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Centre for nanoscience

Central university of Gujarat







Page 2: How nanotechnology affect biodiversity and ecosystem by shreya modi

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet.

Biodiversity is a measure of the health of ecosystems. Biodiversity is in part a function of climate. In terrestrial habitats, tropical regions are typically rich whereas polar regions support fewer species.

Rapid environmental changes typically cause mass extinctions. One estimate is that less than 1% of the species that have existed on Earth are extant.[1]

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes) in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment (things like air, water and mineral soil), interacting as a system.[2]

Earth also possess a variety of ecosystems, For example,

Wetlands, Rainforests, Oceans, Coral reefs, and Glaciers that provide services such as


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-Water Storage and Release

-Carbon dioxide absorption and Storage

-Nutrient Storage and Recycling

-Pollutant Uptake and Breakdown etc…

These components are regarded as linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.[3]

As ecosystems are defined by the network of interactions among organisms, and between organisms and their environment,[4] they can come in any size but usually encompass specific, limited spaces[5] (although it is sometimes said that the entire planet is an ecosystem).[6,7]

So, Environment and their activity have great influence on both Biodiversity and Ecosystem.

Ecosystem processes, including water, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus cycling, changed more rapidly in the second half of the twentieth century than at any time in recorded human history.

Human modifications of ecosystems have changed not only the structure of the systems (such as what habitats or species are present in a particular location), but their processes and functioning as well.

The capacity of ecosystems to provide services derives directly from the operation of natural biogeochemical cycles that in some cases have been significantly modified.

Now a days, Prevention of biodiversity and Earth’s ecosystem is critical to human life and prosperity.


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As nanotechnology is an emerging field, there is great debate regarding to what extent industrial and commercial use of nanomaterial will affect organisms and ecosystems.

Biodiversity means the diversity in biological system. Both Biodiversity and Ecosystem are related to the living things, as we know all living things require three basic need to live .

Our planet's ability to provide an accommodating environment for humanity is being challenged by our own activities.




The potential for Nano technological innovations to

help improve the environment

The possibly novel type of pollution that Nano

technological materials might cause if released into

the environment.




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To understand this I have just tried to explain Planetary Boundaries.


This refers to a specific point related to a global-scale environmental process beyond which humanity should not go.

The position of the boundary is a normative judgment, informed by science but largely based on human perceptions of risk. This doesn't mean that any change in the Earth system is dangerous. Our planet can undergo abrupt changes naturally.

An example is the sudden switch in North Atlantic Ocean circulation when a critical level of freshwater input is reached.

But these thresholds and abrupt changes are intrinsic features of the Earth system and cannot be eliminated or modified by human actions, such as the development of new technologies.

We have to learn to live with thresholds and respect them.

An abrupt change is a hardwired feature of the Earth system independent of human existence, while violation of a boundary is a subjective judgment by humanity about how close we wish to approach dangerous or potentially catastrophic thresholds in our own life-support system.

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and phosphorus and nitrogen production are just three areas in which boundaries can be determined and measured, and we will use these as examples [9]

Even small changes can have a synergistic effect when linked to other small changes.

For example,

Conversion of forest to cropland, increased use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and increased extraction of freshwater for irrigation could all act together to reduce biodiversity more than if each of these variables acted independently.

Many changes feed back into each other. The processes involving ocean acidity and atmospheric CO2 concentration are an example of a reinforcing feedback loop. An increase in ocean acidity reduces the strength of the "biological pump" that removes carbon from the atmosphere, which in turn increases the atmospheric CO2 concentration, which increases the physical uptake of CO2

by the ocean, which further increases acidity, and so on…..[10]


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Now a days we all are facing some problems regarding Environmental Pollution, Global Warming, Scarcity for Energy Sources etc.. Which lead to disturbance in Biodiversity and Ecosystem. To find out the solution of such problems is the great challenge to all, but Nanotechnology and its Fascinating Application may be answer for these.


