Page 1: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

Scheduling a Live Video

Page 2: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

Build anticipation and buzz before a


What is a scheduled live video?

Test recurring programmed


Start a broadcast strong

Broadcasters can now schedule a live video in advance through the Live API, providing the option for potential viewers to opt in to be notified ("Get Reminder") when the Live broadcast starts. Now you can make sure that the audience that wants to see your live video doesn't miss a second of the live broadcast!

A scheduled live video will help broadcasters:

Page 3: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

1. Select the "Publishing Tools" section of the Facebook Page you want to go live from

2. Select "Video Library"

3. Select "+ Live"

How to Schedule a Live Video via Publishing Tools

Page 4: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

4. Copy the Server URL or Stream Key needed for your video stream software

5. Select "Next"

How to Schedule a Live Video via Publishing Tools

Page 5: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

6. Enter the post description, video title, video tags, location, etc.

7. Select the drop down next to "Go Live" and hit "Schedule Live..."


• Tagging the location of the live video helps the video appear on the Live Map

How to Schedule a Live Video via Publishing Tools

Page 6: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

How to Schedule a Live Video via Publishing Tools

8. Select the date and time that you would like to go live and upload an image

9. Hit "Schedule"


• Posts must be scheduled between 10 minutes and 7 days from when you create them.

• If you don't select a custom image, your Page's profile photo will show by default

Page 7: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

Audience View: Getting a Reminder for a Live Video

The audience that follows your Page may see a post in their News Feed that you plan to go live

If they tap "Get Reminder" then they will receive a notification in advance of your live broadcast inviting them to tune in

TIP• People who don't follow your Page can also

sign up for a notification, so if another Page shares your announcement post, their followers may choose to receive a reminder too

Once a follower hits "Get Reminder," they'll see a checkmark confirming they've opted in to be notified when the live broadcast is about to begin

Page 8: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

Audience View: Joining a Live Broadcast & Live Lobby

The announcement post will show the option to "Join" the lobby 3 minutes before the broadcast is scheduled to begin

Once a viewer joins the lobby, they will see the countdown and have the ability to interact with other audience members who are waiting for the broadcast to begin

Live Lobby View

Page 9: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

How to Schedule a Live Video via Publishing Tools

10. Go to "Publishing Tools" 20 minutes before your scheduled time

11. Turn on your encoder and verify the preview in the "Edit Live Video" dialogue box

12. You'll see a countdown and when it reaches 0:00, you're live! The video feed from your encoder will go live automatically at the scheduled time

Page 10: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page


Page 11: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

SaveBoost BoostScheduled Live Scheduled Live

Scheduled to begin in 4:59The video feed you stream here will go live automatically at the scheduled time.

Edit Live Video

Join us later today as we interview Kimberly Williams Live on StyleNow!

PREVIEWVideo Title

Kimberly Williams Interview

Advanced Stream KeyBasic

Video Tags


Editing a Live Video in Publishing Tools

1. Go to Video Library section of Publishing Tools

2. Find the scheduled live video you want to edit and hover over it with your mouse

3. Select the "Edit Video" icon

4. Edit the fields you want to edit and hit "Save"


• You can edit a video anytime before, during or after a video

• We recommend updating the post description if it contains text on when the post will be live

Page 12: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

Moving Scheduled Live Video to Manual Start

There are times when you may want to manually start a video instead of waiting for the scheduled time. To do so:

1. Open the "Edit Live Video" dialogue box for the live video you want to edit

2. Select the drop down arrow next to "Scheduled Live" and hit "Manual Start"

3. Confirm the Manual Start selection by selecting "Continue" and "Go Live"

Page 13: How to Schedule a Facebook Live Stream from your Verified Facebook Page

SaveBoost BoostScheduled Live Scheduled Live

Scheduled to begin in 4:59The video feed you stream here will go live automatically at the scheduled time.

Edit Live Video

Join us later today as we interview Kimberly Williams Live on StyleNow!

PREVIEWVideo Title

Kimberly Williams Interview

Advanced Stream KeyBasic

Video Tags


Rescheduling or Cancelling a Scheduled Live Broadcast

There are times when you may need to reschedule or cancel a scheduled live broadcast. To do so:

1. Open the "Edit Live Video" dialogue box for the live video you want to reschedule or cancel

2. To reschedule: • Select the drop down arrow

next to "Save" and hit "Edit Schedule..."

• Edit the scheduled start time and select "Schedule"

3. To Cancel: • Select the drop down arrow

next to "Scheduled Live" and hit "Delete"

Boost Boost

SaveCancel CancelScheduled Live Scheduled Live

Edit Live Video

Join our exclusive interview with Nina Garcia, the pioneering Creative Director at Marie Claire.


Fetching video stream…This can take a few seconds

Scheduled to go live at 3:30 PM on Weds Aug 31, 2016 (PST).The video feed you stream here will go live automatically at that time. Before the

scheduled time, you can preview your live video here.

Video Title

Nina Garcia Interview

Advanced DestinationBasic

Video Tags


Cancel CancelSchedule Schedule

Schedule Live

Select a date and time when you want to go live.

Upload an image to announce your live video in a post. The announcement will be published immediately.

Preview your live video at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time to ensure your video feed is streaming properly. You can preview your video feed by opening the scheduled video in your Video Library.

Be prepared for the live video to start automatically at the scheduled time. You must go live within 10 minutes of the scheduled time or your video will be canceled.

10/31/2016 2:30 PM PDT

Scheduled Start Time

Obama.png Obama.png

Custom Image

Change Image Change ImageRemove Image Remove Image

Get Reminder

Today at 2:30 PMStyleNow Feed plans to go live.

Join us later today as we interview Kimberly Williams Live on StyleNow!

•Just nowStyleNow Feed plans to go live.

Announcement Prevew

SaveBoost BoostScheduled Live Scheduled Live

Scheduled to begin in 4:59The video feed you stream here will go live automatically at the scheduled time.

Edit Live Video

Join us later today as we interview Kimberly Williams Live on StyleNow!

PREVIEWVideo Title

Kimberly Williams Interview

Advanced Stream KeyBasic

Video Topics


Manual Start

Scheduled Live…


Rescheduling A Broadcast Cancelling A Broadcast

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