
How Closely Daily Work Connects toStrategic Direction for Cox


Strategic Translation


Translating Strategy

Strategy is about choices at different levels in an organization

Understanding strategy requires having a shared setof answers to key questions

Aligned choices are more powerful than disconnected choices

Strategic translation connects corporate strategyto local action

A leader’s role is to connect the dots, share information and ensure that actions are aligned with the strategy of the business

The Big Ideas


What is Strategy?

“Management, optimization and application of limited

resources intended to accomplish a specific goal”– Sun Tzu

“Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable

position — requiring you to make tradeoffs in

competing (choosing what not to do)”– Michael Porter

“Piercing clarity about what to do and relentless

discipline to do it”– Jim Collins


Strategy is About Choices

What business are we in?

How do we compete?

How do we deliver?


Understanding Strategy

How do we win?

What are our strategic objectives

and priorities?

What capabilities do we need to succeed?

What is the company’s vision?

© Insight Experience, Inc.

What do we do?


An Example to consider…

“The Ritz Carlton is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission.” About/GoldStandards.html

“The promise of the best price of any national chain and a clean, comfortable room are Motel 6 virtues. Motel 6 is a household name, synonymous with quality and value.”

How do we win?

What are our strategic objectives

and priorities?

What capabilities do we need to succeed?

What is the company’s vision?

What do we do?


Cox Strategic Vision Strategic Vision  

To be the most trusted provider of communication and entertainment services in America.  

What are our strategic objectives

and priorities?

What capabilities do we need to succeed?

How do we compete?How do we make money?

Who do we serve?What do we offer?

What do we do?

What is the company’s vision?

How do we win?


Cox’s Purpose and Vision

To be the most trusted provider of communication and entertainment services in America

Customer Experience

Purpose Delivering life’s most important connections


“Know Me”•Listens and understands my needs•Useful tools & sales/service channels•Relevant services•Provide high value for the price

Reliable•Products & Services are available (they perform when I need them)•Meets commitments•Fixes things the first time•Competent people and processes

Simple• Easy to do business with • Makes complex things intuitive• Straightforward communications


Deliver Top Quartile Financial Performance

Meet Commitments Be a Leader

Win the War for Market Share

Deliver Next GenerationPlatforms/Capabilities

Position Cox for Long Term Success


Trust BehaviorsListen First Acknowledge Reality Right Wrongs Keep Commitments Show Loyalty

How does the Cox

strategic vision

impact how you


How others lead?


Strategic Translation

How does our team contribute to this vision?

Who do we serve? Who are our customers? How do we connect with end customers? What do we offer? What services do we provide?

What is the value proposition for our team’s work? How do we help make money? How do we help deliver margin?

What does our team need to do well?What skills, structure/organization, systems/processes, staffing/resources, style/culture do we need?

What are our priorities and our specific goals (financial, operational, organizational) over what time frame?

How do we win? How does our team deliver value?

What are our strategic objectives

and priorities?

What are our work priorities?

What capabilities do we need to succeed?

What capabilities does our team


What is the company’s vision?

What is our team’s vision?

What do we do? How does our team contribute?


Strategic Translation for Cox

How do we win? How does our team deliver value?

What are our strategic objectives

and priorities?

What are our work priorities?

What capabilities do we need to succeed?

What capabilities does our team


What is the company’s vision?

What is our team’s vision?

What do we do? How does our team contribute?


What does it take

to do strategic

translation well as

a leader?


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