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(Luke 6:20-23)

For WAY too many months—at least in my opinion— “we the people”

have been part of a really bad dream called the U.S. presidential

election process, and no matter which side you may be supporting, I

think we can all agree that THIS election process has been just a bit

different than others that we have been through as a nation.

Thankfully, two days from now, a big part of that process will come to

an end as hopefully a vast majority of registered voters will cast their

votes, and a winner in the presidential race—as well as winners in many

local and state elections—will be chosen (and hopefully accepted).

I truly hope that everyone under the sound of my voice who is eligible

to vote and registered to vote will cast a vote in this election, no matter

how discouraged or disgusted you may be with the process that has led

us to this point; because choosing not to vote if you are eligible to vote

is a fruitless temper tantrum that makes you irrelevant to the process

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of democracy as we practice it here in the United States. And too many

people have already been rendered irrelevant to the process of

democracy as their voting rights have been taken away because they

ended up incarcerated—fairly or unfairly. Even here in Wisconsin you

have to be completely done with parole as well as probation in order to

be eligible to re-register to vote. For many, many people, that is a long

time to be irrelevant to the process of democracy. Most of us don’t

know how many people have never had the chance to vote their choice

in their lifetime. And many of us have no idea how many lifetimes it

took for people of color and women to even HAVE the right to vote

their choice. So, I’m not trying to tell you who to vote FOR. I’m just

trying to encourage you to VOTE.


In case you need some added incentive concerning the whole matter of

voting, let’s look at it from a Christian perspective for a moment. My

33 years as a Christian pastor and preacher have taught me that for

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many Christians there is an unfortunate disconnect between the living

out of our faith lives and the living out of our daily lives. For many of us

who consider ourselves practicing Christians, our faith lives are what

we do on Sunday, and our daily lives are what we do Monday through

Saturday, and often there is no intersecting between the two! So, I’m

going to make what will seem to some of you to be a provocative

statement, and that is this: Jesus would want you to vote.

“Preacher, how do you know that?” I’m glad you asked . . .

According to my understanding of scripture—an understanding which is

both solidly Lutheran and liberationist—the gospel stories tell us that

Jesus was ALL FOR being engaged in the political process; depending, of

course, on how you define politics. I’ve said from this very pulpit many

times before that I go with the definition of politics that explains it as

concern with the shape and shaping of any human community. By that

definition, Jesus himself was very much immersed and engaged in the

political process. He was even nailed to the cross and killed as a

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political prisoner—accused by his own people, and executed by the

Roman empire; charged with the crime of sedition, which is trying to

overthrow the government.

Why did that happen? Because he had the audacity to stand up to and

speak out against the political powers-that-be, and that very act of

standing up and speaking out was a political act. Anyone who would

over-turn the money tables in the most lucrative state-sponsored scam

that was going on at the time—like Jesus did in the temple in

Jerusalem, proclaiming God’s house to be a house of prayer and not a

den of thieves—was definitely engaged in the political process.

And so, if politics can be defined as concern with the shape and shaping

of any human community, then the preaching, teaching and actions of

Jesus were political. They were political because they were always

centered on interaction and relationship with the God of love—and

sharing and showing that love to others—thus shaping the human

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community in any given place toward being a community of love and


Jesus taught about loving even your enemies;

He taught about forgiving others, innumerable times;

He taught about lending and not expecting anything back in


He taught about checking out our own motives, and not judging


He taught about God’s compassion—and what should be our

compassion—for those who are poor, hungry, weeping, and


And he always taught about the values of the kingdom of God:

love, peace, joy, prosperity, kindness, gentleness, generosity,

health, fulfillment, freedom, faith, community, abundance—for

ALL of God’s children, not just for SOME of them!

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It seems that the politics of Jesus were the politics of love and

compassion; and because it was an active love and a lived-out

compassion, those values could not escape the political realm of his

daily life. Just standing there, living out his life, Jesus was a political


Angela Davis, an African American political activist, writer and scholar,

once said: “I can’t help having a political life, because I grew up in the

south, where to be black WAS to be political.”

In many ways it was the same for Jesus. To be Messiah, to be Christ, to

be Anointed One of God, WAS to be political—because it was a calling

to be concerned with the shape and the shaping of the human


If we turn Luke’s gospel to the 4th chapter, and hear Jesus describe his

mission among us from the book of Isaiah, Jesus says “The Spirit of the

Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.” To agitate and

empower the poor with good news—that’s political!

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He says “The Spirit of the Lord has sent me to release the captives and

let the oppressed go free.” To agitate, empower and work for the

freedom of those who are condemned and imprisoned—that’s political!

He says “The Spirit of the Lord has sent me to proclaim the year of the

Lord’s favor” or the Year of Jubilee, spoken of in Leviticus 25, where all

resources are redistributed with equity. To agitate and excite people

by telling them that one day everything will be distributed fairly, and

things as we know them will be turned on their head—that’s political!

