Page 1: How Did Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Differ in Their Leadership Style



Page 2: How Did Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Differ in Their Leadership Style

Q 1. How did Bill Gates and Steve Jobs differ in their Leadership style?

Bill Gate’s leadership is participative style because he involves his subordinate in decision making. He is a flexible person and he recognized his role was to be visionary of the company. When ever needed he bring professional manager for managing and well structure of the organization.Gates is a strong and energizing person his enthusiasm, hard working nature, judgment skills reflect his personality. His motivating power and involving his friends to working with him became the success of Microsoft.

On the other hand, Steve Job’s leadership is autocratic style, because he centralizes the authority, he never given a chance to subordinate to involving decision making. He thinks that what ever he do is right. His relation with employees not good, he fails to motivate his employees in many times. Some times he acts as anti Gates, and some times request Microsoft to develop software for his computer. His cocky attitude and lack of management skills became a threat of APPLE’S success.

Q.2 Compare and contrast the managerial practice of Gates & Jobs.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both gave their heart & souls to developing their vision to develop personal computer, but the way they choose was different from other…. Bill gates develop computer language new Altair 8080 pc which became the foundation of Microsoft. Bill continuously develop two other computer languages. When IBM develops their first pc and which need operating system to run the computer, Microsoft develops MS-DOS for IBM.

Page 3: How Did Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Differ in Their Leadership Style

Gates adopting the changes very fast that are his enthusiasm vision and hard working give him the success. Gates always recognized him as a visionary he always recognize professional management, he decentralize authority to make organization structure better. On the other hand Steve Jobs started apple computer which is hard ware making company. His vision to develop computer with affordable cost and easy to use. When Bill offer the basic to jobs then he rejected jobs proposal and try to develop their own basic with out knowledge of programming, he fail and accept license with Microsoft basic. Jobs play duel personality sometimes he oppose Microsoft sometimes request Microsoft to develop software for their operating system. Jobs force people to choose between Microsoft-IBM operating system and his MAC-operating system. Lack of proper management skills and relation with employees became a barrier of APPLE’s growth.

Q.3 What do u think about the future of Microsoft and Apple computer.

With the success of windows, Office Application and Internet explorer Microsoft became a house hold name and Bill gates became as business genius..Bill Gates adopting the changes very fast his innovative mind all time busy to developing products. Recent Microsoft develops a number of products like smartphone with loaded Microsoft window. Microsoft has tied with number of hand set manufacturer. Microsoft denies that it get into manufacturing consumer product like telephone, microwaves oven. It will drive innovation in these products by coming up new ideas at what product can do networking them. Microsoft is getting into new exciting business that could catapult it from being a software giant to a major

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player in from being a software giant to a major player in almost all aspect of human life.

On the other hand APPLE goes wrong direction in 1990s. Because Steve Jobs is very slow to adopting changes that’s the main reason falling the market share. When Jobs realize changes is the only way to survive the market then apple develops innovative iMac which is internet friendly & stylist computer. After sometime Apple gains market. With the iphone, Apple TV, and name charges job&co are setting a new course for the outfit once knows only for its computer.The new name and device represent APPLE’s strategic shift away from its origins as a personal computing company that has at point struggled both survive and to set the computing world’s agenda.

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