
HP Quality Center Agile Project AcceleratorSoftware Version: 5.0

User Guide

Document Release Date: May 2011 Software Release Date: May 2011HP Confidential

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1 Prerequisites......................................................................................7 2 Introduction........................................................................................8 3 Theme: Folder Structure.....................................................................9 4 Theme: User Story Prioritization and Navigation - Not Available in Basic Version and in ALM................................................................11 5 Theme: Create Tasks, User Defined Fields.......................................12 6 Theme: Effort Calculation & Story Points..........................................13 7 Theme: Risk Based Story and Task Management Not Available in Basic Version...................................................................................14 8 Theme: Automatic Testing Time from Functional Complexity Not Available in Basic Version................................................................15 9 Theme: Sprint Team Capacity Not Available in Basic Version...........16 10 Theme: Unit Testing ......................................................................17 11 Integration with JUnit......................................................................20 12 Integration with FitNesse Not Available in Basic Version...............22 13 Continuous Integration with Cruise Not Available in Basic Version...................................................................................23 14 Integration with Hudson Not Available in Basic Version.................25 15 Theme: Epic Not Available in Basic Version....................................26 16 Theme- Reporting Excel Charts ...................................................27HP Confidential 5

Sprint Burn down Chart By Effort..............................................................................................27 Sprint Burn down Chart By Story Points Not Available in Basic Version....................................28 Velocity by # of Story Points Not Available in Basic Version.......................................................29 Velocity by # of User Stories Not Available in Basic Version.......................................................30 Team Based Burndown Chart Not Available in Basic Version......................................................30

17 Theme: Converting Defects to Tasks Not Available in Basic Version ........................................................................................................32 18 Theme: Pre-built Views Not Available in Basic Version...................33 19 Theme Security and Agile User Groups Not Available in Basic Version............................................................................................34 20 Theme - Taskboard....................................................................35

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1 Prerequisites You will need a QC 10.0 instance. Do not delete the existing releases, cycles and requirements in the project as the sample reports are based on this data. If you delete this data you will not be able to see the sample reports. Add these two parameters to Site Config of your QC instance: DISABLE_COMMAND_INTERFACE (set it to N) DISABLE_EXTENDED_STORAGE (set it to N)

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2 IntroductionThe QC Agile Accelerator helps Dev and QA teams to implement Agile processes and entities within an organization using HP Quality Center. The main features of the Accelerator are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Set up of Agile entities Product, Release, Sprint, User Stories and Tasks. Special user-defined fields for each of the entities. Product Backlog re-prioritization and navigation Effort Calculation & Story Points Super Stories Agile Reports Pre-built Views Teams and Team members Security and Authorization

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3 Theme: Folder Structure1 Log in as Product Master (productowner1/). Navigate to the Management Module in QC. Selects the top level (Releases) and create a Release Folder. (IMP: A release folder corresponds to a PRODUCT in the Agile world). Create a Release directly under the Release Folder created in Step 1 (IMP: Release in Mgmt module corresponds to RELEASE in Agile world). Start and End Dates are mandatory. Navigate to the Requirements Module the workflow has automatically created a Requirement with the same name as the Product and the requirement type is Product Folder. It has also created a Requirement type Release Folder under the Product. It also creates a Release Backlog Folder under the Release requirement. [The workflow automatically recreates the product and release from the Mgmt module to Requirements module thus saving re-work and reducing human errors] In the Management module, create two cycles under the Release (IMP: A cycle in Mgmt module corresponds to SPRINT in Agile world). Start and End Dates are mandatory. Name these Cycles Sprint1 and Sprint2 -> This will make Agile users better digest with the fact that we are talking about Sprints now. Go to the Requirements module. Click Refresh. The requirements tree is automatically created based on the Mgmt module. This tree structure is seen: Product name (Req Type: Product Folder) Release name (Req Type: Release Folder) Backlog Folder (Req Type: Backlog Folder) User Story (Req Type: User Story) Sprint Name (Req Type: Sprint Folder)