We all know nonrenewable energy sources are limited they will exhausted within few years apart from this, their use also lead to pollution in environment which affect biodiversity of earth so here nanotechnology is boon for development or enhancement of new energy sources.

Nanotechnology has made it possible for scientists to develop renewable energy sources that will not harm the environment any further, as they produce energy with low levels of toxic emission while at the same time affordable to many.

1) Consider the possibility of having inexpensive solar power in the near future by using

nanostructured solar cells. The use of the latter has made it possible for manufacturers to

produce solar panels into flexible rolls using print-like processing that equates to lower

costs and easier installations.

2) Currently, researchers are into developing thin-film solar panels that fits into portable

computer cases and mobile electronic devices or be woven into flexible nanowires and

attached to garments as a means for generating usable energy, either from natural light,

from friction or from one’s own body heat while on the go.

3) Nano-bioengineering researches and development are also currently aimed at enabling

enzymes to convert cellulose, wood chips, cornstalks and organic perennial grasses into

ethanol fuel.

4) Moreover, researchers are onto the possibility of converting heat wastes into usable

energy power as they are generated by computers, vehicles, homes, factories, power


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plants and the like. They are generated by computers, vehicles, homes, factories, power

plants and the like.

5) Windmill blades are being developed into lightweight nanostructures that are stronger

than the ordinary blades with the capacity to increase the amount of electricity generated.

6) Other developments for nanowires are for their utilization in electric grids by adding

carbon nanotubes to create lower resistance. This then will result to the reduction of

power that is lost while energy is being transmitted to power lines.[8]

An overview about existing nanotechnologies in cars already on the market, applications with short-term and medium-term potential as well as long-term applications such as light-weight construction using nano-carbon nanotubes which are presently investigated in research labs worldwide and have a high potential if they can be used for automotive bodies.

Nanotechnology for Waste Water treatment and remediation

Contaminated waste water also affects biodiversity and also ecology of the water system. Because waste water contain so many impurities like Organic Dyes, Harmful Microorganisms, Heavy metals etc.. Clean and pure water is basic need for all purposes like for Drinking, Domestic Uses, Industrial Uses etc..[9]


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A strong influence of Nanochemistry on Waste-water treatment, Air purification and Energy storage devices is to be expected.

Seawater and brackish water from saline aquifers constitute approximate 97% of the water on earth.[10]. Approximately 2.58-4.36 KWh of energy is need to produce 1 m3 of clean water from saline water[11]. Development of low energy desalination technology must be a priority for extracting clean water and valuable minerals[e.g. lithium] from brackish water and sea water.

Mechanical or chemical methods can be used for effective filtration techniques. One class of filtration techniques is based on the use of membranes with suitable hole sizes, whereby the liquid is pressed through the membrane.

Nanoporous membranes are suitable for a mechanical filtration with extremely small pores smaller than 10 nm (“nanofiltration”) and may be composed of nanotubes. Nano filtration is mainly used for the removal of ions or the separation of different fluids.

Magnetic nanoparticles offer an effective and reliable method to remove heavy metal contaminants from waste water by making use of magnetic separation techniques.

Using nanoscale particles increases the efficiency to absorb the contaminants and is comparatively inexpensive compared to traditional precipitation and filtration methods.

Some water-treatment devices incorporating nanotechnology are already on the market, with more in development. Low-cost nanostructured separation membranes methods have been shown to be effective in producing potable water in a recent study.[12]

Nanoscale iron particles have also shown potential as a detoxifying agent for cleaning environmental contaminants from Brownfield sites.[13]

Farm waste is a mixture of animal faeces and urine, plus milk and chemicals such as pesticides. A large quantity of animal waste is generated by concentrated animal feeding operations and disposal of the waste has been a major problem. Factory farms collect the animal waste and mix


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it with water to form slurry. Slurry is a type of liquid manure that can be used on fields as fertilizer. If the soil or plants are unable to absorb the slurry or if the slurry is spread in too high a concentration, the run-off can get into water systems.

