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How to treat Ear Infections In kids At Home

How to treat Ear Infections In kids At Home - Ear infections are often suffered by kids. Generally this disease is suffered by five of six children before turning three years. If your baby looks often tugged on his ear, irritability, frequently crying more than usual, it is possible that he was ill. Notice the common signs, such as the appearance of fever, discharge from the ear, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite. If that is so, it means that he is having an ear infection.

Otitis or ear infection is a painful inflammation in the middle ear. Most of otitis occurs in eustachia channel, which is the tube that connects the ear, nose, and throat. In children, the channel-shaped eustachia more horizontal, short, and small when compared to an adult. This makes the child eustachia channels are more easily clogged.

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This condition may be painful for the baby, and that makes it more dangerous is that he cannot communicate. Therefore, consult a doctor if you suspected that ear infection that bothered your kids, as well as to relieve the discomfort experienced.Most children with this condition can be cured without medication. But if your baby is in the range of 6 to 24 months of age and have mild symptoms, then continues to monitor conditions before giving any medication. In this case, the medicine required by prescription from a doctor.As the doctor watched the condition of the baby, there are countermeasures that can be prepared. However, investigation into the doctor remains a top priority, especially after 48 -72 hours of the child's condition still did not improve that is characterized by the emergence of high fever and the presence of early symptoms are getting worse.

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there are some steps that you can do to treat your kids from ear infection as follow:

Give warm olive oil to treat ear infection

If there is no fluid flow from the child's ear and there are no leaks in the eardrum, try to give a few drops of olive oil into a sore ear. Make sure the olive oil in a state of cold or hot, but slightly warm or room is the same temperature. Do this when the baby is sleeping to keep him lying sideways with his ears straight up for a few minutes, and then lying on his back. It is necessary to allow the oil reaches the eardrum.

Compress the infectious ear with a warm, damp cloth

To help reduce the pain because of ear infection, compress the child's ear with a towel soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes. Before use, make sure the towels had been squeezed as hard as possible.Supply drinking as often as possibleGive drink as often as possible to the child. Swallowing the liquid may help open a channel so that the fluid pilled in eustachia channel can flow.

Do not give any medicine 

Avoid giving children cold medicine such decongestant, antihistamine drugs, and aspirin. These drugs do not make the child's condition becomes better, even can give dangerous side effects. Aspirin also can make children more susceptible to rare diseases which proved fatal such as Reye's syndrome.

Elevate the kid's head

To treat ear infection When a baby is sleeping, lift slightly the position of the baby's head by placing 1-2 pillows behind his mattress, not directly under his head. It aims accelerate baby’s sinus circulation.

Take advantage of gravity

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For a moment, lay the baby with a sideways position to position of a sore ear facing up. In theory, this position will reduce the pressure to push the liquid out of the ear drum.

Shake his ears

One trick used by pediatricians for ear pain relief is gently pinching the ear with your thumb and forefinger and pull it slightly outwards down several times. This allows eustachia channels open and remove the fluid.

Checking the Child to the Doctor

What if the baby's condition is too severe to be handled alone? In this situation, your priority is to take him to the hospital to undergo an examination by a doctor.Doctors may prescribe eardrops eardrum analgesic if the child looks red and bulging. Bloat can be caused by fluid pressure.

In certain cases, doctors may prescribe antibiotics, especially in the treatment of serious infections, i.e., if the child's condition does not improve within the range of 48-72 hours without treatment.

Medication by antibiotic

In particular, antibiotic treatment is recommended for the treatment of Children aged less than two years with mild symptoms, but occurs in both ears.

Children with severe symptoms, such as high fever, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, or sweating. Infants under the age of six months because it has not had a strong immune system and is very susceptible to ear infection complication.

Provision of antibiotic drugs to cure ear infection usually require more consideration. Doctors are generally very cautious in prescribing antibiotics for several reasons, among others:Firsty, antibiotic risk of making more and more bacteria become resistant.Secondly, antibiotics can also kill the good bacteria in the body of the child, so sometimes cause inflammatory bowel disease, and antibiotics are useless against viral diseases.

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Therefore, doctors urge parents not to asking for antibiotics every time their child had an ear infection.As additional consideration for parents, consult a child to the doctor if he had a high fever above 38 ° C or bleeding or pus from the ear. Additionally, consult a doctor if the child returned after being examined and diagnosed with an ear infection, the symptoms are still not improved after 3-4 days.

Moreover, do the prevention of an ear infection by giving your kids a mother's milk at least during the first six months because breast milk provides antibodies to fight ear infections. Make sure the baby's head higher than his body when he was fed so as not to choke, avoid baby from exposure to secondhand smoke, and make sure the baby gets a pneumococcal vaccine.

Read more articles about Health in general, Home remedy and Medication for kids’ health problem, Mental Health, Medicines and Nutrition and also for Moms and

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