Note: Every sprint will have a default user story created called _Tasks_FromDefectsModule. This is the user story that will contain all tasks that are generated from the Defects module. 6 Now we need to create User Stories. User Stories can be created by uploading using Excel add-in or can be created manually. For purposes of demo, we are going to do it manually. Select the Release Backlog Folder requirement created above and click the New Requirement icon. Create at least 3 User story requirements. There is a certain amount of built in fault tolerance in the workflow. Selecting the backlog folder, create one more new requirement and this time choose a Requirement other than User Story requirement in the New requirement dropdown. The workflow auto corrects to create a User Story requirement. This feature guides the user to create the right folder structure. Fill in details about the user story. It will be noticed that the User Story is automatically populated with the following values: Release to which the user story belongs to Highlight the point that the Sprint to which the user story belongs to is Blank since it is now in the Backlog Folder Team that is going to implement the User StoryHP Confidential 9

7 8


Story Points -> This is the weightage for the User Story. Select any value from 1 through 8.

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4 Theme: User Story Prioritization and Navigation - Not Available in Basic Version and in ALM1 We have created 4 User Stories in the above step. Look at the Requirements grid and you will notice that the Position column is automatically filled in with the position of the User Story. The position determines the priority of the User Story. Lower the number higher the priority. In order to move around the User Stories you have 2 options: a b Use the Up and Down Arrows (icons) to move the User Stories within the sprint Use the Order Backlog icon. Click on the icon and enter the position where you want to move the User Story to.

2 3

(IMPORTANT: After navigation the page may not refresh automatically this is a probable issue that is being looked into. To fix this for now, just click on the "Refresh" button manually on the QC screen or just log off and log back in to the project and it will be fine. )

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5 Theme: Create Tasks, User Defined Fields1 2 3 4 5 6 There are now 4 User Stories in the Backlog Folder. Drag and drop two User Stories to Sprint 1 and two to Sprint 2. Now open up one of the User Stories. The Target Sprint field in the User Stories is now automatically populated with the Sprint that it had been dropped into. Other user defined fields on this page are -> Teams, Priority, Reviewed, Fit Criteria (Acceptance Test), Macro Plan, Actual Hours, Estimated Hours etc. Now selecting one of the user stories, create a Task Requirement. Create at least 3 Tasks. Open up a Task Requirement and show the user-defined fields in a Task Requirements. Fields are very similar to User Story. However, a Task can be assigned to an individual person. You will have fields Teams and Assigned To. Tasks also have status fields -> Draft, Defined, In Progress and Completed.

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6 Theme: Effort Calculation & Story Points1 2 3 4 For the 3 Tasks created above, fill in the following fields: (The Actual effort values need to be less than the Current Effort Estimation values) Current Effort Estimation Actual Effort Spent To display rollup effort calculation, select the Sprint that the tasks belong to. Now click on the Effort Calculation icon on the tool bar. QC refreshes and the Sprint shows the rolled up effort calculation effort. The effort hours are summed up and calculated for Current Estimated Hours, Actual Effort Spent, Time Remaining & Percentage Completed. Open the Sprint record. The Total Story Points and Story Points Balance fields have summed values of all story points within that sprint. Open up one of the User Stories and set the Status of the User Story to be Completed or Accepted. Perform effort calculation again and then open up the Sprint record again. You will notice that the Story Point Balance field now has the Total Story Points minus the Story Points of the User story that you just completed or accepted. Effort calculation can be done at the Release level also.

5 6 7


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7 Theme: Risk Based Story and Task Management Not Available in Basic VersionUser Stories can also be prioritized using Business risk. This helps in working on the high risk tasks first so defects can be uncovered faster by testing them first. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Open development Tasks, click on the Risk button on the left panel. Fill out both Risk Assessment (Business Criticality and Failure probability) and Functional Complexity. Once this has been done for all development tasks underneath the User Story, Open the User Story click on Risk button on the left panel. Click on Perform Risk Analysis. Fill out the Total Allocated Testing time based on the number displayed. You can now see how the tasks have been categorized across Business risk. Do not close this window yet.

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8 Theme: Automatic Testing Time from Functional Complexity Not Available in Basic Version1 In the same window above, click on Save and Apply to Children. The testing time generated from the functionally complexity has now been assigned to the dev tasks. Close this window, select a dev task by highlighting it. Now click on the Copy dev task to test task button on the toolbar. A new testing task is created and also notice the estimated effort field is automatically filled from the functional complexity of the development task.