Slurry is generally more polluting than raw sewage. When slurry tanks are accidentally or deliberately breached large amounts of slurry can spill into rivers, streams or lakes, including wetlands causing severe environmental problems. Many incidents are not reported. Animal waste is found in soil, surface water, groundwater and sea water.

Slurry disturbs aquatic ecosystems by increasing nitrogen and phosphorus levels leading to the growth of toxic algae, which poison the fish and it decreases oxygen levels causing fish to suffocate.

The growth of toxic algae in waterways is called algal blooms. In addition to the ecological effects these algal blooms make waterways smelly, unsightly, unsuitable for drinking and dangerous for swimming.

Increased use of agrochemicals, farm machinery and irrigation in recent years has made the pollution problem worse.

Milk spills are another major environmental hazard for aquatic ecosystems. Milk is a highly polluting substance and when it gets into waterways is a threat to fish and other animals living within the waterway. This is because the bacteria feeds on the milk and uses up oxygen that fish and other animals need to survive. The dairy industry sometimes accidentally loses huge volumes of milk from its tankers. Sometimes milk that cannot be sold is deliberately dumped and gets into waterways.

Chemicals used on farms as pesticides, fungicides or fertilizers are found in waterways. Common farm chemicals include 1080, aluminum phosphide, cresol, organophosphorus pesticides, pyrethroids, methyl bromide, strychnine, and tryquat. These chemicals are sprayed on farmland using tractors and boom sprayers, or aerial sprays from light planes. Droplets are produced that can linger in air and may be carried by wind away from the intended area. This is known as ‘spray drift’. Chemical spray drift cannot always be contained and might still occur despite correct application. These chemical sprays often drift over neighboring properties or waterways and can affect human health, animals and the environment.

Education about how to transport, store, use and dispose of chemicals more safely, and chemical disposal services such as Chem-clear have helped reduce chemical pollution.

Nanotechnology and its application play efficient role to solve above problems.

Farm waste has huge potential as a source of energy. It is a major source of methane, a greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. When possible the methane should not be allowed to escape into the atmosphere. It should be captured and the energy potential should be harnessed.[14].


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For example-

Engineers at Oregon State University have discovered that the proper nanotech coating could increase the electricity output of wastewater-to-energy production by more than 20 times.

In producing power from wastewater, bacteria are placed in an anode chamber – where they form a biofilm, consume nutrients and grow – to release electrons.

The researchers then experimented with the use of new coatings on the anodes of microbial electrochemical cells to generate more electricity from sewage. They found that coating graphite anodes with a nanoparticle layer of gold can increase electricity production by 20 times, while coatings with palladium produced an increase as well, but not nearly as much.[15]


Oil spills from container ships or offshore platforms are a frequent hazard to marine and coastal ecosystems and an expensive one to clean up. BP expects the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 -- the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history -- to cost it $40 billion.

On it's own, oil is not magnetic, but MIT researchers say that when mixed with water-repellent nanoparticles that contain iron, the oil can be magnetically separated from the water. The nanoparticles can later be removed to enable the re-use of the oil.[16].

Numerous solutions have been proposed for dealing with the problem of oil spills. These include

Use of microorganisms to digest the oil Mechanical means like skimmers, booms, pumps, mechanical separators etc. Sorbents to remove oil from water through adsorption and/or absorption and Use of chemical dispersants like detergents etc. [17]

Conventional techniques are not adequate to solve the problem of massive oil spills.

In recent years, nanotechnology has emerged as a potential source of novel solutions to many of the world's outstanding problems.


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Although the application of nanotechnology for oil spill cleanup is still in its nascent stage, it offers great promise for the future. In the last couple of years, there has been particularly growing interest worldwide in exploring ways of finding suitable solutions to clean up oil spills through use of nanomaterials.[18]

Figure : Various approaches for oil spill cleanup using nanomaterials/nanotechnologies.



