
How TO Make Money Online In Nigeria

Making Money Online In Nigeria is real…the stereotype that making money online in Nigeria involves fraud is false – and misleading.

Many Nigerians (including the author of this work) make their living comfortably online in Nigeria. Most of the time, what you need is a simple laptop, internet connection, some knowledge and of course, power supply!

In an economy like Nigeria’s, its sad that many people actually never bother working online when doing so would mean they would never apply for a non existing job again throughout their lives!


Prerequisites Of Making Money Online In Nigeria

There are various ways of actually making money online in Nigeria. What should be a determinant is what pleases one.

However, a common misconception is that working online doesn’t take effort. The very notion that everything works on auto pilot when you are interested in making money online especially from Nigeria is misleading… in fact, nothing can be more false!

It is my experience that if you are actually interested in making money online, be prepared to work yourself out – at least during the very first years…you may even find yourself working harder than the regular guy with a day job!


The Ways: 1 - Blogging

Blogging is the surest and safest (but slowest) way of making money online in Nigeria. The great idea is that you can start a blog without any investment – none!

With time, you could implement ads from ads companies, sell products directly on your blog and if you are creative, create a paid membership site that would pay you monthly!

Sponsored posts, reviews and affiliate offers can also make you richer than your expectations in blogging. The great idea here, however, is that you could simply sell the blog is you are pressed for cash…and the ‘retail price’ could be $100, 000!


The Ways: 2 – Mini Importation

Mini Importation is big business in a country like Nigeria…this is because we are a country that loves what the good life has to offer.

You could take advantage of the large marketplaces in China and US and import laptops, cell phones, handbags and virtually anything and sell for a return of more than 500%!

Why not grab my eBook on the subject matter for only N 5,000 (here: and learn the basics of importation right into Nigeria? Buying the eBook also gives you direct access to me! Could there be any better win –win situation?


The Ways: 3 – Academic Writing Services

If you are good academically, why not consider academic writing agencies and tackle client’s orders? You’d be amazed the number of persons who need to have their assignments done.

Simply sign up with any of the reputed academic writing agencies as a writer. If you have Paypal challenges, there are many companies that would be very happy to pay you your earnings via your Payoneer Card. The earnings from the card can be withdrawn from any ATM machine in the country!

Payment is usually twice a month – and if you’re serious, you could earn over N 100, 000 in a month!


The Ways: 4 – Recharge Voucher Printing

If you are smart and serious, you could easily sign up with a dealer and buy PINs so that you can print recharge vouchers directly yourself.

While this method may actually appear outdated, serious folks have succeeded in making more than N 500, 000 monthly from this very cool business. The logic is simple and turn over quite high: who doesn’t rely on recharge cards these days?

Marketing is actually key here. The N 500, 000 is but a very conservative estimate. If you are serious, we’re talking millions here!


Credits…and more

This slide was prepared by Akaahan Terungwa. He blogs on a weekly basis on both and

However, this article originally appeared on – the only Nigerian blog dedicated to actually teaching Nigerians the act of making money online.

The full (and unabridged )version of this article can be found here: .


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