Page 1: How to treat pimples naturally -  Some Dirty Facts Revealed

How to Treat Pimples Naturally With Professional Ways

Pimples have a negative impact on your life. Basically, pimples are caused by oil of your skin, but it can also caused by external factors such as dust. There are many ways to prevent of acne, but here I’m going to tell you the best ways which will change your life and make you more beautiful. 

Prevent Oil:

There is oil in your skin, when your skin releases sweat, your skin becomes oily. Your body also have oil in it. So try to beware of oil. Oil will cause pimples on your skin. For those who oil their hairs regularly, Try to keep away your hairs of your face and skin. This will keep your skin clean and acne free.

Drinks Water:

Water is the best thing for your skin. Hydration will make your skin healthy from the inside. This will also flush the toxins of your skin.

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Skin Regimen:

You should also take care of your skin from the outside. You can do it through washing your face and facial cleanser before you go to your bed. It’ll remove dust and dirt from your skin.

Stay away from Alcoholism:

Everybody knows that, alcoholism and smoking are not good for health. So, try to stay away from these things. It is aid that tobacco and alcohol are the causes of acne. So, if you want an acne free skin, you should stop the usage of these things.

Wash Your Face Daily:

Washing your face daily will make your face clean and will not cause of acne. So try to wash your face at least 5 times a day. This will make your skin fresh and will flush the toxins as I’ve already told.

Use of honey:

Honey is commonly used for the treatment of acne. First wash your skin, then dry it with a towel. Now apply some honey with a piece of cotton. Now, let it be there on your face (or wherever is the acne) for a few minutes. After 5-10 minutes wash your skin

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again with soap. Repeat this daily and you’ll get the result in few days.

Smooth Your Skin with Egg:

Egg is having the properties of Vitamin B and Zinc which are good for the health of your skin. For this, crack 3 eggs in a bowl, separate the yellow yolk from it. The only thing we need is the white part. Now whisk it and apply it on your face as a mask. Let it dried on your face for 20 minutes. Now wash your face and repeat this for 2-3 days.

At last I’d conclude that if you are having only two or three pimples then you can use these remedies. But, if your skin is filled with acne then you should use any medical product or see a doctor. Process of removing pimples is pretty straight forward if you act upon on above mentioned advises.

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