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Around the world, the need for better, cheaper healthcare has become critical. In the industrialized economies, aging populations are putting enormous strains on national healthcare systems, and in emerging economies, population growth and a rising middle class are likewise creating an enormous new demand for medical treatment.

Nanotechnology is playing an increasingly important role in overcoming this global challenge. Around the world, medical researchers are working on nanoparticles for drug delivery which can deliver powerful medications to exactly where they are needed in the body, such as the site of a tumor or infection. This means that these medications can act more effectively – and with fewer side effects in the rest of the body.

Because of increasing the problems of Environmental pollution some dangerous diseases like- Cancer, respiratory system diseases etc.. are also increasing day by day.

Nanoparticles have also enabled a totally new approach to cancer treatment; by injecting a magnetic nanoparticle fluid directly into the tumor and applying an external electromagnetic field, the tumor may be destroyed by heating it from the inside out. The application of nanotechnology will also make itself felt in our pockets, not only figuratively but also literally: It is enabling bulky, expensive laboratory analysis and diagnostic technology to be miniaturized onto a silicon chip, putting within reach the dream of a complete hospital laboratory which fits in a pocket.

Fully automated biochips will soon be able to quickly and cheaply detect pathogens or other biomolecules, such as those associated with cardiovascular disease or other widespread health issues. In the field of pharmaceutical research, too, the technology of drug discovery is benefitting enormously from these Nanobiotechnology-based systems [19].


In the next 10+ years, it is expected that nanotechnology will contribute significantly to the preservation of biodiversity through the development and implementation of:

Advanced sensors and devices for monitoring ecosystem health (e.g./ soil/water composition, nutrient/ pollutant loads, microbial metabolism, and plant health)

Advanced sensors and devices for monitoring and tracking animal migration in terrestrial and marine ecosystems

Cost-effective and environmentally acceptable solutions to the global sustainability challenges, including energy, water, environment and climate change .


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As per two sides of coin, there are also some drawback and harmful effects of Nanotechnology and Nanoparticles which also cause some harmful effect to Biodiversity and Ecosystem


However, the side effects and environmental impact of these altered materials remain under-researched.

In general, introducing a new material into the environment—engineered or not—will affect ecosystems.

Omowunmi Sadik, director of Binghampton University’s Center for Advanced Sensors and Environmental Systems, cites the example of silver nanoparticles, which are used to coat materials ranging from cookware to laundry liquids. Socks that are laced with silver nanoparticles for their antibacterial and deodorant properties are eventually washed in the laundry, and some of the particles are flushed into waterways.

The biggest problem with these tiny particles—they range in size from 1 to 100 nanometers—is locating them in water, soil and the atmosphere. Current methods of analyzing nanoparticles rely on bulky, hard-to-move microscopes that are unable to provide information on the toxicity of the materials.[20].

The present situation of agricultural production faces the challenge of enhancing crop production and providing nutritionally adequate diets for the increasing population, under uncertain climatic extremes, water scarcity, in limited (and degraded at many places) land area, with more requirement of water, and in many cases with poor quality water and air, and rapid erosion of natural biodiversity.

To maintain the food quality in relation to its huge production, the food security is also an important factor. The food production, quality and food security can be maintained by introducing small science in the present century. Thus small science have such a big impact, this is nothing but nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is being explored in the field of agriculture to boost production by several companies. Nano particles are engineered materials that operate at a scale of 100 nanometers (nm) or less.

Nanotechnology can create breakthroughs in the food sector. But scientists would like to predict that this technology may create some risk in ecological, health and in socio-economic sectors. Nanotechnology may create some toxic effects in food chain, in biomagnification and also in food web. Naturally, the toxicological effects need consideration.[21]


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Researchers have also found that the process of nanotube manufacturing releases toxic substances similar to those found in cigarette smoke and automobile tailpipe emissions. Moreover, different carbon nanotubes have diverse chemical compositions, making it difficult to trace their impact in the environment.

Notably, carbon nanotubes are not biodegradable. Hence, they will persist in our environment and may build up in the food chain. Furthermore, studies on the impact of nanoparticles on soil ecosystems, vertebrates, or invertebrates are missing almost completely.