Make no mistake about it: the reality of the kingdom of God that Jesus

preached and taught about is ultimately concerned with the shape and

shaping of the human community.


All that having been said, I have an initial observation about how I

believe Jesus would conduct himself in the voting booth that may be

helpful to some. Because I believe that Jesus wouldn’t base his vote on

a candidate; I believe Jesus would base his vote on the positions that a

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candidate took. I don’t believe he would vote for a candidate because

that candidate broke bread with him, or made a large donation to his

synagogue, or was from a particular political party—because I believe

that Jesus would be the ultimate independent voter. What would

matter to Jesus, I believe, would be a candidate’s positions concerning -

the whole people of God.

So, from what I know about Jesus, I’m going to leave you with three

things this morning concerning how I believe Jesus would vote.

How would Jesus vote? Jesus would vote for LIFE.

Why? Because Jesus IS life. He says “I am the way, the truth AND

the life.”

Jesus would vote for life because Jesus is ALL ABOUT life. He said

“I came so that you could HAVE life—and not JUST life, but


Jesus would vote for life, because as a co-creator with God, Jesus

GAVE us life. The gospel of John says concerning Jesus: “He was in

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the beginning with God. Nothing exists that he didn’t make. Life

itself was in him, and this life gives light to the world.”

Not only did he GIVE us life, but Jesus gave us HIS life. He said “I

came not to BE served, but TO serve, and to give MY LIFE as a

ransom for many.”

And after he gave us his life, Jesus himself was raised to life again!

Didn’t the angel ask the women at the empty tomb “Why do you

look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has been


Jesus would vote for LIFE, which means he would vote FOR

positions that would mean a better quality of life for EVERYONE—

not just for heterosexual white Christian Americans, but for all

people no matter their sexual orientation, their ethnicity, their

religion or their nationality—so that all people were not just

surviving, but thriving in all aspects of life, and sharing the

resources that God gave to us all.

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How would Jesus vote? Jesus would vote for LIFE.

How would Jesus vote? Jesus would not only vote for LIFE . . .

Jesus would also vote for THE LEAST—as in “the least of these” as

they are described by Jesus in the parable of the sheep and the goats

in Matthew 25: those who are hungry and thirsty, naked and sick, in

prison and a stranger.

Those whom Jesus blesses in our gospel today from Luke 6: the poor

and the hungry, the excluded and the rejected, the sad and the


Those who we talked about earlier from Luke 4: the poor, the

imprisoned, the oppressed, and those whose resources have been

taken away.

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Those who need our help and compassion to get the rights and the

resources they are entitled to—those are “the least” that Jesus speaks

of, and those who Jesus would vote for.

Which means Jesus would vote to change the prison system,

which has captives who need to be released, oppressed ones who

need to be set free, misguided ones who need to be rehabilitated,

and sick ones who need to be healed.

Jesus would vote to change the health-care system, so that all

who are sick could have equal access to healing, just as Jesus

healed all who were brought to him. Jesus would make healing

rather than profit the bottom line for health care.

Jesus would vote to change the public education system, that

mismanaged mess that leaves too many of our children behind—

the same children that Jesus said not to hinder, “for to such

belongs the kingdom of God.”

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Jesus would vote for better jobs and job-training systems, to help

people to work and to stay employed. He would vote for more

affordable housing so God’s people could have a place to lay their

heads. He would vote for more compassionate systems of care

for those who have a hard time caring for themselves.

How would Jesus vote? Jesus would vote for the last, the least, the

lost, and the left-out. Jesus would vote with and for those who are

known as “the least of these.”

How would Jesus vote?

For life

For the least

For love

LOVE is the whole reason that Jesus was here in the flesh in the first

place. “For God so loved the world, that God gave God’s only Son, that

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WHOSOEVER believes in him will not perish, but will have everlasting

life.” THAT, my brothers and sisters, is a MIGHTY LOVE!

LOVE is what Jesus came to teach us. “THIS is my commandment, that

you love one another, even as I have loved you. No one has greater

love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. THAT, my sisters

and brothers, is a MIGHTY LOVE!

It was LOVE that gave Jesus his final victory. Because it was the hate of

humankind that nailed Jesus to the cross; but it was the love of the

Lord God that raised him up from death!

There is a song that says: Love lifted me; love lifted me. When nothing

else could help, love lifted me.

THAT, Beloved, is a MIGHTY LOVE!

How would Jesus vote?

I believe Jesus would vote for LIFE

Jesus would vote for THE LEAST

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Jesus would vote for LOVE

I’m not trying to tell you how to vote;

I’m just telling you how I believe Jesus would vote.


© Stephen G. Marsh

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