Page 1: How to create green offices

How to Create Green Offices

Page 2: How to create green offices

9 Ways to Reduce our Carbon

Footprint at Work

Page 3: How to create green offices

1. Day Light Working in natural light can improve productivity of employees in organisations. Hence, exposure to day light in offices in place of bright fluorescent lights can improve concentration of employees and also save energy. Wide glass windows in offices can bring in natural day light.

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2. PlantsPlanting indoor trees in organisations can help improve the décor of

companies and can also help in reducing frustration levels of employees as greenery reduces stress levels. Companies can also choose to use

artificial plants to create green environment.

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3. Open WorkspacesCreating open workspaces can help in promoting collaboration

at work. In an open or cubicle layout, employees tend to collaborate and discuss more about ideas that can improve their


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4. Use of StairsCompanies can save their carbon footprints by encouraging

employees to use stairs instead of lifts by installing appropriate signage. This can promote healthy practice and also save energy


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5. Save EnergyEmployees should be requested to switch off computers, lights and air conditioners, when not in use. Organisations can save a

lot of energy by following this practice.

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6. Waste RecyclingWaste recycling is an effective way to save resources. Companies can promote that by segregating dry and wet wastes in business

canteens. Companies can also purchase waste recycling and sorting units to promote the same.

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7. Sustainable DesignFrom office design to furniture and other items, everything should be purchased with sustainability in mind. It helps in

reducing energy resource consumption in a long run.

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8. Save PaperCompanies should encourage employees to use digital communication

instead of paper mails and messages. Usage of recycled paper for printing should be encouraged. Companies can use signage to promote

minimal usage of paper at work.

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9. Save WaterWater is an important resource and should be used wisely.

Signage to suggest wise consumption of water at workplaces should be installed.

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