Given that nanoparticles are potentially highly toxic and may persist and disperse throughout the environment, the possibility that they may disrupt ecosystem functioning needs to be considered. This is because a wide range of individuals across many species may be exposed to nanoparticles as they disperse through the environment. Harm to a single species may lead to a disruption in the functioning of the whole ecosystem.

Disruption of natural bacterial processes could affect the fixing of nitrogen. This is the process by which atmospheric nitrogen gas is converted into ammonia.

The ammonia is subsequently available for many important biological molecules such as amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and nucleic acids.

Organisms that have been altered by nanotechnology might mutate and evolve into harmful new viruses.

Nanotechnology may make humans more effective at destroying the environment because stronger materials and larger machines accelerate the pace of destruction.[22].


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There are no known problems with nanotechnology but with increased use and exposure to humans and the environment, certain aspects of this technology make it risky. The small size and greater mobility of free nanoparticles mean they pose a greater threat than fixed nanoparticles.[22].

Nanoparticles could cause an ‘overload’ on phagocytes, the cells that ingest and destroy foreign matter. This is likely to trigger a stress reaction that can lead to inflammation and weaken the body’s defenses against other pathogens.[23]

Nanoparticles may be inhaled, ingested or taken in through contact with the skin. The known possible adverse health impacts are summarized in below figure which includes both natural and anthropogenic nanoparticles. Obviously not all nanoparticles are harmful, but without exhaustive tests especially in the case of the newly engineered nanoparticles, it is impossible to tell.

Diseases associated with inhaled nanoparticles include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Nanoparticles in the gastrointestinal tract have been linked to Crohn’s disease and colon cancer. Nanoparticles that enter the circulatory system are implicated

in arteriosclerosis, blood clots, arrhythmia, heart diseases, and ultimately death from heart disease. Nanoparticles entering other organs, such as liver, spleen, etc., may lead to diseases of these organs. Some nanoparticles are associated with autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis.[24-26]


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Published risk assessment studies of engineered nanoparticle (ENP) exposure scenarios.[28-37].

Focal ENP(s) Context CitationNanosilver (nano-Ag) Fate and risks for aquatic exposure associated

with Ag in plastics and textilesBlaser et al., 2008

Nanosilver (nano-Ag) Comprehensive synthesis of Ag production and future likely scenarios ofexposure

Luoma, 2008

Nano-TiO2 Assessment of TiO2 production and exposure scenarios

Ogilvie-Robichaud et al., 2009

Single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

Measured the elemental, molecular, and stable carbon isotope compositionsof commercially available single-walled CNTs to provide unique“fingerprints” to trace CNTs in the environment

Plata et al., 2008

Assorted ENPs, with emphasis on zero-valent Fe nanoparticles

Review of potential and risks associated with nanoremediation approaches

Karn et al., 2009

Hypothetical ENPs possessing differentcharacteristics

Application of multicriteria decision analysis tools to four hypothetical ENPs

Linkov et al., 2007

ENPs in nanocomponents and products

Examination of industrial reporting Meyer et al., 2009

Nano-Ag, nano-TiO2, and CNTs

Substance flow analysis from products to air, soil, and water in Switzerland

Mueller and Nowack, 2008

Single-walled CNTs, buckyballs (C60),quantum dots, and alumoxane andTiO2 nanoparticles

Assessment of inputs, outputs, and waste streams in fabrication processes.Comparison of risk to other industrial manufacturing processes

Robichaud et al., 2005

TiO2, ZnO, Ag, and CNT and fullerenes

Modeled predictions of ENP concentrations in sediment and sludge treated soil for the United States, Europe, and Switzerland. Risk assessment scenarios compared with toxicity to calculate risk quotients

Gottschalk et al., 2009.


