Page 1: How do independent testing service increase effectiveness of development process?

How do independent testing service increase effectiveness of development


Office in UkrainePhone: +38 (063) 50 74 707E-mail: [email protected]: 42, Geroiv Stalingradu str., Cherkasy,Ukraine

Page 2: How do independent testing service increase effectiveness of development process?

Though it is believed that programmers play the main role in software development, project profitability and time-to-market of an application depend significantly on test engineers as well. This is especially true for traditional development models such as Waterfall model.

Office in UkrainePhone: +38 (063) 50 74 707E-mail: [email protected]: 42, Geroiv Stalingradu str., Cherkasy,Ukraine

Page 3: How do independent testing service increase effectiveness of development process?

Efficiency of game testing, web site testing, e-commerce testing, etc. affect the project budget and time spent on error fixing.Correction of a defect requires much effort and causes many troubles when the defect is detected during final development stages. And it can be removed in no time when it is found at the stage of project planning, before writing the code.

So, test engineers bring a lot of benefits if they are involved in a project at the beginning!

Office in UkrainePhone: +38 (063) 50 74 707E-mail: [email protected]: 42, Geroiv Stalingradu str., Cherkasy,Ukraine

Page 4: How do independent testing service increase effectiveness of development process?

Office in UkrainePhone: +38 (063) 50 74 707E-mail: [email protected]: 42, Geroiv Stalingradu str., Cherkasy,Ukraine

Sometimes other project members treat testers like enemies when they find critical software bugs just before the release. Hostility in such a situation is groundless. Anytime something can go wrong during correction defects, updating functionality or user interface, etc.

Experts in independent testing services claim that about half of all the defects can be detected only during system testing. But the other half can be found and corrected earlier. That means that half of program errors can be removed at early stages of the development.

To Make Software Development Cost-Effective and Meet the Deadline One Should:•involve a quality assurance team during early stages;•pay due attention to static testing, that is to thoroughly execute reviews, walkthroughs, inspections of the code.

Page 5: How do independent testing service increase effectiveness of development process?

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