Page 1: How To NOT Become a Micromanager

How To NOTMicromanage Your


Page 2: How To NOT Become a Micromanager

• Micromanaging means you’re too focused on simple tasks

• To grow your business, you need to let go of some tasks & focus on something NEW

Page 3: How To NOT Become a Micromanager

• If you are a micromanager, then you have nothing else to do

• Instead of nagging your team or employees, find another task for yourself

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• Try these ideas:– Market your business– Meet new people– Create products or programs– Find a JV partner– Attend live events

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• If you focus on growing your business you won’t have time to nag your team members

• Create your own plan & set goals for the business, then focus on those goals

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• Focus on those things that will make you money, such as:– Creating products or programs– Getting more affiliates– Building relationships with your subscribers– Writing those emails

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• Focus on growing your business instead of all the smaller tasks

• If you have hired the right team members, they will get the work done & on time!

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