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Published on Men's Health ( > How to Keep Your Private Parts Healthy

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How to Keep Your Private PartsHealthy

a*e these steps now to +uarantee optimum per,ormance when you-re 0y he 1ditors o, &en-s Health #2%3 Photo+raphy0y hin*stoc* #4% Saturday3 5ovember $43 $63 :7 am

89ll health issues have e,,ects on your penis3 says Steven ;amm3 &.'.3an assistant pro,essor at the 5ew Yor* <niversity School o, &edicine and

the author o, The Hardness Factor: How to Achieve Your Best Healthand Sexual  Fitness at Any Age.

89 6=year=old man who is healthy is probably per,ormin+ as well seuallyas an out=o,=shape 2=year=old who smo*es and drin*s3 'r. ;amm says.

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"hile healthy blood ,low is essential to roc*=hard erections3 other physicaland mental health ,actors play a role in +ood penis ,unctionality.

, you?re stressed out ,rom wor* or poor relationships3 su,,erin+ ,romdepression3 addicted to alcohol or dru+s3 or woe,ully overwei+ht and out

o, shape3 that miraculous mechanical wonder between your le+s won?twor* as well as it could.

Related: How to Pleasure a "oman@the complete +uide to becomin+ amaster loverA #6%

Bortunately3 there?s much you can do to *eep your member in +oodstandin+ so you can still have se well into your s@and maybe evenbeyond. How?s that ,or incentive to shape upC 'o your private parts a,avor.

1. Lose the Belly

1at a healthy diet and eercise re+ularly to achieve ideal body wei+ht andeliminate the ,at around your +ut. 9bdominal ,at bloc*s the testosteronethat should be available to you3 which in turn a,,ects seual ,unctionin+. 9,at +ut is a bad mar*er ,or overall health@includin+ your seual health.

Your penis is a barometer ,or your heart and artery health or a 8canary inthe coal mine that can warn you o, impendin+ trouble. hat?s because a

penile artery is Duite a bit narrower than a coronary artery. , plaDue andartery hardenin+ is startin+ to occur3 it?ll o,ten show up ,irst by a,,ectin+your erection.

Bor a complete diet and eercise pro+ram that will banish your belly ,at3chec* out ;ose Your Spare ire #E%.

2. Quit Smoki!

8Smo*in+ Fust clenches down on your blood vessels and prevents them

,rom bein+ reactive3 says 'r. ;amm.

5icotine restricts penile blood ,low and wea*ens erections. t contributesto plaDue buildup in the arteries3 ma*in+ smo*ers twice as li*ely toeperience erectile dys,unction.

(5eed help *ic*in+ ashC ;earn how to Guit Smo*in+ ,or ood #I%.)

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". #ake a $alk %very &ay

"hen you eercise3 blood ,low increases@blood rushes throu+h theendothelial cells (the linin+ o, the blood vessels) and stimulates them toma*e more nitric oide3 a *ey chemical involved in producin+ erections.

8he healthier a man is3 the more nitric oide he produces3 and the harder his erection is3 says 'r. ;amm.

 9lso3 eercise has been shown to be as e,,ective as medication inreducin+ symptoms o, mild depression3 another downer ,or penisper,ormance.

'. &o a Ball (he)k

esticular cancer stri*es nearly 3 men a year3 mostly youn+ menbetween the a+es o, $6 and 4. "hen cau+ht early enou+h3 testicularcancer can be cured more than 76 percent o, the time.

;e,t undetected3 thou+h3 and it can spread to other parts o, the body.Jhec* in with your boys once a month.

Here?s the play=by=play ,rom Men’s Health urolo+y advisor ;arry ;ipshult3&.'.3 chie, o, the division o, male reproductive medicine at 0aylor Jolle+eo, &edicine:

Step $. a*e a hot bath or shower. "arm water relaes the muscles thatpull the testicles up into your scrotum3 allowin+ you to handle them moreeasily.

Step . Jup your scrotum. Beel both testicles at once. hey may not beidentical3 but there shouldn-t be any dramatic di,,erence in sie.

