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How Effective Is The Combination of Your Main

Product and Ancillary Texts?

Matthew Plumb

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All of our products are combined through the use of the titles and the ancillary texts which are promoting the documentary. The title of our documentary which is called “Golden Balls” is to relate the documentary and its contents and topics to the title which shows sport, football and money, as well as this using the word “Golden” shows something is wealthily and hopefully this can contrast to how money effects football.

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Clearly displays and says the title.

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Golden Balls

Title clearly displays on actual documentary.

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We decided as a group that our radio advert would be aired on what most probably is the most popular radio station in the world which is BBC Radio 1, we choose this radio station to use because our target audience are most likely to listen to this radio station and it would be unwise to air the advert elsewhere. The advert will be played 6 times a day, 3 times from 7am – 9am and another 3 times from 4pm – 6pm we chose these times as this is the peak point of which our target audience would be travelling back and forth from school, college or work. The airing of the actual advert will begin 3 weeks before it is scheduled to play on Channel 4 but only played once a week for the first 2 weeks then play 6 time a day like normal in the final third week.

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The printed advert would be placed in newspapers that appeal to a younger generation being The Sun and The Daily Mirror, rather than The Independent which is an older generation newspaper. In would be placed somewhere between the sport section of the newspapers as it would like in with out documentary topic and how the printed advert looks, a great idea would be to put the advert in The Metro newspaper which is free on buses and our target audience tend to pick one up and have a read therefore this getting the message clearly across. The advert would also be placed across only a very few billboards across the UK in areas most related to our documentary we thought of London, Manchester and Newcastle which stretches across the whole UK.

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The scheduling of both the channel and time were rather straight forward for us and we had already planned these out, we went for 8pm, Channel 4 and we put these dates and times across our print and radio advert in order for our audience to receive the relevant information, as well as the ancillary texts. The channel 4 logo does not appear in our ancillary texts as its not needs as long as the channel it self is said.

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For our documentary we challenged the codes and conventions of typical documentaries and channel 4 adverts by not including a slogan, we wanted to do something a little different and by not including a slogan it was achieved, we did not think that it was necessary to include one as in both print and radio adverts all information was included and a slogan would spoil that detail, we carried on by challenging codes and conventions by also having 2 separate narrators for the actual documentary voice over and the radio advert we thought this was a good idea as this is not a typical convention and that it contrasts the documentary and the radio advert well.

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Our documentary had the target audience of typically 16-25 year old males although it could also be aimed at older males and this selection of people are most likely to be the audience to watch football, therefore with this put to mind we chose to air the documentary on channel 4 and this channel posed a more appetising view to the younger generation of which we aimed the documentary at. Will both the radio advert and print advert clearly stating what the documentary is about it would easily attract viewers as the audience would be drawn in by football and money, the presence of the channel 4 logo and just simple saying channel 4 in our radio advert would hopefully gain potential viewers as our target audience find this channel attractive to view..

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Here is the presence of all the attracting objects that are easily identified on both our radio and print adverts.

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