Page 1: How to attack your softball training for maximum success

How to Attack Your Softball Training for Maximum Success

Two things you have to understand about softball training is that there are no "small things" and that oftentimes boring = important. How often do you see teams to base running drills and actually see players run in an all-out sprint? There may be one or two that actually run at their best speed during these daily base running drills. How many times do you see players do routine fielding drills and just "go through the motions" giving their bare minimum to get through the drill? It happens quite often wouldn't you say?

But what kind of preparation is this for competition?

How many times have you heard a coach yell, "You gotta get down!" after a player gets tagged outgoing into a base standing up...and yet when this team practices, players are allowed to wear shorts or show up with no sliding pads? They are never required to "get down" in practice and yet coaches expect it in games?

"Practice how you play" they say. What does this mean? Is it something you really do? If you want to perform great consistently...Guess what? You must train that way. You must attack your softball training with your 100% complete and total effort in EVERYTHING. Every drill, no matter how "boring" or "small" or "simple." Make your full intensity, determination, and concentration when executing skills a HABIT by training that way every drill, every day.

You can't go up to a bunt station and just stick out your bat for five straight pitches, bunt some fair, bunt some foul, and miss one then expect to be able to put down a perfect bunt in a one-shot opportunity at game time when you have an opposing pitcher standing at the other end of the pitch throwing at you with everything she's got. * Sprint, don't just run.

* Bunt fair, on the ground, and away from the pitcher, not just stick your bat out.

* Field cleanly, with good footwork, and get rid of the ball quickly while making the catch easy on the other end - don't just field and throw the ball in the general direction of your target.

Challenge yourself. Want more. Expect more. Push for more than what is asked, not less. Do this every each and every day, one drill at a time, and one rep at a time. Then, watch as the cumulative effect of striving for and achieving more in each small rep you do lead you to success at the highest of levels. Doing the "small" things to perfection (or as close to it as you can get) will allow you to achieve the "big" things you want.

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