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How to Tell if Your Fish Food is High Quality

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Fish are a common household pet.

14.3 million U.S. households own freshwater fish and 1.8 million households own saltwater fish. While dogs and cats remain the most popular pets in the U.S., 2012 did see an increase in ownership of freshwater fish.

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Why buying quality fish food is important:Although fish don’t need to be taken on walks like dogs do, they do need to be fed quality, high-nutrition fish food. that provides the fish with fat and amino acids so they can have adequate amounts of energy and protein. Fish food should be easily and speedily digested to prevent renal failure, infections like swim bladder problems and dropsy, intestinal gas build up, and aquarium pollution due to too much ammonia.

If you’re wondering what nutrients are essential when it comes to your fish food, take at look at the following bullet points:

● Amino acids. Amino acids are the basic components of proteins, and proteins are essential in providing structure to cells and producing energy.

● Fatty acids. Fatty acids are the main source of energy in fish, especially for the heart and skeletal muscles. These types of fats also help vitamins A, D, E, and K be digested, absorbed, and transported.

● Most of the carbohydrates that are put into fish food come from plants and are sources of the enzyme amylase. They are not necessarily a better source of energy over protein, but digestible carbohydrates allow the proteins to focus more on tissue building.

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How to Tell if Your Fish Food is High Quality

Now you understand the importance of buying fish food that’s high in nutrients. The next step is finding food that is high quality. It’s all in the ingredients. Here is a list of 7 ingredients you should be looking for in your fish food:

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1. Fish MealFish meal is an excellent source of protein. It’s either produced from fishery wastes that coincide with fish processing for human consumption, or from specific fish like herring, menhaden, and pollack.

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2. Shrimp MealShrimp meal is made from cull shrimp that are being processed before freezing or from whole shrimp that can’t be eaten by humans. It’s a secondary source of protein for fish, and it also provides color-enhancing pigments that make the fish look brighter.

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3. Squid Meal Made from squid viscera portions from cannery plants, squid meal is a highly digestible protein source for fish. It provides a wide range of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and cholesterol.

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4. Brine ShrimpBrine shrimp are available in adult form as eggs or freeze-dried. It’s a source of protein and carotene, and it helps with fish digestive systems by acting as a natural laxative.

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5. Soybean MealSoybean meal is a source of high protein for fish, and it has actually become a substitute for commonly used marine animal meals.

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6. Spirulina AlgaeSpirulina is a plankton-rich, blue-green plant made of raw protein and a wide variety of vitamins, beta-carotene, minerals, fatty acids, color-enhancing pigments, and amino acids.

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7. Whole WheatAlthough it’s not the best source of energy for fish, whole wheat is an excellent source of dietary fiber for fish like Goldfish and Koi. It is also a natural source of vitamin E, which helps with growth and coloration.

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Types of Fish Food You Should Be BuyingIf you’re worried that you won’t be able to find fish food that’s rich in nutrients and that has the key ingredients listed in

the previous section, don’t fret. Here are some high-quality, nutritious HBH fish food.

Betta Bites. HBH Betta Bites are color-enhancing micro pellets that help keep your betta healthy and colorful as it


● Veggie Flakes. Do your fish prefer flakes to pellets? Don’t worry. Veggie flakes are packed with the nutrients your fish will need to live a long life.

● Cichlid Flakes. Give your cichlid a treat by buying this healthy (and tasty) African cichlid fish food that is made specifically for this type of fish.

● Goldfish flakes. Your Goldfish will go into a fish food flake frenzy as soon as you sprinkle a few high-nutrient Goldfish flakes in their tank.

● Tropical flakes. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to buy for your tropical fish. With these tropical flakes loaded with wheat germ, you’ll no longer have to worry whether your fish are feeling healthy and at home.

● African Cichlid sinking pellet. Let your beautiful cichlid get its nutrients through a pellet rather than flakes. It isn’t any less or more nutritious for your fish, but it may be the way your fish prefers to get its nutrients.

Shop for these at Pisces Pros.

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Order Your Bulk Fish Food from Pisces Pros Today

If you’ve been looking for high-quality bulk fish food that will keep your fish healthy and strong, request a free sample or order a product from Pisces Pros today. You can contact us by calling 385-244-2221 or by visiting

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