Page 1: How to practice justness for justice

How to Practice Justness for Justice?

The image of lady justice is always seen as blindfolded. What is the meaning of the blindfold? It indicates impartiality to competing interests (claims) symbolized by the human scales. And justice is enforced through the coercive power of the court symbolized by the sword.

For justice to be impartial, it needs the practice of justness. Justness in this world is a rare value and virtue. Even a court that dispenses justice does not necessarily practice justness. For example, if certain laws of a country are bias, any judgments based on the bias laws will not give justice. Unjust laws produce injustices as justness will not be an element of bias laws. A judgment can be legally right based on bias laws but ends in injustice due to the unjustness of its biasness. Corrupt politicians know these loopholes, that is why they always exploit bias legalities and claim them to be justice. So, the practice of justness is needful for justice. How can we practice justness for justice?

1. Justness begins with just minds and spirits

Any laws in any country are formulated and passed through human beings (persons). If these persons have just minds and spirits, they will endeavour to formulate and pass just laws. If not, whatever laws that are formulated will be unjust. Thus, the beginning of justness is not in the laws but in the minds and spirits (hearts) of persons. Just minds and hearts will endeavour for justice while corrupt hearts and mind will endeavour for selfish profits ending in injustices. Justness should be the primary and compulsory value and virtue that should be used as a benchmark for persons aspiring for political leadership. Failure or ignoring the value and virtue of justness produces corrupt and unjust politicians.

2. Justness have to be deliberately practiced

We deliberately practice personal hygiene to stay healthy. It takes the same deliberateness and consciousness to inculcate the practice of justness in our lives.

Inculcating thoughts of justness

Every attitude that leads to actions begins with a single thought. Just thoughts produce just attitudes which in turn produce just actions. We must deliberately inculcate our thoughts with justness which develops just attitudes and ends with just actions.

Inculcating just decision makings

When persons have inculcated the practice of just thoughts, they are in the position to practice just decision makings. Decision makings always affect something or somebody. In making just decisions, one has to consider first the impact on the recipient(s). And the question is, whether the impact(s) intended or not, is just. If the impact profits the decision makers but creates an unjust loss to the recipients, then, it is an unjust decision. Since a decision making involves two sides and two parties, any impact(s) or outcome(s) must be just.

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3. Value And Virtue Of Justness Is Compulsory For A Just World

A just world can only be realized when persons deliberately practice justness for justice. It begins with individual thoughts of individual persons and is reflected in everyday decision makings that impacts everybody. When taken globally it decides between a just or unjust world.


Justice based on legality minus justness is injustice. Judgements based on just laws and just decision makings produces justices.

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