2 3 4

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9 Theme: Sprint Team Capacity Not Available inBasic Version1 Under the sprint folder notice the Sprint_team_Capacity folder, this contains all the users for the Agile project who are listed out as users grouped into each folder which represents the User groups they belong to. It is advised that for Agile project the users belong only to one group especially the developers/testers. As you assign tasks to the sprint teams the Sprint team capacity folder automatically updates and reflects the number of hours assigned to each user.


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10 Theme: Unit Testing1 What Is NUnit? NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit, the current production release, version 2.5, is the sixth major release of this xUnit based unit testing tool for Microsoft .NET. It is written entirely in C# and has been completely redesigned to take advantage of many .NET language features, for example custom attributes and other reflection related capabilities. NUnit brings xUnit to all .NET languages. 2 Installation By default the NUnit installation program places all of the files into the C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.5.8 directory. In the installation directory there are up to four sub-directories: net-1.1, net-2.0, doc, and samples. The actual number depends on what the user has chosen to install. Source code is no longer provided with the binary installation package. Download the source package if source is needed. 3 Configuration When running NUnit from the command line or through the desktop shortcut, the configuration files nunit.exe.config and nunit-console.exe.config controls the operation of NUnit itself. Settings that you place in these files are not available to your tests or to the production code you are testing. A separate config file is used for your tests themselves. If you are running tests from the test.dll assembly, the config file should be named test.dll.config. If you are running tests from the NUnit test project MyTests.nunit, the config file should be named MyTests.config. In either case the config file must reside in the same directory as the file from which it takes its name. In addition to settings of your own, the config file for a set of tests may contain information used by NUnit in loading your tests. In particular, this allows you to control the apartment state and priority of the thread that NUnit uses to run your tests. Other settings may be added in the future. Instructions for executing Nunit in QC a Create a Unit test case for a Task in the Requirement Module. Select a Development task under User Story, click on the button for unit Test Creation.


b c

Unit Test case will be generated under the Unit folder of corresponding Sprint in the test plan module. Create Nunit VAPI Script.(In Test Plan Module)HP Confidential 17

Select the Unit Test case and click on the Nunit VAPI script Creation button.

Provide the Application folder information where the Nunit Test file or Application exe resides.

Provide .nunit or .exe file with extension. VAPI Test Script will be generated and uploaded in the repository. Execute the Nunit VAPI Script. After selecting the Test case, open Test Script Tab in the test plan. Newly generated script will be downloaded to the test script window. Execute the script by clicking on the Execute Script button.

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Nunit Tool will execute and the result will appear in the Output window.

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11 Integration with JUnit1 Prerequisites for JUnit Install Java and set environment variables CLASSPATH, for example, %JUNIT_HOME%\junit4.8.2.jar;D:\junit4.8.2;%JUNIT_HOME%\junit-4.8.2-src.jar;%JUNIT_HOME%\junitdep-4.8.2.jar; JAVA_HOME, for example C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22; JUNIT_HOME, for example D:\junit4.8.2. Unit Test Cases should be ready. Select a Task and click on the Create Unit Test button.

Application Name with package name. Input should be like org.junit.samples.SimpleTest. Unit Test case will be generated under the Unit folder of corresponding Sprint in the test plan module. Create JUnit VAPI Script. (In Test Plan Module).

Select the Unit Test case and click on the JUnit VAPI script Creation Button.

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Provide the Application folder information where the Junit Test files or where the Application resides. JUnit VAPI Test Script will be generated and uploaded to the QC repository. Execute the JUnit VAPI Script. After selecting the Test case, open Test Script Tab in the test plan. Newly generated Script will be downloaded to the test script window. Execute the script by clicking on Execute Script button.


JUnit Tool will execute and the result will appear in the Output window.


Results: Test result is stored in temporary folder, for example, D:\Documents and Settings\user.r\Local Settings\Temp\UnitTest_junitTest28_11134_325\junitTestresult.

