Page 1: How do You Get a Man to Marry You? Is This Even Possible?

How do You Get a Man to Marry You?

Is There Something That You Can do to Make This Happen?

Page 2: How do You Get a Man to Marry You? Is This Even Possible?

How do You Get a Man to Marry You?

How do you get a man to marry you? Is this even possible? Is there something that you can do to make this happen? The truth is, that there is not much. Deep down inside, every guy who takes marriage and commitment seriously won’t actually pop the question until they are sure they can be ready.

This might mean different things for different men, but all in all, before they are ready, there is simply not much you can do to change their mind. In fact, in many cases, you may end up driving the relationship apart if you push too hard with the commitment or marriage issue.

Gender roles and the twenty-first century

Although it’s completely true that many people don’t think of a relationship as the same as it once was and there are in fact some relationships where women are the ones who pop the question and they work, the majority of guys still believe that they have a duty to be the protector and caretaker of the household.

If you’re trying to find out how do you get a man to marry you, then you should know that they will first of all need to be ready and comfortable to be able to take care of the home and the family with their earnings.

Also, a lot of men would rather they already had a house before they got married, or at least that they could afford one or be eligible for a mortgage. Many men feel deep inside that they are not ready for a relationship until they are a) completely independent b) able to support a wife and family c) able to guarantee a stable and happy means of existence for their family, instead of financial struggles.

This is why a lot of men often bury themselves in work when they are with a partner. They are driven by a fundamental biological urge to protect and take care of the family that we have evolved over millions of years. They are working to make things better in the future.

For a free report that shows you the right way to move him closer to a lasting commitment, grab a copy of Coleta’s “How to Get Engaged to the Guy of your Dreams” ebook. It’s yours free and will save you plenty of heartbreak and other relationship problems down the line.

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Page 3: How do You Get a Man to Marry You? Is This Even Possible?

How do You Get a Man to Marry You?

So do you wait or not?

And here is the important question to ask when you are working out how to get your man to marry you, because it’s completely up to you whether you have the patience or not. If you’re still young, in your twenties or thirties, why are you rushing? Very few people have a really good reason to hurry into a marriage and most of the ones who do regret it later on any way. The current statistic in most countries in the developed world is about 50% of marriages end up in divorce within two years of the wedding.

Here’s some brutal, cold, hard reality: being in love lasts not much more than three months. The trick is to fall in love all over again with the same person, after you have found out all of the bad things about them by living with them. How to get your man to marry you is not so much about anything you need to do, but just about what you and he both need to accept about the other person.

When you are living together, all of the strengths and weaknesses become very apparent and the only way you will overcome them is to learn to tolerate each other. This is what most people call the development of true love.

Are things getting in the way?

Then some women also feel that getting a man to propose is more of a problem with things getting in the way. Perhaps he is so engrossed in his career or his studies that there is simply no time for you? This is always a possibility and it certainly affects many relationships negatively.

But you need to keep in mind that these things could be important to him and may very well end up making him much happier in the future. Not only that, it could be that his salary will also be higher and you will be able to live better.

All in all, how do you get a man to marry you is completely about your own patience.

Ready for the next step? Grab a copy of Coleta’s “How to Get Engaged to the Guy of your Dreams” ebook. Find out why becoming pushy and issuing a bunch of uncomfortable ultimatums is not going to make him want to marry you.

You can get your free ebook at:

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