
How to Write Mechanical Engineering Essay

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That is why, now as a mechanical engineering student, you have mechanical engineering essay writing and the like including mechanical engineering technical report writing, laboratory report writing, poster content writing and oral presentation writing, among others.

Essay writing, or writing in general for that matter, is necessary in the mechanical engineering discipline. You will use it in the future after you have graduated when you will be practising your mechanical engineering profession.

In mechanical engineering essay writing and the other mentioned academic writing forms in mechanical engineering, you need clarity and persuasiveness.


Mechanical engineering essay writing is important because:

you will need to express your ideas to your colleagues (other engineers) and non-engineering people

it will make you truly or better employable because employers would like to to be able to express (in writing and speech) your ideas to other professionals and other people in the workplace, the industry and even the public

you will document your ideas and work primarily in writing (writing professional and research papers) which will take into account the works before yours and will be used for or in works after yours


1. conduct a wide reading about the topic

2. choose references

3. critically and carefully analyse

Writing the Parts of Mechanical Engineering Essay

1. introduction

– depending on your audience – mechanical engineering people, non-engineering people or both – show how your topic is relevant to them

– state your argument or proposition, the thesis statement

2. discussion

– present the supporting points in a logical flow

1. introduction

– you can start with the most important point to go straight to the point

– you can end with the most important point if it is the more logical flow

3. conclusion

– if you started your discussion with the most important point, make a short recap of your discussion before finally stating your conclusion

– if you ended your discussion with the most important point, you can immediately state your conclusion and then give a summary of your discussion

Important Things to do


– state the problem or question

– provide the least, but enough, background information about the topic

– describe and explain the topic

– provide a definition of terms section; only important technical terms

– give an overview of how you will attack the topic and how you will discuss it


– use headings to break down your points and guide the readers

– guide the readers through the discussion with “transitions” and “sign posts”

– put transitions and sign posts at the starting portions of sub-sections and their ending portions

– transitions and sign posts at the starting portions can be a short one before the point or a longer one after the point

– you can use them to show how you came up with your thesis or conclusion

– use relevant information to support your argument

– use figures and tables to support text

– cite the sources of information (tables, figures, information, data, etc.)

– number and label all tables and figures you use


– shortly restate the purpose of your essay

– give a summary of the main points you raised in the discussion

– give your conclusions in clear and concise writing

– state your reasons for your conclusions

– when applicable, suggest what other or further research can be done

After the conclusion, add a List of References

where you list all references you have


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