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12 Integration with FitNesseVersion1 2 3 Prerequisites for FitNesse Install FitNesse. Install Java

Not Available in Basic

Wiki pages to be tested should be ready. These wikipages are located in FitNesseRoot. Input Parameters: You will now be prompted for: Location of the fitnesse.jar file. Input should be given like D:\Fitnesse. Application Name to be tested like MyTestPage. Results Test result is stored in temporary folder, for example, D:\Documents and Settings\user.r\Local Settings\Temp\UnitTest_FitnesseTest1_11137_333\FitnesseTestresult.

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13 Continuous Integration with Cruise Not Available in Basic VersionInvoking Cruise (in Requirement module) Cruise should be installed on the Server or on the system where Continuous integration and build will take place. Cruise Control .net should be configured with version control like VSS or SVN and build tools like MSBuild or Nant. We can configure Cruise to unit testing tools like Nunit, Fitness etc. If server and the client system are different CCTray in the client system should be installed and CCTray's configuration settings are stored in the file "cctraysettings.xml", which is located in your user application data directory (normally c:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data). The usage is: cctray.exe [settings_file_path]. Steps to invoke: 1 Select a sprint and click on the Cruise button/


Message box will be displayed to check whether you need to edit configuration file.

If Yes is selected, Configuration file will be displayed and you can make changes on it and the Integration tool will be activated. If No is selected, Cruise will be invoked. After triggering the Force Build, information will be stored in the Folder configured in CCNet.Config Xml file.HP Confidential 23

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14 Integration with HudsonVersion1 Prerequisites for Hudson Integration

Not Available in Basic

System should be ready with all the prerequisites (like Java, Ant, SVC, etc.) necessary for using Hudson. Install the latest version of Hudson.war file. You can download this file as a zip file from the Internet. Rename it with the command prompt as Hudson.war. Install Hudson.war as windows service on server. Install Hudson-cli on client machine. Set environment variable HUDSON_HOME with



Select a Sprint Folder and click on the Continuous Integration with Hudson button, you will be prompted for: a b Location of Hudson-cli in your system. Give the full path with extension .jar like d:\ _hudson-cli.jar. Application Name. Give the Hudson project name. It is located on server in .hudson\jobs.

Results: Results are stored .hudson \jobs\[application name].

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15 Theme: Epic1 2

Not Available in Basic Version

Sometimes user stories need be broken down to smaller stories. A user story that contains smaller user stories is called an Epic. To create an Epic, select Y in the Epic drop-down in a User Story (let us call this user story A). Now new user stories can be created beneath this parent user story. (By default, only tasks can be created beneath user stories.) The Story Points of an Epic is the sum of the story points of its child user stories.


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16 Theme- Reporting Excel Charts1 Navigate to the Requirements module. Select the Sprint Burn down Chart on the left pane. Click on the Configuration -> Generate Report on the right pane. There are FIVE agile specific charts: Sprint Burn down By Effort, Sprint Burn down by Story Points, and Sprint Burn up, Velocity by # of Story Points, Velocity by # of User Stories.

Sprint Burn down Chart By Effort1 The Sprint Burn down Chart By Effort has 3 input parameters, which is automatically evaluated when the report button is clicked. a b c 2 3 Release Name Sprint Name Sprint ID (This is one of the user-defined fields when you open a sprint requirement details dialog)

The charts X axis is Date starting from the first day of the sprint till the last day of the sprint. The charts Y axis is # of hours. The chart has 3 lines: a b c Ideal Scenario Effort burn down in the ideal scenario if no change occurs to estimated effort throughout the sprint Actual Effort Actual effort burn down during the sprint Additional Effort added This line reflects any changes to the estimated effort after the start of the sprint

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Sprint Burn down Chart By Story PointsBasic Version1

Not Available in

The Sprint Burn down Chart By Story Points has 3 input parameters: a b c Release Name Sprint Name Sprint ID (This is one of the user-defined fields when you open a sprint requirement details dialog)

2 3

The charts X axis is Date starting from the first day of the sprint till the last day of the sprint. The charts Y axis is # of Story Points. The chart has 3 lines: a b c Ideal Scenario Effort burn down in the ideal scenario if no change occurs to estimated effort throughout the sprint Actual Effort Actual story point burn down during the sprint Additional Effort added This line reflects any changes to the estimated # of story points after the start of the sprint

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Velocity by # of Story Points1 a 2 3

Not Available in Basic Version

The Velocity Chart by # of Story Points has 1 input parameter: Release ID (This is one of the user-defined fields when you open a Release Folder requirement details dialog)

The chart is bar graph. X axis is Sprint name and the Y axis is # of Story Points accepted or completed per sprint. The Velocity chart by # of Story Points gives an indication of the # of Story Points that the project team can accomplish per sprint and thus helps in future sprint planning.

