Page 1: How I Made $1,500 Last Christmas as an Amazon Affiliate

How I made $1,500 Online Last Christmas as an Amazon Affiliate If you start working now, I guarantee you can make money this Christmas as an Amazon affiliate. Instead of going into debt this Holiday Season, you can actually make a profit. If you are one who typically takes on a part-time job prior to the Holidays to make extra money, then you need to pay attention closely. In March 2013, I began following a guy named Spencer who blogs at Spencer launched a “how to series” to show people how to create simple product review websites to earn income as an Amazon affiliate. The concept was simple: (1) Research to discover products people are interested in buying; (2) Build a simple DIY website; (3) Add content to the website in the form of well-researched product reviews; (4) Promote the website to gain visitors; (5) Send visitors to Amazon from your product reviews through an affiliate link; (6) Receive a commission when visitor purchases from Amazon. As an attorney with a wife and 3-year old daughter, I do not have a surplus of free time at my disposal. However, I understand how important it is to invest your time and money in assets…investments that generate positive cash flow. Spencer was building these product review websites and generating hundreds of dollars per month in positive cash flow. Cash flow always gets my attention! So I followed Spencer’s detailed instructions and built four of these simple websites from May to September 2013. The sites I built were mostly in the small home appliance and tool product categories, and each took me 10 to 12 hours to initially build out. Keep in mind, I was entirely new to the concept of earning money through commissions as an Amazon affiliate, and I was definitely skeptical whether the effort would be worth my time. I earned the first commission from Amazon in June 2013 when someone made a purchase on Amazon after being directed to Amazon through my website. The first commission was just a few dollars, but it proved this concept could be successful. Seeing this initial small success, I dived into created additional content for the websites. In December 2013, those four websites I built generated just under $1,500 in commissions. To date, those websites have generated a little over $4,000 in extra income for my family. The only expenses I have incurred are the cost of the domain names (about $12 each), a hosting account ($9.95 per month), and inexpensive hearder/logo graphics ($5 each). It has been about one year since I created those websites, so I’ve earned an average of nearly $350 each month in Amazon commissions. It is getting more difficult now for these small websites to perform well. Google continually changes the way it provides its search results, and your websites primarily depend on search results to get visitors. However, if you build a website that provides well-researched and useful products reviews, you can duplicate this process and generate income. You don’t need to be a tech-savvy computer geek, and you do not need a lot of money to get started. Simply review Spencer’s guidance, create a useful website that helps folks find products they want to buy, and create extra cash flow for yourself and your family.

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