
How to run a Webinar.

5 Steps

Research a Topic• Pop to Amazon and research your niche and

the books your prospects may be reading. Look through the reviews on the site and pick a topic that seems to be a burning pain or desire for your prospects.

Look through the contents page of a few of the books that are popular, to get ideas of topics to cover in the training or entertaining or inspirational webinar that you are creating.

Do further research using search engines to fine out more. OF course, it does need to be a topic that you know a lot about but at the same time, take some time to get really knowledgeable about current thinking on the topic. Do not let this take all day. Pick something and keep moving forward.

Pick a date

• How long do you think you will need to get prepared for the webinar? How long will you need to promote it to get a good number of people on the call? Give yourself some time but not too long. This is not something to plan for 6 months in the future. Make it a maximum time limit of a month and get to work.

Work with a webinar provider

• There are many options available to you. Ranging from the free providers to the paid for versions. Zoom is an option, Gotowebinar is another one and so is meetingburner as well as WebinarJam. Research them all and find one that suits your budget and the functions you want to have present on the call.

Set Up A Landing Page

• Use something like Leadpages to set up a landing page that will collect people details and help them register onto the platform of your webinar provider.

Send traffic to the landing page and Get Ready

• And then all that is left is to promote your webinar everywhere and ask some of your peers to mention it to their contacts as well. The more people you are able to get on the webinar, the more likely you are to turn these prospects into buying customers.

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