Coping/ Support System (hobbies, spirituality, network of support)

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Physical Functioning (appetite, sleeping, sexual functioning, alcohol, tobacco, drug, caffeine use, major health concerns) Legal History Risk Assessment (suicidal ideation, method, lethality, intent, attempts, self harm, hospitalizations) Strengths (as stated by client)




HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Goals (as stated by client)

1. 2. 3.

Endorsement _________________________________________________ ____________ Client Date _________________________________________________ ____________ Clinician Date

HPC 5220-101 COUNSELING THEORY & TECHNIQUES Fall 2016 - Hammonds


Theoretical Case Conceptualization A case conceptualization is a structured clinical “guess” or “estimation” of the motivations, drives, and

historical implications that explain the client’s current experiences. Therefore, when creating a conceptualization, we are not saying that the information being presented is “true”, we are merely attempting to understand the client and the information they have presented us through the lens of the theory so we can begin to treat them in an ethically and theoretically-sound manner.

Written case conceptualizations should be presented in third-person, using clinical language such as “The client reported”, “In Person Centered Counseling, individuation is an important concept”, “The clinician might proceed by”, or “It is believed that”. Proceed by creating a narrative summary of each section below, making sure that you answer each question thoroughly using the specific language of the theory.

Background Information

• Demographic information, such as age, grade in school, employment, family unit, and history that seems relevant to the presenting problem.

• Presenting problem: Why did the client approach you, from the client's perspective? Or why did you approach the client?

• Was there a precipitating set of circumstances? How long has the problem(s) persisted? • If third parties are involved, what were their observations and concerns?

Theory of Maladjustment

• Describe your observations and impressions of the client. What are the common themes? • What are the client's barriers to growth and coping skills? • What is the client trying to accomplish by various behaviors? • How might maladjustment have occurred for the client based on the lens of the theory?

Goals of Counseling

• What are the client’s specific goals based on the goals of the theory? Relationship Between Counselor and Client

• Based on the theory, how might the counselor structure the counseling relationship? Therapeutic Process

• Based on the client’s goals for counseling, how might the counselor proceed with the client? • What specific procedures/ techniques might the counselor employ?

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