Page 1: How to… Gain Muscle Mass

How to… Gain Muscle Mass

8 – 12 weeks Cuban Cardio Diet Plan

Page 2: How to… Gain Muscle Mass

Protein is key!

Eating proteins is the basic for all muscle building. It contains the amino acids that repair and rebuild muscle tissues fibres after training. You can get all proteins you need from food, but it can be difficult to recover yourself with chicken breasts or egg white or protein shakes, you need to be serious about getting high quality protein that is why this plan contain a lot of proteins to help your simple recovery quicker and build faster.This plan will provide a mix combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to keep the body in anabolic state and hypertrophic, increasing, metabolic system and reducing body fat, building muscle even on the day off you don’t hit the training session

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Top Tips• Observe and control portion size• Protein should be the size of your fist• Carbohydrate most the size of you palm • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables but with

control and don’t cook them in oil or fat or cover with dressing

• Drink 10 glasses of water a day or more special on intense training

• Mix and combine carbohydrate and proteins and essential acid fat in every meal

• Aim to eat 150-250g proteins • Avoid drinking alcohol – it is a catabolic, this

mean it breaks down proteins and muscle quicker than you can built

• Plan your meals to shop accordingly at the start of the week

• Eat light proteins or supplements, special

creatine 4g before start your training session that will contribute to fast muscle development

• Cottage and Quark Cheese are great source of proteins that are assimilated by the body slowly and help repair and build muscle and tissues

• Eat light proteins as your last meal in the evening to encourage muscle synthesis overnight

• Eat 6-8 times a day but be careful, control and observe the portion size, do not eat too much overall, and cut out of the portion rights down at each meal to gain and build dense lean solid muscle.

• Train effective, fallow a training programme to build and produce high anabolic and hypertrophy to increase muscle development

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Daily Calorie Intake Calculation

You should consult your daily calorie intake with a nutritionist.Example:

1200 kcal BEE* x 1.8 PAL** = 2160 kcal TEE***

* Basal Energy Expenditure** Physical Activity Level*** Total Energy Expenditure

Average daily calorie intake1800 – 2000 kcal

Average daily calorie intake2300 – 2500 kcal

Increase the calorie

intake to put on weight

Decrease the calorie intake to

lose weight

2160 kcal to maintain current


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• Omelette made of 6 egg whites, 25g oatmeal made with water• Protein shake 40-50g• Grill tuna with broccoli and sweet potatoes • Protein shake with added creatine • Fillet stake with green beans and 4-5 new boiled potatoes• Cottage cheese with blueberry

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• Beacon scrambled eggs whites, low fat cheese, one slice of wholemeal toast• Protein bar 20g protein • Chicken fajita wraps grilled chicken breast and grilled

vegetable in a one or two wholemeal low fat tortilla wrap• Protein bar 20g protein • Baked cod fish with mix salad and one baked sweet potato • Quark cheese with strawberry

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• Oats mix with one scoop of protein shake powder and small skimmed mild or 2-3bstp low fat Greek yogurt• Protein shake 40-50g of protein • Turkey burger on wholemeal bun with mix of spinach and

tomatoes• Protein shake 40-50g mix with creatine • Grilled salmon with cucumber and mix greed salad and

couscous • Cottage cheese with pomegranate

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• Protein pancakes beat two eggs whites with 25g oatmeal, 1bstp cottage cheese. Add water to make thin if necessary. Cook with a little olive oil.• Protein bar providing 20-30g protein • Chilli with turkey, kidney beans and tomatoes sauce and a

green mix salad • Protein bar 20-30g • Tofu and vegetable stir fry with brown rice • Cottage cheese with a raspberry

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• Porridge oat mixed with piece of apple, banana, mango, pineapple mix of nuts and seed 1tsp cinnamon 2bstp low fat kefir or yogurt • Protein shake 40-50g • Haddock pan fried with kales, spinach, tomatoes with brown rice • Protein shake mix with creatine 40-50g • Roasted chicken with mix Mediterranean salad, watercress and

spinach• Quack cheese mix with kiwi

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• Scrambled eggs on slice protein bread and spinach • Protein bar 20-30g• Chicken salad mix with lettuce, kale, watercress, beans,

avocado, tomatoes and cucumber • Protein bar 30-40g • Tuna steak with asparagus and quinoa • Cottage cheese mix grapefruit

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• 50g porridge oats mixed with one scoop of protein shake mixed with kefir, nuts and plums • Protein bar 20-40g• Tout-Mackerel – Seabass with roasted vegetables, kales,

couscous • Protein bar 20-30g• Cod fish with mix salad watercress, spinach, avocado,

tomatoes, sweetcorn • Cottage cheese mix blackberries

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