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Journal of Environmental Quality • Volume 39 • November–December 2010

Figure;- Diseases linked to nanoparticles from different pathways of exposure

The new properties could lead to unique applications, but also to possible harmful consequences. Given their small particle sizes and increased reactivity, nanomaterials might cross body membranes, and scatter in the environment.[27]

Likewise, direct exposure to carbon nano products can cause brain damage in largemouth bass, be toxic to micro-organisms that digest bacteria in water, and have a negative impact on marine ecosystems.


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In addition, research in mice showed that inhalation of particles from carbon nanotubes (strong, flexible, powerful electrical conductors) may result in asbestos-like health effects.


Nanotechnology collectively describes technology and science which utilizes Nano scale particles. Despite their benefits, introduction of nanoparticles into the environment might have significant impacts as they may be extremely resistant to degradation and have the potential to accumulate in bodies of water or in soil.

The study observed the behavior of C60 fullerenes; also know as 'Bucky Balls', in soil. These are a type of carbon nanomaterial currently used in some cosmetics with expected future use in pharmaceuticals.

Other types of carbon nanomaterials have a promising future for use in a range of environmental applications, including environmental sensors, renewable energy technologies and pollution prevention strategies. Laboratory tests on C60 fullerenes provide a good indicator of how other types of carbon nanomaterials will behave in the environment, as they all display similar physical and chemical characteristics.

In water, nanoparticles cluster together to form larger particles, aggregates, which may behave differently when released into the environment. In order to investigate the impact of fullerenes on soil microorganisms, the researchers prepared suspensions of aggregated C60 fullerenes, applied them to soil at varying concentrations and assessed how they affected the growth and diversity of soil dwelling microorganisms over time.


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The study demonstrated that microbial biomass and respiration rate (an indication of the activity of soil microorganisms) were unaffected by nanoparticle treatments. Soil protozoans, such as amoeba, were slightly sensitive to nanoparticle applications. However, fast growing bacteria decreased up to 4 fold in number. Protozoa feed on bacteria, so a reduction in bacterial biomass could disrupt the bottom of the food chain in the soil ecosystem. Additionally, the researchers noticed a very small, but persistent, change in the genetic diversity of both the bacterial and protozoan community, caused by the fullerenes.

It is possible that the water-repelling nature of fullerenes means that they limit bacterial growth by adsorbing vitamins and minerals, which are essential for bacterial growth, from the soil.

Interactions between microorganisms in the soil ecosystem are very complicated and the impact of fullerenes on fast-growing bacteria may affect the balance of these interactions and in turn the overall health and function of the soil.

Researchers recommend that further studies of the long-term fate of fullerene nanoparticles are needed before they are released into the environment. In addition there are many different types of nanoparticles so the effects of all types should be considered when setting environmental regulations for their release.[38]


Nanotechnology holds promise for cleaning up contaminated sites, yet little research has been done on the potential toxicological effects nanomaterials might pose. The available research data indicates that silver and copper nanoparticles are harmful to aquatic life.

Given the unique features of nanomaterials, there is a need for the development and implementation of appropriate and fit for purpose scientific approaches. This philosophy is based on the following:

1) The marine environment is likely to be a sink for nanomaterials as it is for most man-

made pollutants; it is therefore possible that certain nanomaterials may bio-accumulate

and bio-magnify along the marine trophic chain, thus potentially affecting marine

biological resources (wild and farmed);

2) Nanomaterials may be transferred to humans through diet by consumption of

contaminated seafood products;

3) Nanomaterials may lead to a deterioration in marine environmental quality (coastal areas

including natural and recreational interests) with social and economic repercussions.


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4) Some nanomaterials can, however, be used to reduce marine pollution, through selected

applications, such as for instance through remediation by binding and removing specific



As we know nanotechnology can be applied in the every field of science, it affects every area

directly or indirectly, in this assignment It can be concluded that nanotechnology is very

much important to save and maintain biodiversity and Ecosystem, it play efficient role in the

sustainability of Environment.


Apart from these, nanoparticle exposure lead to nanotoxicity to which affect environment,

Biodiversity and Ecosystems.


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