
How to Migrate WordPress to

TYPO3 without any Misgivings


Nowadays, one of the most respectful and reliable enterprise platforms is TYPO3. It is characterized with the

diligently developed functions and flexibility of performance. TYPO3 allows you to install extensions that work

separately from TYPO3 core, which means all your actions will be performed smoothly and easily. It also gives

endless customization possibilities and opportunity to develop your own extensions on its base. While speaking about

the design solution of this CMS platform, honestly, TYPO3 has definitely surpassed itself. It offers pre-installed

themes that you may easily customize to your convenience. All in all, TYPO3 offers the uncountable opportunities to

make every website professional one, but remember – this CMS is not so easy to master.

So, you have decided to migrate from WordPress to TYPO3? This tutorial will help you move all your website content

directly to your new TYPO3 with any coding and in a matter of a little time.

WordPress to TYPO3 Migration Movie

WordPress to TYPO3 Migration: Step-by-Step

Stage 1. Sign up for CMS2CMS.

To migrate WordPress to TYPO3 easily, go to and register your account. Or just login via your

Google+ or Facebook account.

Stage 2 Set up your Current and New Websites

In the provided field of the migration wizard type the URLs of your sites: your current WordPress and TYPO3 that

you’ve installed. It you don’t have your new website live yet, you may still try the migration. Just tick the

corresponding button and choose CMS platform you want to migrate to.

In this case, a part of your WordPress website content will be moved to our test TYPO3 site and after that if you are

happy with the results you may proceed with the further migration.

Stage 3. Create the Connection Between Sites

Now, you should download the connection bridge by clicking the corresponding button in the migration wizard:

the bridge will be saved as ‘cms2cms’ zip.

extract it from the zip to corresponding folder on your computer and remember its location, we will need it a bit later.

connect to your websites (both WordPress and TYPO3) via any type of FTP client software

within its dashboard, insert ‘cms2cms’ folder you’ve extracted from the zip to the root directories of your WordPress

and TYPO3 sites.

If you’ve done this, it means the connection bridge is already installed.

Stage 4. Migration Wizard Options

Go back to your migration wizard and press ‘Verify the connection bridge’ button. Then, you’ll be offered the migration

options to choose to make your WordPress to TYPO3 conversion more suitable.

1. You may import your post pictures by clicking ‘Migrate Media Files’ button.

2. Also, it’s possible to migrate your internal links in accordance to the rewrite rules of TYPO3 website. Just check the

box – ‘Make URLs SEO Friendly’.

3. If you have some test content in your new TYPO3 website, you may erase it by clicking ‘Clear Target Site Data’

Stage 5. Start FREE Demo Migration

Now, it’s time to try out the free Demo Migration. CMS2CMS will move 10 pages of your WordPress content to

TYPO3 with all related to them items. Then, you’ll be able to check the result and proceed with the Full migration of

your site.

Stage 6. Run Full Migration

Click ’Full Migration’ button and all your content will be delivered to your new TYPO3 website in a few moments.

You’ll receive an email notification and be able to start managing your TYPO3 site there and then.

What Entities Will be Moved from WordPress to TYPO3

So, there’s no time to delay at, start your free Demo Migration right now with no codes and installations at all. Make

sure CMS2CMS will migrate WordPress to TYPO3 easily and smoothly.

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