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How NOT to write in Node.js

Piotr [email protected]

PHPers, 6 Feb 2014

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About me

Piotr [email protected]

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About me

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How software lives in hardware?

•Operating systems are process based• Each process has assigned processor,

registers, memory

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How software lives in hardware?

•Process paralelism using threads (thread pools)• Switching processor over

processes/threads causes context switching

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How software lives in hardware?

1. Avoid context switching = wasting time

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How software lives in hardware?

In trivial, sequential approach

• Each operation is executed sequentially:

O(t) > O(t+1)

• if O(t) stucks, O(t+1) waits…

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How software lives in hardware?

This is cool, software flow is predictibleBut not in high throughput I/O

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How software lives in hardware?

High throughput I/O doesn’t mean:

•Memory operations• Fast single-thread computing

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How software lives in hardware?

High throughput I/O means:

•HTTP requests•Database connections•Queue system dispatching•HDD operations

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Single-threaded, event loop model


Imagine a man, who has a task:1. Walk around2. When bucket is full of water,

just pour another bucket3. Go to next bucket

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Single-threaded, event loop model

What is nonblocking I/O?

Imagine a man, who has a task:1. Walk around2. When bucket is full of water,

just pour another bucket3. Go to next bucket

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Single-threaded, event loop model


Imagine a man, who has a task:1. Walk around2. When bucket is full of water,

just pour another bucket,if not… continue

3. Go to next bucket

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Single-threaded, event loop model

How it is realised in low-level operating system?

•select()•/dev/pool descriptors•kqueue•pool•epool

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Single-threaded, event loop model

How it is realised in low-level operating system?

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,

fd_set *exceptfds, const struct timeval *timeout);

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Single-threaded, event loop model

2. Avoid I/O blocking

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Node.js architecture

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Node.js architecture

Node std library

node bindings (socket, http, …)

Event loop(libev)Google V8 Thread Pool




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Node.js architecture

• Single-threadedno context switching

• Event loopno waits

• Javascript (Google V8)• ECMA-262 support

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Node.js architecture

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ECMA-262 support

var arr = []

for(var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; ++i) {

var row = arr[i] // ufff…


var arr = []

arr.forEach(function(row) {


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„Parallelism”is a myth

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Node.js architecture

• Everything runs in parallel except your code

•When currently code is running,(not waiting for I/O descriptors)whole event loop is blocked

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• Let’s compute Fibonacci

function fib(n) {

return (n < 2) ? 1 : (fib(n-2)+fib(n-1));


This will simply block main (single) thread.

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•How about process.nextTick() ?

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•… but next iteration over function is delayed into next event loop iteration• That means each descriptor is checked before


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process.nextTick()to speed up computations is a myth

Node.js is not good solution to make single-process computations

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You can still fork another process

• threads_a_gogopool = require('threads_a_gogo').createPool(5)pool.any.eval('myFunction( ... )')

• Fork processvar fork = require('child_process').fork;var child = fork(__filename, [ 'arg1' ]);

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Callback hellis a mythwe can deal with it

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Callback hell

• Language construction – callback function•When operation is ready, call function passed as an


someOperation(arg1, arg2, function() {



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Callback hell

•When many operations are ready…

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var amqp = require('amqp');var connection = amqp.createConnection();

connection.on('ready', function() {"ex1", function(exchange) {

connection.queue('queue1', function(q) {q.bind(exchange, 'r1');

q.subscribe(function(json, headers, info, m) {console.log("msg: " +



}); This is callback hell

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Callback hell

Deal with callback hell in many ways:

•Define callbacks as local variables•Use async module•Use PROMISE design pattern

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Callback hell

Define callbacks as local variables, like this:

var whenSthElseDone = function() {

// done...


var whenSthDone = function() {




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Callback hell

Use async module:


function(callback) {



function(callback) {


return callback()



function() {

// all done...


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Callback hell

PROMISE design pattern:

var Promise = require('promise');

var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

operation1(function (err, res) {

if (err) reject(err);

else resolve(res);



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Callback hell

PROMISE design pattern:

promise.then(function(res) {

// done...


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Events (event bus)Triggering event does’t block whole event loop is a myth

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Eventsvar eventbus = require('events').EventEmitter

myFunction() {

operation1(function() {

eventbus.emit('myFunctionIsDone', {

result: 1234




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Eventsvar eventbus = require('events').EventEmitter

eventbus.on('myFunctionIsDone', function(data) {

console.log('cool! ')


Trigger waits until all listeners are done. So do not make long-running operations in event subscribers.

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Scaling EventEmitterTriggering events in event bus via EventEmitter does not scale!

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Scaling EventEmitter

• Triggering events in event bus via EventEmitterdoes not scale!• Events are visible locally in main thread

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Scaling EventEmitter

We need to use external queue system

to touch distributed nodes(3rd party for our application written in Node.js)

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Scaling EventEmitter

RabbitMQ is cool because:

•based on AMQP protocol(so integrates 3rd party software – an abstraction)•Queue async system•Publish-subscribe async model•Request-Response model

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Scaling EventEmitter


1. Trigger event in your application via EventEmitter2. Catch it locally3. Re-trigger via RabbitMQ

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Scaling EventEmitter


1. Subscribe on RabbitMQ exchange2. Trigger local event in application

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Scaling EventEmitter

This is only to separate responsibilitiesand good design of application

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Not only Node.jsNode.js is not a religion! It is only an implementation of async programming model

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Not only Node.js

Node.js is not a religion. Last time - hype.It only utilizes event-loop model, known from a long time…

• GUI frameworks• Tornado – Python• Linkedin parseq – Java• Async and Await – C#• Cramp – Ruby• reactphp – PHP, ehhh… WAT?!

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Event loop, single-threaded model is not solution for all your problems…Especially for long-running computings in single thread.It’s good for high throughput I/O.

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Thank you.Q&A?

Piotr [email protected]

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