
PowerPoint Presentation

How Do I Take Good Pictures Of MyProperty?

Ever thought your propertys pictures look a bit dull? Weve devised a list of our top tips to help you take great pictures

Loads of light!Filling the room with as much natural light as possible, is important when taking the perfect pictures of your home.
Dark, gloomy photos will only put potential buyers and tenants off the property. Try opening your blinds/curtains or taking pictures whilst the suns out in the daytime. If some rooms are naturally dark, than make sure you use a flash when taking photographs.

Keep it tidy!Nothings more off-putting than a messy, dirtyproperty.
Before photographing your property, give it a deep clean and ensure everythings put away in its rightful place. It will immediately make the property look more attractive and will also make rooms look bigger if theyre not packed with clutter.

Get out the way!Make sure when youre taking your photos your reflection isnt in the mirror and no one else in the property is in the way! It challenges your professionalism.

Take straight shots!Nothings more annoying than looking at a propertys media and seeing more shots of the ceiling than the room itself.
Ensure your pictures are taken straight on so that your potential buyers or tenants can observe the full potential of the propertys space,furniture and other characteristics.

Close yourPhotoshop!Dont start editing your pictures to death it will seriously irritate your audience, especially if theyve made the effort to come and view a property which has been falsely advertised.Slightly increasing the brightness or contrast of your photo is acceptable but dont start using programmes to remove or extend parts of a room!

Camera, not Camera Phone!Using a professional camera such as a DSLR, will allow you to take much better photographs than an iPhone camera. The quality of your pictures is important an effective camera will make your property look far more attractive.

Fix it!If anythings broke in your property, you want to get it fixed before you take your photos. Advertising a home full of breakages to potential buyers or tenants isnt a great incentive.

Wait for the daytime!When youre taking a picture of the exterior of a property, you must wait until the daytime taking a picture of thefront drive at 10pm doesnt advertise your propertys assets well at all.
Daytime photos will allow you to provide a clear, effective image.

Stand in the doorway!You wantto show your potential buyers or tenants as much of the room as possible so, depending on the rooms format, stand in the doorway or corner of a room to get as much in your shot as you can.
Never sell your property short you want your audience to know how great and spacious your property is.

Set the scene!Its easy to make your property dazzle! Straighten your cushions, put out some flowers, light some candles, hang a colorful painting on the wall anything to make your property look appealing!

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