Page 1: How did you attract address your audience

How did you attract/address your


Page 2: How did you attract address your audience

Results from my audience feed back and from previous questionnaires have shown that the readers of ‘BEAT’ often use Twitter and Facebook and own smart phones such as an iPhone or a Blackberry.

‘BEAT’ have created an app for an iPhone and a Blackberry where people can find out the latest news about the magazine and have also made a Twitter account and a Facebook page for the same purpose.


Page 3: How did you attract address your audience

Also by putting it onto a well known music website such as ‘iTunes’ to promote the magazine and get the right target audience.

Results from my questionnaire show that most teenagers spend their lives on social networking sights, going out and listening to music. Without technology none of this would be possible.

Page 4: How did you attract address your audience

The clothes that teenagers wear plays a big role in their life as well. What you wear is very important because people feel as though they could be judged. When taking the pictures for my magazine, I made sure that the models were wearing clothes that would attract my audience. There are also pages in the magazine where there a fashion tips for my target market.


Page 5: How did you attract address your audience

Everything on my magazine has to be aesthetically pleasing for my target market.

The language used has to be appropriate and appealing to my audience, so it can not be boring. It has to stand out.

The puffs on the front cover also have to stand out so that the audience will want to know what is inside the magazine and will eventually end up buying the magazine.


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