Page 1: How Does Kari Herbert Convey Her Strong Feelings for the Inughuit People and the Natural World They Live In

1. How does Kari Herbert convey her strong feelings for the Inughuit people and the natural world they live in?  Refer closely to the text using brief quotations to support your answer.

Throughout this piece written by Kari Herbert it is clear that she conveys strong feelings for the people of the inughuit tribe. First of all it has to be noted that Kari Herbert is a travelwriter and travels for different places. This means that she has experience I what she is writing and she conveys her feelings it just single words.

Kari Herbert has different feelings for the tribe and the natural world. For the tribe she feels strong feeling like respect and at times sympathy, the fact that she is sympathetic towards them tells us that she feels strongly about them and cares for them. And yet for the natural world she is at awe at its beauty. This is proven by the line ‘glittering kingdom’ which tells us that she does not feel that this is just another place she has travelled to but a majestic kingdom. And finally she feels conflicted about the two which is proven by line 58 – 59 “It was a foolhardy exerciser and one that could only inspire respect. And yet at the same time my heart also urged the narwhal to dive. To leave. To survive” this tells us that she cares for both equally, and although she wants food for her family she also wants the narwhal to survive.

Kari Herbert uses constant imagery to convey her feelings. An example is ‘Evening light was turning butter-gold’ this tells us that she really is at awe at the amazing beauty of the natural world. Another very descriptive quote would be ‘glittering kingdom’ this tells us that not only she finds this place beautiful, but a majestic kingdom. It is to be noted that nearly all of the imagery used in this piece is towards the natural world. ‘Glittering kingdom’

The writer also uses diction to tell us that she knows what she is talking about. An example would be. “The narwhal rarely stray from high arctic Circle in the dead of winter, but never entering the warmer southern seas” what this means is that she is very experienced and knows what she is talking about. Another example would be “The Narwhal Is an essential contributor to the survival of the hunter in the High Arctic. The mattak or Blubber of the whale is rich in necessary minerals and vitamins, and in a place where ….” This whole paragraph tells us about the strong scientific language which tells us that she didn’t just visit them for a holiday but because of an interest.

Page 2: How Does Kari Herbert Convey Her Strong Feelings for the Inughuit People and the Natural World They Live In

As a conclusion it is clear that Kari Herbert has strong feelings for the inuight people which is conveyed by her choice of language.

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