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Velocity by # of User Stories1 a 2 3

Not Available in Basic Version

The Velocity Chart by # of User Stories has 1 input parameter: Release ID (This is one of the user-defined fields when you open a Release Folder requirement details dialog)

The chart is bar graph. X axis is Sprint name and the Y axis is # of User Stories accepted or completed in that sprint. The Velocity chart by # of User Stories gives an indication of the # of User Stories that the project team can accomplish on an average per sprint and thus helps in future sprint planning.

Team Based Burndown Chart1

Not Available in Basic Version

Team based Burndown allows to create burn down charts for the different teams in Agile project thus allowing for a comparative view of the progress across teams. Select the Sprint_Team_Capacity_For _Sprint folder and click on the Sprint Burndown by Effort button.


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17 Theme: Converting Defects to TasksAvailable in Basic Version1 2 3


Defects require time to be fixed. So fixing a defect can be a task that will need its effort estimations to be performed and calculated. Navigate to the Defect module. Create and submit a defect. Selecting the defect in the Grid, click on the Create Tasks from Defects toolbar button. This automatically creates a defect and adds it under the User Story _Tasks_From_DefectsModule under the corresponding Sprint in the Requirements module. A confirmation message box for the task creation is displayed. Now change the title or the description in the Defect. Click the Create Tasks from Defects toolbar button again. You get a confirmation message that the changed has been synched to the Requirement. A QC link is also created between the defect and the Requirement.

4 5 6 7

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18 Theme: Pre-built Views Not Available in Basic VersionThe following views are pre-built in the Agile Accelerator: 1 2 3 Agile View - Requirements Tree View of the entire requirements tree structure. Recommended view for Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Team Leads. Agile Team Member - Requirements Grid View. Meant for individual team members. Shows list of tasks sorted on Status and Priority for the logged in user. Agile Developer View - Requirements Grid View. Meant for individual team members. Shows list of DEVELOPMENT tasks sorted on Status and Priority for the logged in user. Agile Tester View - Requirements Grid View. Meant for individual team members. Shows list of TESTING tasks sorted on Status and Priority for the logged in user.


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19 Theme Security and Agile User Groups Not Available in Basic Version1 Three special Agile groups are available: a b c 2 3 4 Product Owner (productowner1/) Scrum Master (scrummaster1/) Team member (developer1/ or tester1/)

Users with Admin or Product Owner permissions can create or delete Product, Releases. Users with Admin or Product Owner or Scrum master permissions can create Sprints and User Stories (Scrum masters cannot delete Sprints or User Stories). User with Team member permissions can create Tasks.

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Theme - Taskboard1 Taskboard view is a new feature in AA v5.0. Select a Sprint to be open in the Taskboard Interface.


Drag and drop the Task for changing the Task Status. Not Available in Basic Version User can change the Task status by move the task card from one state to Another. We have 4 states for Tasks. Draft, Defined, In Progress and Completed.


Modify User Story and Tasks. Not Available in Basic Version User can modify the user story or task by clicking on the Edit icon on the User Story Task card.

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Add new User Story. Not Available in Basic Version

By clicking on the Add User Story button user can create a new User story. Name field is mandatory for the User Story. 5 Add New Task. Not Available in Basic Version

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By selecting the Add Task link in the User Story card, New Task can be create under it. 6 Sprint Navigation User can navigate to different Sprint using the Sprint navigation link. After selecting the Sprint navigation link, list of all the Sprints under different releases will be displayed on a panel. User can select required Sprint from this panel list.


Story Summary This link will provide a summary view of all the User stories under selected Sprint.


Show Owner Summary Show Owner summary will give the owner wise Remaining effort, Task status and Progress, etc.

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Show Burn down chart.

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