  • How to get organised?

    Wahaj us Siraj 31 January 2014

  • What can you loose if youre not organised?









  • No one pays anyone from his/her own pocket.

    If youre earning money or saving money for the organisation, you would be paid a part of it and part goes to organisation.

    If youre neither earning money for organisation nor saving money, you would be eventually shown the door.

    You can not do this if youre not organised.

  • Success lies is in organisation

    Unorganised species extinct dinosaurs

    Unorganised companies fail

    Unorganised societies and countries do not prosper difference between a developed and a developing country is of organisation and management

    Unorganised people live in poverty and misery

  • Why many are not organised?

    Are they born un-organised?

    Their brain is not programmed for organisation since childhood

    They have not been trained in doing daily homework, organizing wardrobes, cupboards, shoes, clothes, etc.

    Dont know how to organise

    Dont want to change, lazy

  • What is the first thing we do when we settle at our desk in morning?

    Normally, we are driven daily by: Emails

    Phone calls



    Whatever is thrown at us

    Do we have enough time to do our tasks?

  • Can organisation be learned?



  • Mind Dump

    Free mental RAM

    More pending tasks you have, more memory they would eat and you would be left with nothing.

    Pending tasks eat willpower, like programs running on PC but not being used, so eating up RAM battery.

    Mind Dump: take things out of brain and put them on paper.

  • How to organise?

    Write down whatever comes to mind

    Why people dont take action is mostly because they dont write down the ideas and hence forget them

    There will be no better time to do any task. Today is better. Tomorrow is not ideal time to work on.

  • How to organise?

    Make specific plans

    Im going to wake up at 5:30 am, say Fajar prayer, and then go to park to run 3 kms

    After I write the proposal and deliver to the customer personally, I am going to drink coffee at Moca.

    After weekly meeting, Id sit with my team for chit-chat.

  • How to organise?

    Follow straight lines sirat al mustaqeem

    Follow cleanliness, keep good environment

    Pre-schedule meetings

    Time your tasks around your pre-scheduled events like meals, prayers, etc.

    Doctors prescribe tablets, before meal or after meal, breakfast

  • How to organise?

    Plan tasks with when and where

    Associate time with doing of work

    Id have daily meeting with my team at 9:15 in Meeting Room-I

    Id look at CRM after or with 10:00 am tea

    Id reply to emails after Asr prayers

    Id do research on new hardware after Maghrib prayers

  • How to organise?

    Stop after every hour for one minute to think how it is going

    Manage your hours, dont have hours manage you.

  • Planning

    Planning is tricky

    Jamshed wants to be a cricketer:

    He reads professional books on how to become master cricketer

    He watches training movies

    He buys finest quality bats and other gear

    He watches cricket history regularly

  • How to organise?

    Make daily, weekly and yearly goals

    See daily picture and align it with the bigger picture, weekly, monthly, yearly picture and objective of your life.

    Microscope Execution

    Telescope Vision/Mission

  • How to organise?

    At end of the day:

    Scroll daily call logs in cell phone for missed calls

    Scroll daily SMS in cell phone for action oriented messages

  • Answer phone in an alert voice

    Dont expect boss to give you a reminder for any tasks assigned. People who are followed up by their bosses never make it to the top.

    Keep a permanent diary and pen

  • Development Dimensions

    Energy is most difficult to be developed Scale 1 on scale of 1 to 5

    Continuous learning is second most difficult Scale 2

    Planning and organising is relatively easy Scale 4

    Technical and professional knowledge is most easy Scale 5

    Repetition is mother of skills

  • How to increase energy

    Physical energy is directly proportional to emotional energy

    Motion creates emotions

    Physical exercise increases energy and alertness

    Take proper diet with ample water content



  • Change from inside

    An egg broken from inside gives a new life while an egg broken from outside ends a life.

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