Step 2. ently eamine each testicle individually with both hands. Placeyour inde and middle ,in+ers underneath and your thumbs on top o, a

testicle. Loll the testicle between your ,in+ers around the entire sur,ace,or about 2 seconds usin+ li+ht pressure. Beel ,or lumps or bumps. 1achtesticle should ,eel smooth li*e a peeled hard boiled e++.

, you thin* you ,elt somethin+3 don?t panic. 9 lot o, men mista*e theepididymis3 a so,t tube located in the bac* o, each testicle3 ,or a bump. ,you?re unsure or i, you ,eel any other bumps3 consult your doctor.

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. /o to Bed %arlier 

estosterone levels pea* in the mornin+ ,or men. So irre+ular sleep

patterns3 or +ettin+ ,ewer than I hours o, sleep3 can a,,ect the Duality o,your sleep and your seual health.

Poor sleep is also associated with many health issues that contributeto seual problems includin+ hi+h blood pressure3 sleep apnea3 anddiabetes.

Sleepiness is a national problem. 9 study o, 3 adults by researchers,rom Stan,ord <niversity ,ound that $ in 6 9mericans su,,ers ,rom chronicecessive sleepiness.

(Score more shuteye with these 6 "ays to Sleep 0etter 1very 5i+ht #%.)

0. %at ore ish

he ome+a=2 ,atty acids 'H9 and 1P9 are +ood ,or heart and penishealth. 0ut toins li*e PJ0s and dioins in some ,ish can hit you belowthe belt by reducin+ your sperm count and lowerin+ testosterone.

ry to avoid lar+e blue,ish3 striped bass3 and ,armed salmon. PJ0s and

dioins accumulate in the ,atty tissues o, those ,ish more so than inyoun+er3 smaller ,ish or species such as wild salmon3 s*ipFac* tuna3 orsea bass.

3. Pop Supplemetal ,sura)e

, you aren?t eatin+ two to three servin+s o, ,atty ,ish per wee*3 ta*etwo ome+a=2 ,atty=acid supplements daily3 totalin+ at least 2 milli+rams(m+) o, 'H9 and 4 m+ o, 1P9 as a *ind o, insurance policy.

 9nd consider ta*in+ the antioidants pycno+enol ( m+) and ;=ar+inine (2 +rams) daily. hey?ll shield your endothelium ,rom harm and,acilitate the use o, nitric oide.

(9nd ,or more smart manhood=savin+ strate+ies3 ,ollow these "ays toProtect Your 1rection #7%.)

4. &rik oderately

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 9 +lass o, red wine may ,uel the libido3 but a ,ull bottle may screw withyour penis=brain circuitry and eliminate any chance o, +ettin+ an erection.

Jlinical studies have shown that alcohol acts as a depressant in the brain3dullin+ aniety and inhibitions about se3 but lar+er amounts can have the

opposite e,,ect.

n one study3 men with a blood alcohol concentration (09J) o, .E and.7 had trouble eFaculatin+ while masturbatin+. 9nother study measuredpenile swellin+ in response to erotic stimulation. hose men who hadthree or more mied drin*s within hours couldn?t +et it up.

Mver time3 chronic use o, alcohol can cause hormonal and brain chemicalchan+es that sti,le seual ,unctionin+. 9lcoholism has also been lin*ed to+yneocomastia and shrin*a+e o, the penis and testicles.

5. Rela6 ad 7wid

n men especially3 stress can tri++er the ,i+ht=or=,li+ht response.

"hen that happens3 your nervous system ,loods your body with stresshormones li*e adrenaline. 9drenaline spurs the heart to beat ,aster andyour blood vessels to constrict so that blood is directed to where it?sneeded most to deal with the crisis@your muscles3 not your penis.

t doesn?t have to be an ur+ent stress to cause problems. Jhronic low=level stress3 li*e a di,,icult boss3 loomin+ deadlines3 and ,ear o, ,inancialruin can inter,ere with erections and se drive. Bortunately3 eercise3sleep3 and a healthy diet can help to ease the stress response.

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